Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - I need some short and unforgettable jokes.

I need some short and unforgettable jokes.

Haha, you asked the right person! !

When asked about it in a bar, a man angrily said to his friend who was drinking, "I didn't expect my wife to be unfaithful to me."

"What's the matter?"

"She didn't go home last night and asked where she went. She told me that she was with her sister all night. "

"Isn't it true?"

"She is lying because I was with her sister last night."

There is a boy named Jiao in the high school class. One day, he made a bet with him. What bet did he forget? He asked, what if I lose? Answer: I lost. My last name is Jiao (they think it is ~ ~). Loud voice, the whole class laughs loudly every day 10 minutes. ...

One day, Xiaohui went to the hospital because of backache.

She said, "Doctor, why does my back hurt so much?"

The doctor looked at it and shook his head. Xiaohui asked nervously, "What's the matter?"

The doctor asked, "Did you date your boyfriend last night?"

Xiaohui said, "Yes!"

The doctor then asked, "Did you go to the cemetery for a date?"

Xiaohui said, "Hmm!" (Xiaohui is embarrassed to answer)

The doctor said, "Are you exercising too hard?"

Xiaohui said, "Doctor, you are really something. How do you know everything? "

The doctor said, "Because' Xian Kao' Gong Ke's tomb ... filial piety ..."

The 80-year-old man has a strong body. He was asked the secret of his health. He said: Because every time my wife quarrels with me, I go out for a walk. For fifty years, I spent most of my time outdoors.

I was born in a very poor family. I remember when I was a child, my father's life was boring. I can only count money all day long, and so can my mother, who sweeps money all day long.

At the tea party, a lady asked the person sitting next to her, "Who is that ugly guy across the street?" "It's my brother," the man replied.

The woman who asked questions looked embarrassed and tongue-tied. After a while, she stammered, "How stupid of me. Your brother looks alike. Why didn't I see it? " "

One day, a man went to his fiancee's house to play. It rained heavily when he left at night, and his fiancee advised him to stay for the night. Then he went to prepare the bedding. The fiancee was ready, only to find that her fiance was gone.

After a long time, he came back soaked like a drowned rat.

The fiancee asked in surprise, "Where have you been?"

Out of breath, he replied, "I, I went home to get my pajamas."

An old man saw other young people waiting in line. He wants to see it. He asked the others. "Young man, why are you waiting in line?" The young man said with a smile; "Grandpa, we are getting passports!" Grandpa wanted it too, so he finally came. When it was his turn, others asked him: "Name", "Li Kanghai" Age: "86" People thought something was wrong. They looked up and saw an old man say; "Uncle, there is nothing you want here, please go back!" Grandpa said; "Why, don't you have a passport? You should have several bodyguards to protect me at my age! " Hearing this, people fainted on the spot.

A man and his wife walked into a dental hospital.

The wife said to the doctor, "I want to have a tooth pulled out, but I don't need anesthesia because I am too busy." Just please pull it out as soon as possible. "

The dentist was very surprised and praised, "You are really a brave lady. Now please tell me which tooth you want to put? "

The wife turned to her husband: "honey, open your mouth and tell him which tooth you want to pull out!" " "

When talking about the properties of ethanol, the chemistry teacher (male) said: "The functional groups in ethanol are hydrophilic groups, and disposable diapers for babies have a layer of polymers that can absorb and retain water, including hydroxyl groups. Another product also contains this substance. Female students may know better, so I don't need it. " The whole class is laughing!

The head teacher said to us, "There will be a teacher-student mobilization meeting this afternoon. Students can enter from the west gate, but no one can enter from the east gate. The teacher entered from the east gate. "

Wang Xiaoming said to his deskmate, "I only made one mistake in my composition yesterday, and my father gave me a good beating!" "

The deskmate was surprised and asked, "Which word?" ?

Wang Xiaoming said, "Isn't this writing ancestors as inferior ancestors? " 。

A child lost his memory. One day, the teacher asked his name and the child answered. "I will ask my parents," he asked his mother, who answered the phone. She said, "It's you!" He went to ask his father again, and his father comforted himself and said, "There is nothing to doubt." He went to ask his sister who was on the phone, and she said; "good!" He went to ask his brother who was eating ice cream. He said, "How cool!" "He went to ask his aunt who was chatting with her lover online, and she said," Dear, let's go! ""Tomorrow, the teacher will still ask this question. He said, "It's you." The teacher was puzzled. He added, "There is nothing to be confused about!" The teacher said, "Stand up for me!" He said, "Good!" After class, the teacher asked, "What's up?" He said, "How cool!" The teacher immediately flew into a rage and said; Get your ass back to the office. "He replied," honey, let's go! ! ! "

Teachers often educate everyone in class. When you see the shortcomings and misfortunes of others, don't laugh. One day, Little Brown said to the teacher, "Today, a child fell into a puddle on campus, and everyone laughed except me." "You did the right thing." The teacher praised, "Who fell into the puddle?" "It's me." Brown replied.

