Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the significance of The Beauty at the Beginning of Life?

What is the significance of The Beauty at the Beginning of Life?

The beginning of Saint Amethyst is "the beginning of life, and its essence is good". Sex is similar, learning is far away. "Good nature is Mencius' Confucian thought: when people are born, they don't know anything, but when they are adults, human nature is distorted and ugly because of improper education. In that era of criticizing Confucianism, Saint Amethyst was criticized as soon as it was opened. When you were born, you knew nothing. How can there be good and evil? The theory of goodness in human nature is idealism, and "goodness in human nature" is a self-denial and a way for Confucius and Mencius to bully the people.

The opposite of the theory of good nature is the theory of evil nature, and the two opposing views have been arguing for more than two thousand years.

Why did they quarrel? Because they all judge good and evil from the moral level. It is wrong to use morality to measure the good and evil of a person's birth, whether it is good or bad.

In fact, in pre-Qin and ancient times, good and evil, like Laozi's morality, refer not only to ideology, but also to natural laws and materialism. Good and evil, good and evil are the unity of dialectical opposites. There is no evil without good, and there is no evil without good. The Analects of Confucius and Tao Te Ching are both derived from the Book of Changes. The good and bad in the Book of Changes originally refers to the laws of nature, which is extended to the laws of society and human nature. As soon as people tell fortune, they become superstitious. Confucius is opposed to telling fortune with the Book of Changes. He understands the laws of natural and social development through the Book of Changes.

If "goodness" is understood as following objective laws, then the beginning of life, from pregnancy to birth, to breastfeeding, to learning language, to learning toddlers, is in line with the law of human growth and is good in nature. For example, crying is the most annoying thing for people, but when children cry and make a scene, some adults say that if you cry well, the more you cry, the greater your lung capacity. At birth, everyone should cry. When not crying, the midwife will pat the baby's ass to make him (her) cry. There is a scientific basis for spanking a newborn baby to cry. Also, when children fall, adults will say that they grow fast when they fall. We don't know whether the growth rate has anything to do with falling or not, but can a person who has never fallen since childhood stand being beaten when he grows up? Therefore, as long as it conforms to objective laws, it is good; Anything that goes against objective laws is evil.

The Book of Changes is a book that reflects objective laws. Professor Ceng Shiqiang from Taiwan Province Normal University said that China people actually don't believe in God or evil. When we encounter problems, we will shout out "God" and "God". This day and God do not refer to God, nor to immortals, but to the days in nature, including weather.

China people fear heaven, that is, they fear nature and the laws of nature. The beginning of life is good, because babies grow up according to the laws of nature and are pure. When he grows up, he may become "evil" because of his words and deeds that seriously violate the law of social development. We not only want social harmony and human harmony, but also live in peace with animals and plants, respect the laws of nature and live in harmony with nature.

In this way, our life can be full of sunshine, moon, rain and dew, wind and frost, red flowers and green leaves. ...