Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What should I do if the peony just transplanted after autumn is not prosperous in the next spring?

What should I do if the peony just transplanted after autumn is not prosperous in the next spring?

1, soil replacement. Family potted peony planting must use loose soil with strong drainage. Because many people can't control the amount of water when they maintain their homes, once they water too much, there will be excess water. If the soil is not well drained, there will be water in the basin soil, and the roots of plants will rot easily.

2. Pay attention to the light. Peony likes sunshine very much, but it can't be exposed to the scorching sun. Spring and autumn can be maintained in sunny places, summer can be shaded, and winter can receive enough light.

3. Pay attention to the temperature. Peony flower is very afraid of cold, so it is best to give it a growth environment of 16-20℃. If the temperature is lower than 16℃, it is difficult to bloom. If the temperature is too high in summer, it will enter a semi-dormant state. Try to keep the temperature at 5-8℃ in winter. Only in this way can it survive the winter safely.

4. Adjust the humidity. Don't water potted peony too much, wait until the soil is dry. Always keep the soil moist in spring, and water evaporates faster in summer. Replenish water in time and spray water on plants. When watering, be sure to water it thoroughly. It will sleep in winter, so water it less.