When the school began to call the roll, a class teacher was ingenious and said to the students, "I'll read the student number, so you can give your own names and get to know each other, okay?"

"No.0065438 +0!"

"Teacher, my name is Jiao and my name is Jiao Pei." The teacher was a little dizzy and asked, "Who gave this to you?"

"My dad." "What does your father do?"

"Open a pig farm!"


A girl stood up and said, "Teacher, my name is Zhang and my name is Zhang Dekai."


"Teacher, I am Zhang Dekai's twin brother. My name is Zhang. "Who gave you this name?"

"It's my dad. He sells pliers. " The teacher quickly took a sip of water.


"Report teacher, my name is Qu (pronounced" ou "), and my name is Qu Ye (oh yeah). This is the name my mother gave me. She said that when she gave birth to me, a computer game exploded. " The teacher felt a little uncomfortable.


"Report to the teacher, foster mother!" "How do you call names? ! "

"no! Teacher, I mean my last name is Gan, and my name is foster mother. My father makes wine. " The teacher took a pill.

006! "

"Teacher, my surname is Gou, and I am told to ignore it."

"Your dad is a steamed stuffed bun shop? ! "

"Teacher, you are so smart!" The teacher has been a little shaken.


"My name is Kuai (read fast, send the third sound. ) This is called goods. "

"Don't tell me your father runs a warehouse."

"Teacher, you are too old-fashioned. My father is a pimp. " Blood oozed from the teacher's mouth.


"Teacher, go to hell!" "What? what did you say ? /Excuse me? ! "

"I mean, my name is Ni, and I'm going to the temple. My mother is a Buddhist. Is my name interesting? "

"Interesting, interesting." The teacher is about to cry.


"Teacher, let's talk about it next time." "Why do you want to say it next time, you say it now!"

"no! Teacher, my surname is Xia, and my name is Xia Huishuo. My father is a storyteller. " The teacher felt dizzy.

"0 10! "

"Teacher, my last name is Gao."

"My name is Mei, and my name is Mei Conscience."

"My name is Wu, and my name is Kate."

"My surname is Mao, and my name is Mao Rongrong." …………

The teacher turned to the sky and growled, "God, I met a group of students!" " "The teacher spurted blood and fell to the ground.

Jay Chou took Jolin Tsai to Stephen Chow to drink water. Suddenly Nicholas Tse blew and an Nicky Wu emerged from the water. Nicky Wu and Ekin Cheng rode Ka Kui Wong together and took Jolin Tsai. Holding Emil Wakin Chau, Jay Chou stepped on Deric Wan, crossed Zhao Benshan, Rosamund Kwan, Pan Changjiang, grabbed Jolin Tsai and returned to Aaron Kwok, where he hung a flag.

In math class, most students are very sleepy, and some even lie prone on the table. Seeing this, the teacher was quite angry and said, "Students, you are sleeping in math class. How can you learn well?" ? You see, a Wang Xiaoming in our class is more involved in class. Compared with you, it's a world of difference! "

So we turned our heads to Wang Xiaoming's position. He lowered his head and looked thoughtful.

At this time, his deskmate touched him and he slowly raised his head and yawned a lot. The students laughed wildly. The teacher patted the lecture table and said to us, "A top student is a top student, and he is also listening to the class when he sleeps."

A very good male classmate of mine fell to the ground. I asked a question to show my concern: "Does your ass hurt?" As a result, I accidentally said, "Your ass fell to death." Sweat ~ ~ The brother stood up and patted his ass, farted and said, "He is still breathing!" " I just fainted.

A friend of mine has just watched The Legend of the Condor Heroes, and he is very interested in "fighting the dog to win the battle" and often plays jokes on others.

