Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How many years does the calendar cycle?

How many years does the calendar cycle?

Heavenly stems and earthly branches cooperates.

60-year cycle

Usually called Jiazi.

Now use the solar calendar, but ok?

Please read the following:

"Our sixty flowers are based on branches, such as Jia, Yi Chou, Bing Yin, Ding Mao ... so that the combination of heaven and earth branches can represent all the changes in the celestial bodies in the solar system and the earth; Among them, the meteorological changes are the biggest, the most significant and the easiest to see. Various changes are different, so it is matched with trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches.

This 60-year cooperation is of little use to people today, but is it good or not? You can see it later. Good. It records the movement of celestial bodies, making a big turn in 60 years, regardless of precession (that is, the so-called degree in astronomy, that is, the ancient sun and the earth walked once a day for 365 degrees and a quarter of a year; Taking 360 days as a year, there is still a surplus, and the surplus accumulates into holes and months, which is the calculation of the lunar calendar. The Gregorian calendar has 7 months of 3 1 day every year, because the numbers are the same in different ways), but the numbers of the universe are not bad for hundreds of millions of years, which is a great law. Take a look at the history of China. Every dynasty has changed, the emperor has changed, and the year number has also changed. However, the age of 60-year-old flowers is fixed and will inevitably change every 60 years. "

Reference: Excerpted from Miscellaneous Notes on the Book of Changes.


The third part is the heavenly stem and five elements.

Author: Nan

In addition to the five elements, there are also branches. There is no secret to learning divination from the Book of Changes. It is nothing more than the five elements, focusing on the five elements, not gossip. It is another system to really break things with hexagrams, so strictly speaking, the five elements and gossip are separated. But for thousands of years, everyone has been mixed up.

What is introduced now is Tiangan culture, which is also very old. We study the Book of Changes and the development history of China culture, and know that Tiangan culture is much older than the Book of Changes. Heavenly stems and earthly branches, we can find it from Oracle Bone Inscriptions now, which shows that the origin of this culture is very early. Astronomy is the earliest development of China people. When it reaches the highest level, it is represented by ten symbols. These ten symbols are named Tiangan, also known as "Tianwo". But "Tiangan" is a term used after the Han Dynasty. In fact, we should use "Tianwo" instead of "Tiangan". Heavenly dryness is the law of five elements, which means: "In this solar system, the earth and other planets interfere with each other." In modern geophysics, it is said that the radiation between the earth and various planets is mutual absorption and interaction. For example, the radiation of solar energy has a great influence on human beings on earth, especially those who study communication, electronics and space science. We in China have long known that the movement of this celestial body and the movement of the material world are represented by wood, fire, earth, gold and water, which explains the mutual development. However, with the progress of human culture, this five-element rule is not enough, so our ancestors discovered the dual functions of the five elements. In the material world, celestial bodies use ten symbols, namely, A, B, C, D, E, Kyrgyzstan, G, letter, man and ghost, and form the following patterns:

Tian gan Wu xing Pei

When you look at the pattern on the last page and match it with the orientation pattern of the first five lines, you can know the wood in the east, the fire in the south, the gold in the west, the water in the north and the Wuji soil in the middle.

