Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Guiyang grandma fortune telling _ Guiyang grandma grandson is true?

Guiyang grandma fortune telling _ Guiyang grandma grandson is true?

Grandma who can tell fortune.

My family has been a divine operator for generations. We visit fortune-teller, touch bones, and do divination, trying to be accurate.

From my great-grandmother's generation, including my grandfather, my father, my uncle and my little aunt, they all have a skill. They can talk about Kan Kan with their eyes, the life and death of their parents, the ranking of their brothers and sisters, the number of their children, the layout of their doorways and even the acupuncture points buried in other people's homes. They can accurately say one, two and three.

Especially my great-grandmother is very powerful. At that time, in our village, my great-grandmother's fortune-telling was absolutely accurate and powerful. Also because my great-grandmother is a descendant of Nanzi in An Wei, Zhejiang, and this Nanzi is said to be Liu Bowen's apprentice. At that time, my great-grandmother was very famous in Lu Yi, Henan Province, and people came to her house in an endless stream.

But grandma stopped telling fortune when she was eighty, and no one was allowed to teach me fortune-telling at home. She also made everyone in her family swear not to take me to fortune telling, or she would bite her tongue.

The family had no choice but to agree.

However, my great-grandmother died less than a month after I was born, and my family no longer taught me the method of fortune telling. When I grew up, I went to work in the city, got married and had children, and never came back for more than 20 years.

My former hometown, that is, my ancestral home, our family has long since moved out of the ancestral home, but Fu Bo has been guarding the ancestral home. After coming back this time, I saw Fu Bo again. Fu Bo touched my head and said, "Changsheng, you have grown so tall."

"Are you ..."

My eyebrows sank, and I looked at Fobo and said.

Fu Bo's face is thin, but his eyes are golden. He looked at me with a chuckle and said, "You may forget that I am the youngest apprentice around your great-grandmother. Now that more than 20 years have passed, people here have long since moved out and lost their former glory. Hey. "

"Yes, I still remember that my ancestral home was very lively, and many people came to my house to tell their fortune every day."

Fu Bo also nodded, looked at me and said, "Boy, why do you suddenly want to see your ancestral home?"

"I don't know why, I often dream about my grandmother recently, so I want to come back and have a look."

Although my great-grandmother died a month after I was born, I always feel that I am close to my great-grandmother, as if she were beside me.

According to my mother, when my grandmother was dying, I bought a coffin in advance and put it in the house. When I was born, I was held in a coffin by my late grandmother for one night. It is said that this is my grandmother's last wish.

Buddha wave eyes a bright, looked at me strangely. His nose moved and he said, "You child, after all these years, why did you suddenly think of coming back?"

"I feel too grandma."

I giggled and didn't know how to answer him for a moment.

Who knows Fu Bo a listen to these words, smile immediately froze, eyes flashing green light. The whole person became particularly fierce and said, "Tell the truth!"

At that time, Fu Bo's expression was that he wanted to eat me, but my heart thumped, my back sweated and my body shrank, saying, "Fu Bo, I think grandma is real, but ..."

"But what!"

Sister, grandma and grandpa