Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What do you mean by smoking?

What do you mean by smoking?

Smoke # chōu not u

Take out something caught in the middle: drawer | Take out a book from the shelf. ② Draw a part from it: draw time | spot check | draw time. ③ Inhalation or extraction: smoke. 4 Shrinkage: Cramp | I smoked a lot just after washing this dress with water. ⑤ Growth: Buding | Heading. Beat (mostly with a long strip): As soon as the whip is whipped, the horse starts to run.

Take time out: No matter how busy you are at work, you should take time out to study.

Besides going to work and doing housework, my mother will find time to read some books.

Abstraction # Chu Xiang① Abstraction of common and essential attributes is a necessary means to form concepts. (2) can't experience it concretely; General; Empty: look at the problem according to the concrete facts, not from the abstract definition.

[Example] Mathematical concepts are too abstract for people to understand easily.

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(voice. From the hand, from the voice. Original meaning: pull out, pull out)

Pull it out, take out the things caught in the middle.

Pull, pull also. -"Guangya"

Every shot, the arrow was pulled out. -"Twelve Years of Zuo Zhuan Gong Xuan"

You can draw with water. -Zhuangzi heaven and earth. Li Note: "Report also."

Left and right pumping. -"Poetry, Political Style and Clean People"

But since the water is still flowing, although we cut it with a sword. -Li Bai's "Farewell to Shu Yun in Xuanzhou Xie Tiao Building"

Another example: draw a simple horse (fortune telling); Draw a box (draw a sword from the box); Take out the brush (take out the pen); Draw a sword; Pull out a knife

Take a part from the whole; leave

Words have thorns. -Xiaoya Chutz.

Take half. -"Book of Rites, Biography of Funeral"

Another example: draw a point (get a point from it); Spend time (

Draw chúu instead of u.

① Take it out; Get rid of it: knife, body.

(2) take out a part from the whole; ~ sampling survey.

③ Growth: ~ ears.

④ Smoking: ~ Smoking.

⑤ Shrinkage: The newly bought clothes are a little ~ just put into the water.

⑥ Whip (mostly in long strips): use a whip ~.

A hydraulic machine that lifts water from a low place to a high place through power equipment and transmission devices. Widely used in farmland irrigation, industrial and mining, urban water supply and drainage. Also known as water pump.

After the ear differentiation of heading cereal crops is completed, the ear gradually protrudes from the leaf sheath. Generally, the starting dates are 1/2 and 1/3. The heading period of the whole field is 50 years.

The pigeon hole principle puts more than n objects into a drawer, so at least one drawer has more than two objects.

Abstract concept reflects the concept that object is the essence of things or the relationship between things. For example, be brave and stand on top. Also called attribute concept.

The symmetry of abstract labor' concrete labor' does not consider the specific forms of general and undifferentiated human labor, that is, the consumption of human labor in the physiological sense (including brain power and physical strength, etc.). This is one aspect of the duality of labor in producing goods.

noodle Also called manual labor.

Abstract nouns represent abstract concepts such as action, state, quality and emotion. Such as English work, life, love, etc.

Abstract thinking people use concepts, judgments and reasoning to reflect the way of thinking of things in the process of cognition. Different from thinking in images, it is the result of revealing the essence of things and expressing the understanding of reality with scientific abstract concepts.

Smoke firewood to stop boiling and let the water stop boiling. Metaphor fundamentally solve the problem.

Sampling survey method randomly selects a part from a certain kind of things for incomplete investigation. The purpose is to infer the overall situation of things according to the results of this part of the survey.

Draw chúu instead of u.

1. Pull it out, take it out, and present a part: ~ Take it out. ~ knife. ~ two books. ~ take a walk.

4. Germination: ~ bud.

[13] cigarettes. ~ irrigate the fields with water.

4. Traction, contraction: ~ twitch (twitch). This cloth lost two centimeters after washing.

5. Hit it with something soft and slender: ~ Give it two whips.

6. get rid of: ~ drops.

(1) general, not specific: talk too much ~ like, don't understand.

(2) Extract common essential features from everything and become a concept.