One day, as usual, he. Kicked a man and shouted "kick the dog's leg!" " Everyone laughed wildly, and he felt embarrassed, so he kicked again and shouted, "Dog kicks!" " "

The shortest composition

The teacher asked the students to write comments after watching three episodes of juvenile TV series at home in the evening. Xiaoming didn't watch TV series. The next day, he wrote a two-word composition: "Power failure!" "

When the teacher saw it, he told him that he lied and could not cut off the electricity. He told him to watch the second episode in the evening and then write another one. Xiaoming still didn't read it and wrote a five-word composition: "The TV set is broken."

Highest peak value

In the geography exam, there is a fill-in-the-blank question on the test paper: "The highest mountain in China is (). Xiao Yong filled out Erlang Mountain without thinking. On the day of marking, the geography teacher called Xiao Yong up: "In class, I said that Mount Everest is 8848.3 meters high, which is the highest mountain in the world. Don't you know? "

Xiao Yong said, "I know. But a few days ago, I heard a song about' Two Ya and Two Mountains'. How high is it? I calculated carefully that 1 10,000 feet should be more than 30,000 meters, much higher than Mount Everest! "

A defeated genius

When the composition book was sent back, A Guang read it and said indignantly, "Why did I get a big cross?" It's so unfair! It's time, the ancients can write fleeting time, why can't I write fleeting time? "


Teacher: "What do you think of Li Bai's poems?" There is such a bright line at the foot of my bed. Could it have been frosted? "?"

Student: "Li Bai must be nearsighted."

The advantages of being a teacher

Xiaoming: "It's good to be a teacher."

Teacher: "Not bad, where?"

Xiao Ming: "It doesn't cost money to read comics and play video games, just confiscate the students"! "

Hanshui hometown

Xiaoming is absent-minded in geography class. The teacher asked him, "Where does Hanshui, the first tributary of the Yangtze River, originate?"

Xiao Ming was so anxious that his head sweated, flashed for a moment and replied, "Sweat originates from his head."

Recession bell

In physics class, the teacher was ill, so the headmaster asked teachers from other classes to take over. The students were naturally in a mess, and the teacher threatened to seduce a class, but we still disagreed. Just before the class was over, the teacher whispered, "You can't hear the bell if you talk any more!" " The classroom was quiet.

A clever/specious/clever debate

The teacher reprimanded the students on duty in the class and said, "The blackboard is so dirty, the rag is dry, and the globe is …" Then he wiped it with his hand, "It's all gray."

"Oh, teacher," said the student on duty, "the place where you put it happens to be the Sahara desert."

The wife complained to her husband, "You don't understand a woman's heart at all, and you are always unwilling to tell me what I like to hear."

Sir: "well, just remind me what you like to hear."

Wife: "At least the name should be changed. Don't always call it' wife'. It is more intimate to call three words. "

Sir: "I see, old woman."

This is Passover. A newly married couple didn't understand complicated holiday etiquette, so the husband asked his wife to peek at the blacksmith's house next door. The wife approached the window and saw the blacksmith hitting her with a coal shovel! When his wife came home, her husband asked her what she saw, but she wouldn't say. Finally, the husband got angry and picked up a coal shovel to hit her. She cried and said, "Since you know all about it, why did you send me?"

By the lake, a painter was painting, and a man and a woman came behind him.

They watched it for a while, and finally the husband said to his wife in an irrefutable tone, "Look, honey, how miserable it is not to buy a camera!" "

The sleeping baby in infancy is sometimes surprisingly quiet, so I quickly touch him with my hand to see if he is still breathing, and my husband laughs at me for being "neurotic". When I sleep at night, my husband snores loudly and I can't sleep. I am so angry! Have to give him some color to see see. "alas!" I only heard him laugh: "What's wrong with snoring? Let you know that I am still alive! "

Woman: "There are many old sayings."

Man: "So you have never been young!" " "

An employee of the insurance company is teaching his wife to drive.

When the car went downhill, the brakes suddenly failed. "Oh, my God! The car can't stop. "

His wife shouted, "What should I do?"

"pray." He instructed his wife to say, "Then find a cheap smash!"

A man surnamed Wei asked his wife, "People call other people's children loan sharks. What kind of rich name should we give this child? "

The wife replied: "Our child is better named, simply called Wei (sanitary napkin)!"

In the middle of the night, the still drunk husband woke up his wife: "Hey, our house is haunted!" " "

Wife: "How do you know?"

