Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What will happen to a person with a heavy Buddhist fate in his life?

What will happen to a person with a heavy Buddhist fate in his life?

Question 1: Why do people with heavy Buddhist karma have a rough life?

Question 2: Three Treasures of Buddha's Fate How can a person with a heavy Buddha's fate live a stable life, because he has Buddha in his heart and goodness in his heart.

Question 3: Why are people with heavy Buddhist karma not suitable for love? Buddhist karma 20 points is a kind of practice.

Question 4: What is the importance of Buddhism? Why do some people refuse to celebrate their birthdays and then unconsciously run away from your fingers? At this time, if you smell it carefully with your hands, a wisp of fragrance will be caught by your nose, mixed with the smell of wild flowers. Pay close attention, if you are lucky, you will find that a mountain flower is still fresh and still blooming with wet stamens. In this godsend journey, the dust on jade has already been washed away, and it should be as holy and simple as Furong.

Through the clear stream, you can easily see the pebbles embedded in the river bank, round and shining. This unparalleled technology is perfect. Take it in your hand and feel it carefully. There is some coolness that seeps into your palm and slowly tightens your palm. It is indescribable smooth, because it skillfully fits your hand, leaving no gaps and dense tolerance, so that your hand and stone are integrated, and you can't feel its existence, just like clenching your fist. Inadvertently relaxed, pebbles disappeared in an instant. Poof, it fell into the stream, splashing and falling into the water with a fallen flower. The delicate sand was stirred up, suspended in the water, and hung red in it, then gradually subsided and the water surface returned to calm. But this flower stayed here, and she was lucky. The days of drifting with the flow were over, and it was still a good shelter.

The breeze brushed the dripping hand of the stream, and suddenly I felt infinite comfort, long-lost beauty, listening to the trickle of running water and the trembling of the maple forest. Isn't this the sound of nature? I don't know where the stream comes from, and this addictive music is playing endlessly.

On the other side of the stream is a dense forest. Several rotten trunks are full of fungi and full of vitality. Grey tits are eating at will. This may be rebirth. Obviously, squirrels are everywhere, and the fruits under the pine cones are sparsely left there. As long as I heard a little noise, a pine nut was taken out, and the action was very agile, followed by silence. Looking intently, it turned out that the squirrel was looking at himself and his steps had just moved. His figure is already on a branch a few feet high.

The afterglow of the sun faded away, so I said goodbye for the time being.

The moon is accompanied by cold.

Whenever the moon sets in the west, I always want to say to it: go to bed early. You and I spent a long night. With your waiting, it is obvious that I will no longer be lonely. Soft moon waves flow in the fog. You often create a quiet atmosphere for me, hoping that I can sleep peacefully, but the result is "the moon is swaying lightly, and I don't feel the sky is far away." Your silence always makes me wonder, don't you also have the wound of "unrequited love, hard to open your lips and teeth" The sky is boundless, the frost is left alone, the water is flowing and the rhyme is moving. The thin clouds are still there, and the wind touches your heartstrings, and there is a bleak whisper. What you expect is your bosom friend, you don't need to say it in a thousand words. The light in one corner is enough. Even if you weep your sleeves sadly, you will be like a bean, because "he" is enjoying the same feeling.

The secret pain of the soul has long been unknown. Under the gentle comfort of the years, it has not faded, but it has been hooked. It's hard to break up and forget. Rivers and rivers are shallow, with many differences and full of water.

Sometimes, I am really tired and think I can have a rest, but my wish is dashed in reality. Night after night.

Stupidity is not the ridicule of others, but my own lament. So is the moon, and so am I. At dawn, he gradually disappeared. On the moon, willows sprouted and vowed to stay. Shadows drift away, only sigh and never look back.

Month, still waiting.

It's clear autumn, I feel it, and your heartstrings are chaotic again, so it's hard to calm down. Looking at the frost on the temple of the moon, I suspected that it was hidden in the jade floc, but I was silent, and the night was still early.

