Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The sixth grade composition is good

The sixth grade composition is good

Everyone is familiar with writing in study, work and even life. Writing is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. So have you ever studied composition? The following is my kind composition in grade six, welcome to share.

1 Grade 6 Good Composition The sun climbed over my head. I finished my morning class and was walking home.

Suddenly, I heard a bang. With this loud noise, an old man over sixty fell to the ground. He groaned in pain, the wrinkles on his face twisted together with pain, and his mouth kept twitching. I can tell at a glance that I fell badly.

There are more and more onlookers, and everyone is talking noisily, but no one is helping. Almost all the discussions are about the same topic: help or not? I am afraid of being misunderstood when I help, and I feel guilty when I don't help. Everyone is in deep contradiction. ...

As time went on, grandpa's breathing became more and more urgent, just like an old cow struggling for the last time. At this time, a big brother ran straight to the old man, squatted beside him and whispered a few words, then helped the old man up. Someone in the crowd shouted, "Young man, do you dare to help?" Be careful, don't be fooled by him! "

"The old man is so old, I am not afraid of being cheated. I am just afraid that my conscience will be condemned! " Big brother smiled at people while struggling to pick up the old man and run to the hospital. I suddenly felt irritable and uncomfortable on my face: what kind of young pioneer am I, so timid? Then he joined the ranks of "escort".

Next to the hospital, after a while, grandpa will be fine. His family also heard the news, only to find that the eldest brother had already left. I didn't leave my name, but I left a warmth and a compliment. Everyone feels: the world has its own true feelings!

Until now, this matter has often surfaced in my mind. Perhaps only the truest things in this world are the most beautiful and unforgettable. Big brother's kindness and courage shine like gold, pointing me in the right direction. He made me understand the true meaning of "kindness"; It also made me understand that there is no need to beat around the bush and dodge when speaking in good faith; With kindness, you don't have to mind your own business, but keep your hand. Kindness is as simple as that, without affectation. Kindness, beauty!

The power of kindness can touch others' hearts; The power of kindness can change the lives of others; Good power can also make the world full of fragrance!

In life, kindness is everywhere, but only one scene a year ago is the most unforgettable and beneficial for me.

It was a cold winter, and I was walking alone in the street. Although wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket, I can still feel the chill coming. My goal is a bookstore near the park. I'm going there to choose a favorite book, because I love reading.

There are many pedestrians in the street, and everyone is in a hurry. At this time, inadvertently in my eyes, I saw an old man in shabby clothes squatting on the side of the road begging. The old man kept saying to passers-by, "Come on, I haven't had a good meal for days!" " "Hunger made him pale and emaciated, and cold made him tremble. But I saw that the bowl he begged was empty and there were many pedestrians, but no one donated money to the old man.

I felt in my pockets, and there was only 20 yuan. If I give it to the old man, I can't buy books. Poor old man, but I really want to buy books ... I still choose to buy books.

I was about to leave, when suddenly I saw a boy a few years younger than me strode to the old man's side and took out all the money from his pocket: one yuan, ten cents and fifty cents ... all of them were put into the bowl begged by the old man, and the old man thanked him again and again with tears in his eyes.

I was shocked. First of all, I was moved by the boy's kindness. More importantly, I am ashamed of my meanness. Even a child knows how to help others, but as a young pioneer, I ...

I walked lightly to the old man and put the twenty dollars in his bowl.

Pedestrians come to show their love when they see our actions. ...

The good power of the little boy awakens people's hearts like clear water and purifies "distractions" in my heart like holy light, so that I will not hesitate to help people and things in need in the future.

It was a summer morning, the scorching sun, cicadas were hoarse, and it was inevitable that I was a little upset. There are few people on the road, all blowing air conditioners at home. My parents and I are repairing glasses in an optical shop. Fortunately, there is air conditioning, which gradually calms down.

At this moment, I saw an old woman appear on the road. She walked slowly and laboriously, clutching her lower abdomen with her left hand, and went straight to the optical shop. I can't help wondering: on such a hot day, don't lie at home and blow air conditioning, is it for reading glasses? When I walked to the door, I found her humming, saying, "Good-hearted man, get me some medicine ..." My mother immediately jumped up from the chair, helped the grandmother sit down and asked, "What's the matter with you? What medicine do you need? " She said intermittently, "I ... I have stomach trouble again, but I have no money ..." She took a deep breath and reported a bunch of medicines. Mother rushed into the drugstore next door without saying anything.

