Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Learn oral English in episode 1 of the fifth season of the American drama "The Pursuit of Bones".

Learn oral English in episode 1 of the fifth season of the American drama "The Pursuit of Bones".

1. I want to see cam.


Usually, it seems that the word check-in is used more in hotels, and it can also be used when looking for a leader to report for duty. Write it down.

2. A man with a lion's heart.

Lionheart, a brave man.

Lions are brave representatives in western culture. You will know that after reading Harry Potter. Charles I of the Plantagenet Dynasty in England was called the King of Lionheart for his bravery. (Someone has a really good history ~~XD)

It will take some time to regain a foothold.

Get back on your feet.

This is the kind of word that is often used but can't remember how to say it.

Example: After an early struggle, the market recovered.

After the previous turmoil, the market finally gained a firm foothold.

4. Special Agent Seeley Josef Booth.

Laughter spray ... it turns out that booth's middle name is Joesph! !

5. Sweets will check Booth today. Fingers crossed.

Cross your fingers for good luck.

The gesture of crossing fingers to wish good luck is said to have originated from Christians in early Europe, when two people crossed their middle fingers to wish each other good luck. Gradually simplified into a stand-alone version. (Khan ... from the opposite machine to the single machine)

6. This is the funniest one ever.


Coinky-dink is a slang form of coincidence and a humorous statement.

I like this story. Bren met three people and three different hugs all the way into the lab, which reflected the problem very well, but they were all so sweet!

7. I'm going crazy, okay?

It's boring to stir up madness

A word that is often used.

8. Do you want to prove something, dear?

Cherie, honey.

I finally know what word Caroline always uses to address others. It used to mean "dear" in French, or it could mean charming girl. How do you think? Caroline is called "handsome boy/beautiful girl" here.

A gorgeous summary of American spoken language in the first season, episode 1.


12. I'm going to give this to my people so that they can find the manufacturer and all the nonsense.

talk nonsense

13. Avalon Harmonia is her professional psychic name.

Avalon is a fairyland in Celtic mythology and the legendary burial place of King Arthur. Harmony is the goddess in charge of sound harmony in Greek mythology. Why is there such a name? Cyndi Lauper, who plays the witch, once had an album called Avalon Sisters, and the above episode "Fearless" came from this album.

14. She caught you.

You blocked her.

15. It's on its way. You bet.

You are, of course.

As the end of a sentence, you bet means affirmation, which is very common in spoken English.

This paragraph is super cute ~ ~ ~

16. This makes me very angry; I am very angry. I guess you always thought your sister lived in a yellow submarine?

Yellow Submarine is a classic song of the Beatles, and Caroline is really good.

17. I must abide by the law.

To observe (the law).

18. Cam betrayed me.

offer for sale

Most phrases related to rat mean betrayal and betrayal. For details, please read "Oral English Related to Mice" written by Qi here before.

19. It lit up just like July 4th.

July 4th is the National Day of the United States, and a lot of fireworks will be set off everywhere on that day, so this sentence means "as brilliant as the National Day fireworks".

555 ~ ~ ~ What a sad passage ... britney spears, you hate it!

The detailed broadcast schedule of American TV series in autumn 2009

They know your brain but they don't know your heart.

Jack Slang = No.

Know jack about means "I don't know at all" and is often used in spoken English. Way to go, Avalon.

2 1. He knows the truth about you. He was dazzled by the fact.

Daze and dizzy

I learned the word dazzle while watching Twilight, but this sentence here is really awesome. ...

22. 12 hours at most.

/kloc-within 0/2 hours. That's what I said.

23.- So what should we do, kill him?

-still in my ear.

In-ear shooting can still be heard (still within the ear range ~ ~)

Everyone's expression made Qi laugh ......................................................................................................................................................................... ...

24. Good job.


Words used to praise someone first appeared in Harry Potter. Ah ... How can Qi be so familiar with magic bestsellers? ...

25. About a hundred years.

Give or take, don't leave it.

Fortunately, when you fall short, I will help you clean up the mess.

Slack is slack, lazy and a mess.


Cleaning up the mess is the real cleaning up the mess; It is also a sentence that was said before. Look here: a daily film and television oral English: hope fails t.t.

Bones 5.0 1 review

1. I like this program, I really do. (Imitating Gordon-Gordon's speech ...)

Needless to say, b&; Of course, B's play is great-these two expressions are invincible-the friendship and interaction between the whole group are very sweet.

3. britney spears's performance in this episode is a bit short and flat. In addition, someone who is injured actually does not need to be bandaged and will not leave a scar. This is quite wrong.

4.3Cs rock! Caroline's poisonous tongue. Cam's face. Cyndi Lauper's songs.

5. the preview of the next episode is tickling again ~~007' s sports car is just! Watch Bones Season 5 Episode 2 Preview online.