Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - If you have a high emotional intelligence, you will be eloquent and have a good popularity. Watch your mouth in interpersonal communication and don't say these five words.

If you have a high emotional intelligence, you will be eloquent and have a good popularity. Watch your mouth in interpersonal communication and don't say these five words.

Cai Kangyong mentioned in "The Way of Speaking": The more you can talk, the happier others will be; The happier others are, the more they will like you; The more people like you, the more help you get and the happier you will be. As the saying goes, those who love to go out love to come back, and those who are blessed are blessed. Everything has a cause and effect. You make others happy, and others will bring you happiness.

When you are alive, keeping your mouth shut is keeping feng shui. Therefore, in interpersonal communication, truly wise people never say these five words.

1, mourning before quitting people

The law of garbage trucks says: Many people are like garbage trucks. They are full of negative emotions such as resentment, anxiety and depression. When the car is full, they will dump everywhere. If you give them a chance, they will dump these negative emotions on you. The so-called garbage is the loss of words.

Such people are like flies buzzing in the crowd, which makes people bored. No one wants to get along with such people.

Therefore, when getting along with others, to stop mourning words, first of all, let your heart be full of sunshine, and repairing your mouth is actually repairing your heart.

Don't gossip behind people.

There is an old saying in China that people who are right and wrong must be right and wrong.

Gossiping about others is to judge others' behavior and life without knowing the truth.

For example, if you see someone else find a good job, you can say that others must have used their connections to enter through the back door.

However, there is no windtight wall in this world. People who gossip behind their backs will always know that it will lead to conflicts with others and even bring disaster to themselves.

Not gossiping is not only a respect for others, but also a cultivation.

Don't get angry if something happens.

Seeing such a video, Premier Zhou accidentally made a mistake when receiving foreign guests. As a result, Premier Zhou got angry and criticized her on the spot, but later Mr. Zhou realized his mistake and apologized to the waiter, admitting that his attitude was wrong.

In this world, unpleasant things often happen. When we encounter something unsatisfactory, our hearts will be agitated, and we are most likely to get angry at this time.

However, your angry words will not solve the problem, but will only bring things to a deadlock.

Like sulfuric acid, angry words corrode the relationship between people.

Therefore, no matter what happens, in an angry state, you should learn to delay handling, calm yourself down first, find the crux of the problem, and then express it.

4. Break your word in communication.

There is a question in Zhihu, which quality is the most important when dealing with people.

A great answer is to be a reliable person, do things with peace of mind and ensure that you don't miss major events.

If a person often breaks his word, breaks his contract and stands in line, it is probably difficult to get along with his friends.

After all, people can't stand without faith. If you keep your word, you can really change your heart.

5. Practice caution and talk more.

As the old saying goes, it is better to keep the doctrine of the mean than to say much. Deep water is silent, and people are steady.

As the saying goes, silence is golden. It goes without saying that people reach middle age. They should keep their sincerity and watch the flowers bloom and fall with a normal heart.

Speaking is a kind of practice. What is hidden in your language is your attitude towards life.

Therefore, learning to talk less and be cautious is a kind of wisdom and a kind of life practice.

Ok, let's share it with you here today. "Good words are warm in three winters, and bad words are cold in June." May you speak well, cultivate good manners and usher in good luck.