I looked at her, estimated to be over 80 years old, wrinkled and thin. I thought about it, got up and poured her a glass of water. After a while, she took the medicine she bought and her face improved a lot. My mother was worried that she was hungry, so she bought some bread, cake and a cup of hot milk. My mother kept pouring water and patting her back. Soon, bean-sized sweat rolled down from her forehead, and there was a slight gasp in her ear, but my mother still waited on her like she didn't know. Suddenly, I seem to see tears in grandma's eyes …

"Be careful of your health and treat it well!" Mom didn't forget to tell her when she left.

I looked at my grandmother far away and suddenly felt that my mother was very tall.

The old man has bright white hair. Although her face is wrinkled, the smile floating around her mouth is very kind. The old man lives next door to my house and is a kind old woman.

"Go to school?" Grandma will ask me this as soon as she sees me in the morning. Grandma's voice is very gentle and makes people feel very comfortable. "Yes, Grandma." After I answered, I said goodbye to my grandmother, and a day's campus life is about to begin. Grandma likes to stand under the big tree by the roadside. Next to the big tree is grandma's home. She can often be seen standing under a tree after school in the afternoon.

I remember coming home from school once. That day, I was halfway home when it suddenly began to rain. The rain caught me off guard and I was soaked in an instant. When I passed the tree that day, my grandmother looked at me like a drowned rat and said many words of concern to me, but I didn't catch a few words clearly. My home is behind my grandmother's house. I didn't think much about what I didn't hear clearly, so I told her directly. But when I ran to the door, I didn't expect the door to be locked. I shouted a few times at home, but there was no one at home.

"Your parents went out today and haven't come back yet." The voice came from behind me. As soon as I turned my head, I saw grandma standing not far away with an umbrella. "Go to my house first and change your wet clothes."

I followed my grandmother to her house. I'm soaked to the skin, my hair is dripping with water and my clothes are dripping with water. Grandma looked at me like this in distress, and then went to the room and took out a suit. "This is my grandson's clothes. You change it first, don't catch cold. " I took clothes, and my grandmother cooked ginger soup for me, saying that I was afraid that I would catch a cold. After drinking ginger soup, I suddenly felt that the cold in my body was squeezed away.

I watched my grandmother's distress and listened to her words of concern. Grandma is really a kind old man.

The kind composition of the sixth grade came to grandma's house in the country on Sunday. Surrounded by mountains, green water, quiet villages, blue sky, long white clouds, narrow mountain roads and curling kitchen smoke constitute the poetic outline of the small village. More importantly, there are a group of kind villagers living here. Everyone always gets together to talk and laugh. Today you give his family some oranges, and tomorrow I will give your family a fish. Wish you a happy life!

Grandma is a clumsy person with a bad memory. One day, grandma went to the grocery store to buy vinegar, but when she got home, she couldn't find the remaining five yuan. The old man was frugal and stubborn, and insisted on searching along the way in the heat. Looking at the burning sun outside, I had to follow closely. Walking, I saw the canteen proprietress coming head-on. "Aunt, are you looking for something?" Maybe the proprietress saw it from grandma's anxious expression. "Yes, I lost my money. I clearly held it in my hand just now! In the blink of an eye, how did it disappear? Five dollars! What a pity! " Grandma talks a lot.

"Aunt, this is five dollars lost by Yuan You. I just left it in our canteen. I asked many people in the village, and they all said no, no, I happened to meet you. This is the money returned to the original owner, I am relieved! " The proprietress said cheerfully. After listening to the boss, grandma and I quickly thanked her!

Take the money and help grandma walk home. Occasionally, I turned around and saw the proprietress walking in a hurry on the country road. The sun shines on her petite body, giving her a layer of golden light, making her back look so tall and sacred ... Think about it carefully, it should be a charm!

Kindness is a fragrant flower that blooms in people's hearts, secreting the fragrance of human spleen to infiltrate you; Warming me; Moved him. ...

She has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth like a cherry. A shiny black hair can best set off her beautiful temperament. She is humorous and beautiful, with a childlike innocence and a little temper. Who is she? She is my mother.

It was a Sunday morning, and I think I got up early. I didn't expect my mother to get up earlier than me and have disappeared without a trace. I turned the whole house upside down, and there was no sign at all. I was about to go out to find my mother when a big hand patted me on the shoulder. I said impatiently, "Who is it?" ! Can't you see I'm busy! Really! "I didn't figure it out until I finished writing. Why is there someone at home? At first glance, I will be like a panda, wrapped in a big sheet. Look carefully, it turned out to be mom! False alarm! What a close call!

I remember another time, after a scary exam, I forgot all my troubles and went crazy for three days. You can be reborn again-send the test paper! Come down, "98"! Very good, very good! I just want to see what's wrong, but the more I look at it, the more wrong it is. There are some wrong numbers. Look at the score again, ah "98" has become "86"! What should I tell my mother when I get home? Time always passes like running water, and school is over. ......

