Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Wonderful fortune-telling methods _ What wonderful fortune-telling methods are there?

Wonderful fortune-telling methods _ What wonderful fortune-telling methods are there?

What is the strangest superstition you have ever seen?

Is it strange that superstition kills people? Around the end of 1970s, several local married women went to find someone to tell their fortune during the slack season at the beginning of the year. One of the women is considered to have a double life. Generally speaking, this matter should be kept secret. It happened that this nonsense spread to the woman's husband. My husband is a craftsman. He usually doesn't talk much, but his thoughts are a bit feudal and superstitious. I often go to see a doctor with a slight illness. This kind of fortune-telling nonsense makes her man, who is a little clever, connect her husband's life with her health. So she decided to divorce and let her remarry! But parents may know nothing about it, or they may know the story of fortune telling and take it seriously. Besides, divorce in the 1970s was not as casual as it is now. Therefore, during that time, men were relatively silent and uneasy. Finally, the day before I hanged myself, I was schizophrenic and walked in the wild all night. The old saying in the countryside is that ghosts lead it away, which finally boils down to superstition. What a wonderful work!

Aunt Zhang, a neighbor, recently got a strange disease. During the day, she is fine, talking and laughing. At night, she cries and makes noise, but she doesn't sleep again and again. This makes everyone toss and turn.

Go to the hospital for examination, MRI, CT, ECG, gastroscope and general examination. There's nothing serious about not being short of money.

Someone looks wrong, is it stained with something unclean? There is no real disease, is it deficiency?

There happened to be a Yin and Yang teacher nearby, who often used to ward off evil spirits and choose houses on weekdays. He also has a second group of gentlemen, his wife, who colluded with each other and deceived many people.

When they saw Aunt Zhang coming to visit, they pretended that she was possessed by a ghost, and her life would be in danger if she didn't come out early.

So a ghost war began.

Just under the eyes of the public, Aunt Zhang fell to the ground and took off her clothes. Aunt Zhang was humiliated and struggled desperately, but she was pinned down by two gangs and couldn't move for a while.

Master Yin and Yang, peach wooden sword in hand, murmured around Aunt Zhang and put runes on Aunt Zhang. After a little resistance, the two men punched each other and beat themselves black and blue. The family can't stand it. They tried to stop it, but they were shocked by what they saw.

I saw Aunt Zhang writhing desperately, her body twisted into a ball, her head held high, her mouth made a sound, and she bit when she opened her mouth.

Passing 18-wheeler, Master Yin and Yang hit him on the head with a sword, and then knocked Aunt Zhang unconscious, and he was all right at once.

Everyone swarmed and found that Aunt Zhang had fainted and shed a pool of blood, so she was scared to go to the hospital.

Fortunately, the rescue was timely and seven stitches were made. I don't know if my brain is damaged after I wake up. Throughout the day, relatives are far apart.

When the two immortals saw the accident, they were so scared that they packed their bags overnight and ran away. Later, I saw them on the construction site, one working as a coolie and the other cooking for people.

When it comes to superstition, of course, it is much more special. However, particularly wonderful superstitions have really been encountered in the company.

Elms are everywhere in Xinjiang, and they grow in spring. It's tender and smells good. Attracted adults and children to pick up money and come back to eat.

It is also simple to eat. It can be eaten raw or mixed with flour and washed elm roots and steamed in a cage. You can eat it this way, or you can fry onions, peppers and steamed elms in a pot, which is more fragrant. Some people say that hotels are also sold in Qian. I don't know how to do it. It's delicious, but it's particularly expensive anyway.

Everyone else gave money, but Mrs. Ma didn't take it for her. When her husband died, the children were far away and could not come back. If she wants to eat, she can give it to others. But Mrs. Ma didn't want to talk and refused to accept her old age. If the old lady had listened to her children, she would have gone to the city to play with them.

Mrs. Ma is almost seventy, blind and deaf. She doesn't feel much, but she thinks she is still young. Seeing a big elm tree behind the house, it was not bad, so I climbed it and picked it up, but I didn't pay attention to it when I came down. Finally, I fell and broke it.

The news that Mrs. Ma was thrown spread all over the company at once. After Mrs. Ma was taken to the hospital, several old ladies close to her got together and muttered for a long time, and they didn't know what was going on. Finally, everyone came to the elm tree where Mrs. Ma fell with shovels and studied it carefully for a long time. Finally, someone said with certainty, "This is it, this is it."

