Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - To calculate the intersection, union and complement of two integer sets A and B, the intersection, union and complement in A need to be written as a separate function.

To calculate the intersection, union and complement of two integer sets A and B, the intersection, union and complement in A need to be written as a separate function.

# include & ltbits/stdc++。 h & gt

# Definition MX 1000

Use namespace std

int main()


int n,m,a[2 * MX + 10],b[MX + 10],c[MX + 10],I,j,p = 0,d[MX + 10],f = 0;

CIN & gt; & gtn;

for(I = 1; I < = n; i++)


CIN & gt; & gta[I];


CIN & gt; & gtm;

for(I = 1; I<= m;; i++)


CIN & gt; & gtb[I];


Sorting (b+1, b+m+1);

sort(a + 1,a+n+ 1);

for(I = 1; I < = n; i++)


c[I]= a[I];


for(I = 1; I<= m;; i++)


d[I]= b[I];


for(I = 1; I < = n; i++)


for(j = 1; j & lt= m; J++)// Find the intersection


if (a[i] == b[j])


cout & lt& lta[I]& lt; & lt" ";

f = 1;




If (f == 1)


cout & lt& ltendl


for(I = 1; I<= m;; i++)


a[n+I]= b[I];


Sorting (a+1, a+n+m+1);

for(I = 1; I< = n+m; I++)// Find union


cout & lt& lta[I]& lt; & lt" ";

while(a[i] == a[i + 1])





cout & lt& ltendl

int cnt

for(I = 1; I < = n; I++)// congruent set


CNT = 0;

for(j = 1; j & lt= m; j++)


if (c[i]! = d[j])





If (cnt == m)


cout & lt& ltc[I]& lt; & lt" ";



Returns 0;


The function is to divide them into three parts and put them outside.