Here I would like to ask, the east and wood are both a direction or a kinetic energy. Why do you use symbols a and b to represent it? There is also a rule, which is very useful in China's fortune telling. I don't approve of learning fortune telling for the sake of fortune telling. However, I found that this set of laws of China's fortune-telling contains many scientific and philosophical truths. Unfortunately, because of ancient political thoughts, he was unwilling to develop science, so he had to develop this good law in this respect. But fortunately, there are fortune-tellers in the Jianghu who can abide by this rule. On the other hand, they are really great. So some people say that fortune-telling is superstition. I asked them if they understood it, but they didn't. How terrible and arbitrary it is to charge something they don't understand with "superstition" and "deception". This set of rules has been circulated for thousands of years, and the people who really study it are first-rate smart people. Imagine that the first-rate smart people who have studied it for 4,000 years can deceive people, and they have their reasons. If you want to criticize it, you might as well study its deception first, and then say it is superstition, and then you can draw a conclusion. I haven't studied it myself, and I don't understand it. Consider it a deceptive superstition. This is the real superstition-superstition of your own arrogance. Unfortunately, no one pays attention to it now, there is no big investment, and there are not enough experimental equipment and places. Otherwise, if we do experiments, we can find that this law has many scientific reasons. Airplanes, for example, existed as early as the Warring States period, but they were unmanned aircraft without people and made of wood. During the Jin Dynasty, someone made a bird. After it is released, it will fly in the air without human control and land in the same place at a certain time. There is evidence in history. Even China's musical instruments and some vessels that are still preserved, such as copper pots dripping water, were invented and manufactured according to this rule. At that time, there were no modern scientific formulas, but at that time, science was not developed with this set of laws. Why didn't China use this set of rules for scientific development in ancient times? This also has its reasons, because the more developed the material civilization, the higher people's desire, and the higher people's desire, the more chaotic the society, which is China's humanistic thought.

Tian gan yin yang

But this set of rules comes from science, such as Dong. Why are they represented by the words A and B? And become a tree? A wood is an element representing growth, and B wood is a representative of formation. In other words, Wood A represents the physics of hair growth, and Wood B represents the substance of formation. The same is true of C and D. C stands for the element of fire and D stands for the fire formed. Promise, Geng Xin and Nonggui are all the same. Moreover, there are yin and yang in the middle, for example, Jiamu is yang wood, Yibu is yin wood, C is yang fire, Ding is yin fire, Geng is yang gold, Xin is yin gold, Ren is yang water, decyl is yin water, E is yang soil and E is yin soil. For example, in traditional Chinese medicine, in Neijing, a woman's first menstrual period came. In ancient China, it was considered impolite to tell a woman's secret directly, so people said, "A woman is fourteen years old, and her days are ten days." Why not say "Ren Tian"? Because menstruation is watery and women are yin, it is called "Tiangui". If we integrate this set of things, we can find that it is not superstition, but science, at least in ancient China, and this kind of science has remained in human culture for many years.

When it comes to Tiangui, it involves Chinese medicine. As far as the human body is concerned, there is a book called A-B Classic, which is the most popular acupuncture at present, but many people have not made it clear. The representatives of various parts of the human body in TCM are wood liver, fire heart, golden lung, water kidney and soil spleen. Now I understand the relationship between the five elements and the internal organs, so there is something wrong with the lung, and the kidney must be deficient, so people with lung disease blush, but the kidney water is insufficient and the internal heat rises. When the lung disease is quite serious, the renal pelvis is particularly large, which is kidney deficiency. Therefore, it is difficult to learn Chinese medicine. Besides paying attention to the individual functions of the five internal organs, it also pays attention to the physiological functions and pathological factors that interact with each other, that is, the principle of generating grams. On the other hand, western medicine treats headaches and foot pains. Headache is only a symptom of the disease, not the root cause. Any viscera may have headache symptoms due to the accumulation of pathogenic factors, so smart Chinese medicine pays attention to gasification. For example, people with diabetes belong to the disease of kidney water, but it must be related to heart fire, and the heart will also be affected and problems will occur. This is the reason why the five elements can produce symptoms (especially here, each "line" is related to the other four "lines", such as ". So Chinese medicine can stand up, and so can acupuncture. In the medical theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the upper patient is treated, the lower patient is treated, the left patient is treated right, the right patient is treated left, the sick at home is treated externally, and the foreign patient is treated. For example, Chinese medicine says that the liver is born on the left, while western medicine is wrong. In fact, there is nothing wrong with TCM, because TCM is not talking about material form, but gasification. Chinese medicine says that the liver is born on the left, the liver belongs to wood, the wood is in the east, and the east is on the left. This is the gasification of five elements, so it is right that the liver is born on the left. It can be seen that people must read the Huangdi Neijing and understand it before they can know how to keep in good health and how to cultivate monasteries.

