Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The story of Kangxi's private visit in incognito

The story of Kangxi's private visit in incognito

Kangxi traveling incognito II. Steamed bread 10 episode.

In front of the Bohai County yamen, Lan Sixteen was chased from both ends by Lu Chuanhe's thugs. Lu Chuan killed all the accusers, leaving only sixteen Lan. In the palace, concubines scrambled to carry water and show their bodies in front of Kangxi. Because Lan Sixteen offended Lu Chuan, the whole city dared not touch him. He Yun, a unique prostitute, joined him, and Lan regretted it at the age of sixteen. Batulu, the interior office, reported to Kangxi that the Western War spent the following year's tax money in Jiangnan. The state treasury is already in deficit. Inspired by the ring in Batulu's hand, Kangxi asked all ministers to hand over gold and silver to pay for the army. Kangxi found that the word Bohai was cast on all the gold wares in his collection, which showed that it was produced in Bohai Sea. I decided to pay a private visit to the Bohai Sea.

Lu Chuan went to Bohai county magistrate Liu Chun to kill Lan Sixteen. Lan XVI lobbied all over the city, accusing Lu Chuan of ignoring human life. Kangxi and his party came to Bohai and made an unannounced visit to Gimpo. At the age of sixteen, Lan made up her mind to fight with her life and hanged herself. At a critical juncture, Lu Zhu, the daughter of Lu Chuan, was saved. Blue sixteen was taken to Lujia's mine. Whipped by Lu Hong. In order to please Lu Chuan, Liu Chun married his wife. Kangxi received the county magistrate touts, and He Yun stopped by to help. Lv Zhu's biological mother didn't like Lu Chuan's wicked face and became a nun. When her daughter Lv Zhu went to see her, she advised Lv Zhu to leave Lu Chuan.

Liu Chun and his concubines are in the secret room, giving hot words to gold bars and preparing to pay tribute to officials in Beijing. In France, India, Sun Dezi went to buy furniture and was robbed halfway. Sun Dezi thought it was He Yun, a prostitute. Kangxi wanted to meet He Yun, but Fei Yi was very unhappy when he saw Kangxi go to a brothel. Kangxi went to the brothel with Fayin and Sandezi in the evening. When he left, Fayin and Sandezi didn't want to go, and Kangxi forced them to go together. Kangxi asked He Yun about the robbery of furniture. Lan Sixteen was helped by Lu Chuan to work as a coolie in the mine. Lv Zhu sympathized with Lan Sixteen and wiped the wound medicine for him, hoping that Lan Sixteen would take her away. Lan Sixteen didn't want to, so Lu cast him out of the mountain and took him to the county government for release. Blue sixteen stubbornly drummed.

Liu Chun locked up the Blue 16. Kangxi dressed as a citizen and went to the prison to deliver food to Lan Sixteen and asked about Lan Sixteen. In order to catch able-bodied men as coolies, Lu Chuan gave alms to steamed bread in the name of charity. Seeing this, Kangxi couldn't help asking questions and went to find out. Seeing that there are indeed poor people eating steamed buns in charity places, I can't help but be happy and think that Lu Chuan is not so bad. There was a beggar in Lu Yu, Kangxi, who was thin. Kangxi saw his pity and led him to fetch the steamed bread from Lu Chuanshe, but Lu Chuan refused to give it to the beggar who needed it most. Kangxi became suspicious and wanted to find out the truth, but he was caught in Lu Chuan's secret room.

Entrusted by Kangxi, he sent a meal to Lan in prison. When Lan was sixteen, she was mistaken for a dusty woman and was very unhappy. At this time, He Yun also sent a meal to Lan Sixteen, feeling sour and ironic. He Yun and He Yun are not to be outdone. Two women are afraid. Kangxi was taken to the mine as a coolie, and Lv Zhu took special care of him. He wants him to go down the mountain. Kangxi wanted to go into the mine to know the situation, but refused Lu Zhu's kindness. When Fei Yi found out that Kangxi was missing, she was anxious to commit suicide. Sandezi, Xiao Taohong and Fa Yin were also anxious, so they went out separately to look for them. Kangxi witnessed the evil deeds of Lu Chuan and Lu Hong in the mine and was very angry. Sandezi, Fayin went to the snakehead to find Kangxi, and was also trapped by Lu Chuan. Both of them were arrested.