Finding the right place, several old ladies worked together to dig a pit in that place. Everyone spat in the pit, stepped on a few feet, and finally filled the pit with soil. Then everyone went home happily, as if they had accomplished a great thing. They thought that by doing so, Mrs. Ma would get better soon.

I am a timid soldier, and I am telling stories around me. Welcome to the comments.

I have asked many people, and no one knows that this is a habit there. Old ladies don't have time to tell us what this means. Dear friends, do you know?

Some superstitions sound wonderful. The strangest superstition I have ever seen is an event that happened in my hometown.

When I returned to my hometown during the Spring Festival in 1997, a neighbor's house not far from my home was doing Dojo. It turned out that his grandson took his daughter-in-law to grandma's house for the winter vacation. As a result, NianLia was poisoned by gas at night. When she found it in the morning, she felt dizzy and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. My mother was lucky enough to save her. The seven-year-old child was gone, and her family was in great pain. A relative of her daughter-in-law's family said that there was a big fairy who could do magic at home for seven days, so that people's souls could rest in peace. The big fairy paid a lot of attention and no one could disturb her. She lives in a single room and does it at home. Then Daxian makes a scene in the yard or room every morning, noon and evening. Today, she asked her family to line up in the yard and call chickens and ducks tomorrow. People around her are also afraid, and we dare not pass by his house. For seven days, Daxian made up a set of lies to prevaricate. Although the child has not been resurrected, a sum of money for magic must be given to others.

There is a middle-level leader in our unit upstairs. When he moved here, he invited Daxian, who kept beating gongs and drums all day. Finally, the leader was dismissed for taking bribes, and Daxian failed to bless him.

Some superstitions are the means by which immortals and witches cheat money. They play tricks and confuse people with rumors. Some people are sick and refuse to see a doctor, making fun of their own lives. Harm set, harm get.

"That's your dad, hurry up and kneel down and kowtow! He has something to say to you. " Aunt Gao said.

0 1 year, my uncle died of laryngeal cancer. During the period before his death, he became very grumpy. He punched and kicked whoever he caught, and no one dared to go near him.

Although he said his wish twice and made some arrangements, Cousins always felt that he had something to say, so he invited a witch to ask his uncle what else he wanted.

I don't believe it, but I have to watch for my uncle. I can't leave at once, so I have to watch the fun. The witch's name is Aunt Gao. As the name implies, she is really tall and big. She is not that kind of crouching tiger, hidden dragon, but she is also full of blood, with eyes like two bells and voice like Hong Zhong. Plus a few layers of powder on her face, she is a dragon! Ghosts and monsters take detours.

When she began to mumble, I slipped out quickly, walked around the house and stayed outside for a while. When you are really bored, go back and watch the excitement. I didn't expect to hear Gao hag as soon as I entered the door. No, Aunt Gao turned her back on me and said, "This is your father. Kneel down and kowtow! He has something to say to you.

I'm completely at a loss. I don't know what she said, but my sister in the lobby pointed to a Cao Meng on the wall and told me that it was my father. -this, niche didn't offend, but forced?

Just when I lost my mind, Aunt Gao suddenly rolled all over the floor with long hair and cried loudly, saying, "My life is so bitter ... they all ignore me."

What is this wonderful work? Want me to kneel and kowtow to that bug! ? My face is black and blue, and I feel the eyes of seven aunts and eight grandmothers-it seems to be contemptuous?

I couldn't stand this wonderful work any longer, so I turned and ran and drove straight home. Whoever loves to watch the vigil will keep it. It was just a matter of giving each other a face. If you have to, it's a slap in the face. Later, it seemed that the influence was a bit bad. After that, he had a reputation of unfilial in his hometown.


This is the most wonderful feudal superstition I have ever seen. She tried to play tricks, but I didn't mean to stop her. I don't think I can stop her. You want me to cooperate a little, not that I can't, but you have to give each other a face. Hello, I'm good, everyone is good. Let me kneel and kowtow as soon as I come in. What does she want to do next? It's scary to think about it, but it just ran away.