12 earthly branch

The cooperation between the five elements and the heavenly stems contains many things, and then it is different from the cooperation with the earthly branches. There are twelve branches: Zi, Ugly, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai. Some people in the underground division write "ground skills", which means division of labor, but it is actually a "division" and a supporting division. The role of the earth itself, that is, the role of the moon and the earth in the solar system, and the relationship between solar terms will be introduced in detail later.

First of all, there were two major medical schools in ancient China. The way to preserve one's health is to emphasize one's stomach and one's kidney. Most of all diseases come from the stomach, but in my experience, doctors in the south attach importance to the stomach, especially the elderly, and doctors in the north attach importance to the kidney. Young people should also pay attention to the maintenance of kidneys. Young people have kidney deficiency. After middle age, all the symptoms came. The more open sex education is, the more diseases young people get. The reason is kidney deficiency, so you must take good care of yourself.

With regard to earthly branches, if we only study the academic thoughts and principles of Zhouyi, it is unnecessary to study the five elements and the main branches. In order to understand the relationship between the I Ching and the Eight Diagrams used in astronomy and geography in China for thousands of years, we must first understand the five elements. A science professor wrote to ask some questions abroad, because there was a book recently published abroad, which believed that there was a hole in the north and south poles of the earth, there was another world in the hole, there were people, and flying saucers also came from the center of the earth, and so on. These are all questions related to the Book of Changes. I wrote back and told him that it was not surprising. China people have long said that the earth is active. As for whether there are humans in the center of the earth, that is another story. Regarding the connection between the north and south poles of the earth, Taoism said this thousands of years ago, and said that all parts of the earth are connected. These words are proved by books, but all of us didn't notice them. It is also said that there is a hole behind the Huangdi Mausoleum, which can lead to Nanjing. However, there is another school in the west that says that all human beings are from outer space. This statement also existed in ancient China, and so did Taoism. It is said that the ancient Panwang also descended from the sky, and so did Buddhism. These Taoist theories can be found in the Taoist scriptures.

The above story is to show that the five elements thought is absolutely related to primitive astronomy and geophysics, and it was only used in divination and fortune telling, just because our past culture did not develop scientifically.

I have introduced Tiangan before, and now I will introduce Dizhi. As mentioned above, the earthly branches are twelve earthly branches: Zi, Ugly, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai. What is the earthly branch? From a modern point of view, it is the earth itself, which runs in the solar system and interferes with other planets. There is a kind of power supporting it invisibly, which is called the earth branch.

We know that there are ten days of dryness, which are the two poles of the five elements, that is, the changes of yin and yang of the five elements. And the branch is six, which is twelve formed by the change of yin and yang. As for the origin of these names, they have little to do with the Book of Changes, and they are another theoretical system in China's traditional culture, as mentioned earlier. As for the definition of every word in heavenly stems and earthly branches, there are many explanations, which one is completely correct, and it is difficult to draw a conclusion. For example, zi is the phenomenon of all things happening, and the fifth is the meaning of the hub. Each has its own explanation, so we won't discuss it for the time being. In addition, based on the history of China's cultural development, from the point of view of military philosophy, we can see the top ten heavenly stems of A, B, C, D, E, Ji, G, Xin, Ren and Gui, and some people interpret them as the representatives of the top ten ancient weapons, such as A is a sharp weapon on a wooden pole and B is a knife. But we can't agree on which statement is correct.

Dizhi and Zodiac

There are twelve earthly branches, representing twelve months. What exactly is the earthly branch? It is the name of the zodiac in astronomy. The so-called "palace" is part of it; The so-called "ecliptic" is the circle in which the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, which is called the ecliptic plane. This ecliptic is different every month. For example, if we look at the sky at night, each constellation comes from the East, with a total of 28 stars (China has the most advanced knowledge of ancient astronomy), and each month of these 28 nights is different on the ecliptic plane; Therefore, according to this phenomenon, it is abstractly summarized into twelve parts, which are represented by twelve words. In fact, this is an astronomical phenomenon and has become an abstract knowledge, which constitutes the position and role of fortune telling in later generations. This set of knowledge seems simple now, but if we really explore it with our heart, we can see that our ancestors' cultural wisdom and philosophy of science have developed to the highest point in ancient times; Because the scientific figures are too huge and complicated, the wisdom of ordinary people is not enough for such a genius. So I simplified it and expressed it with five elements, heavenly stems and earthly branches, so that everyone could understand it. Only when culture reaches the highest point can it become the most simplified. But its disadvantage is that future generations only know how to use it, but they don't know why.

