Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Monkey fortune telling funny _ monkey fortune telling funny video

Monkey fortune telling funny _ monkey fortune telling funny video

Funny jokes about monkeys

The little monkey asked the masseur, how much is the whole body massage? The masseur said, 20 yuan. The monkey asked again, what about the one who pressed his neck? The masseur said, 5 yuan. The little monkey shouted happily at the door, giraffe, come in. It's my treat to massage your neck. Masseur: …

Twenty years ago, dad held you waiting for the bus. Everyone laughed at the ugly child, and dad cried. An old man selling bananas patted his father and said, "Don't cry, big brother, give the monkey a banana!" " ! Poor thing, I'm so hungry that I have no hair. "

Monkeys see Buddha.

Tathagata: I heard that you will change like 72, but is it true?

Monkey: Yes.

Tathagata: Can you become anything I say?

Monkey: Yes.

Tathagata: A tree.

The monkey turned into a tree at once.

Tathagata: A mountain.

The monkey turned into a mountain at once.

Tathagata: awesome.

Many immortals hide their faces in succession: dirty!

The answer comes from Funny Driving Network.

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