Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Lord Peng's fortune telling

Lord Peng's fortune telling

Master Li Zongwu said: "The change of the black can't win over the poor." In fact, sometimes, "playing dumb" is also a way of life. As the saying goes: "There is no fish in clear water, and there is no disciple when people look at it." In dealing with people, many people regard the world as too idealistic, but they don't know whether things are impermanent, unpredictable or "confused" is safer.

Reading Confused Classics and Doing Smart Things Zheng Banqiao's phrase "It's hard to be confused" is widely circulated and regarded as a classic by many people who have experienced vicissitudes. Many people take life too simply when they first enter the society, and often naively think that everything has rules, and the rules are clear enough. The world should follow this rule and not cross the line. Looking at society with such a naive eye is bound to hit many walls and make many mistakes, but many people don't think they have made mistakes, but blame society. So they became cynical and full of complaints. You should know that "clear water without fish" is not ordinary clear, but "clear" Isn't it fantastic that the so-called "pure" people have no impurities at all? This society is complex, and many things can't be solved seriously, so you can't be too "serious" when you are confused. As long as it doesn't involve fundamental principles, it's okay to turn a blind eye.

Be confused when you should be confused and be smart when you should be smart. People often say that this man is stupid in reading. This means that this person only knows reading and forgets all human feelings and ways of dealing with people. I only know how to do things by the book, so I became a dead scholar and read a dead book; The more you read, the more confused you become. But some people, seemingly giving people a confused look, are reading confused classics and doing smart things.

When Emperor Taizong was in the Northern Song Dynasty, Song Taizong wanted to reuse Lv Duan very early, because he had outstanding talent in dealing with government affairs. Lv Duan was born in an official family. He has been eager to learn and make progress since he was a child, and he often puts it down. Therefore, he is also considered to be a fool who only knows reading and is somewhat confused. Later, Emperor Taizong intended to appoint Lv Duan as prime minister, but many people opposed it. The reason is that this person looks too confused and only knows how to read the Bible. However, Song Taizong thinks that he looks like a scribbler on the surface, but he is smart in doing things, especially when doing big things, so he decided to appoint him as the Prime Minister. To this end, Song Taizong also wrote a poem, in which two sentences are written like this: "Yao Er, the golden hook is not deep enough, and it needs to be flowed." The meaning of this poem is that there is no dispute about the appointment of Lv Duan as Prime Minister, and the post of Prime Minister belongs to Lv Duan.

Although Lv Duan experienced the world war at the end of the Five Dynasties and had a lot of worldly wisdom and life experience, he was still a dull scholar and seemed to be an out-and-out confused prime minister. During the reign of Song Taizong, Zheng Xuan made Wang Jien form a private political party, which held the state power for a long time. Later, Song Taizong was seriously ill, and Wang Jien was afraid of the wisdom of Prince Zhao Heng. After he proclaimed himself emperor, it was not good for his party, so he colluded with counselor Li Changling, directed Ji Li to smoke, plotted to abolish the prince and change the king of Chu into a prince. Song Taizong was dying, and Lv Duan went to visit him. When Lv Duan entered the palace, he saw Emperor Taizong dying, but the prince was not around to take care of him. So Lv Duan suspected that when the prince ascended the throne, things might change, and someone must be cheating him. But on the surface, I was still in a muddle, pretending that I didn't find anything, but privately I wrote the word "Daxian" on the board, so that my confidant quickly urged the prince to come to see the emperor as soon as possible. The word "gradually" means to tell the prince that the emperor is critically ill and quickly enters the palace to wait on him. After Song Taizong's death, the Queen asked Wang Jien to call Lv Duan to the palace to discuss who would succeed to the throne. Lv Duan, you listen to feel bad, when there is a prince, what are we talking about? So he pretended to be deaf and dumb, forgot to take the testamentary edict of Emperor Taizong, and asked Wang Jien to go to the study to take the handwritten testamentary edict given to him by Emperor Taizong before he died. Wang Jien withdrew the testamentary edict, but as soon as he entered the study, he was locked in his room by Lv Duan, who sent someone to watch him closely and was not allowed to come out. After locking Wang Jien, Lv Duan went straight to the palace. After entering the palace, the queen said to Lv Duan, "After the death of the emperor, it is natural for the eldest son to inherit the throne. What should we do now? " The queen obviously wants to make her eldest son Zhao. After listening to the queen's words, Lv Duan immediately said without hesitation: "The first emperor made a prince for today. Now the first emperor abandoned the world and left. How can you do something that goes against the orders of the first emperor? We can't have any objection to such a major event that concerns the future and destiny of the country! " Hearing Lv Duan's words, the Queen had nothing to say, so she had to let Prince Zhao Heng succeed to the throne.

