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Fortune-telling and Entropy Increase _ Entropy Increase and I Ching

What is entropy? How to understand entropy principle and entropy increasing principle?

Entropy is one of the parameters representing the state of matter in thermodynamics, which is represented by symbol S, and its physical meaning is a measure of the degree of chaos in the system.

The broken light bulb can't recover itself because of entropy.

State function

Entropy s is an additive (capacity) state function, and it is a width non-conservative quantity, because the heat in its definition is directly proportional to the quantity of matter, but the determined state has a certain quantity. How much has changed? S only depends on the constant state of the system, and has nothing to do with whether the process is reversible or not. Because the change value of system entropy is equal to the thermal Wen Shang of reversible process? Q/T, so the entropy change of the system can only be found through the reversible process. Reversible change process of isolated system or adiabatic reversible change process? S=0 .

Macroscopic quantity

Entropy is a macroscopic quantity, which is the property of a large number of microscopic ions that constitute the system. It includes the entropy contributed by molecular translation, vibration, rotation, electron motion and nuclear spin motion, and it is meaningless to talk about the entropy of a single microscopic particle.

absolute value

The absolute value of entropy cannot be determined by the second law of thermodynamics. The absolute value of entropy can be determined by the third law according to calorimetric data, which is called prescribed entropy or calorimetric method. The absolute value of entropy can also be calculated from molecular microstructure data by statistical thermodynamics, which is called statistical entropy or spectral entropy.

Host Clausius.

The law of entropy is the most scientific law, which is Einstein's view. As we know, energy, like matter and information, is one of the three basic elements of the material world, and among the laws of physics, the law of conservation of energy is the most important law, which shows that all forms of energy are always in a state of equilibrium when they are converted to each other.

Entropy law refers to the second law of thermodynamics. That is, energy can only be obtained from available to unavailable, from order to disorder, from effective to ineffective, that is, dissipation, which is irreversible.

The principle of entropy increase means that the entropy of an isolated thermodynamic system does not decrease, but always increases or remains unchanged. Used to give the evolution direction of an isolated system.

It shows that an isolated system cannot develop to a low entropy state and will not become orderly. The principle of entropy increase is suitable for thermodynamic isolated systems, and the law of conservation of energy is a universally applicable law to describe nature. The law of entropy increase only applies to isolated systems, which is the key to the problem.