This abstract noun actually contains something and a lot of knowledge; It's a pity that our descendants only use it for fortune telling.

Sixty Flowers and Historical Textual Research

Our sixty flowers are based on branches, such as Jia Zi, Yi Chou, Bing Yin and Ding Mao. In this way, when the branches of the earth coincide, it can represent the celestial bodies in the solar system and the earth to produce various changes; Among them, the meteorological changes are the biggest, the most significant and the easiest to see. Various changes are different, so it is matched with trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches, trunk branches and trunk branches.

This 60-year cooperation is of little use to people today, but is it good or not? You can see it later. Good. It records the movement of celestial bodies, making a big turn in 60 years, regardless of precession (that is, the so-called degree in astronomy, that is, the ancient sun and the earth walked once a day for 365 degrees and a quarter of a year; Taking 360 days as a year, there is still a surplus, and the surplus accumulates into holes and months, which is the calculation of the lunar calendar. The Gregorian calendar has 7 months of 3 1 day every year, because the numbers are the same in different ways), but the numbers of the universe are not bad for hundreds of millions of years, which is a great law. Take a look at the history of China. Every dynasty has changed, the emperor has changed, and the year number has also changed. However, the age of 60-year-old flowers is fixed and will inevitably change every 60 years.

If this rule is extended, it will have more uses. For example, when Tang Yao ascended the throne, that is, the day when he became emperor, it was Chen Jianian. Later, Shao Kangjie's algorithm and general algorithm are based on this branch, which is well documented in history; When Yao was in power, there was a phenomenon of five stars linked with pearls, that is, gold, wood, fire, water and earth lined up in the sky, which had a certain astronomical phenomenon. At that time, the first 60 years were named Shangyuan Jiazi, the second 60 years were Zhongyuan Jiazi, the third 60 years were Xia Yuanjiazi, and the first * * was 180 years; Then expand, the first 180 year in Shangyuan, the second 180 year in Zhongyuan and the third 180 year in Xia Yuan, like a series of sets, neat and tight; Through the evolution of Jiazi law and Yijing, we can know how historical, social and cultural phenomena have changed over the years. Coupled with China's astronomy, it is a wonderful law discovered by China people. Calculating what words should come out can also be said to be the "harmony between man and nature" in Confucianism. According to the Book of Changes, this is bound to change, and things in the universe are bound to change at some point. As for what phenomenon? Understand this big law, and then from the hexagrams, we can know what will become a phenomenon. However, most people who know don't say it because they are afraid of revealing secrets; The ancients said, "It is unlucky to see a few fish clearly in the water, because the eyes are too strong.". Such people will suffer from cataracts even if they don't live long, because they use their eyes too much; You can't use too much wisdom. It's unlucky to be a prophet. Really high self-cultivation, foresight in everything, becoming ignorant, extremely intelligent and confused. This is something that a few cultured people can do, but ordinary people can't.

Now look at the earthly branches and arrange them in a circle:

Why is it painted round? Because the earth and celestial bodies are round.

12 Chinese zodiac signs

As for the zodiac signs of the twelve earthly branches, they are rat, ugly cow, silver tiger, hairy rabbit, Chen Long, snake, afternoon horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog and porcupine. According to my research, this set of zodiac signs was handed down from India in the Han Dynasty. At that time, the Twelve Indian Branches were not exactly the same as ours. They were all expressed by cultural abstract symbols and animals, and later became the interpretation of China culture. The child is a five-clawed mouse, and the odd number is yang; Ugliness belongs to cattle, because the cow's two hooves are yin, yin belongs to the tiger, and because the tiger has five claws, the hair belongs to the rabbit, because the rabbit has two lips and so on. It is said that it is so ordered, but "everything has a reason, and there is no evidence." According to the Book of Ancient and Modern Books, the concept of "Twenty-eight nights are divided into the sky, and twelve years are the beginning of the zodiac" is inferred from the bronze wares of the Western Han Dynasty and the astrology of the Han Tomb unearthed in recent years, which is very likely.

