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Unscramble the complete txt works of eight-character fortune telling.

A batch of eight-character fortune-telling interpretations. The attachments of txt novels have been uploaded to Baidu's network disk. Click to download them for free:

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The origin, development and maturity of the first batch of eight-character fortune telling

In ancient times, due to the underdevelopment of human productivity, people could not explain mysterious natural phenomena and their poverty and longevity at the level of understanding, so there was the idea that God ruled everything in the world and everything on earth. In the words of the Book of Changes, it is called "the road changes, and each life is right", which was later praised by Confucius and Old Master Q, the founders of Confucianism. They were extremely convinced of their own destiny.

The origin of China's fortune-telling began in the Han Dynasty, which was mainly found in White Tiger Yi Tong and Wang Chong's Lun Heng. In the Tang Dynasty, it developed rapidly, and basically decided to use heavenly stems and earthly branches, a person's date of birth, to infer the good or bad of life. After further development and perfection, Xu Ziping, a native of the Five Dynasties and the Early Song Dynasty, was based on the date of birth.

The so-called "four pillars" means that heavenly stems and earthly branches in the year of birth is one pillar, heavenly stems and earthly branches in the month is the second pillar, heavenly stems and earthly branches in the date is the third pillar, and heavenly stems and earthly branches in the hour is the fourth pillar. Each pillar is supported by a word, a total of eight words. Then, according to the calculation of Yin and Yang and the five elements contained in the eight characters, we can infer the general situation of a person's life fate. Although the eight characters in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties have been continuously improved and developed, the basic theory in the early Song Dynasty has not changed.

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