"I went to the toilet just now, and when I opened the door, the toilet light turned on by myself. When I closed the door after going to the toilet, the toilet light went out by itself. ,,,,,,"

"Do you still feel the evil wind blowing?" The wife asked with concern.

"Yes, it's cold wind,,,,,"

"You bastard!" The wife roared, "You peed in the refrigerator again!" "

Once upon a time, there was a sister-in-law named Wang.

Once when her husband came back from a business trip, Mrs. Wang said to Mr. Wang, "Since you are out, I can save money by living at home."

Mr. Wang asked, "How did you save it?"

"I can't bear to feed the leftovers of three meals a day to pigs or chickens for fear of ruining them," said Mrs. Wang. I'll stir-fry pork, eggs, sesame oil and chopped green onion and eat it at night! "

Mr. Wang listened and said, "I'm more economical outside than you!" " I'm afraid I'll wear out my shoes, and I always spend money on the bus on the way! "

Wife: "after you slept last night, I mended the hole in your pants pocket." You say, am I a very considerate person? "

Husband: "Of course! You have always been very considerate to me. But can you tell me how you found a hole in my trouser pocket? "

A man often goes home in the middle of the night and sometimes stays out all night. His wife is very upset. I missed it so much that I finally came up with a brilliant idea. On this day, the man went out without his key and knocked at the door in the middle of the night, only to hear his wife say in the house, "Why did you come now?" My dead bastard will be back soon, so go. " The man flew into a rage. But I hardly go out at night, even before 1 1. Master.

In the supermarket, a man approached a beautiful woman and said to her, "I lost my wife." Can you talk to me for a few minutes? " Women are confused. The man explained, "I can never find her, but every time I talk to a beautiful woman, she always comes out of nowhere ..."

A fat woman married a thin gentleman. My wife is in charge of all the big and small things in the family. She said her husband 1 dare not say 2. One day! My wife had a whim, uncharacteristically, pretending to be a croak and proudly saying, husband! Do you love me or not? The husband replied in a positive voice: Of course! Hearing this, the wife continued to do housework contentedly. After a few minutes, the wife couldn't help it any longer and ran to ask her husband. "Husband .. husband .. You just said that you love me, are you afraid of hurting me?" This time, the husband replied in a trembling voice: "No! I am afraid that you will hurt me. "

Nurse A: "Patient 505 is completely desperate."

Nurse B: "Oh, why? He just held my hand and talked for a long time. "

Looking at the Fu family: "That's right. His wife saw it just now. "

The couple are going to a masquerade party together. When they left, the wife suddenly felt uncomfortable and said she couldn't go, so the husband had to go alone. After taking medicine at home, my wife feels much better. She had a whim to see what her husband was doing when he was alone, so she changed into a suit and went to a fancy dress party.

When I saw Mr. Wang, he was flirting with a woman. His wife suddenly got angry and wanted to make up a code to scold him. On second thought, why not fool him? So the wife tried her best to let her husband just turn around her, and the two were still caressing in the garden ... The dance was almost over, and the wife returned home early, but she didn't come back until almost 3 o'clock. My wife asked my husband how he was playing, and he said, "I'm bored to death. I played cards all night, but a guy borrowed my clothes and mask and had a good time. When he left, he told me that he had the best and most passionate night. " Madam, "Ah ..."

Two friends got paid and decided to drink.

One of them was a little worried: "My wife is very powerful and probably won't let me in."

"I went home drunk, took off my clothes outside the door first, and then rang the doorbell. When my wife opened the door, I quickly threw my clothes into the house. She saw me naked and let me in at once. "

The next day, the two met.

"Hey, how did your wife treat you yesterday?"

Well, you're welcome. I went to the door and took off my clothes. The door opened and I threw my clothes out ... then I heard a voice from the door: "Please pay attention, close the door now. The next stop is People's Square.

My colleague's daughter Chen Chen is one and a half years old. One day, my colleague met my aunt, and she quickly called her daughter: "Call my aunt quickly!" " Chen Chen was very obedient and cried, "Good witch (aunt)! "My colleague's aunt smiled and waved her hand:" Without applause, how did my aunt become a witch? "Do it again." Chen Chen looked at her mother's mouth and cried out seriously, "Good bitch!" My aunt was frightened and quickly cried, "I'd rather be a witch." Just call me a witch. "

A patient went to the hospital, and the doctor asked, What's wrong with you? Patient: I had a dream last night that a cow was eating grass.

The doctor said: Don't worry, it's normal. Everyone dreams. Dreams are different from reality.