Lv Hong and his men whipped coolies every day, but Kangxi couldn't see the past and came out to stop them. He was tied up by Lu Hong in the scorching sun, and Lv Zhu untied him and let him hide under the tree. Sandezi, France and India searched everywhere for the whereabouts of Kangxi. In order to pretend to be diligent, Liu Chun followed the example of the emperor's private visit and went to the fields to mow the grass in a mighty eight-person sedan chair. The coolies are doing inhuman work and are miserable. So He Yun called Xiao Taohong, a confidant, to the prison to deliver food to Lan Sixteen, and two servants were struggling there. For a long time, I couldn't find anyone missing from Kangxi. Sandezi and France and India were very depressed. Fei Yi was also worried and stayed up all night, but she suddenly found someone hanging himself outside the window, which was a great surprise.

In the evening, Fei Yi took Sandezi, Fayin and Tao Hong into the fragrant house to pursue the whereabouts of Kangxi. Lu Chuan chose coolies to carry gold in the mine. In order to keep it secret, after the gold is put into storage, the person who carries it is executed or his tongue is cut off. Kangxi volunteered to transport gold and was put on death row. Fei Yi and others, with the help of He Yun, rented a boat and wanted to go out to sea to look for Kangxi, but Sandezi found a hidden organ on the boat and quickly abandoned the boat and fled. After Kangxi moved the gold into the warehouse, Lu Hong wanted to cut off his tongue. Kangxi resisted and was outnumbered. At the critical moment, he was saved by Lu Zhu. Fei Yi and others wanted to go into the mine to find Kangxi, so they went into the steamed bread shop.

Lu Hong saw Fei Yi's beauty, and she was ill-intentioned. She went up the hill with her medicine. Lv Zhi asked Kangxi to hold the sedan chair and let Kangxi go down the mountain. The palace master Batulu sniffed out something and quickly sent spies to Bohai City to see Liu Chun. Kangxi got wet in the heavy rain and supported Luzhu with a sedan chair with a high fever. His nonsense exposed his identity. Lv Zhu found a doctor to treat Kangxi. Lu Hong took Fei Yi to the mountain and wanted to keep it for himself. Fei Yi pretends to be a big family, which makes Lu Hong love and fear. Fei Yi took the opportunity to inquire about the situation of the mine.

He Yun took Blue Sixteen out of prison. Sandezi and Fain came to see him and encouraged him to complain. Lv Zhi took care of Kangxi, and Kangxi fell in love with her. The two embraced each other under the moon and were tearful. In the name of doing good deeds, Fei Yi went to make coolies to quit steamed bread, which was seen by Lu Chuan. In order to save the suffering teenager, Fei Yi made a false promise to Lu Chuan and waited for him to drink at night. Lu Honggang was very unhappy when he saw this scene. Lv Zhi also fell in love with Kangxi and secretly let Kangxi go out of the mountain. In the evening, Fei Yi went to deliver wine to Lu Chuan. On the way, Lu Hong stole the hip flask and Lu Chuan was drugged. Fei Yi took the opportunity to dig out Lu's books.

On the way up the mountain, the police officer took Lan Sixteen and was robbed and killed by Sandezi and France and India, pretending to be a police officer and sneaking into the mine. He Yun found Liu Chun, told him to kill people, and took the opportunity to kill Kangxi. It turned out that He Yun was also a Beijinger, and Batulu secretly sent him down to monitor the production of gold mines. She heard the news from ouchi and judged that Kangxi was visiting privately in Bohai Sea. When Lu Chuan woke up, he knew it was Lu Hong's LSD. In a rage, he tied Lu Hong up and tried to kill Fei Yi. Fei Yi escaped from Lu Chuan's pursuit and arrived with Sandezi and Fayin. Liu Chun and He Yun took people into the mountains to look for Kangxi. Lv Zhi was angry with Kangxi, burning the piano and tearing silks. Zhao Kang couldn't explain the situation at that time and was in a hurry. Lv Zhi was even more angry and clamored to become a monk. Liu Chun and He Yun took the officers and men up the mountain and killed Kangxi and his party. Lu thought reinforcements were coming, but he was shot dead by He Yun darts. Lu Hong was also taken away. Kangxi made it clear that He Yun wanted to kill Kangxi. In a crisis, Lv Zhi stepped forward and blocked He Yun's poisonous arrow at Kangxi. At this time, Yu Shilong rate officers and soldiers arrived. Long live the mine.