Earthly branches and numerology

This set of great rules has evolved into elementary school questions, which are used for fortune telling, fortune telling, divination, and even for the investigation and judgment of murder cases. There is this knowledge in the Record of Unfair Remembrance. There is a six-red branch on the ground. From the front circle, we can see that the opposite ones are all rushing, such as zi and Wu, ugliness and no, yin and god, Mao and unitary, Chen and Xu, and division and sea. It is not necessarily bad to rush, and some have to rush. It is relatively blunt, which is also the reason why the Book of Changes is wrong. In fact, the so-called rush is to come to the angle of the sun on the ecliptic for 28 nights, which is called rush; Contrary to the direction of the sun, this is called harmony. From the point of view of the circle, equality of status means harmony (such as harmony between children and ugliness, harmony between Yin and Hai, harmony between Mao and Xu, harmony between Chen and Xi, harmony between Chen and Shen, and the afternoon is a day, not June). Among the twelve branches, there are two or three combinations, and so on). We also have an idea here. Twenty-eight nights in the position of the zodiac, against the sun. Catch up is not an ugly word, but an obstacle.

Heavenly stems and earthly branches is a picture, the so-called Najia.

That one and Yi Shu.

In this way, Chen, Xu, Ugly and Unfinished Earthly Branches are all empty. The location of Tiangan is: East, South Fire, West Gold, North Water, and Central Wuji Soil, which coincides with the earthly branches and is named Najia. That is, the five elements, eight diagrams and heavenly stems and earthly branches are combined.

From the front circle to the eight diagrams, we adopt the position of congenital Fuxi Eight Diagrams, with Gannajia, Kunnayi, Gennabing, Dunding, Wuji, Zhennageng, Xunnaxin, Linnaren and Kannagui in the middle.

Now looking at the twelve months of a year, six yin and six yang-the table of twelve hexagrams, represent the great role of meteorological changes in a year. It is another different formula to apply Najia to this aspect, so we should remember several different formulas when learning the image numbers in the Book of Changes. Before understanding these formulas, we must first understand the yin and yang of numbers. Numbers are divided into yin number and yang number, which are also double-meaning and single-meaning, such as the grotesque characters of Taoism. Where one, three, five, seven and nine are positive numbers; Even numbers such as two, four, six, eight and ten are all negative numbers, also called even numbers. The highest number of young people is nine. We read Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Benevolence and Righteousness" and "To Li Yangjiu", which means that we have reached a dead end and our luck has reached its peak. Because nine is the anode, the anode has reached a dead end. And "ten" has reached one of another yuan, which will always be a "one" according to the mathematical words of the Book of Changes. One plus one equals two, and the odd number reaches the extreme of nine. Therefore, in the Book of Changes, nine is the representative, for example, six hexagrams are all yang hexagrams, so they are called nine days, two days, three days, four days, five days and nine days. The number of yin is reversed, ten, eight, six, four and two, which means that yin and yang are reversed. The five even numbers of the yin number have a "six" in the middle, and the yin takes it. Because the number of Yin is even and relative, and the middle number is the key, Yin is represented by "six". For example, the six hexagrams of Kun Gua are called six days, two days, three days, four days, five days and six days. As I said before, gossip is drawn from the bottom up. If someone uses the method of "six" and "nine" to represent yin and yang, and casually reports the number of six hexagrams, such as the ninth day, the second day, the third day, the fourth day, the sixth day and the ninth day, they can draw hexagrams.

