Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What kind of orders are suitable to be given in writing and what kind of orders are suitable to be given orally?

What kind of orders are suitable to be given in writing and what kind of orders are suitable to be given orally?

When leaders give instructions, written form and oral form play different roles, so we should pay attention to distinguish the difference between them in practice.

I. Applicable to written instructions:

1) When confirming the responsible person,

2) When the effect of instructions and commands is long.

3) When there is an important task.

4) When teamwork needs to inform others.

Second, suitable for oral instructions:

1) indicates details.

2) When publishing a simple task

3) When giving advice only

4) In case of emergency

5) When employees are inactive,

6) When dealing with unpleasant situations

7) When interpreting written orders