The problem of succession to the throne was thus solved, but as long as the prince didn't sit on the royal chair, Lv Duan couldn't let go for a day, and he wanted to see for himself. On the day when the Prince acceded to the throne, Lv Duan was afraid of making mistakes. He stood in his royal highness without bowing. He asked to hang up the curtain and go to the temple to see it clearly. This is against etiquette, but he is a fool, he is the prime minister of the dynasty. Everyone can't help doing it. When he really went to the temple and recognized that it was really the original prince, he walked down the steps and led the ministers to shout long live.

This time, it is extremely dangerous to waste the prince, and nothing can go wrong. Lv Duan can see through the plot in advance and take preventive measures. Be able to make decisive decisions on things and break the game with strange tricks; Seeing is believing and not being confused by this phenomenon later is not only wise, but also experienced. Lv Duan fully embodies the principle of "reading confused classics and doing smart things".

Play dumb with understanding

When watching the TV series "Water Margin", many people know the wonderful scene of Song Wu's "drunken" beating Jiang Menshen: holding a glass, leaning back, swaying his body, his footsteps floating lightly and vain, and Jiang Menshen was accidentally punched in the nose and punched in the eye again ... When he finally realized that this was by no means an alcoholic's "crooked hit",

Drunk boxing is one of the most performed kungfu, and it is also the most popular among the public. Almost everyone likes to watch those decent heroes pretend to be crazy, sway from side to side and knock those villains to the ground. Do heroes really have to be drunk to be so powerful? Of course not. The power of "drunken boxing" lies in a "pretending to be drunk". On the surface, it seems to be stumbling, stumbling and vulnerable, but in fact, there are hidden dangers. Just when you are not careful, you have been tricked.

If drunken boxing is the best martial art, then pretending to be crazy and selling stupidity is the first-class technology in life.

In dealing with people, pretending to be dull, stupid and confused is often more beneficial than being too sensitive and too smart. I'm not saying it's bad to be sensitive, but some things have to be confused to get through smoothly.

During the Second World War, the US military successfully deciphered the military code of the Japanese navy a few days before the Battle of Midway, obtained a lot of important information about the operational deployment of the Japanese navy, and made targeted operational preparations.

Who knows, the weather is unpredictable. At this critical juncture of the war, an omnipresent American journalist got top secret news and unexpectedly published such an important military secret as exclusive news in a newspaper in Chicago. This is equivalent to publishing the news to the world, and it is strange that the Japanese don't know.

If the Japanese navy changes its password or adjusts its operational deployment, all the efforts of the United States will be wasted. Strangely, when the whole country and even the whole world were talking about such a serious national wartime military intelligence leak, Roosevelt, as the president of the United States, turned a deaf ear and the White House did not comment on it. He neither instructed to trace the leaker nor named the reporter. Of course, he did not adjust his military deployment because of this, but pretended to know nothing.

As a result, the noisy discussion soon subsided and was forgotten in the corner like many fake news. Of course, the Japanese will not believe such obvious "false news". As a result, both Japan and the United States went to war according to the original deployment. Of course, the result was that the United States won the battle. Regardless of whether Japan will say that it is stupid afterwards, the US military really got a big bargain because of "confusion" in the Battle of Midway.

There is another small example. If you accidentally offend someone, you know this person, but you can never afford to offend. What should you do at this time? Maybe pretending not to know each other can get you out of trouble. In the late Qing Dynasty, when Peng Yulin, who was traveling with Zeng Guofan, passed by a side street, it happened that a woman who was hanging clothes accidentally dropped a bamboo pole and hit him on the head.