It can be seen from this truth that I really understand the Book of Changes, as long as I break my fingers. It's easier to learn computer if you know Yijing mathematics. This statement is correct, which also proves that the Yijing mathematics invented by our ancestors in ancient times is even better than the computer mathematics now. The truth of the universe is that it is simple to increase and decrease; Like Libra, one is high and the other is low, so only addition and subtraction, including multiplication and division, also includes all mathematics; That's nothing. When people's wisdom develops to the highest level, it will also be the most simplified. Only these ten numbers are used to summarize the laws of the universe. As long as we add one and subtract one, we will understand. Therefore, the philosophy of mathematics and physics in the Book of Changes is neither the foundation nor the beginning, but the clearest summary of this simplification. Therefore, after truly understanding the Book of Changes, all the highest and deepest mathematics will be simplified. Numerically, there are only one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. If we speculate, the matter and physics between heaven and earth are in our hands. People who have learned the Book of Changes are just like the cows boasted by Taoism: "The universe is in hand, and everything is made by the heart." So this is the crystallization of our culture.

People who see fish in deep water are unlucky.

I once talked about the function of divination, because I have to know all the strange things. I haven't played since I got to know them. You can play with these things, but you should be principled and not superstitious. The so-called non-superstition means not to pin all your wisdom on it. If you put all your wisdom on it, you can't do it. It is not allowed to learn from you occasionally, but don't affect your psychology. Sometimes it's clever, and so is the religious concept. Secondly, it is necessary to make it clear that "those who are good and easy do not anticipate." After a person really knows the Book of Changes, it will not be considered divination. When something moves, it will know its laws, so there is nothing to calculate. He should know success or failure in his heart. Another concept, even if it can be "unpredictable", is not good. "Seeing fish in the garden is ominous", so is being a man. Don't be too clever, especially as a leader. Sometimes, you have to be careless about the following little things, turn a blind eye and let yourself suffer. If he scolds me, he scolds me. We must make it clear that "it is unlucky to see fish in the depths". Even the fish at the bottom of the abyss and the fish in the muddy water in the river can clearly see how many fish are moving. Don't think you are smart, in fact, it is unlucky, and you may die young because of excessive mental work. These principles must be well grasped and made people comfortable.

Jiao Jing and Guo Pu

Now speaking of divination, divination is the main way in the tradition of the Book of Changes in China. The Book of Changes was used for divination in ancient times, and it was not until Confucius used the Book of Changes for humanities and culture. The gossip painted in the Book of Changes was originally used for divination, of course. Why do humans do divination? It is not only China that has divination, but all nationalities in the world have divination. Of course, different nationalities use different methods, but they are not as clever as China. This involves a philosophical issue, that is, human wisdom. There are many things that people in the past, present and future can't know. For example, how about tomorrow? How will I be tomorrow? The answers to these questions are not certain, and even the next second can't be predicted, but people need to know, so divination came into being. After China had divination in the Book of Changes, several schools of thought have emerged for thousands of years, I can tell you. The ancients studied the Book of Changes, and most of them were trapped by the Book of Changes. I don't know that the Book of Changes has no certain rules. Some people have created their own laws after understanding the Book of Changes, such as the famous Jing Doctrine in the Han Dynasty. Jing Jiaoyi is the name of two people, Jing refers to, Jiao refers to Jiao Yanshou, that is, Jiao Gan. It's his student. His name is Gan Xie, also known as Yi. Among them, 8864 hexagrams and evolution hexagrams have explanations, and none of the hexagrams used need the Book of Changes. He created another set of his own. He studied the Book of Changes, and after the rules were passed, they did not necessarily follow the original things, which was equivalent to the signing of poems by various temples. The poems signed by the emperor, Guanyin and Jidian monks are different. Therefore, Jiao Gan's interpretation of the Book of Changes and the Book of Changes is different from that of the Book of Changes, which can be said to be a revolution. Because he knows that his wisdom is enough, he can produce a set of divination. Jiao Gan passed Yi to. When Jing Fang was in the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was right. The emperor asked him everything, but Jiao Gan said that Jing Fang had learned Yi, but he would die of Yi in the future. As a result, Jing Fang was beheaded and died.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty, people began to look at geographical geomantic omen and talk about the so-called art of integrity, starting from Guo Pu in the Jin Dynasty. He also knows the Book of Changes and everything before. Wang Dun, a general of the Jin Dynasty, wanted to rebel and usurp the throne. Afraid of Guo Pu's disapproval, he called Guo Pu, suggesting that Guo Pu didn't agree at all. Wang Dun immediately turned against him and asked shanhaijing summarized if he could know his fate. Guo Pu said, I knew you were going to kill me at this time today. Of course he was killed as he expected. He knew that he could not escape from this difficulty. Of course, he can also escape skillfully. Here, people who learn the Book of Changes may not escape when they know the evil things. The so-called "number can't escape." In fact, quantity is inevitable. Scholars in China have cultivated a sense of loyalty and patriotism. If you do something rebellious, I would rather die than run away.

