Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Are there still Yin and Yang teachers in Japan? What is their life like?

Are there still Yin and Yang teachers in Japan? What is their life like?

Yes, but Japanese teachers of Yin and Yang have always followed their habits when they were born and will not appear in public, so they are rarely seen every day. In ancient Japan, Japanese teachers of Yin and Yang were the secret organs of Japan, and their Yin and Yang Taoism was the advanced Daoism of the astronomical calendar at that time, which was very cherished, but it is somewhat unreasonable now, after all, it is now based on science and technology.

Yin-Yang Road originated from China's Yin-Yang and Five Elements. Its development in Japan is as follows:

Nara period

During Nara's reign, the Emperor decided to use Yin and Yang as one of the means to rule the people, and brought relevant technologies and talents into the state management, and closely monitored its development. Ordinary people are not allowed to have books that specifically record Yin and Yang, such as River Map, Luoshu and Taiyi. Yin and Yang Dao became the exclusive tool of the country. Yin and Yang teachers began to appear as state-owned professional and technical personnel. Throughout the Heian period, they reached the peak of development.

Fourteen calm days before and after the winter solstice

In peacetime, Japan and China have very close ties. Confucianism is highly respected in Japan, while Buddhism is developed. Japan developed its own national culture after abolishing envoys in 89 1 Tang Dynasty. This is an era when people's wisdom has not been fully developed. Several adults still believe in evil spirits. In such an era, people, ghosts and monsters all hold their breath and live in the darkness of the capital, even under the same roof.

Kamakura era

In the Kamakura era, with the rapid rise of military power and the decline of imperial power, many Yin and Yang teachers who originally served the imperial nobles began to flow into the people, and soon combined with other religions, forming a new public view of Yin and Yang. This kind? Common ways of yin and yang? Until today, some Japanese folk customs still retain some ancient rituals or customs of Yin and Yang.

Warring States period

During the Warring States Period in Japan, imperial power declined, the samurai class ruled the world, and the division of Yin and Yang gradually disappeared from the historical stage. However, the predecessor of most famous military advisers is still the division of Yin and Yang. The great men in the Warring States are very particular about divination, and the fan in the hands of military commanders is a kind of spell. The two sides of the military fan are painted with a day and a month respectively. If a fierce day must be played, then the moon surface of military fans will be displayed on the surface of the earth during the day, and the day and night will be reversed, thus turning the fierce day into a good day. Although the rank of Yin-Yang division is not high, it is mostly relied on by powerful ministers and nobles, and its status is much higher than that of ordinary officials and warriors.

Edo era

When Tokugawa Ieyasu opened the Edo shogunate, the Five Elements thought reappeared. At this time, Yin and Yang Road approached the political center again. The Tsuzuka family, the direct descendant of Abe family, prospered again, while the Hemao family, whose heirs were cut off, prospered again together with the tribute Takada family. However, the competition between them is becoming more and more fierce. By the middle of the Edo period, Tuyumen Shinto finally defeated the Qinjing family and took control of all Japanese Yin and Yang divisions.

Meiji era

After the Meiji Restoration, due to political needs, Yin-Yang Road was called? Yin temple? And was abolished by the Meiji government. Some of its contents were left behind in the name of folk beliefs. Shinto officially broke away from Yin and Yang Taoism.