Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - look but not see

look but not see

Explanation: I'm used to it, but I don't seem to see it. Also refers to seeing a phenomenon; But don't care; Just pretend not to see it.

Source: Jin's Ode to Wine Virtue: "Listen to its sound like thunder, and see its shape as Mount Tai."

Grammar: turning a blind eye to austerity; As predicate and attribute; With a derogatory connotation.

Example: Song Lin Zheng Da's Spring with Gardens: "Listen but don't smell, turn a blind eye, be drunk and be happy."

Unexpectedly, he turned a blind eye to this matter and turned a deaf ear.

Synonyms: blind, deaf, deaf, blind, indifferent, careless.

Antonym: Watch your back.

Idioms make sentences:

1. Recently, decadent things such as feudal superstition and fortune telling have reappeared in the streets. We can't turn a blind eye.

We can't turn a blind eye to procrastination in our work.

It is always easy for us to turn a blind eye to the happiness around us.

We can't tolerate turning a blind eye to bad behavior.

We students can't turn a blind eye to the phenomenon of wasting food in the canteen, let alone turn a blind eye!