Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - My mother doesn't agree with us being together, because the fortune teller said we made a big taboo.

My mother doesn't agree with us being together, because the fortune teller said we made a big taboo.

This fortune teller is wicked. As the saying goes, "It is better to tear down ten temples than destroy a family." In order to earn two black-hearted money, he will ruin his good marriage. Don't trust him, girl. Although life does have a destiny, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand. Most street fortune tellers are liars. They cheat the world and steal fame. They make a living by being eloquent. What they say is unreliable. People who can really fathom the fate of others generally live in seclusion among famous mountains and rivers, indifferent to fame and fortune, and don't tell fortune easily. Even if he knows your life, he won't come out with you. So, tell your mother never to believe the story of street fortune telling.

If you really believe in numerology, please provide your and your boyfriend's names and date of birth, and I will help you close your horoscope.