Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What does well-off mean?

What does well-off mean?

What does well-off mean?

The origin of a well-off society

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The word "well-off" first appeared in China's oldest poetry classic "The Book of Songs": "People can be well-off without working." This is the first time that the word "well-off" appeared in China culture. In Ci Hai, "well-off: it means that family life is relatively comfortable and you can live with peace of mind."

The attraction of "well-off"

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* * * First, use "well-off" to explain China's four modernizations.

As the chief architect of China's reform and opening up, * * * actually outlined the development path of China from 1980 to 2 1 century, not only predicted the goals that China could achieve in its development, but also determined the implementation steps step by step. The description of the next 20 years in the report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is based on the actual situation of China's development and concretizes his third-step plan.

comparatively well-off level

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It is a relative concept, which usually means that families in a certain social and historical period are in a moderately rich and safe living standard. Therefore, the level of well-off in different historical periods is different. Before liberation: middle peasants; At the beginning of liberation: two acres of land, one cow; At the end of the 20th century, the average level of wealth in the world was much higher than 1980, and the per capita GNP was 800-1000 USD.

The Standard of Well-off Society and the Level of Well-off Society in China at the Present Stage

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199 1 year, researchers from the national statistics and planning, finance, health, education and other departments 12 formed a research group, and determined the basic test and temporary test values of 16 according to the connotation of well-off society proposed by the central authorities and the State Council. These sixteen indicators set the basic standard of a well-off society as: (1) per capita GDP of 2,500 yuan (calculated at the price and exchange rate of 1980, 2,500 yuan is equivalent to 900 US dollars); (2) Urban per capita disposable income is 2,400 yuan; (3) Per capita net income of farmers 1200 yuan; (4) Urban per capita housing area12m2; (5) Per capita use area of steel and wood houses in rural areas1.5m2; (6) The per capita intake of protein is 75g(7) The per capita paved area in the city is 8m2; (8) The proportion of rural administrative villages connected with highways is 85%; (9) Engel coefficient 50%; (10) The adult literacy rate is 85%; (1 1) The average life expectancy is 70 years; (12) The infant mortality rate was 3.1%; (13) education and entertainment expenditure11%; (14) TV penetration rate is100%; (15) The forest coverage rate is15%; (16) The proportion of rural primary health care basically qualified counties is 100%.

Using the comprehensive scoring method to measure these sixteen indicators, we can boldly announce to the world that a large developing country with a population of 654.38+0.2 billion has basically reached a well-off standard of living. It is on this basis that we will build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way in the new century.

The difference between well-off level and well-off society

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There are two differences between the well-off level and the well-off society:

First, the scope is different. According to the national conditions of China in the last century, the key to building a well-off society is to solve the problem of food and clothing and improve the level of material civilization. The well-off society proposed by * * is by no means a simple material civilization, but also includes spiritual civilization and political civilization.

Second, the standards are different. If the gross domestic product quadruples in 2020 compared with 2000, then according to this goal, the per capita GDP will exceed 3,000 US dollars, which is in line with the level of upper-middle countries in the four major income levels of the World Bank.

To be sure, when testing and quantifying the overall construction process, we should not only improve the statistical critical value of people's living standards, but also comprehensively reflect the development process of spiritual civilization and political civilization.

All-round well-off society

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The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China defined the specific content of building a well-off society in an all-round way from four aspects: economy, politics, culture and sustainable development. In particular, it includes the requirement of sustainable development ability. Specifically, there are six "more": "the economy is more developed, democracy is more sound, science and education are more advanced, culture is more prosperous, society is more harmonious, and people's lives are more affluent."

The basic standards for building a well-off society in an all-round way include the following ten aspects:

First, the per capita GDP exceeds 3,000 US dollars. This is the fundamental symbol of building a well-off society in an all-round way.

Second, the per capita disposable income of urban residents is 6.5438+0.8 million yuan.

Third, the per capita net income of rural families is 8000 yuan.

Fourth, Engel's coefficient is less than 40%.

Fifth, the urban per capita housing construction area is 30 square meters.

