Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - A fortune teller is called a fortune teller. Why?

A fortune teller is called a fortune teller. Why?

From ancient times to the present, fortune tellers are a group of mysterious figures. Almost every dynasty in ancient times had Buddhist teachers, and one of the tasks of Buddhist teachers was to calculate the national fortune. For example, Yuan Tiangang and Li in the Tang Dynasty and Liu Bowen in the Ming Dynasty. In the Republic of China, Liu, a Sichuanese, also had a powerful fortune teller. In the early days, this man set up a stall to tell people's fortune, which was very accurate, so his name spread bit by bit and he was called a fortune teller.

In fact, this Liu used some tricks that look childish now, but rendered them in his own language. At that time, superstitious people felt fascinated, so many people came. He used this to bring many apprentices, but in fact he brought many men. Later, when Liu celebrated his 40th birthday, he began to form an army organization in the name of a gang. Just like Zhang Lu in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, it was called "Forever Congenital Avenue" for short.

In fact, these people were originally equivalent to a bandit organization, but after a person went in, all this became different. Liu Xiang, a warlord in Sichuan at that time. It's like Gao Yanei going to Liangshan. Liu Xiang is a superstitious person. He once invited many Feng Shui teachers, but in the end they were all dismissed because they didn't meet his wishes. After seeing Liu Xiang and Liu Xiang, it can be said that it was a brief encounter. Every time he goes to war, he always asks Liu to do the math first. Coincidentally, Liu was right again.

In fact, this Liu Congyun only collected information through his contact with believers, and then sorted out and analyzed it himself, telling Liu Xiang the most likely result. In addition, Liu not only has a good relationship with Liu Xiang, but also has a good relationship with other warlords, so he has a lot of things in his hand, which makes him in the best situation. But Liu Xiang is a politician and strategist after all. After discovering Liu's ambition, Liu immediately broke up.

Later, Liu Qu went to Shanghai and became famous in Shanghai by his various fraudulent means. However, Liu is not a serious fortune teller after all, and he has never calculated his own life. After the victory of the war of liberation, Liu was arrested after two years of flight. His behavior eventually constituted a counter-revolutionary crime. Chengdu court sentenced him to death, which will be executed two years later. But Liu knew his destiny thoroughly after two years, so he was depressed every day, waiting for the arrival of death. In the end, he couldn't stand the torture and died ten months before the execution.