Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - My penis is very short. What caused it?

My penis is very short. What caused it?

. Problem analysis:.

... what causes men's penile short andrology experts to introduce you in detail the following reasons: the influence of genetic genes is the most fundamental; Improper medication during pregnancy affects androgen secretion, which belongs to congenital deficiency; Lack of nutrition and strong functional elements, leading to congenital dysplasia; During the development of teenagers, zinc, androgen, vitamins and related protein are insufficient, and lack of acquired energy supplement can not play a role in strengthening sexual organs and officials; The inner body is cold, afraid of cold, and the yang in the body is insufficient, so that the penis can not be completely extended and partially contracted in the abdomen; Adolescents have excessive sexual life, physical weakness or excessive masturbation in the early stage of development, so that the kidneys have no energy to expand the development organs and organs during the development process, forming a short penis; Suffering from orchitis, cryptorchidism, testicular hypoplasia, endocrine disorders, androgen deficiency. . / ..

Opinions and suggestions: ... experts remind patients not to go to small clinics and informal places to avoid hidden dangers. Once the condition is found, you should go to a professional male hospital for treatment in time. They have world-leading sophisticated diagnosis and treatment equipment, which is the best choice for patients. . / ..

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