Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Who plays shadowhunters Wang Zi?

Who plays shadowhunters Wang Zi?

The cast of Wang Zi, the actor of Chasing the Shadow, has not been named.

Hunting Shadows and Chasing Murders is an action film produced by the Golden Shield Film and Television Cultural Center of the Ministry of Public Security, Beijing Oriental Yu Hui Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Mo You Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Beijing Yue Ling Qianzhou Media Co., Ltd., directed by Li Yunpeng and starring Chen Chudong, Liu Chang, Xin Zuoyu, Dang Wei and Xue Cun. It was released on February 8, 2020.

The film tells a tragedy that happened in a remote village. Wang Dazhong, the captain of the criminal investigation team, and others conducted an in-depth investigation, and the case fell into a mystery. Misguided clues and the shadow of repeated escapes make the case more complicated.

Even so, the police found a burnt cigarette end and an amulet that didn't burn completely in the kitchen stove of the room. Due to the extreme lack of clues to solve the case and no witnesses, it has brought great trouble to the police in charge of the case.

However, just as they were about to contact Bai Yifeng, the male host who worked outside, they learned from the villagers that Bai Yifeng's daughter was not his own daughter, and he didn't even know about it. When trying to contact Bai Yifeng, the police also found that Bai Yifeng was fired by the company as early as a month ago for fighting with his colleagues. ?

But he didn't go home immediately afterwards, which not only puzzled the police. Maybe this Bai Yifeng happened to know his daughter's life story, and driven by jealousy, he quietly went home and killed their mother and daughter. That night, the police prepared to return to the crime scene for investigation again, just to be on the safe side.

As a result, when I got to the place, I saw a furtive figure standing in their yard. The policeman shouted, and the man started running as soon as he heard the sound. The cry of the police alarmed the nearby residents, and a group of people immediately laid siege to the escaped suspect, but the suspect was very familiar with the nearby terrain. Even if he was chased by a dozen people, he ran away. ?

But in the place where the idle people fled, the police found a piece of glass with some blood on it, which was obviously left by the other party's careless scratch on the way to escape. Subsequently, the police returned to the crime scene and found that the electric fan in the room had been touched. The police immediately brought the electric fan back to the station for investigation, and sure enough, a fingerprint was found at the base. ?

At the same time, another group of police officers who were in charge of tracking Bai Yifeng successfully located Bai Yifeng's position according to the clues provided by his colleagues. The police tracked all the way to Yanzhou and finally found Bai Yifeng on a bus. As soon as Bai Yifeng got off the bus, he found the policeman who was following him and watched the crisis.

He grabbed a passing woman and tried to escape by taking hostages, but before he realized it, he was pushed to the ground by a policeman. In the face of police questioning, Bai Yifeng firmly denied that he had killed his wife and daughter. He escaped only because he committed a crime in another city not long ago, and then the police took Bai Yifeng back to the police station. However, the fingerprints and blood left at the scene did not match Bai Yifeng's. ?

At this time, the police in charge of the investigation in the village provided an important clue. Seeing that all the women in the village were wearing the same amulet, he went to the local fortune teller Lao Han to understand the situation. As a result, during the conversation, he accidentally found that the cigarettes smoked by Lao Han were actually the same brand as the cigarette butts left at the scene.

After learning the news, the police immediately rushed to Lao Han's house, but Lao Han seemed to realize something and dared to escape before the police dispatched. Just when the police were worried, what everyone didn't expect was that the police found a new body not far from Lao Han's home. The victim is a primary school teacher in the village. Like Bai Yifeng's wife and daughter, she was hacked to death and raped.

Most importantly, the police also found the same cigarette butt at the crime scene, which was a brand smoked by Lao Han. At this point, Lao Han was suspected of committing a major crime, and the police immediately pursued it. After several days of tracking, Lao Han was caught red-handed by the police without any suspense. ?

What the police never expected was that although his fingerprints were consistent with those found on the electric fan, the blood left on the glass and the body fluids extracted from the victim were completely different from him, and Lao Han himself confessed the incident. Bai Yifeng's baby is actually his.

That day, while Bai Yifeng was away, he quietly ran to his house, forcibly committed atrocities against his wife, and robbed the money under the electric fan, leaving his fingerprints on the money. He fled because he was worried that he would force Bai Yifeng's wife to be found by the police, but during the interrogation, Lao Han reminded a very important clue. ?

Not long ago, he got help from a family. Their daughter Xiao Wang was attacked by a man while walking at night and was abused by the other side. This just wants Lao Han to help him get rid of bad luck. When the police learned the news, they immediately realized that the man who violently attacked Xiao Wang was probably the same person as the murderers of these two cases.

Thinking of this, the police immediately found Xiao Wang's home and asked her about the situation. According to Xiao Wang's description, she is a village courier. That night, when she had just delivered the parcel and was ready to go home, she was suddenly pushed to the ground by a man. The other party took her to a shed and committed atrocities. But just as he was about to kill her, a car suddenly passed by, scaring the man to run quickly, which saved Xiao Wang's life. ?

However, Xiao Wang provided an important clue. When the man was violent to her, she noticed that the other person's hand was bandaged and seemed to be hurt. The police immediately understood that the man must have cut his hand on the broken glass.

So the police immediately investigated the people in the village and soon found that Zhou Bin, the owner of the canteen, was suspected of committing a major crime. When the police followed the clues to find the canteen in Zhou Bin, the other party disappeared, leaving only his paralyzed wife at home. Zhou Bin's wife is also very afraid of what happened in the village recently. ?

However, when the police asked about her leg, they were surprised to find an extremely important clue. According to the guidance of Zhou Bin's wife, the police found a car recorder in his home, which recorded the process of a car accident. That day, he and his wife just got the amulet from Lao Han and were driving home.

But at this moment, a group of pupils suddenly rushed out of the middle of the road. Zhou Bin quickly hit the steering wheel. Xiao Wang, who didn't want to send the courier to one side, rushed over directly. Zhou Bin had to turn in the other direction and hit a roadside telephone pole. Due to the huge impact, the car was deformed and Zhou Bin's wife was seriously injured.

Looking at Zhou Bin asking for help everywhere, Bai Yifeng's passing daughter was about to call someone, but her mother, who didn't want to get into trouble, quickly took her away from the scene. In the end, Zhou Bin's wife not only lost her legs, but also had an unfortunate miscarriage. ?

It is because of this experience that Zhou Bin turned all his resentment to several people who caused the accident. If it weren't for Lao Han's mystifying, his wife wouldn't need any amulet. If the primary school teacher didn't dislike the students, she wouldn't be in a hurry to turn the steering wheel.

If the courier Wang hadn't rushed over without looking at the road, he wouldn't have hit the pole himself. If the mother and daughter were not ruined, his wife wouldn't have ended up like this. After committing the crime, he deliberately left a cigarette butt at the scene and pushed all the suspects to Lao Han. The police who learned about the incident immediately became alert. ?

Because the courier Xiao Wang is still alive this time, according to Zhou Bin's temper, it is impossible to stop there. As the police expected, Zhou Bin had touched the ward where Wang was hospitalized and was ready to kill her with a knife. At the critical moment, the police arrived at the scene in time and quickly subdued Zhou Bin. ?

Although his body suffered a lot, it can't be a reason for her to kill others. Now he has made a big mistake and there is no turning back.