Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Pretend to be an extrovert-are you a fake extrovert?

Pretend to be an extrovert-are you a fake extrovert?

I feel my personality is getting more and more strange.

Gradually, I began to doubt whether I like lively or quiet, introverted or extroverted.

I can chat with Kan Kan in front of many people, but I can't cope with one-on-one private chat, and I often feel very tormented.

I have said in front of many people that I am actually an introverted person, but they say that if I am introverted, there will be no extroverts in the world, so I can only laugh with them.

I feel bitter in my heart, big brothers and sisters, I am really not outgoing.

I actually prefer reading and listening to music alone to going to the party on the roof.

When they saw my eloquent and witty host, they thought that people like me would continue to celebrate with a group of friends after the speech, but I just wanted to find a place to be alone after I got off the stage.

It is really exhausting for me to show my extroverted side.

I often hip-hop with my friends outside to the point where my nerves are toxic. I am happy to see them happy, but the longer the party, the more tired I am.

Especially when we are apart, a sense of fatigue will suddenly come to my mind, and I will be too tired to walk home. I can't wait to go home for a cup of coffee by rocket.

That kind of fatigue is not physical fatigue, but psychological fatigue and anxiety.

Take a short rest for a big three days.

Is a true portrayal of me.

If you compare me to a battery, when I am with many people, I am discharging, but when I am alone, I am charging.

Not everyone who is talkative is an extrovert, and hearty laughter is not just the patent of extroverts.

The difference between introverts and extroverts is not the external performance, but the way to get energy.

Simply put, extroverts get energy from communication with others, while introverts get energy from solitude and thinking.

Sit up straight and start class! )

The main difference between introverts and extroverts is how they charge the battery.

Extroverts get energy from the outside world. Most extroverts like talking with people, participating in outside activities and working in an environment with many people, activities and events.

However, contrary to what most of us know, extroverts are not necessarily more sociable or lively than introverts. However, they value the outside world.

Extroverts are free to spend their energy, but it is difficult to slow themselves down. They can easily refresh themselves by interacting with the outside world.

Especially now, there are so many things to choose from outside. Extroverts may feel lonely and tired if they are not in contact with others or the outside world.

They may be people who rarely leave immediately after a party. They will ask: What shall we do next? For them, it is more difficult to relax and rest.

Introverts get energy from their inner world, such as thoughts, ideas and emotions.

Contrary to our stereotype of introverts, they are not necessarily quiet or withdrawn, but their attention is in their own hearts.

They need a quiet place suitable for thinking, where they can think about problems comprehensively and regain their energy.

This is the real difference between two people.

Therefore, the difference between the two must not be like "euphemistic smile and introverted smile;" Loud voice and outgoing personality. "It's so simple and rude.

With the advent of the extroverted era, extroverted personality is easy to get attention, and it is easier to gain the advantage of opportunities, which has prompted a large number of extroverts who are actually introverted.

This is not morbid, let alone a mistake.

The fatigue after extroversion is understandable as long as it is adjusted by proper solitude.

What? Why do you think people have to live so tired? Introversion is not a disease. Why must we change and be extroverted?

Yes, yes, you are right. Introversion is not a disease. On the contrary, because they like to be alone and think, introverts can precipitate some good ideas more than extroverts. It can even be said that introverts' speeches are often more profound and interesting than extroverts' speeches.

Introversion has advantages that extroverts can't achieve, and extroverts also have gas fields that introverts can't achieve.

I disdain to cook chicken soup for anyone, so it must be said objectively that in most cases, the era we live in is an era of "opportunity depends on competition".

There are more and more talents and more and more grounded.

You don't have to look after the hut or pile snow at the gate.

Talents are actively seeking good opportunities to display their talents, and introverts really suffer in this respect. Because they are not good at showing themselves, they are easily overlooked in the vast sea of people.

Because of this, there is a strong need to face the reality and then seek solutions.

Personally, it is not bad to choose to be an "extrovert". Life is like a play, it all depends on acting. More importantly, you can enrich yourself when you are alone and show yourself when you need it. Is "Double Experience, Double Life" cool?

If it really doesn't work, it won't work. It doesn't matter.

People should always believe in themselves and learn from our proud "Poet Fairy" Li Bai!

"Since God has given talents, let them be employed!" It is unacceptable to pull a long face and feel inferior.

Existence is rationality, and the sensitivity, calmness and profundity that God gives introverts are great wealth.

As a radish, it is everyone's life goal to find the right path and the right pit for himself, isn't it?

I can't tell fortune, let alone give each of my readers a detailed psychological test or introduce them to their work.

What I can do is to tell some small truths and stories, popularize some psychological knowledge not seriously but seriously, and then accompany you to the end of life.

Here, I recommend a book to those friends who are worried about their introverted personality: (America) Megan Will's Introversion Advantage, and my article refers to this book.

Well, this is the book, and the introduction is like this.

You want to:

Avoid unnecessary social activities?

Keep your thoughts or just a small group of friends?

Get more time alone?

If it is. You may be an introvert. But that doesn't stop you from succeeding.

This book will tell you:

Introversion makes you unique, not an obstacle to your success;

Continuously improve working ability and obtain excellent professional quality;

Establish your own unique circle of contacts and let important people know about you;

Form your unique communication style and be a master of workplace communication;

Create your invisible charm, and success and happiness are within reach.

This book covers many aspects of the workplace, but I believe introverts at any stage can get a lot of help from it.

Well, that's the end of conscience recommendation.

(The pictures are all from the Internet and have been deleted. )

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