As luck would have it, Peng Yulin is in a bad mood at this time. Naturally, he was very angry and looked up and shouted at the woman. The woman was scared because she recognized that the person who was hit by a bamboo pole was Peng Yulin. But this woman is also a smart person. She deliberately pretended not to know Peng Yulin, and even said loudly, "What are you shouting?" ? I can see from your tone that he is a soldier, and he is not civilized at all! Do you know Lord Peng Yulin Peng is here? His father loves the people as much as his son. You bully people in the street like this. If I tell him, I'm afraid your head will fall off "

When Peng Yulin heard such a folk woman who could only do laundry and cook so respectfully praised herself, her anger suddenly vanished, and the original bad mood disappeared, so she turned anger into joy and left without saying a word.

This folk woman is a very wise person. In such an urgent situation, she actually played a trick of playing the fool, taking the attack as the defense, swearing on the surface and actually holding people's "fireworks". If she hadn't pretended that she didn't know Peng Yulin and apologized and flattered her face anyway, I'm afraid she wouldn't have let Peng Yulin leave without saying a word.

This is similar to playing drunken boxing. This is the advantage of "playing dumb and understanding". Sometimes things are clear, but if you think you are smart and stick to things, things can't be solved. You might as well try to "confuse" it, and you may get unexpected results.

The confused theory of "losing is a blessing"

On the surface, it seems that everyone knows what is good for themselves and what is not good for them. Only those fools will do what they know will suffer; Even if you are not an idiot, you must be stupid enough to do something that is obviously cheated. Is that really the case? Is it really so clear that you can see through it at a glance? Are those people who seem to have suffered losses really idiots and fools? But look at how many smart people have done some "stupid" things in ancient and modern China and abroad. Maybe you'll start to get confused. Yes, they will never be fools! But why do they do "stupid things"? Take a look at their development again, and maybe you will begin to understand the truth that "it is a blessing to suffer".

The so-called "a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise". Sometimes, at first glance, it is not obvious whether it is a loss or a blessing. Therefore, those who study hard in larded school should learn the muddled knowledge that "it is a blessing to suffer". If they learn this course well, they will know that sometimes they really have to do something "losing".

Britain is the birthplace of modern football, and it is also the country that has gathered the most fanatical football fans in the world. In this country, almost all the men in the country are loyal fans. Although there are many female fans, some wives can't stand that their husbands only love football and don't love themselves. A housewife named Jones, one day she really couldn't stand her husband coming home every day, just yelling at the football match on TV. Even on weekends, her husband always spends his time on the football field and never pays attention to her. She thought she was abandoned. So she came to the court and told the judge angrily that she would sue football. The judges laughed and cried, thinking that this woman must be crazy. How can she sue football? However, after listening to the woman's explanation, the judges also sympathized with her. So I gave her an idea. A judge told her: "Football can't be sued, it's not a person." Even if you sue it, what's the use if we win your case? It can't compensate you. However, you can sue the football factory. "

The woman accepted the judge's suggestion and sued Universe Football Factory, the manufacturer of the football that her husband often played. The reason for the accusation is that the football produced by Universe Football Factory lured her husband, who is a "third party" and should compensate himself for his "loneliness fee". This case attracted the attention of the whole UK at that time, because it was ridiculous. Both the media and the public think that this woman must be mad at her husband, so she did such a ridiculous thing. Cosmic Football Factory will definitely not respond to the lawsuit. The whole country is concerned, and even the courts don't know what to do. To everyone's surprise, the boss of Cosmic Football Factory happily accepted Mrs. Jones's accusation. What is even more unexpected is that the Cosmic Football Factory did not spend manpower and financial resources to prepare for winning the lawsuit, but offered to compensate Mrs. Jones for her loneliness fee of 654.38 million pounds. At that time, the whole country was in an uproar. Some people think that the boss of Cosmic Football Factory has no place to spend more money. Some people say that the boss must be mentally retarded. Even if he is not a fool, some people sympathize with him. It may be because of a news stroke and a moment of confusion. There is a lot of public opinion, and the general view is that Mrs. Jones has met a "confused" opponent who likes to make a fortune at a loss.

Is that really the case? After this case, not only Mrs. Jones got a surprise, but also the Universe Football Factory, which has been unknown, became famous all over the country in a short time. Cosmic football suddenly swept the country, when all the streets and alleys in Britain were playing Cosmic football. Cosmic football even sells well all over Europe. Even advertising at the price of 10 times can't achieve this effect. Later, people learned that the boss of Cosmic Football Factory wanted to spread the charm of the football produced by Cosmic Football Factory with this strange compensation case-you see, our football has completely attracted men, so that his wife regards it as a "third party" and wants to divorce her husband and let the manufacturer compensate for loneliness! He is a strange "fool" to improve his reputation. How many people can do such a stupid thing? Is suffering a blessing or a curse? Different people will have different understandings and different choices in doing things. Those who say what they are smart all day and do everything in a way that others think is smart will never learn the muddled theory that "losing is a blessing", never understand why those really smart people do "losing is a blessing" and never do "losing is a blessing".