I saw the patient say nervously, but … but when I got up, I found that half of the straw mat on my bed was missing …

A patient came to see a psychiatrist. Patient: I always thought I was a bird. Doctor: Oh, that's serious. When did it start? Patient: Because I am a bird.

2) The doctor in a mental hospital asked the patient: What would you do if I cut off one of your ears? The patient replied, then I can't hear you. The doctor listened: mm-hmm. This is normal. The doctor asked again, what will happen to you if I cut off your other ear again? The patient replied, then I won't watch it. The doctor began to get nervous: how could it not be seen? The patient replied: because the glasses will fall off.

3) There are two mental patients who escaped from the hospital. They ran and climbed a tree. One of them jumped from the tree and rolled and rolled. Then he looked up and said to the man above, Hey … Why don't you come down …? The man above answered him: no … well … ah … I'm not familiar with it yet …

4) There is an old lady in a mental hospital, who wears black clothes and holds a black umbrella every day and squats at the gate of the mental hospital. The doctor thought: to cure her, we must start from understanding her. So the doctor also wore black clothes, took a black umbrella and squatted there with her. The two men were silent for a month. The old lady finally said to the doctor, excuse me ... are you a mushroom, too?

5) A mental hospital heard that the leader was coming to inspect the situation, so the dean called a meeting of the patients in the hospital. At the meeting, the dean said: "This afternoon, there are very important leaders coming to visit, and all the people will go to the door to meet them. When welcoming, all the patients stood on both sides of the hospital gate, standing neatly. When I cough, everyone clap their hands together, the more enthusiastic the better; When I stamp my foot, I must stop completely. I can't make mistakes. If everyone is ready, we can give you meat buns tonight. As long as one person screws up, no one will eat steamed buns, remember? " The patients in the audience shouted together: "Remember!" This afternoon, the leader arrived on time. When he walked into the gate, the welcoming patient was already standing at the door. At this time, with the cough of the hospital dean, all the patients applauded together, and the atmosphere was very warm. Infected by the warm atmosphere, the visiting leaders smiled and applauded with everyone and entered the hospital. Seeing that the leader had entered the hospital, the dean stamped his foot and the applause stopped completely, very neatly. Only the leader is still smiling and clapping his hands, and the dean is very satisfied. Suddenly, a patient as strong as Schwarzenegger jumped out of the welcome crowd, strode to the leader, gave him a big slap in the face and shouted angrily, "You don't want to eat steamed bread? ! ! ! "

6) Mental patient A stole the phone book from the nurse's office back to the ward. Ask B, "What do you think of the novel I recently finished?" ? B looked at it and replied, "Yes, yes. However, there are just a few more roles. " Then the nurse in the mental hospital came in and said, "You put the phone book back for me!" "

8) Two mental patients, A Jun and B Jun, recovered at the same time. Their doctor in charge said to them, "If one of you is ill, the other one will take him to the hospital immediately." Suddenly one day, the doctor's phone rang. It turned out to be Mr. A: "Oh, no, Mr. B has been crawling in my toilet since this morning, saying that he is my toilet." "Come on, send him here quickly!" A gentleman was silent for a moment. "So ... I don't have a toilet?"

9) In a mental hospital, a mental patient fishes in an empty fish tank every day. One day, a nurse jokingly asked, "How many fish did you catch today?" The mental patient suddenly jumped up and cried, "What's the matter with you? Didn't you see it was an empty fish tank? "

10) There is a mental hospital where many mental patients live. One day, the dean was there, and in order to see the patient's recovery, he thought of a way. I said to these patients, come here, draw a door on the wall and say, "Today, whoever opens this door can go home. Hearing this, psychopaths flocked around the painted door, and the dean was very disappointed. At this time, he found a patient still sitting in his original position, feeling ok, so he went forward and asked, "Why don't you open the door?" "He looked at the dean and said a word, and the dean was really in distress situation after hearing it. The patient secretly told the dean, "I have the key here." "

1 1) Mental patients in hospitals often have a worship complex for doctors or nurses. One day, a female patient came to see a male doctor ... Female patient: Dr. Lan, do you love me? Dr. Lan pondered for a long time. Dr. Lan: We have a doctor-patient relationship. Because you are ill, I must take good care of you ... (In order not to hurt the patient, Dr. Lan explained for a long time and finally finished. ) Female patient: Dr. Lan, are you saying that you don't love me anymore? Dr. Lan (brooding): Um ... Um ... Female patient: Nothing ... I love Dr. Chen. ...

