Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Who can give me 20 diaries

Who can give me 20 diaries

This morning, I was awakened by my father's "noise": "Lazy, get up-get up! I have to go to a beauty art class today! " Dad roared, "The earth shakes." I had to get up reluctantly, thinking: Dad is more punctual than the alarm clock. Hey! I muttered over breakfast:

Today, I don't want to take Taekwondo. I haven't finished my homework, and I have to take Taekwondo. I'm exhausted! "

"No, how can you be so persistent? Learn one thing to concentrate on, how can ... "

Hey! Dad is going to make a long speech again, which makes me wonder if he is ready. Hum! You "speak" slowly here! Enemy but, I flash! However, it's not impossible, because grandma and I have been in collusion for a long time, and there will be a lot of fun in the future! Hee hee!

Speak of the devil. "Ding" the phone rang, and it was grandma's. I handed the microphone to my father, feeling smug. But dad and grandma "filled it up". After a contest, he put down the phone and said to me with joy, "grandma let you have class!" "ah! I'm not dizzy, even dare to disobey grandma's meaning, unfilial, unfilial! I have no choice but to go to school. Hey! This world ...

Finally, after class was over, I flew home and was surprised to find that the TV was "back". Oh! I forgot to tell you: my TV has been "traveling" for nearly a month (actually, it is broken and repaired), and I heard that I have returned to my parents' home. Maybe I "abused" it at ordinary times and ran away from home in a fit of pique! Fortunately, I'm back.

make dumplings

Today, jiaozi is in our home. I jump and jump happily.

I started to pack jiaozi. I was a little unconvinced when I saw my parents' bags. I went over to my mother and said, "Mom, can I wrap it up?" Mom said, "Can you do it?"

I said, "Why not?" In this way, my parents and I wrapped up jiaozi.

I picked up the dumpling skin, put the stuffing in, and pinched it with my hand. Ah, the skin is broken. My mother said, "Can't you?"

I am embarrassed to say, "I am a war hero-a wounded soldier."

After listening to this sentence, everyone began to laugh, and I followed suit.

Alas, it's not easy to package jiaozi. It seems that trivial housework is also learned and should not be underestimated.

1. Reflections on Pauline and paulette

Yesterday, I watched a movie "Pauline and paulette", which made me think a lot. ...

The film tells the story of an elderly woman named Pauline who suffers from dementia, lives with her and takes care of her sister Martha and dies. The other two sisters don't want to take her. Later, the lawyer said that if no one took Pauline away, Martha's property would all belong to Pauline. Third sister took Pauline away for money, but it was not good for Pauline. She only knew how to travel around. Pauline must find her second sister paulette. Paulette sent Pauline to the welfare home, but she stayed at the seaside. After a long time, paulette felt lonely, so she left the welfare home with Pauline, and the two sisters lived happily ever after.

After watching this movie, I think Pauline's two sisters are selfish. They only care about their own affairs. One wants to travel, the other wants to act, and puts aside Pauline, who is insane. But then paulette realized his mistake.

In our society, there are thousands of people who throw the poor old man aside. Some people seem to adopt the elderly with good intentions, but in fact they want to buy the property of the elderly. After the old man died, these people bought the property of the old man who they treated badly.

Of course, this film also has some shortcomings, such as the music in the film does not well express the mood and situation of the protagonist ... but the performance of family affection is still very touching.

Among similar films in China, only the elderly are busy around their children, and there are not many films showing the rich life of the elderly in their later years, which is what we need to improve.


It will be sunny on Friday, April 24th.

Today, my parents and I went fishing in the fishing field.

We first went to the seaside ferry to take a boat, and soon the boat left. There is a cool sea breeze blowing head-on, seagulls are flying around the sea, and they also skim the sea from time to time to catch fish. Seeing this, I really want to become a seagull and fly to the fishing ground. Soon, we went ashore and the family went to the fishing ground.

We walked to the river, and mother took out the bait and put it on the hook. I picked up the fishing rod and threw the hook into the river. After a while, the red dot began to move up and down, but it didn't move for a while. I pulled it up and saw that the bait was eaten by the fish, but the fish didn't take the bait. Dad also had a "poor record" here, and the fish ran away. Mother gave us bait again and put it in the lake. This time, mom put more bait. After a while, I not only saw the red dot moving up and down, but also saw the fish spitting bubbles. I accidentally forgot the danger and bit it. "hooked!" I let out a cry when I saw the red dot sink, and quickly pulled it up. Unfortunately, the fish was so heavy that I pulled it away. I was so angry that I picked up a fishing rod without bait and paddled around in the river. I lifted it and caught a shrimp seedling. I hung shrimp on the hook as bait. At this time, dad's cry came from the side, "hooked! Hooked! " Dad pulled the fishing rod up, and mom put the fish in the fish basket and accidentally let the fish jump into the river. I was so angry that my family said there was fish essence in the river!