When I got home, my mother must have known the result. I saw all kinds of "instruments of torture" on the sofa, and the "executioner" raised his broadsword. I was made into a meat sandwich! Alas, alas, how long will I, I have to live under my mother's "broadsword"!

This is my mother with a sense of humor and a little temper. I love my mother very much.

I have many friends around me. They are all my confidants, and there is a little partner I admire most.

He is tall and has long legs, which makes people feel like a mountain. Everyone wants to climb on him to play at once. He likes playing, but when he plays, he helps many people.

At a physical education class, we all lined up on the playground. We were told to move freely after the PE teacher told us to run. The free activity began, and I was with him. We came to a place rich in sports building materials to play. After we arrived, we saw many students' bright smiles and heard their happy laughter. How happy they are! We were so envious after seeing it that we immediately ran to play with our favorite building materials. In this joyful laughter, I don't know why the laughter suddenly stopped. I looked around and found a primary school student slipping and falling off the sports building materials, and immediately began to cry. The students saw it and ignored the wrestling student. At this time, my boy walked over and helped my little brother back. He looked at his knee, which was covered with red blood. He couldn't wait to ask, "Brother, does your knee hurt?" The little brother said painfully, "Pain. He quickly took out a paper towel from his pocket, wiped the blood on his knee with a paper towel, and then took his little brother to the school treatment room for the doctor to bandage his wound. He quietly put a candy in his little brother's pocket. When the little brother saw it, he said to him with a big smile: Thank you, brother! Bye, brother! He saw that his brother's clothes were dirty, 10% dirty, so he took them home and washed them. The next day, he washed his clothes. When his little brother saw it, his eager eyes immediately turned to the dress. He looks like a new dress, and his little brother says gratefully, "Brother, thank you!" " As soon as the voice fell, the little brother smiled sweetly.

My little friend is like this. He is always so fond of helping others. Sometimes you will find him humorous. I wish he were my own brother.

It rained cats and dogs outside the window, and I remembered the kind old man again. I can't help feeling sour when I think of him and his noble qualities.

That afternoon, I was still not satisfied with having fun, but time didn't allow me to stay one more minute. I walked home casually, but my mind was thinking about playing catch. Unconsciously, I came to the door and felt in my pocket. Oh, no! What if it's gone? I remember him staying in my pocket all the time. So he ran away? No, I have to go back and find it.

Run to the ordinary super playground. Along the way, my heart was as hard as stone and I was very uneasy. Rumble, a burst of thunder in the journey broke the silence in my heart. At this time, it was overcast and raining cats and dogs. The cold rain seemed to fall from the sky, soaking my clothes and my heart. I know in my heart that there is no one at home. If I can't find the key, there is nowhere else to go. What should I do?

I am desperate. I almost turned the whole playground upside down, but I still can't find the key. At this moment, a kind and gentle voice sounded in my ear: "son, why are you late?" Why don't you go home? " I found someone who listened to my crying and told the story in detail. After listening, the old uncle took my hand and said as he walked, "Son, let's look for it together." Uncle took me in the direction of bumper cars. I saw him frowning. For a while, the branches tore the grass around them, and for a while, they looked at the ground around them carefully. Just then, the old uncle's cell phone rang. He quickly picked it up and said, "You eat first. I am helping a child find the key, or he will go home! " "Say that finish, he hastily hung up the phone. At this time, a glimmer of hope appeared on the old man's face. He said excitedly, "will your key be at the claim area of bumper cars?" "Let's go and have a look!" Finally, I found the key.

Although the key has lost its former glory, as soon as I see him, I think of my old uncle and his warm help to me.

My mother is ordinary, but she has a kind heart. She encouraged my growth with kind words and moistened my heart.

Remember that's Tomb-Sweeping Day's business. Our family went out to sweep the grave and found a bird at home. The fishing rod that my father and I used to catch fish had a great effort to catch the bird and put it in a cage that has been used for decoration at home. I couldn't restrain my inner excitement and ran to my mother and said to her, "Mom, I caught a bird!" " "Mother took off her apron and followed me. She looked at the sparrow carefully, and I also observed that the sparrow had dark gray feathers, a reddish mouth, and her eyes looked straight at the sky outside the window as if her soul had been taken away. Huh? Why is there some red on the right wing? While I was observing, my mother had taken away the medicine cabinet, took off the bandage on it and gently said to the sparrow, "Little sparrow, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." Your wing is hurt. Let me help you dress it! " As she said this, she stroked it gently. The sparrow struggled twice, and then seemed to be moved by her mother's kindness and asked her to wrap it up.