Sixth, the urbanization rate reached 50%.

Seventh, the penetration rate of home computers is 20%.

Eight is the college entrance rate 2. ......

What does the word "well-off" mean

The word "well-off" comes from the Book of Songs: "People can be well-off without working". As a well-off society model, it was systematically expounded for the first time in the Book of Rites Li Yun of the Western Han Dynasty and became an ideal social model second only to Datong. After that, a well-off society and a well-off life, as a social ideal, exudes attractive charm. Gradually entered the life language of ordinary people. "Well-off society" comes from "The Book of Songs Elegant Civil Service": "People can be well-off if they don't work", which means that the people (who have lost taxes and taken corvees) are already very tired and can almost rest. It can be seen that the "health" of "well-off" means happiness, tranquility and peace. The word "well-off" is used to describe a social state. It has become a vocabulary in sociology, culturology and political science, and was mentioned in a passage quoted from Confucius in the Book of Rites. After attending the La Worship at the end of the year, Confucius boarded the gatehouse and sighed: "Today's avenue is hidden, and the world is home ... it is a well-off society." At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Kang Youwei put forward the idea of great harmony and wrote the book of great harmony. In fact, Confucius' well-off life and Kang Youwei's thought of great harmony only talk about social order, not economic life, which can only be regarded as the economic ideal of well-off life. China's goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way is comprehensive and specific in all walks of life. For example, the standard to measure a well-off society is based on the consumption structure, that is, the proportion of food expenditure in consumption expenditure does not exceed 50%; There is also a reference standard based on per capita GDP (gross national product), that is, per capita GDP exceeds 800 US dollars. So what is a well-off society for scholars? Writer Luo Weiyang said: "The well-off standard of a scholar is that you don't have to worry about money when buying books, room when collecting books, exams when studying, and sales when publishing books." The word "well-off" comes from "The Book of Songs, Poetry, Elegance, Expelling People and Hurting Money", in which there is a saying that people can be well-off without working. At this time, well-off health means stability, which is the earliest meaning of well-off. Through the development of Confucianism in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Confucian ideal society is a well-off society. A well-off society at this time refers to a social situation in which politics is relatively clear and people's lives are relatively rich and comfortable. It should be said that it is a very important thought in Confucianism for thousands of years. This idea was later further extended to the people, and its meaning changed slightly. In people's understanding of well-off society, life is relatively comfortable. In our current words, eating enough and wearing warm clothes can further stabilize and lead a rich life. What we are talking about now is a well-off society. A goal of our country's economic and social development put forward by comrades can also be said to be a standard, so people call it a well-off level when they use it. Comrade said at the beginning that the well-off level is 800 to 1000 dollars per capita. Later, when we rushed to the goal of a well-off society, people's understanding of a well-off society was further expanded, and it became a standard for all-round social and economic development. According to the requirements of such an index system, by the year 2000, China will reach a well-off level as a whole, and its per capita GDP will reach 2000. After the total value of about 850 dollars reached this level, we entered the third stage, so after entering the third stage, we put forward a new goal, which is to build a well-off society in an all-round way. The concept of a well-off society was first put forward at this time, or it was first put forward at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee in 2000 when we studied and formulated the Tenth Five-Year Plan and the 20 10 development plan. After the century, China has entered a new development stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating socialist modernization. This is the first time. The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China regards building a well-off society in an all-round way as the goal of China's economic development in the new century. This well-off is not the same as the well-off level mentioned above. This well-off society refers to a special stage of social and historical development, which is the modern social economy of China. A special stage of economic development, which refers to people who basically realized modernization from China to the middle of 2 1 century. ......

What does a well-off life mean?

Is to eat and wear, although it is not good to eat and wear, but it is not hungry, and it is no longer the time to eat and wear!

What does a well-off family mean?

It's funny, how can a well-off family have a unified standard? The Party Central Committee has not put forward the standard of building a well-off society in an all-round way:)

It is easier for individuals to understand the stage of food and clothing. The middle-income class means that they have a house and a car, enough money to invest, and leisure to watch several performances and travel abroad once a year. In the middle is a well-off society.