Money divination

In Shao Kangjie in the Song Dynasty, according to the Book of Changes, another set of rules with different interpretations came into being. After the Ming Dynasty, the number of Taiyi was different. Generally speaking, the development history of the Book of Changes seems unchanged for thousands of years, but in fact, many places have changed. The method of divination with three copper coins was handed down from Jiao Jingyi's system, but this method has been changed and expanded in past dynasties, because of the evolution of society, people have become more and more complicated. For example, the original five elements of wood, fire, earth, gold and water are not enough to represent more complicated personnel. For example, if I have a gold ring in my hand, I can infer that it is gold by using the five elements. If I hold a modern lighter, it's complicated and can't be represented by the five elements alone. So we expanded and changed, and branches, five ghosts and six relatives appeared, which enriched the content of divination, but in terms of methods, it was a simplified method passed down from generation to generation. However, it is not easy to find the copper coins in the outer circle now. You can also borrow modern coins, which have both sides, and use one side as the positive side and the other side as the negative side at will. Shake three coins for a while. If two coins are negative and one is positive, the positive side will be dominant, and a ","mark will be recorded to indicate that it is positive. For example, when the weather is windy and the woman divines for the queen, it is mainly yin. According to the common phenomenon, there are five men and one woman in six people, and this woman will become king, and everyone will listen to her. This is some truth of things between heaven and earth. If the money given out is two sides positive and one side negative, it is one side negative. Mark it. If all three coins are positive, the mark is a circle "○", which is called moving. If it is to become negative, the anode is also negative. If all three coins are negative, the mark is "X", which is a movement from yin to yang, and this is done six times in a row to complete six. The order of divination is arranged from bottom to top. The first divination is the first divination, the second divination is the second divination, and then the last divination is the last divination. This is the present divination method, which originated after Qin and Han Dynasties. Some people who sell divination for a living pretend to be mysterious to show their efficacy. In fact, it can be simpler and more effective to use it yourself. As for whether it can be a foolproof curative effect, it involves psychiatry again. If you quote a number casually in a simple way, you can divine, such as "one, two, three", one is dry, the other is exchange, the exchange is down, the dry is the sky, the heavy divination is "the sky is the shoe" divination, and the third number is three, which is the third move of divination; If "one, two, four" is the fourth step of divination, divination mainly depends on chess, and one thing is quiet, so you don't have to ask, because if nothing happens, there will be consequences of good or bad luck and regret being stingy, so it depends on the good or bad luck on the chess.

Prophet, Avatar and Modern Psychology

Everyone plays divination, but it's useless. This is another problem of psychiatry. If we study from the direction of this problem, we will have a lot of knowledge if we continue to develop. In Buddhism, supernatural forces can be divided into five types: one is called "Baotong". The second type is called "Xiutong", which is made by meditation, kungfu, hypnosis, yoga and other methods. For example, a big country attaches great importance to the cultivation of such people and lists it as the highest national defense secret. Spending a lot of money to train people with super powers to steal information from other countries is to repair this kind of thing. At first, this country got the wrong information, thinking that another big country had successfully studied this kind of "psychology". The so-called idealism is actually the so-called revision, with a scientific term added. Everyone will eat this set, just like Zhuangzi's fable of "chop and change", another name will be popular. Later, this country found that another country knew a lot of their secrets, so it spent a lot.