Mother disinfected the sparrow first. The sparrow trembled and seemed to be in pain, struggling to fly out, but calmed down under the comfort of her mother. Needless to say, this little sparrow is a bit like the disinfectant I applied at the beginning. Yes, it's the same hands, or the sentence "Don't be afraid, you'll be fine." I can't help crying, and my nose is sore. In a short time, mother took care of the sparrow's wound. The mother smiled with relief, just like looking at her own child.

That night, I opened the birdcage and stood at the window. The sparrow chirped twice, as if to say, "goodbye, thank you!" " "Little sparrows fly into the sky bit by bit, and gradually merge with the gorgeous sunset glow. At this time, my mother touched my head and said earnestly, "Give the bird a piece of sky and it will fly freely. How important this sky is! " "

My mother is ordinary and great because she has a kind heart.

A lie, as its name implies, is a lie. There are malicious lies and white lies. Lying is not good, but life sometimes needs good lies.

It was a late autumn afternoon, and I was waiting for the No.2 bus at the bus stop. Because my grandparents are traveling and my parents are at work, I have to take the bus.

Looking at the No.2 bus coming, I felt in my pocket and said, "Hey, where's my two yuan?" Hey, even if I am unlucky! " I watched the last bus No.2 leave, and my heart was as anxious as ants on hot bricks-running around.

There are many people waiting for the bus at the station. I saw an aunt with a kind face, so I said to her, Aunt, can you lend me two yuan? Aunt said, "Why should I lend you two yuan?" I don't know why menstruation asked me this question, but in order to borrow money, I had to bite the bullet and tell menstruation what happened. Hearing this, Aunt took out 10 yuan from her bag. I looked at my aunt in surprise and thought: Is this aunt rich? Or a liar? Aunt seemed to see my doubts and said, "There is no No.2 bus now. Take this 10 yuan to take a taxi! " ! From here to your home, it should be enough! I glanced at my aunt gratefully and asked, "Aunt, please leave your contact information so that I can return it to you." Aunt replied, "You don't need to leave your contact information. I will come here by bus every day, and then you can come again. "I said thank you to my aunt and went home.

The next day, I came to the station and waited left and right, but menstruation didn't come. A week passed, but my aunt still didn't come. I suddenly realized that my kind aunt lied to me, but it was a beautiful lie! White lies! Behind the lies is this aunt's heart of gold!

My parents are workaholics and get anxious from time to time. Every time they hear footsteps, they are tired, hard, enthusiastic and anxious. I am often ignored by them. Because I am lonely, my parents sent me to my grandmother's house, which I have never seen before. At that time, I was four. This is exciting and curious. The snow stopped outside, and I went to my grandmother's house, which was warm and clean, without a trace of dust. I think my grandmother knew in advance that I would come to her house, so she cleaned it spotless and looked forward to it.

When I first met my grandmother, I felt that she was very kind and kind, with silver hair and strange faces. In fact, I got to know her very well within half a day after I arrived at her house. One night, grandma poured me bath water and replaced my worn black cloth shoes with slippers. I first saw my grandmother's ugly feet. That's disgusting. I don't want to be like her The dead skin and meat on it were squeezed out. It's terrible. Grandma said that when she was young, she always liked to step on earthworms like a child, so she stepped on one foot like this. "Don't step on earthworms in the future, your feet don't look good, and everyone will dislike you!" Since that teaching, I never dare to step on earthworms again. Once, I accidentally stepped on some ants, and I cried with fear. Grandma asked me to sincerely apologize to the ants and say I'm sorry. So I apologized to the ant and went home with my grandmother calmly and easily.

This is the first lie she told me. This lie has deceived me for many years. In those years, I gave myself a kind heart, learned the etiquette between people, and had the courage to admit my mistakes when I did something wrong. At the end of many years, my parents ended their years of working life and took me back. I have excellent grades and a good personality, and both boys and girls like me. These are all accumulated by my grandmother with her only lie, which gives me the character and accomplishment of being a girl. This year's Spring Festival, grandma was taken home by her parents, and we had a good New Year.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful and rich kingdom, and everyone lived happily together. ...