What does a well-off society mean?

According to the strategic plan of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China will gradually realize its modernization goal in three stages: 20 10, 2020 and 2050 after entering a well-off society on the whole at the end of last century. This actually puts forward a new "three-step" development strategy.

The "Three Steps" Strategy of Modernization and the Proposition of a Well-off Society

Well-off society was first put forward by *** 1979 when meeting with then Japanese Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira. "The so-called well-off society means that although it is not rich, it is better." In order to plan the blueprint of China's modernization development, * * * envisioned the famous "three-step" strategy of modernization development, namely: the first step, from 198 1 to 1990, the gross national product doubled to achieve food and clothing; The second step, from 199 1 to the end of the 20th century, double it again to achieve a well-off society; The third step is to quadruple the gross national product by the middle of the 20th century, reaching the level of moderately developed countries. In 2000, we have successfully achieved the first and second steps of the "three-step" strategy. The people of the whole country have reached a well-off level, and the per capita GDP has reached 848 US dollars, realizing a historic leap from adequate food and clothing to a well-off society. This is a milestone in the development history of the Chinese nation. The next step will be to build a well-off society in an all-round way, that is, the third step of the modernization development strategy, reaching the level of moderately developed countries.

The new historical starting point is the further development of the three-step strategy.

Under the historical conditions at that time, the "three-step" strategy designed by * * * only gave the general idea of the third step. Now, when the first two goals are realized, it is a historical necessity and realistic requirement to further concretize the third goal and step and make a new strategic plan.

Comrade * * * pointed out at the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: By 2 1 century, our goal is to double the gross national product in the first decade compared with 2000, so that people can live a better life and form a relatively perfect socialist market economic system; After ten years of hard work, by the centenary of the founding of the party, the national economy will further develop and various systems will be more perfect; By the centenary of the founding of People's Republic of China (PRC) in the middle of this century, we will basically realize modernization and build a prosperous, strong, democratic and civilized socialist country. * * * The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China reiterated: "In accordance with the development goals set by the 15th National Congress, that is, the centenary of the founding of the Party and the centenary of the founding of New China in 20 10, we should concentrate our efforts on building a well-off society at a higher level that will benefit more than one billion people, thus making the economy more developed, democracy more sound, science and education more advanced, culture more prosperous, society more harmonious and people's lives more affluent. After this stage of construction, we will continue to struggle for decades, basically realize modernization by the middle of this century, and build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic and civilized socialist country. "

This actually puts forward a new "three-step" development strategy. According to this strategic plan, after entering a well-off society at the end of last century, we will gradually realize the goal of modernization in three stages: 20 10, 2020 and 2050. 20 10 years ago is the first step. The main goals of national economic and social development in 20 10 are: the gross national product will be doubled compared with 2000, the people will live a well-off life more comfortably, and a relatively perfect socialist market economic system will be formed; 20 10 to 2020 is the second step. According to the plan of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the gross domestic product will be quadrupled by 2020 compared with 2000. From 2020 to 2050, it is the third step, and through 30 years of struggle, modernization will be basically realized.

The strategy of "new three steps" is more important in the history of the development of the Chinese nation.

The new three-step strategy is the further development of the "three-step" strategy put forward by * * * at a new historical starting point. This is very necessary for comprehensively inheriting and completing the "three-step" strategy of modernization and comprehensively planning the development blueprint of the party and the country in the next 50 years; It is also very conducive to fully implementing the requirements of the "Theory of Three Represents", rallying the strength of the people of the whole country, marching towards the goal of a prosperous, strong, democratic and civilized socialist modern country, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; It is the direction and banner that leads the whole party and the people of the whole country to work hard in the new century. Comparatively speaking, the "new three-step" strategy will have more important significance in the history of the development of the Chinese nation. The strategy of "New Three Steps" is the effort and pursuit of China people to accelerate modernization in an all-round way in the new historical stage and the background of the times. When this stage is completed, China society will take on a new look, not only realizing a well-off society in an all-round way, but also entering a modern society in an all-round way. ......