Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What are the skills of the four sects in Ghost Blowing Lantern?

What are the skills of the four sects in Ghost Blowing Lantern?

With the popularity of Pan Yueming version of Ghost Blowing Lights in Longling Cave, "grave robbery" has once again become a hot word. In the world view of Ghost Blowing Lights, the field of grave robbery is divided into four schools, namely, sending mountains, touching gold, moving mountains and unloading mountains.

Tomb raiding has existed since ancient times and can be traced back to its source. After Qin was stolen, there was no grave in the twenty-third dynasty, and the dynasties changed. There are as many people digging graves in caves as flies. According to their motives, techniques and bloodlines, they are nothing more than building mountains, touching gold, moving mountains and unloading mountains.

And these four schools, each with its own strengths, all have its own unique methods of grave robbery, so which school of grave robbery is the most professional? We might as well make a simple comb of the origin and present situation of the four grave robbing sects first. First of all, the "Faqiu School", which originated in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, is of the same origin as the touch of gold. It is said that its founder was Cao Cao, a lean man in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

It is said that at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the heroes rose together, and Cao Cao stayed in Chen to compete for the Central Plains. In order to raise military expenses, Cao Cao made up his mind to the deceased and personally set up a number of official grave-robbing troops. Because these two factions are specially approved by the government and have official positions, one is called a captain Mo Jin, and the other is called a corps commander or general Faqiu.

"Cao Cao also specially sent a senior general to touch a captain's gold, so he lived a sudden death and was not explicit." -"For Yuan Shao, Ling Yuzhou"

Among them, "Faqiu corps commander" holds "Faqiu Yin Tian", which is engraved with eight characters: "God bless the people and forgive them". Touching the gold captain means touching the gold symbol number as a voucher.

Of course, although they are all grave robberies. However, the main attack directions of "touching the golden pulse" and "hair mound pulse" are different. First of all, literally, "touch" means detection, and "hump" means excavation. Therefore, what we need to do to touch the golden vein is to locate the gold and inquire about the geographical location of the tomb; The Maoshan Mountains are just digging the ground and breaking the customs. The two factions have a clear division of labor and work together to rob the tomb.

In terms of status, the "mountain-top pulse" should be higher, because the "mountain-top pulse" is more of an auxiliary role of reconnaissance. If you really rob a tomb and get property, you have to "leave the mountain in one vein." In addition, it can be seen from the official names of the two men that the "Maoqiu pulse" was slightly higher. After all, the rank of the corps commander was higher than that of a captain. In short, at that time, the two factions were actually the same door, belonging to Cao Cao's grave robbery organization.

However, as Cao Cao pacified the north, his grave robbery organization withdrew from the historical stage. After all, the business of robbing a tomb is not very glorious. Cao Cao used him only to make money and relieve the pressure of military expenditure at that time. This is a temporary way to save the emergency. Later, Cao Cao pacified the north and gradually became rich. Coupled with his orthodox position in the imperial court, if he goes to rob the tomb again, he will be laughed at by the whole world.

As a result, Faqiu and Mojin factions gradually became private grave robbery organizations. After that, because of their different ideas, the two factions gradually parted ways and embarked on different paths.

First of all, the Faqiu Sect, as the main force of grave robbery under Cao Cao, has accumulated enough power and wealth in its official grave robbery career, so the Faqiu Sect is not very interested in grave robbery. Even if you want to rob a tomb, it is often aimed at the tombs of princes. In the long run, you will have a rich family.

Like Cao Cao in that year, with the change of his status and strength, Faqiu began to wash his hands and gradually left the grave robbery world. They turned to the downstream industry of grave robbery and made a living by buying and selling funerary objects, all of which became wealthy businessmen. Among them, a group of people benefited from the good environment created by their ancestors and became archaeologists. At this time, grave robbery can no longer be called theft, but is officially allowed archaeology. With the demise of "Faqiu Yin Tian" in Ming Dynasty, the Faqiu vein was broken.

