Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Reflections on The Scholars

Reflections on The Scholars

After reading a famous book carefully, I believe that everyone has accumulated their own reading feelings, and they need to write a post-reading feeling and make a good record. So how to write a post-reading feeling is more infectious? The following are my thoughts on The Scholars (generally 5 articles). Welcome to read and collect.

It took about a week to reread The Scholars. The plot in the book is more trivial than A Dream of Red Mansions, with no core events and characters running through it. There are many technical terms and phrases in the middle, and some chapters (mainly after thirty chapters) are very boring to read. Fortunately, there are many places in this book that mention tea intentionally or unintentionally, so I have the motivation to finish the book.

According to my experience, a writer's preferences are always unconsciously revealed in his works. For example, Mr. Jin Yong likes Buddhism, so his martial arts novels involve Buddhism in depth and breadth far more than other martial arts masters. Haruki Murakami is proficient in Sinology, so he often quotes allusions in Historical Records and famous sentences in Bai Changqing's Collection in Tales of Genji, which is amazing.

Obviously, Wu's writing about those who pursue fame and gain, those who make a pretence, especially the embarrassment and embarrassment after their postures are debunked or exposed by others, is very ruthless. However, when the author wrote about drinking tea, his brushwork suddenly became warm and poetic. When he mentioned the prosperity of the south of the Yangtze River, he even brazenly mentioned tea, and even took tea as the temple: "When the water is full, draw boats and drums, day and night. Outside the city, Gong Lin Fanyu and Biwa Zhu Da had 480 temples in the Six Dynasties, but now there are more than 4,800! Streets and alleys, together, there are six or seven hundred restaurants and more than one thousand teahouses. No matter you walk into a back alley, there is always a place with lanterns to sell tea, flowers and good rain. The tea shop is full of people who eat tea. " Such a good writing style gives people the illusion of reading dreams of Liang Lu and Tokyo and Lu Hua. In Wu's view, a city with good tea everywhere is heaven.

All kinds of romantic "celebrities", well-dressed gentlemen, even pimps and pawns, drink tea when they meet. When meeting people with good conditions and exquisite conditions, Wu will also list exquisite refreshments with tea, although those refreshments are dispensable in the plot. The most shocking thing is that the people in the customization industry receive the penultimate customers, and the tea is also very particular: "There is a big copper brazier burning red charcoal in the middle of the room, sipping copper and stewing rain. Hire Niang to pinch out the silver needle tea in the tin bottle by hand, put it in Yixing pot, rinse it with water and give it to Grandpa Four ... "Even the cows with poor conditions will" pour out two pieces of orange cakes and some candied eggplant in the jar and pour a cup of tea ... "If the conditions are good, such as Du's, they will be called snacks, which means selling lard dumplings and duck buns. Everyone ate it. It was stewed in the rain at Maojian, Lu 'an, and each person had a bowl. "I can't wait to see it. I want to have tea with me.

Of course, tea also promotes the development of the story. For example, on the 22nd time, in order to please Dong Xiaolian, Niu Pugong invited his uncle Bu Xin to offer tea, but he also had to be criticized and ridiculed as impolite: "Every time the court comes to worship, the rule is to change tea three times, and you only send it once, and it will disappear ... Master Dong will laugh enough when he sees you two travel-stained. Well, why wait until you make a mistake holding tea! " Bu Cheng also severely scolded these villains for the author: "Don't talk nonsense! Even if you are a master, you are not a master after all! " Back to the 47th time, Dad Cheng boasted that he was invited to dinner by the local rich and powerful Fang Laoliu (in fact, he was not teased by Yu Huaxuan). Cheng Torre was tricked by Yu Huaxuan into going to Fangfu for dinner, and as a result, people went to the building. Father Cheng despondently returned to Yu Huaxuan's house and gave a big banquet. He felt that "Father Cheng was partial to us and ate good food, so happy!" Let the page soak the digestible old tea and eat it with Cheng Dad. That bowl of old tea, a bowl on the left and a bowl on the right, was given to Cheng's father. "。 The more he ate, the hungrier he became, and the bitterness in his stomach could not be said. "Looking at hiding is fun.

My favorite reading in the book is the fourteenth time. I wrote about Mr. Ma Er's visit to the West Lake. I like all the places of interest. When you are tired, go to the teahouse for tea and snacks. When I was tired, I continued to visit the teahouse or tea kiosk ... although I was suspected of running a running account, it was the most interesting period of the whole book, with many interesting paragraphs, such as "Mr. Ma Er was wearing a high square scarf and a picture." Women don't look at him and he doesn't look at women. He ran back and forth, then came out and sat in the tea booth-with a horizontal plaque on it and the words "Golden Book Nanping"-and ate a bowl of tea. There are many dishes on the cupboard: orange cakes, sesame candy, zongzi, sesame cakes, Daoxiao Noodles, black dates and boiled chestnuts. Mr. Ma Er bought a few dollars for everything, good or bad, and had a full meal. " This writing is extremely vivid and interesting.