One day, King Morrison was very happy because Queen Lutina gave birth to a daughter. The king thinks the child is like Queen Lutina, and everyone likes her very much. So, I named it Edie. The princess has grown up and is sensible. She came to the garden and picked some flowers for her mother, including red, yellow, blue and green flowers. She came to her mother's bedroom and found her mother lying on the ground. It rained heavily and even the flowers in her hand fell to the ground. She rushed over and called for mom, mom! Suddenly, she thought that her mother was ill, and the doctor said that she needed a big fever to save her mother. So she covered her mother with clothes and cooked a bowl of boiling water. "Oops" meowed. It turned out that Eddie accidentally burned his hand while boiling water, and she began to cry sadly. But for the sake of her mother, Eddie endured the pain and fed her mother boiled water. Then an elder appeared in mid-air and said, "Eddie, don't cry." If you want your mother to wake up, you have to take care of her day and night. This is also a test of your love to see if you are really smart and sensible. Otherwise, your mother Lutina will fall asleep forever. "

Edie thought to herself, Mom worked hard to raise me. I can't let my mother die! Eddie hurried to Dr. Goat's house without saying a word, told his mother's situation, prescribed a prescription, and went back like a rocket. Time passed quickly, and Eddie took the medicine after he ran out. For several years in a row, Eddie always did this to his mother. Because she knew that her mother wouldn't leave her so easily. Just one morning, Lucina woke up "ah! Mom! Why are you awake? " At this time, the old man appeared again. He said kindly, "Eddie, you passed the test. Your behavior touched the sky!" " "Say that finish, the elders disappeared. Eddie looked at her mother, tears of excitement and happiness filled her eyes. Tick tock, tick tock.

Sixth grade kind composition 13 look! There is a girl sweeping the floor under the big tree in the east of the playground. She bent over and stared at the ground with rapt attention, and her broom kept waving. ...

She is my good partner. Although she is short, she is very beautiful. Her black hair is full and shiny like a waterfall. Qi Mei has a pair of bright black eyes under the bangs, and a smart mouth under the high nose.

She is not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted

She loves small animals so much that sometimes even a fragile ant doesn't want to hurt them.

I remember one time, I was sweeping the floor in the health area, humming a song leisurely. Suddenly, I heard a kind call and slow footsteps. I turned around and saw her holding her breath, as if something had happened. I walked up to her and saw a black butterfly, especially striking, lying on her right arm unscrupulously, as if falling asleep with relish. She made a gesture of silence to me and whispered, "Don't wake it. Look, how cute. " Her face is full of smiles. How kind she is! I looked at her sincere smile and couldn't help laughing. She looked at the little butterfly and breathed a sigh of relief. It didn't wake up. At this moment, I thought: it must be her fragrance, her kindness and her heart that touched the butterfly and created that harmonious realm! She took another gentle breath, but the butterfly still didn't wake up. She smiled and said, "It's time for him to go home." As he spoke, he touched the butterfly's wings, and the butterfly woke up, flapping its wings and flying away. She quickly disappeared without a trace and smiled with satisfaction.

Look, this is my partner. Although she is ordinary, she has a kind heart! I am lucky to have such a good partner as her!

Sixth grade kind composition 14 beautiful, kind, sincere and selfless dedication, tolerance and selfless love ... this beauty is just a subtle action or a sincere word, with a faint smile ... look at the fragments in life!

The "camera" keeps spinning, searching for the target, and the vegetable seller is locked first. I rushed over. "Aunt, aunt, do you know what beauty is?" "Beautiful, look at the little girl over there. She was so beautiful when she came out of that store! "

It turns out that the beauty that the vegetable seller said is only the beauty of appearance. People are cute not because they are beautiful, but because they are beautiful in heart and kind in heart.

Look! A fortune-telling grandfather continued to run over and asked, "Grandpa, grandpa, do you know what beauty is?" "Of course, I watch all kinds of people pass by me every day, but I don't think they are as beautiful as my wife. She has accompanied me through countless years of ups and downs and silently supported me in my most difficult time. "

It turns out that the beauty that grandpa understands is another kind of meaning, deeper, a kind of beauty that is encouraged in spirit and silently supported. Beauty is selfless love shown by kindness!

I don't know when, grandpa has already left. The barking of dogs brought me back to reality. It turned out that an old woman was hitting a puppy with a stone. Look, a light figure passed by me quickly. "Grandma, grandma, don't hit it. He is just homesick and wants to eat. It doesn't mean to call. I'll take it away now. " The old woman looked at the little girl silently, her eyes crossed a little. Seeing the little girl out of my sight, I quickly caught up with her. Holding her pure white hand, she asked, "Little sister, can you tell my sister what you understand beauty is?" She looked at me with very pure eyes for a long time before saying, "I think it's kind!" " "Turns out to be kindness.

Seeing this, I finally understand what beauty is. I hope she can keep this beauty forever.

There are all kinds of beautiful women in the world, and there are thousands of beautiful women in Qian Qian, but I think there is only one kind of beautiful women, and that is kindness. I also know that only kindness is truly beautiful!