Accompany you, accompany you, you don't say, I understand. No matter how long the night is.

The sad person is alone in the dark, and the lonely lamp is crying in the cold room, but if you ask how sad you are, you will know that the night is short and long.

Juan Lian Xin Yu

Midnight breeze, the shutter door is moving, the moon is dancing, and the window sash is lightly covered. All is silent, only the candlelight is dancing, the tea in the cup is cold, and the faint fragrance of tea still lingers at the mouth of the cup. I took a sip of my thin lips and felt bitter, but I couldn't help swallowing it, but it turned into a sweet stream in my throat. It's another full moon in the sky. Yin Hui is everywhere, and the cold dew among the leaves is crystal clear. You have been here all night, and when the dew slowly flows through the leaves, you will carefully collect it drop by drop. I don't understand, ask, you laugh, Mid-Autumn Festival essence is ready to make tea.

Water drops converge, jade beads hang, suddenly fall and fall apart. The wind blew the green leaves, and the dew rained down, flying over one after another, wetting the cotton felt and infiltrating the blue. The dew that can't be picked is like the tears that can't be wiped away, not for the full moon, but for parting with you. When people are gone, the fragrance is still there; The tea is cold, but the feeling remains the same; Lonely in front of the candle, I still miss you; The bronze mirror has no capacity, and the eyebrows are still frowning; Harp, still elegant; Between cases, the beautiful image remains unchanged.

My heart is like a lilac in the rain ... >>

Question 5: Does having Buddha's fate mean dying alone? So tragic? It is unique to have Buddha's karma. You think it's a tragedy, but your understanding is not enough. This is not Buddhist karma.

Question 6: What exactly does it mean to attach importance to Buddha's edge by wisdom? There is wisdom root and emphasis on Buddhism, which is embodied in: being kind and helpful, being filial to teachers, learning Buddhism and reciting Buddhism. . .

Question 7: There are no idioms about Buddha's life in the idiom dictionary. The closest thing is:

Six parts in the wheel of karma

Pinyin: lidào lún Huí short spelling: ldlh

Explanation: In Buddhism, there are six ways: Heaven, Humanity, Asura, Beast, Hungry Ghost and Hell. Refers to the six places where all beings are reincarnated, that is, in these six ways, life and death are reincarnated.

Source: Tang? Zhang's Monument to longxing temple in the Tang Dynasty says, "The sage has the ability to see the reincarnation of six interests, which is pure for the ignorant, so it is determined by strength."

Incense and lamps are for Buddhism, so Buddhism is used to compare each other's will.

Pinyin: xi ā ng hu ǒ y and n yuá n short spelling: xhyy.

Explanation: incense and lanterns are both used for offering Buddha, so Buddhism calls each other's wishes "incense industry". "Northern history? "Rufa River Biography": "Fahe is a Buddha, and he does not want to release Brahma's seat. How can he rule the throne? "However, there is a cause of incense with the Lord in the Buddha Hall of the King Kong, and the Lord should report it, so help the ear."

bilateral agreement

Pinyin: xi ā ng hu ǒ y and n yuá n short spelling: xhyy.

Description: incense: incense and lamps lit when offering sacrifices to Buddha. Incense and lamps are for Buddhism, so Buddhism calls each other's will "incense industry". It means that both parties agree.

Question 8: If I need a concept to express my life, I don't think my life should exist. If I sum up a life, I am a person with a heavy Buddhist background. Your idea is so negative that everything can pass. You feel sad, your life is poor, and almost everything is not satisfactory. But think back carefully and put yourself in the other's shoes. In fact, good and bad are two sides at the same time. Don't give up life easily, because life is precious. It's just that there is no afterlife in this life Life is the most precious gift and gift our parents give us.

Question 9: Let's look at our birthdays. Who is the most blessed to learn Buddhism?

