Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why does Qi Tiezui in Old Nine Doors "pinch his fingers" when calculating divination?

Why does Qi Tiezui in Old Nine Doors "pinch his fingers" when calculating divination?

Many film and television dramas have an inscrutable plot of "pinching fingers and counting".

For example, Qi Tiezui in Old Nine Doors used to pinch his fingers.

Why do we fortuneteller who can predict mortal fate always "pinch our fingers"?

Why not pinch your feet, mouth, hair and neck?

Because fortune tellers' hands are not mortal's.

Their hands are encyclopedias, everything, heaven, earth and the universe.

The nature I have seen is like this:

What they see in nature, the sun, the moon, fire and water is like this. Each finger represents a different direction of gossip:

The 24 hours a day I'm waiting to see is like this:

The 24 hours they saw were like this:

So when I look at my hand, what I see is: I will go! Nails need to be cut again!

What they see is: Bing Shennian, Bing Shenyue, and Yi Hai will take a bath and get a haircut!

One world in one hand and one dry Kun in the other.

? Come on, I'll give you a hand and give you a world. You are welcome!