Often confused, confused into a virtue.

What is smart, in fact, sometimes it is not clear. Socialization is complicated and changeable. All kinds of interpersonal relationships are not so easy to handle. You can't do it with a little cleverness. Especially when dealing with the boss, because the boss holds your destiny, if you don't do it well, your future will be completely ruined.

So leaders should not be offended, but you may be offended if you are too smart, because leaders are sometimes confused. Therefore, the master of larded school told us that the best skill to communicate with leaders is to know well, not to show off your intelligence and not to refute what the other party said. In fact, it is not easy to do this, which requires you to have enough acting skills, not only to be confused and not to let the other side see it, but also to be just right; If the temperature is not enough, it will be self-defeating

At the beginning of the Soviet Patriotic War, the Germans were arrogant and went straight to the Soviet Union. At this moment of life and death, Soviet veterans who once fought in the civil war, such as Timoshenko, voroshilov and Butioni, are duty-bound to shoulder the burden of frontline command. However, in the new battlefield, they have become somewhat backward.

As the saying goes, times make heroes. When veterans became rigid, a group of young military strategists emerged, such as zhukov, Aleksandr Aleksandr Vasilevsky, Shtemenko and others. Despite this, the process of alternation between the old and the new is not smooth. How can veterans give up power easily? On one occasion, Soviet Marshal Tymoshenko was ordered to sail to the Baltic Sea to coordinate the actions of the first and second armies, and Steinmeinko was appointed as his chief of staff. Shtemenko knows that the Marshal is biased against the young people in the General Staff, and it is certainly not easy to work with him.

But orders are orders after all, and you have to obey them. While having dinner on the train, Tymoshenko got angry as soon as she opened her mouth, and said to Shtemenko in a bad tone, "Why did you come with me? Do you want to educate us old people and supervise us? In vain! " The meaning is obvious. Shtemenko also knows that these veterans love seniority and look down on the younger generation. They always thought that while these young people were still running under the table, they had been rolling and crawling on the battlefield, fighting for the establishment of the great Soviet regime. How dare these young players tell them what to do? Tymoshenko even said rudely: "Do you think it is great to graduate from military school? How old were you when the revolution began? The military school was established by us. "

This harsh lesson is almost insulting. But what Tymoshenko didn't expect was that Shtemenko didn't refute angrily, but answered honestly: "At that time, I just turned ten." Then he strongly expressed his admiration and respect for these old generals, thinking that their rich combat experience and life experience could not be learned in any high school. He always wanted to have the opportunity to consult and learn from the old generals. Such sincere words made Timoshenko have nothing to say, and even some moved. The next conversation is much more peaceful and intimate. Tymoshenko finally said: "Forget it, diplomat, go to sleep. Time will tell who is what kind of person. " Shtemenko pretended to be confused, but Nuo Nuo replied, "Yes, yes!"

It should be said that time has indeed proved who is right. After working with Shtemenko for a month, Timoshenko suddenly said, "Now I understand that you are not the person I imagined." . I thought you were specially sent by Stalin to supervise me, but your performance proves that you are not; I still think that you are just a confused teenager and a yes-man, but your performance also proves that you are not. "Then, two people face to face with a knowing smile.

Later, when Shtemenko was transferred back to the headquarters to work, Tymoshenko and he had become old friends, and they appreciated each other more and were reluctant to part. Another month passed, and Timoshenko finally felt that he needed Shtemenko around him, so he personally asked Stalin to transfer Shtemenko to work together.

When Shtemenko was insulted, he didn't refute, but pretended to be deaf and dumb. Finally, he passed the psychological barrier of Timoshenko Yuan Shuai, which reflected the humility and respect for the elderly of later generations. This is not a shameful thing, but a manifestation of the deep still water. He who knows how to play dumb at the right time is definitely not a fool. Stupidity and honesty are sometimes the highest wisdom. In dealing with people, playing dumb is often not a shame, but a virtue. Not everyone can learn this virtue. Once they learn this virtue, they will have great wisdom.