We didn't lose heart and went on fishing. I put the hook down. It's very lively. The fish in the river scrambled to eat shrimp, so I took the opportunity to pull the fishing rod and kill two birds with one stone-I caught two fish. Mother carefully put the fish in the fish basket. Finally, we caught 1 1 fish!

I am so happy today!

Among the sounds of nature, I like listening to the rain best. It sounds like a song to me, or an elegant or bold sonata.

Listening to my mother, I cried in my mother's arms when I was a child. As long as I heard the falling rain, I would immediately stop crying and lie quietly in my mother's arms, with dark eyes open and holding my breath. Many people feel very cute when they see that serious expression.

When I was five or six years old, when I began to remember, whenever it rained, I always sat by the door alone, propping my chin on my elbow and listening to the sound of rain falling. Sometimes at night, my grandmother will tell me to sleep, but I don't want to leave the door and still sit there, so every time my loving grandmother always sits with me until the rain stops or late at night.

Now, I am 12 years old and have entered youth. I have lost a lot of childish problems, but listening to the rain has not changed, but it has intensified.

There are eight people in my family, and I have a small bed. In order to listen to the rain, I specially put the bed under the window. Whenever it rains, the fresh rain sounds like charming music into my eardrum. Especially at night, I sit in my cot and listen attentively. All the raindrops in the sky flooded into my heart, and my body seemed to swell up, feeling that I had added infinite strength. What a charming moment it was!

Once in a Chinese class, it suddenly began to rain. My old habit came back. I forgot to attend class, looked at everything outside the window, listened to the rhythmic rain, and immersed myself in a wonderful realm. The Chinese teacher found me absent-minded and asked me a simple question. Called me three times in a row, and I didn't react until the teacher patted me on the head.

In case of a storm, the whistling wind is accompanied by the sound of rain, one after another, lightning and thunder, as if there were thousands of troops falling from the sky, which is thrilling. At that moment, I will dance with excitement and my heart will be filled with infinite excitement. It seems that I am going to devote myself to thousands of troops and kill the defeated enemy. I am very happy. Often it has been raining for a long time, but my heart still can't calm down.

Winter is coming, how I long for that vibrant summer, and it can rain a few times, so that bold music can inspire my infinite passion!

