Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Steam horror game

Steam horror game

Steam horror games include Psyche, Fireworks and Backward Dependence. Psychic media is a third-person psychological horror game. In this game, the player will play a psychic who can shuttle between the real world and the soul space. The unique identity allows us to come into contact with letters from the past in the process, and the truth recognized by the general public is only a superficial phenomenon.

The background of the steam horror game

Fireworks is a horror suspense puzzle game with local theme in China. The plot involves many feudal superstitions and folk customs. In a remote mountain city, an accidental fire at a funeral involves a closed massacre, in which the funeral culture of divination, fortune telling and jumping is running through.

Backward dependence is an interactive novel game based on suspense reasoning atmosphere. The tight plot of this book will touch every player's heart at the beginning. We will play Lan, who looks for his missing girlfriend everywhere, but is trapped in a mysterious old school building because of a sudden murder. Even more frightening is that the nameless mystery of Lovecraft gradually reveals its ferocious minions.