A wise man is not confused, but a confused man is the cleverest.

"Playing the fool", seemingly stupid, is actually smart. People who stand in the world can protect themselves well without boasting about their achievements. That's what the so-called "hiding cleverness and saving stupidity, taking darkness as light" said.

Han Xin was the first hero of the Han Dynasty, and he laid down two thirds of the world in the Han Dynasty. However, he is a master of Gao Zhen, but he can't be humble, arrogant or arrogant. He lost his resilience to be humiliated by his legs, and ended up with a broken family. Later generations commented that if Han Xin didn't bargain with Liu Bang with the meritorious military service, but like Xiao He, he didn't take credit, and Liu Bang probably wouldn't do it even if he was vicious.

Originally, Han Xin was very clever, and Li Zongwu commented on Han Xin in Larrabee: "At the time of Chu and Han Dynasties, there was a man who was thick but not black and died after defeat. Han Xin is also a disgrace to his legs. He believes that he can bear it, and his erudition is not superior.

After the King of Qi, if you listen to Kuai Tong, your sincerity is beyond words. "Han Xin is smart, but he is not playing dumb. He works hard and doesn't know how to converge. How can he escape death? So it's hard for smart people to play dumb, because everyone wants to be smart and it's too late to play dumb. Who wants to play dumb? As we all know, really smart people will play the fool, and playing the fool also requires the ability and grace to play the fool, which can be both stupid and affordable. Therefore, only truly talented people can protect themselves well without showing off their talents.

In the old society of China, the front shop at that time never saw any valuable goods, because the shopkeepers never displayed valuable goods on the storefront, and they always hid the "treasures" tightly. Only when you meet rich and knowledgeable people will you take out good goods and trade them in hidden places. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking. If you really look on the bright side, even if it wasn't stolen that night, I'm afraid the owner won't sleep well.

Not only commodities, but also talents. There is an old saying: "All bets are off, but modest gains." There are countless people who like to show off their cleverness and cause great disasters. Therefore, no matter how talented you are, you should be good at hiding things that seem to be absent. This is the so-called confused state.

In his later years, Mr. Hu Shi said: "Anyone who has made great achievements is extremely smart and willing to do stupid things."

For example, Napoleon, a short man who traveled all over Europe with an iron warrior, is such a person who is willing to do "stupid kung fu" and "stupid things". 1805, Napoleon, who conquered more than half of Europe, pursued the Russian army and reached the critical moment of decisive battle with Alexander.

At this time, the exhausted Russian czar Alexander saw that his guards and reinforcements had arrived, and his anger was suppressed, which turned his fear into his determination to fight Napoleon's army to the end. At that time, the army commander Kutuzov suggested that Alexander continue to retreat, wait for the arrival of Prussian army reinforcements, and then give the French a firm counterattack. After Napoleon knew the differences of opinion within the Russian army, he was afraid that once Alexander was really persuaded by Tukuzov to continue to retreat, he would have no chance to destroy the Russian army.

So Napoleon saw the arrival of Russian reinforcements, pretending to be afraid and unwilling to fight. He ordered the army to stop chasing and sent someone to make peace with Alexander, expressing his willingness to accept some humiliating conditions so that the two sides could reach a settlement and stop the war. His actions deeply stimulated Alexander. Alexander thought that if Napoleon didn't despair, how could he make peace with himself? The picture of Napoleon running for his life appeared in front of him again, thinking, "Hum, how can Napoleon fight if he wants, and make peace if he wants!" " According to Napoleon's usual arrogance, Alexander concluded that now was the best time for Lee to defeat him.

So Alexander didn't listen to Kutuzov's advice at all, and soon Li attacked the French army. The result, of course, was that he was trapped by Napoleon and beaten by the French army.

Between Napoleon and Alexander, it just shows that one is good at playing dumb and the other is smart. It goes without saying which is really smart and which is really stupid. Only when you are too smart to show it, do you have amazing power. This is the so-called "hiding cleverness and saving stupidity, using it as bright as dark". To achieve their goals, it is not enough to rely on stealth and opportunism. A really smart person should learn to be stupid and know how to hide his intelligence from being seen through. This is the way to deal with the world.