Reflections on Diary of a Madman

Diary of a Madman is the first truly modern vernacular novel in the history of modern literature in China. Surprisingly, this pioneering work in the history of China's modern novels has shown extremely mature characteristics and attracted many researchers later. Besides Lu Xun's profound literary accomplishment, we have to admire Yu Xiansheng's genius. Below I will personally interpret the diary of a madman, which is naturally biased. However, as a reader, I think I can also have the right to be presumptuous. When opening Diary of a Madman, the first thing that enters the reader's field of vision is "the world imagined by a madman". The world imagined by this madman is described from the perspective of "ordinary people": the madman is sick, others look askance, and the jujube family delays medical treatment and rehabilitation of the madman. The meaning of this layer can be interpreted by all literati, because it is clearly explained in the preface of the novel: a certain gentleman, Kun Zhong, a high school friend; After years of separation, the news gradually disappeared. I occasionally heard of a serious illness the other day; When you go back to your hometown to visit, you will only meet one person, saying that the brother of the sick person is also. The old gentleman came all the way to see you, but he recovered early and went to a place to stand by and watch. Because I laughed, I published two diaries with the symptoms of the day. I might as well give them to my old friend. After reading it, I realized that I was suffering from "persecution mania" and so on. The language is quite incoherent, with many absurd words; It's not the month and date, but the ink font is different, so it's not a temporary handwriting. There are also some people who have a little contact with each other. Today I will summarize one for doctors to study. From the perspective of ordinary people, we can reasonably explain the "persecution" of others in the eyes of lunatics. For example, in the first section of the novel, the madman wrote: There is no moonlight today, and I know it is not good. When he went out carefully in the morning, Zhao Guiweng's eyes were strange: he seemed afraid of me and wanted to hurt me. There are seven or eight people whispering about me and smiling at me with their mouths open; I was cold from head to toe until they had arranged everything. Because we learned that the madman was crazy, everyone was a little afraid of him and talked about him. However, in the eyes of the madman, we think that everyone has a plan, which is very important to him. For another example, the madman's eldest brother invited a doctor to treat the madman, prescribed medicine and told him to give it to the madman quickly. However, in the eyes of the madman, it is such a situation: the old man stepped out of the door and didn't go far, so he whispered to his eldest brother, "Eat quickly!" " Eldest brother nodded. It's you! This is a great idea. Although it seems to be an accident, I also care: the person who eats me in partnership is my brother! With these descriptions, we get a complete and logical story: a young man is suspicious because of his brain problem, assuming that everyone is persecuting him and eating people, but not long after, due to the treatment of doctors, the young man's madness is cured and he has re-entered the normal life track (waiting for a position). The Diary of a Madman that we saw is the record of such a medical record. Because Lu Xun used to study medicine and take care of mentally ill family members, this Madman's Diary is very true and detailed. The above is the first interpretation of Diary of a Madman. However, most people can easily see Lu Xun's criticism of feudal tradition in the form of symbol through the illusion of the case. Here, I take it as my second interpretation, which is a superficial criticism of madness. When we take care of the world written by the author from the perspective of a madman, we begin to understand the truth of the world in the eyes of a madman: the madman suddenly realizes the "traditional" sin of killing and eating people, and the people around him can't accommodate sober people and begin to persecute him; In addition, he was accused of being "crazy", succumbing to evil forces again, colluding with others (or being eaten). This is the common result of most commentators' interpretation at that time and after the publication of Diary of a Madman. In this interpretation, a critical object of the times appeared: "traditional ethics"-this is the critical object of the New Culture Movement. As the leader of the New Culture Movement, Lu Xun's first novel, Diary of a Madman, took this as the focus of criticism, which was undoubtedly the purpose of Lu Xun's creation at that time. In his works, it is also clearly shown through the confession of a madman: everything must be studied to understand. I remember eating people in ancient times, but I don't know. I looked at the history and found that it has no age, and the words "benevolence, righteousness and morality" are written on every crooked leaf. I can't sleep anyway. I read it carefully in the middle of the night before I saw the words through the gap. The book is full of "cannibalism"! In addition, Lu Xun said in the Preface to the Second Series of Novels of China New Literature Department that Diary of a Madman "is intended to expose the disadvantages of family system and ethics". It is precisely because of this universal interpretation that Diary of a Madman is regarded as a literary model of the May 4th Enlightenment. Through it, the advocates of the new culture movement raised a banner: "Save the children"! But after a text is created, it becomes an independent thing without an author, so different readers will have different interpretations in different times. Just like today at the end of the century, in my eyes, Diary of a Madman can interpret the third meaning: it is a madman's "profound criticism of mankind". It is still through the "madman's perspective" to take care of the truth of the surrounding world: the madman who dares to think abstractly about the world and life finds that people are wary of each other, fighting with each other and killing each other, which has become an unstoppable vicious circle: they both want to eat people and are afraid of being eaten by others, and they all look at each other with extremely suspicious eyes. ..... So the madman appealed to human beings to live in harmony: how comfortable it is to walk, eat and sleep without worrying about things. This is just a threshold, a pass. However, they are fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, wives, friends, teachers and students, enemies and strangers. They all form a group, encouraging each other and pulling each other, and will never cross this step. In despair, the madman shouted and groaned, saying, "Save the child ...". Criticism of human beings as a whole may not be Lu Xun's sober intention when he created, but the ordinary world in the eyes of a madman has a wide range of synchronicity and cosmopolitanism, so his criticism will never stop at China citizens before the May Fourth Movement, but can extend to all mankind; The inferiority of human nature referred to in his criticism is not only to eliminate the "feudal cultural system" but also to eradicate it-perhaps it is a deep-rooted molecule in human genes and will never be eliminated, which will eventually lead to human self-destruction. Today, we can already see these signs: nuclear weapons that can destroy the earth thousands of times, the pollution of the earth that everyone participates in, and the incurable century disease "AIDS" that broke out because of the moral decay of human beings ... Lu Xun felt deep despair because he saw this persistent inferiority of human beings, and the call for "saving children" was not an exclamation point but an ellipsis. In his view, this call seems to awaken those dying people who are locked in unbreakable iron houses and make them feel the pain they can't let go. However, Lu Xun is always a warrior who faces reality. Even though he felt desperate inside, he stood up in despair and resisted. And this spirit of "knowing what you can't do" has not completely disappeared today, so we can see that some people call for protecting the earth and building a green home, and some people are looking for the ultimate value of human beings "taking the pen as a mirror" ... Although this voice is very weak, it makes people see the last dawn of the human world.