Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Download "Fool" txt to read the full text online, and seek Baidu's network disk cloud resources.

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Introduction: "Fool" Author: Xiao Mo.

An accident took away Wei's family, his IQ and most of his face.

Everyone in the orphanage knows that stupid and ugly guy is a loser. He is obedient to Nuo Nuo and a loser who doesn't even like cats and dogs.

Until one day he met Mojue, whose brain was stronger than others, slow three finally knew what happiness was and what pain was.

He began to have an idea, which was very persistent: he wanted to keep it, even if he was stupid, he would try his best to keep it for the rest of his life.

He spent most of his childhood and adolescence, until one day, his fucking fate finally remembered him: he woke up.