Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Do you know Deuteronomy 12- Israeli loans are cleared every seven years?

Do you know Deuteronomy 12- Israeli loans are cleared every seven years?

Last time we talked about what Moses told the Israelites to eat, what not to eat, where to eat, and who to eat with.

Next, he went on to order other laws and regulations.

The first is about the year of exemption from inspection:

We have discussed this issue before, and this is Moses' reaffirmation of God's command. To put it simply, once every seven years, creditors should unconditionally forgive debtors' debts. But this is only for Israelis. If the debtor is a foreigner, he can collect debts at will.

God said that there will be no poor people in Israel, but they will lend money to foreigners and will not lend money to foreigners; They will also rule the people of many countries instead of being ruled, because God will greatly bless all Israelis in the promised land.

However, you have noticed that there is a "but" here.

This means that God's beautiful promise is conditional.

However, if there is a poor man among the Israelites, God commands the Israelites, and you must make up for his deficiency. If this year is a tax-free year, the money you lent to the poor will be wasted. What are we doing? God says we can't have evil thoughts!

What is evil thought? Just as the exemption year is coming, I pretend to be confused, don't lend money to the poor, and watch them starve. If the poor cry to God, you are in trouble. Therefore, you must lend a helping hand when you meet the poor. Don't feel sorry for that little money, because if you are generous, God will bless everything you do.

In addition to borrowing money, there is also an exemption year, and so are people.

If the Israelite becomes your handmaid, set him free in the seventh year. Not only should he/she be set free, people can't go home empty-handed, but the owner should also provide him/her with more from sheep, grain fields and wine pools. How much is more? Moses said-since God has blessed you, you should also give it to him.

How happy the working people like me are to hear that! The emancipated serfs sang!

A rich man like you may not be happy. Why? We worked hard to run this small family business. Is it easy for us?

Moses' answer has been waiting there-God saved you because you were slaves in Egypt.

What if the handmaiden doesn't want to leave? May I?

Yes, the one who has a good relationship with the host. Besides, don't treat these handmaiden as American slaves who are whipped every day. That's two different things. Moses said, if the handmaiden really doesn't want to leave, take an awl and pierce his/her ear through the door, so that they can be your slaves forever. If he/she feels pain, say that he/she wants to be free. Don't forget to give him/her more sheep, food and wine, and double his/her salary. After all, he/she has served for six years.

Distressed? Let's go

God has said that if you are willing to do this, he will bless you in everything you do.

Let's not pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon.

Here, Moses talked about the firstborn cattle and sheep.

Every firstborn cow shall be offered to God, and the firstborn cow shall not be cultivated, and the firstborn sheep shall not be sheared. But this dedication to God is not for anyone to confiscate, but for your family to enjoy together in the place designated by God. Of course, if the first child is disabled, you can't give it. You can keep it in your own home. No matter where you eat, you should remember the old rules, you can't eat blood.

Next, Moses reiterated three major festivals: Passover, the Seventh of July and the Tent of Meeting.

We talked about this problem more than once not long ago, but I think you have almost forgotten it now. Let's follow the rhythm of the Israeli people to review.

Passover is celebrated in the first month, also called the month of Abib. Sacrifice cattle and sheep in the place designated by God, and do not eat leavened bread for seven days. Killing cattle and sheep is also very particular. You can't just find a place to kill, find a designated city to kill, and kill it at noon that night. There are rules for eating. You have to eat in the place designated by God, and you have to eat it all, and you can't stay until morning. After eating all night, I can't go home until morning.

July 7th is 7749 days from the time when the crops were harvested. This festival is even more joyful, because it is the harvest season, and all people celebrate happily before God. They should try their best to offer voluntary sacrifices.

The curtain festival lasts for seven days and is arranged on the threshing floor and in the wine cellar after collection. This is also a festival of jubilation for ten thousand people.

These three festivals are three days for Israeli men to go to Jerusalem to celebrate the festival every year. They should bring gifts to God according to their abilities, that is, how much God has given them.

Next, Moses asked the Israelites to set up judges in each city according to their tribes. They will judge cases righteously, and will never be unjust or partial to others. Above all, don't take bribes! Moses said a wise saying-bribery can blind the wise and reverse the righteous. You should pursue justice and justice, not for the long-term stability of the country, the happiness of the people and social harmony, but for your survival in front of a just God. Therefore, anyone who dares to take bribes in Israel can't live well.

Finally, Moses emphasized the most important point again.

What is this? Test you.

By the way, don't worship other gods, don't be idols.

Maybe next time.


Bible and Deuteronomy 15 1? -Article 22