Like everyone else, I was born in a new society and was educated at school since childhood. Since school, teachers have taught us to believe in science, superstition and ghosts. We can't believe anything without scientific reason. The fate of the people is in our own hands, and we will create our bright future with our hardworking hands. We have no doubt about what the teacher said.

As I get older, I find that some things are not so simple. My home is in the countryside. In rural areas, children are often "scared". They are always crying, some are sleepy, some have a fever and have no spirit. However, treatment can never be cured, and taking medicine doesn't work at all, but it can be cured by the unscientific method of "recovering the soul". Why? I'm confused. There is also a phenomenon in the countryside called "bumping into passengers", which is called "soul possession" in the book. The soul of the dead is attached to the body of the living, and some accents have changed. Didn't the teacher say there were no ghosts? What is this?

Later, I began to think about people's fate. What does fate really include? As soon as I sum up, everything a person experiences from birth to death is fate. Including gender, birth family background, appearance, body shape, study, work, wealth and official luck, health diseases, marriage, children, disasters, life expectancy and so on. The book says that one's fate is in one's own hands. Let me think about it. How many of these projects can be mastered by people themselves? Even if you can't master one thing, you can't say that your destiny is in your own hands. First of all, can people choose their birth family background? Do people have the right to choose their parents? If people can master this matter, won't everyone be born in a rich family? Who doesn't want to be born rich? Can you master a person's appearance and figure by yourself? If so, wouldn't everyone be tall, handsome and beautiful, and there wouldn't be short and ugly? Some people may say that it is time for plastic surgery. If you can master it well and make yourself born with a beautiful face, why do you need plastic surgery? Can plastic surgery be regarded as the master of fate? Except marriage, can people master it? Everyone is willing to find a handsome and beautiful woman to be their other half. How many people can do it? Everyone wants to have a happy marriage. Why so many divorces now? Some people quarrel and are ambiguous every day even if they never leave. If people can really control their own destiny, then no one will have an accident, no one will get sick and no one will die. Finally, let's focus on work and finance. If people can master this matter, everyone can become a boss or a big official. Even those who succeed in starting a business through their own efforts are in control of their own destiny? For example, after hard work, a person finally succeeded in starting a business at the age of 35 and became a boss with millions of assets. Doesn't he want to succeed early? Does he just want to make 1 million, not 10 million? Some people say that he is so capable, so can he master this "ability" and "skill" himself? Who doesn't want to have the ability to get ahead? Can "opportunity" people grasp it by themselves? Can "opportunity" appear at any time? Therefore, people's fate is not in their own hands, but is doomed by "heaven". We have eight-character fortune-telling in China, and the accuracy is not low. But on what basis does God arrange different constellations and destinies for each of us? Is it random? Wouldn't it be unfair if it were random?

Why is there "I" in the world? The "I" here refers to each of us, not just me. How did we get here? Why was I born here instead of there? Why were you born in this parent's home instead of other parents'? Why do you get one body like this and not another? Why were you born in modern times instead of ancient times and the future? Where will we go after we die? I believe that when you were young, I am afraid that you will have such questions in your mind.

With these questions, I began to look for answers in the field of religion. All major religions believe that man lives by combining spirit and flesh. If only the body has no spirit, people will die. This "spirit" is the "soul" that people often say. In Buddhism, it is not called soul, but called "knowledge of gods", which is actually the same thing. Does that man have "divine knowledge" after all? Those who have had a "near-death experience" have the most say. "Near-death experience" is a person who comes back from the dead. Medically, it is called suspended animation. Almost all have hallucinations, like dreams, seeing different mirror images, and some see their own bodies on the side. British scientist Sam Penny did an experiment. He hung a plate on the ceiling above the hospital bed and put something on it. The patient can't see what's on the plate below. He interviewed those who died again ... >>

Question 10: what is the fate of 32 buddhas in life? The so-called Buddhist karma means that you are convinced of Buddhism and can follow its teachings. Buddhism and Taoism are the same, there are no 32 Buddhism.