12) A new nurse in a mental hospital, who is new, saw a patient chanting "13, 13, ..." The little nurse was quite surprised and couldn't figure out what this "13" meant. She always wanted to go forward and ask the truth, but she was afraid of the patient's attack and never dared. One day, the little nurse finally lost her curiosity, walked slowly to the patient and looked into the well with her probe. Suddenly, the patient hugged the nurse's leg, threw it down and began to read: "14, 14, ..."

13) a patient shouted: I am the dean, and you all have to listen to me! ! ! The attending doctor and nurse asked him: Who said that? He replied: God said. At this moment, a patient suddenly jumped out and said, I didn't say that!

14) A patient went to see a doctor for the first time. "Did you consult anyone about your illness before you came here?" The doctor asked, "Only the owner of the drugstore on the corner," the patient replied. Doctors hate that people who are not doctors often give medical advice. He made no secret of this: "What bad idea did that fool give you?" ""He asked me to come to you. "

15) In a mental hospital, a patient is writing a letter. When the nurse saw it, she asked him curiously. Nurse: Who are you going to write to? Patient: Write it to myself! Nurse: Then what do you write? Patient: You are mentally ill! I haven't received it. How do I know?

16) There is a mental derangement who got a pistol from nowhere. He walked in a black alley. Suddenly I met a young man. Without saying anything, the psycho pressed him to the ground and pointed a gun at his head! Question: What is 1+ 1=? The young man was frightened! Meditation for a long time ~ trembling answer: equal to 2 ```? That psycho shot him without hesitation! Then I pulled the gun in my arms and said coldly, you know too much.

Foreigners always joke when they start learning Chinese. No, a foreign buddy came here for the first time and learned "How are you?" I think it's used when we meet and say hello. After seeing China's friend, he said happily, "How are you?" I was surprised to see each other and thought I was wrong. I thought, "How's your mother?" The other party was even more surprised and pondered again: "Hello, Mom?"

After the mid-term exam, the math teacher will announce the results. He said, "There are as many people over 90 as over 80, and there are as many people over 80 as over 70." As soon as the words were spoken and played, the whole class cheered. One classmate asked, "What about the number of people who failed?" The teacher calmly replied, "There are as many people who fail in the class as there are."

Today, my daughter came back and showed me her arithmetic scores. She only got 80 points. I was so angry that I told my daughter that you should not look at the person in front. He said that the person in front of him got only 50 points.

Baby: "Mom, can you give me twenty dollars?"

Mom: "Go, go, don't go."

Baby: "Mom, if you give me money, I will tell you what Dad said to the maid when you went to the beauty salon."

Mom: "OK, here you are! What did he say? "

Baby: "He said,' Xiao Wang, iron this shirt for me.'

Yao Ming ran out of the house crying. The neighbor asked, "Mingming, why are you crying?"

"Dad hit me!"

"Why did Dad hit you?"

"Because I stole from others."

"Obviously, this is your fault. Remember what Dad said when he hit you! "

"Remember, dad said, next time you steal useless things and break my legs!"

Once upon a time, there was a child named Xiaoming. He has a problem, that is, he can't write this word, that is, he threw it away and stopped writing without asking his parents or his teacher. There is a composition written by Xiaoming. I have a good father. My father loves me, and I love him. My father is in poor health, so I went to buy him someone. I changed all the shops selling people, fat and thin.

The school invited experts from the district to give lectures on sexual knowledge to the students. As a result, the experts talked about the progress of family planning work all afternoon. Finally, in order to increase the interest, he mentioned the legend that Nu Wa made people. He asked: Who knows why Nu Wa made people out of loess?

There was no response from the audience, and the expert was a little embarrassed, so he ordered a girl in front to answer. The girl whispered, doesn't she know how to make people? Expert inspiration: then why doesn't she know how to make people? Girl: Is it because of your lecture?

A boy is born with body odor and inferiority. Every time he goes out, he wears a lot of perfume under his arm to cover it. One day, he overslept and woke up too late to put on perfume, so he hurried to the classroom. He tried to sneak in through the back door, but he was caught red-handed. The teacher was very angry and said seriously, "How many times have I told you not to be late! This has greatly affected the normal teaching-this classmate is even more excessive. Even if he is late, why did he bring a kebab? "