Reflections on the Scholars II. I bought a book "The Scholars" during the summer vacation, and I have heard it before. This is a satire novel. This book describes what the author Wu saw and heard. It reflects the phenomenon that human nature was corroded in feudal society.

The person we are most familiar with in the book has not met Yan Jiansheng. He appeared in our textbook. He is a timid and rich man. What impressed him most was that Yan Jian was still looking at two bamboo hearts before his death, which reflected his love for money. However, this person also makes me very disgusted, that is, when he mourned his wife, he refused to buy even a flower, which reflected his love for money.

The novel tells the story of Wang Mian from the beginning, and it is of great significance for the author to start from here. By reading the stories of later scholars and comparing them with Wang Mian's life, the author's irony will be revealed. This just responded to the theme and satirized the feudal society. However, Wang Mian is worth learning. He studied hard all his life and achieved many things.

In the article, some people think that candidates use money to buy diplomas, and that is Zhou Jin. I don't study hard in my life, I am romantic and chic outside, and I bully others by my father's position. I despise such people the most. There are many such characters in this book, just to satirize society.

In fact, from the bitter irony, I also read a comforting point, that is, some people have begun to realize the harm and want revolution to change the status quo, which is the sublimation of thought.

After reading The Scholars, I saw the fourteenth chapter of The Scholars, and I saw a completely different scam from the first twelve chapters.

Ma Cuo is a well-known person. He always regards fame as dirt, leads an honest and clean life, and enjoys visiting famous mountains and rivers. On one occasion, he was entrusted by others to come to Hangzhou Hanwen Building to revise his book. When he arrived in Hangzhou, Ma Cuo took the opportunity to visit the West Lake and many beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, which made him linger. Walking, he came to a cave. Just as he was about to draw lots, an old man suddenly appeared beside him. Seeing that he had a long white beard, the horse really looked like a fairy in the New Year pictures, so he asked him, "Dare you ask the name and longevity of the fairy?" "Mr. Er, nicknamed Hong, is over 300 years old this year." Ma Blunt was shocked. He thought, is he really a fairy? How else would he know my name? "You have met the old fairy, you don't have to draw lots to predict your fate. Please come with me! " Mahbulun followed Mr. Hong, who claimed to be a fairy, and they came to a secluded place. Fairy Hong said to him, "This is my home." When they entered the house, they saw that the "immortal" wrapped a dozen pieces of black charcoal in paper and said to Ma Blunt, "If you light this black charcoal with fire, it will burn out tattooed silver." Hearing this, Ma Su immediately returned to his residence and set a fire. Unexpectedly, more than a dozen ingots of sycamore were actually burned. Soon, Ma Cuo heard the news of the death of the "immortal" Hong. Ma CuO hurried to offer his condolences. He said sadly to the dead "immortal" Hong: "You are immortal. How can a fairy die? " "Who said he was a fairy? He is only in his sixties this year. " Hong's family said. The horse thought stiffly, they must be lying to me. Hong "immortal" once gave me more than a dozen pieces of black charcoal to burn, and all the glistening silver was burned out. Can this be fake? "Little imagine, it was Mr. Hong who wrapped the silver in black charcoal at his own expense in order to get the reputation of the immortal. Seeing the story here, I feel sad for a horse who is a celebrity but doesn't know that there are no immortals in this world! I also feel sorry for Mr. Hong, who dreams of a fairy in name only!

From this story, I saw both the horse's ignorance and Hong's stupidity as a "fairy". Ironically, Mablunt is a famous person who believes such a clumsy scam. It is even more ridiculous that Hong's Immortal pretended to be a fairy, but he did not hesitate to lose his own money for a false name. After reading this story, I think of the people and things I hear and see from time to time around me, such as those who go to see pictures in groups and burn incense to worship Buddha. What's the difference between what they do and the ignorance of horses? How many people like Hong, such as many students in the senior high school entrance examination and college entrance examination, failed to pass the exam because of their poor grades, and in order to be admitted to the school, they did not hesitate to spend money to buy a prestigious school. What's the difference between this practice and Hong's stupidity?

