Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - ID card free inquiry system

ID card free inquiry system

The ID card free inquiry system is an online platform, which aims to provide users with free ID card information inquiry service.

Through this system, users can enter the ID number to inquire about the authenticity, basic information and attribution of the ID card.

When using this system, it is necessary to ensure that the correct ID number 15 digits or 18 digits is entered. The ID number is compiled according to certain rules. For example, the first six digits represent the issuing place of the ID card. The system will interpret the departure place, birthday and gender according to the input ID number, but the detailed name and address cannot be found.

Although these systems can provide some inquiry services, please note that they usually cannot identify the authenticity of ID cards. If you need to verify the authenticity of your ID card, you may need to use services provided by other third parties.

ID card processing conditions:

1. Age requirement: A citizen with China nationality should apply for a resident identity card from the public security organ where his permanent residence is located within three months from the date of reaching the age of 16. Citizens under the age of sixteen shall apply for resident identity cards on their behalf by their guardians.

2. Household registration requirements: The resident identity card is issued by the public security organ of the people's government at the county level where the resident's permanent residence is located. Therefore, to apply for an identity card, we must ensure that it is handled at the place where the permanent residence is located.

3. Material preparation: During the application process, you need to provide necessary materials, such as household registration book and my recent bareheaded color photos. Applicants under the age of 16 should also provide relevant certification materials from their guardians.

To sum up, the conditions for handling identity cards mainly involve three aspects: age, household registration and material preparation. Eligible citizens shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, apply to the public security organ where their permanent residence is located and prepare the necessary materials. Handling identity cards is the basic right and obligation of citizens, and it is also an important guarantee for safeguarding personal identity safety and legitimate rights and interests. In the process of handling, citizens should abide by relevant laws and regulations to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of information. At the same time, the public security organs will also provide guidance and help to ensure the smooth progress of the handling process.

Legal basis:

Regulations of People's Republic of China (PRC) (China) on Urban Household Registration


People's Republic of China (PRC) citizens shall register their household registration in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.

The accounts of military personnel shall be handled by military organs in accordance with the relevant provisions on the administration of military personnel.

These Regulations shall apply to the household registration of foreigners and stateless persons living in People's Republic of China (PRC), except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.