Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The relationship between stars and past stars (3)

The relationship between stars and past stars (3)

Dangerous liaisons, you stole 520 silver from your partner in your last life?

Dangerous liaisons's accounting with the other party usually means that there is a certain causal relationship in the last life, just like paying off debts. "Danger" means "injury" and "success" means "achievement" of you! The debt owed to your career in the past life led to the career in this life, or he will help you, achieve you, or hurt you. Therefore, business partners should choose people who can make you successful.

The other person is your "success" star, which means that he will achieve your career. If it is your partner, it means that he owed you five hundred and twenty pieces of silver in his last life, perhaps to secretly hide his position, and then he will pay back the five hundred and twenty pieces he owed you in this life. If it is a husband-and-wife relationship, it means that the investment is favorable, and the relationship between them is based on money. Wealth is more entangled than lust.

The other party is your "dangerous" star, which means ruining your career, because you owed him five hundred and twenty pieces of silver in your last life, so be careful in this cooperation.

Close range dangerous liaisons

Near the star of life, the "Cheng" star represents the noble people in your life. This is the fate of the last time, so the relationship between the two will be lifelong, or the money of the relationship is extremely huge. If it is a "dangerous" star, the damage is usually extremely painful.

Many couples lose their righteousness because of money, or break up because of money, many of which are intimate relationships. The power caused by this relationship can be called a major earthquake.

Middle distance dangerous liaisons

This is the cause and effect left over from previous lives, which is lighter than close distance and has less related wealth.

Long-distance relationship with dangerous liaisons

In different space, time or place, the relationship is in danger. If the relationship is "successful" or "dangerous", it will be broken in an instant.

If it is a friend relationship, friends should "harm" you, and of course they should not cooperate with you. Therefore, before you start a business, you should check the stars you have helped. If the other party is your "dangerous" star, it is not suitable for cooperation, because "danger" and "destruction" are not good cooperative relations.

But if the other person is your "success" star, that is the person you hit. Let's invest together! Take a look. Are your stockbrokers and real estate agents "successful" or "dangerous"?

Friends fall, and the last pig friends and dog friends meet again?

We are friends in this life and friends in this life. There are many kinds of friends. If you figure out that the other person is your "friend" star, it means that you had a good common hobby with each other in your last life. This hobby can bring you happiness, indicating that this interpersonal relationship will bring you happiness.

But if Zhan figures out that the other person is a "bad" star, it means that this life is a "loss" friend who comes to harm you. Hinder your development and weaken your strength, which is different from danger and bad. The relationship of "declining friendship" usually refers to the "danger" of interests, and rarely involves money. In the political arena, it often represents those political opponents or people with different opinions.

The partners who ate, drank, and had fun in this world meet again in this world, which is a relationship between friendship and decline, representing the game results and karma from this world.

The relationship between close friendship and decline

We are friends in previous lives, and we will meet again in this life. It often appears in the career or competition stage. If you are "friends", it means that you have interests and will not be an obstacle. If it is a "declining" star, it means that your strength is weakening. In the competition, "decline" can only make you unable to exert your strength, but it is by no means as devastating as "destroying" stars.

The relationship between friendship and decline in middle distance

It is a good friend or a bad friend in a previous life, and the influence and fate need to be created by a third party. For example, when a couple understands the relationship between friendship and decline, it means that children or a third party will form a more wonderful relationship. For example, if a son is a destructive star and his wife is a "friend", it means preventing his son from destroying his husband. For example, if "falling star" means encouraging sons to destroy their husbands. Therefore, the medium-distance friend decline star can be said to be an auxiliary star.

Long-distance relationship and decline relationship

A passing relationship is only a relationship of "friendship decline" between two people at a certain time and space. Its influence is not long, and the fate is thin. Just like the friendship decline in the middle distance, it is also a kind of star-aid.

As partners, friends and failing stars represent common interests, but there will be many problems with money. Therefore, friends can have common interests and hobbies, but never invest or cooperate together. Couples who are friends and friends, of course, will have benefits if they invest separately, but if they invest together, one side will always win and the other side will lose, and soon they will lose their meaning.

Star of life, were you the same person as him in his last life?

If you know that you and someone are the same star, it means that you are influenced by the same star among the 27 stars in the sky, reborn in a similar environment, and have similar aspirations. Although not necessarily in the same area, secretly you have very similar things in common and the same experience.

The people around you are the stars of life, which shows that you have often lived together or struggled for some ideals from your previous life to your previous life. Even, past lives are:

One, you are the same person, some people have another kind of consciousness, which is called psychological schizophrenia and Ling Xue called mental upper body. The "he" reunited in this life may have lived in your body in the last life.

Second, you are twin brothers. You had the same face as him in your last life.

You have been reincarnated together for more than two or three generations in the same area.

There must be similarities between the interpersonal relationship of "Destiny Stars" and their experiences, and there are also many similarities in their work forms. If they are all sleepers, they are all workaholics, and they only care about their careers and ignore their families. If all eight characters are counted, their birthdays will be very similar or even the same, which is even more incredible. For example, two Japanese yen were born in Mitsuki.

According to the star of life, if two people are basically the same person in a certain life, this person has masculine and feminine personality, and will split into two people with different personalities but the same goal after death. Their previous lives may be the same, Qin Shihuang? Emperor Taizong? Or Zhu Yuanzhang?

In marriage, if you and your spouse are the stars of life, it is a good marriage. Because you have a lot in common, very tacit understanding. If they are partners, it also represents an excellent fate, and they can fight for the common goal again in this life.

The lucky stars passing by may not know each other, but they often wear the same brand of clothes and find the same doctor. Have you met your destiny star?

Pay attention to the official WeChat account in Hall 8, and it is not without reporting. Not yet, cause and effect come from looking for you.