After reading The Scholars, I felt that I didn't have the credentials for fame and fortune, and I did my best and made mistakes. Three glasses of turbid wine will make you drunk, but the water will be weak. "This is a few words at the beginning of The Scholars. It can be said that this is also the soul of the whole book. In the fifth grade Chinese textbook, there is a passage "Yan Jiansheng was alive" selected from "The Scholars". In teaching, I need to know the source of this text and the related background introduction. When I assign students the task of reading famous books, I also read carefully. This kind of reading is reading with teaching tasks, and the thinking in reading is also carried out around the relevant details that appear in teaching. Because this class is the national studies class of the school, I have only a superficial understanding of this book.

During the holiday, I watched it again with a relaxed mood and was deeply touched. Mr. Lu Xun once commented on this feudal novel in Qing Dynasty. "If you collect all the broken brocade and combine it into a pillar, although it is not big, you can see the difference from time to time." I feel the same way about it. It is this sentence that has harmed a group of scholars. They regard reading as a stepping stone. For the sake of money and wealth, they can study hard, from black hair to white hair: Liang Hao, who won the top prize at the age of 80, is Zhou Jin, a "little partner", who is ecstatic after taking the exam for decades ... How many literati are haggard and have no regrets about fame and fortune? Mr. Lu Xun called the feudal ethical code a man-eating ethical code and the feudal imperial examination system a harmful system.

Reading actually emphasizes a long process of seeking knowledge. Wang Guowei said it very well. Reading is divided into three realms: determination, struggle and success. And those who are bent on seeking fame in the Confucian forest, the first step-determination, went wrong. In my opinion, reading is a process in which one constantly absorbs spiritual food. The most important thing is to absorb it and then turn it into your own strength. This is consistent with the effect of three meals a day: eating, absorbing nutrition, and then promoting self-growth. It's a pity that some students in the Confucian forest only pay attention to "food", that is, they study for decades, but ignore absorption. For them, reading is just a tool to knock on the door of wealth. Once the goal is achieved, this tool is worthless. These people, even if they study all their lives, will not have any knowledge to absorb and transform into their own strength. Of course, there are also people in the Confucian forest who are "drunk and awake alone, turbid and clear alone". Wang Mian is one of them. Because of his poor family, he has been herding cattle for his neighbors since childhood. On the cow's back, he still reads widely and even taught himself to be a famous pen for painting flowers. However, Wang Mian has a different temperament and does not seek official positions. Can be in front of fame, inner peace, unmoved, and only Wang Mian these scholars phoenix feather scale Angle.

In feudal society, the imperial examination system and the darkness of officialdom, the fall of Confucian scholars. The author feels very sighed and saddened. But at the same time, the author also feels helpless as a folk bachelor. He can't resist this and can only choose to sigh and struggle in excess passion. Wu used one of his old pens to write down the lament of scholars for hundreds of years, and wrote down the prosperous Confucian scholars that the author looked forward to all his life. The author hopes to arouse the inner resonance of all upright literati and rediscover the honest and clean ancient road of Confucian scholars. Wu's The Scholars is indeed a classic.

"The Scholars", a volume, tells the story of rain and snow in the scholars for a hundred years, which is both bitter and bitter.

"The Scholars" This winter vacation, the teacher asked us to read a book "The Scholars" and write some thoughts on it. After reading that book, I was deeply inspired.

Through vivid artistic images, it reflects the decadent and dark social reality in the late feudal society, criticizes the stereotyped imperial examination system, and exposes the evil and hypocrisy of reactionary rule. One of my favorite stories is Wang Mian's story, which mainly tells that at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a Wang Mian who had a hard time with his mother. His mother asked him to go to his neighbor's house to herd cattle, and his neighbor sympathized with Wang Mian and asked him to go to his house for dinner twice a day. One day, Wang Mian was herding cattle and saw the beautiful lotus flowers after the rain. He wanted to draw lotus flowers, so he sent people to the city to buy paper and rouge lead powder and learn to draw lotus flowers. At first, the painting was not good. Three months later, Wang Mian painted the lotus flowers vividly, and then made some money by painting. Later, a monarch invited Wang Mian to his home, but he refused to go. Wang Mian was afraid that the sovereign would treat him badly, so he took refuge outside for a while. Mother saw that he was arrogant and might get into trouble as an official, and told him never to be an official. Later, it was often said that the court wanted to recruit Wang Mian as an official. When Wang Mian heard this, he quickly packed his bags and fled to Kuaiji Mountain overnight. Finally, Wang Mian died of illness.

Reading this text reminds me of my own life. How happy we are now, with books to read, delicious food every day and carefree life. But Wang Mian couldn't do this when he was a child. He had to work for others and do something to earn money to support himself and his family. Therefore, I will study hard and make contributions to society in the future.