Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to treat Dai Dajin's dress style?

How to treat Dai Dajin's dress style?

Someone wears a big gold chain around his neck, which is often called dirt or tacky. Because, in general, China's traditional culture pays attention to implication. Being rich but not revealing is a rule or habit recognized by the broad masses of the people. It will be abrupt to suddenly see someone wearing a big gold chain directly around their neck. So, what do you think of Dai Dajin's dress style?

Maybe it's personal preference.

Everyone's aesthetic is different, and everyone's growth environment and cultural influence are also different. Perhaps people wearing big gold chains regard this dress as the most common one, or it has become a habit, or it may look good. Everyone has his own right to decide what he wants to wear without affecting the public environment.

Maybe it was given by someone important.

Some people may wear gold chains, because they are given by important people and cannot refuse others' wishes. For example, as I saw before, someone went to a fortune teller because of his mother, and the fortune teller said that he was LMNT, so his mother bought him a gold chain. As a boy, he didn't wear a gold chain voluntarily, which is really helpless, but you can't bear to refuse his maternal love.

May be out of desperation.

Some people wear gold chains to pretend to be fierce in order to protect what they want to protect, because losing face and big gold chains will make some gangsters feel that this person is not easy to mess with, so that this person will have much less trouble and what he wants to protect will continue to be intact.

The above is my personal conclusion after many aspects of understanding, hoping to help your doubts. Because everything has a reason to exist, and this reason may be varied. Don't judge others by your own wishful thinking. And as long as it does not affect the public environment, how others dress is their own freedom.