As for touching the golden pulse, the mix is relatively poor. After being laid off, Mo Jinyi had to continue to rob the tomb in order to make a living. But robbing a tomb is a disgraceful act after all, and you will go to jail if you are caught. Therefore, I like to go it alone. Over time, there are fewer and fewer people with this vein. In the era when the ghost blows the lamp, there were only three golden spells, which were inherited by Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan and Yang Ping respectively.

Different from the official experience of sending mountains to touch gold, the two schools, Yishan and Xieshan, are organizations that have grown up by the people. First of all, the Yishan Sect is the most mysterious Sect in the tomb-robbing world. The purpose of their grave robbery is not to steal priceless funerary objects, but to find a way to live forever.

"Those who moved the mountain road to send the ancient tomb, in order not to die."

Moreover, there are many unique skills for people who move mountains, such as "moving mountains into different parts", "setting Jiulongchuan Nature Reserve" and "devil's geomantic tactics", all of which were created by the ancestors of the mountain-moving school. All the above descriptions cast a mysterious veil on Yishan Sect.

In fact, the origin of the Mid-Levels School is the Zagrama tribe, a cursed nation in the ancient western regions. They are cursed for spying into the mysteries of ghost caves, and their people usually don't live past forty.

Legend has it that if you want to lift the curse, you can only look for the "dust bead", which was once an object of Wu Ding, Shang Zhouwang. With the change of history, this magical bead has already been buried underground. So, in order to find "dust beads", Zagrama people became alchemists and embarked on the road of exploring ancient tombs to find pearls. This exploration lasted for thousands of years.

And they also have their own names in the rivers and lakes-mountain movers. They are ascetic monks and Taoists, and they fight not for money, but for dust beads. In the book Ghost Blows the Lamp, there is a man named partridge whistle, who is Yang Ping's grandfather and spent most of his life looking for dust beads. But I couldn't find it after all, and finally I was disheartened and moved to the United States. It is worth mentioning that his granddaughter Yang Ping finally fulfilled her last wish and found a grain of dust in Yunnan Worm Valley, which lifted her curse.

As for the "Xie Ling School", it has a long history, which can be traced back to the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. However, unlike Mo Jinqiu at that time, the Xie Ling Sect had no official background and was a grass-roots folk grave robbery organization. When there is a tomb to steal, they fight for it. When there is no tomb to steal, they gather on the mountain to rob the people.

The largest number of people unloaded the ridge started from the theft of the tomb by the peasant army at the end of the Han Dynasty, and the whole people made a profit, dividing the spoils by 100% and 1000%.

Xie Ling sects are mainly active in the south, which is a mountainous area, and those large tombs are often hidden in the mountains. Xie Ling sent experts at the grass-roots level not to follow the technical flow. They rob tombs simply and rudely, and often just blow them up directly and break them with external force. Such a move often destroys the geomantic omen of the whole mountain, hence the name Xie Ling School.

In fact, for the identity of grave robbers, Xie Ling is more like a group of "outlaw thieves". They are not thieves, but take or rob them aboveboard. Because you don't need technology, you can get property quickly, so Xie Lingjiao has been very prosperous. In Nuqing Xiangxi, the Xie Ling faction is extremely powerful, with hundreds of thousands of people. Chen more, the general manager, was a vassal, who controlled hundreds of thieves in the southern, northern and 613 provinces, and once fostered Luo Laowai, a warlord in western Hunan, hoping to unify the whole country. However, ill-fated, Chen eventually became blind, living by fortune-telling and vagrancy. Xie Ling School also gradually declined.

As can be seen from the above introduction, among the four schools of grave robbery, the origin is the best; On ability, moving mountains is the strongest; In terms of scale, Xie Ling is the strongest, but in terms of professionalism, it must be the turning of stone into gold. After all, Faqiu changed careers, and the skills of people who moved the mountain road also lost their inheritance, and unloading the mountain can only rely on brute force. Only the "Feng Shui Mystery" of touching a captain's golden cave, locating the cave and searching for dragons has been passed down to this day.