Pray for rain

In the summer of 1953, there was not a drop of rain for more than 40 days. The mountains are at the bottom and the rice fields are open. People even have to run for miles to feet in front of the square mountain spring to queue up for water. Country people suggest playing with grass dragons. Not far away, there is an Antang, in which there are two wooden bodhisattvas, one big and one small, and their brothers are shaped like monkeys. They are said to be the Great Sage of Qitian. People from several villages came out, beating gongs and drums, carrying them back to the village in sedan chairs, wearing gold bodies and sewing robes, dressed like Sun Wu in the movie. On the day of rain, dragons and lions danced. You are not allowed to wear a hat and an umbrella. You have completely visited forty-eight temples. Wherever you go, you should sacrifice to the temple king. After swimming for two days, the sky in Wan Li was cloudless. People are depressed. During the break, a child was curious. When he opened the curtain of the sedan chair, he shouted, "Ah! The monkey's head is sweating! As a result, people talked about it in succession, saying that the Monkey King had tried his best and the Bodhisattva was very clever, and decided to extend the sacrificial activities for one day. On the third day, everyone was exhausted, and it was hot and there was no water to drink. Especially, people carrying sedan chairs complained bitterly and quarreled with each other, which was the taboo of lifting husbands. 60 kg was worth 120 kg. You blame me, I blame you, and the quarrel is endless. Also interrupted the Monkey King's hand, presided over the rain activities of a dozen deacons dumbfounded, swearing, almost fight. Just then, there was thunder in the distance, and soon the clouds were gathering and the rain came. Everyone has different views on this rain. Some said it was begging, others said it was his back. How did it come into being? Today, we finally have the answer. If it is begging, I think Bodhisattva is also a bully.

A few years ago, there was a mountain village, a beautiful small village, and a "magic doctor" used mineral water to treat people.

It is said that this man took the most common mineral water, pointed with his hand and said a few words of "magic spell" silently, and the bottle of water became "magic water". This "divine water" can cure all diseases, and "water" can cure all diseases!

I used to drive my best friend and her mother to see a doctor, and many people saw a doctor. From the courtyard of the "imperial doctor" home, it has been lined up for two or three miles. The girlfriends had no choice but to spend 200 yuan to buy a "number" and win the morning time.

That "imperial doctor" is a man in his thirties, not too tall, thin, with big eyes and a loud voice. I hardly talk when I see a doctor. For patients, all you have to do is look at your face, your tongue and your nails. Then turn the patient around as a whole and pat him heavily and rhythmically on his shoulders, arms, back, waist and outer thighs. ...

Then I took a bottle of mineral water, flicked the bottom of the bottle with my fingers, held the mineral water with my hands folded, and said something silently, but I couldn't hear clearly ... It took about eight to ten minutes for this action to come down. Mineral water is taken away by the patient, even if the disease is cured. Of course, some patients will specifically tell them when to go again, or how many times they need to go, when they must go … and so on!

This "magic doctor" only drinks mineral water without charge. It was very popular for a time because it was said that it was a god who came down from heaven only to save the suffering, not to make money. When we went, we saw that people brought at least two boxes of mineral water, usually five to ten boxes, dozens more boxes, and even pulled a car. ...

It is said that because of his treatment, a local canteen and a parking lot have been opened. Later, I learned that it was his brother who opened the canteen and his brother-in-law who charged the parking fee. ...

My best friend's mother is convinced of the "medical skill" of "imperial doctor" She said that after drinking water, she felt clear-headed, her eyes were bright, and her body was much more relaxed after being slapped by the "god hand" of the "god doctor".

So later, they went there twice, saying that when they looked at the sun through the mineral water bottle, they could see the Bodhisattva sitting on the cloud, sprinkling water on the ground with a jade bottle in his hand. ...

Later, I heard that the "imperial doctor" escaped. Some people say that it is because of suspected fraud, and some people say that they have cured people. Then I heard that the "imperial doctor" turned out to be an uneducated tofu maker, and inexplicably became a "imperial doctor", which puzzled many people!

This is the most wonderful superstition I have ever seen with my own eyes. I can't understand it even now. I don't know why so many people are confused by it!

What is the strangest superstition you have ever seen? Zhai's family and Ma's family had a bitter quarrel because they had to start work on building a house. Zhai Jia wants to sit one meter behind the house, but the vest feels wrong. His house is in front of him, which is a trap for Zhai's family. At this moment, a gentleman who thinks he knows Yin and Yang said loudly, Stop arguing, I get it. This is Zuo Qinglong and You Baihu. He said some superstitious words that are hard for everyone to understand. He can't answer either. I said your superstition can only harm people. I asked Zhai's family to correct the room on the spot and get on well with Ma's family. The dispute between the two families is over, and they have no opinion. This is a very simple thing. If you use superstition, it is difficult to solve it. Superstition kills people!

Superstition, not to mention people, has developed rapidly. I experienced participating in superstitious activities. In order to add a man to the family, my wife insisted on traveling to a superstitious place. There are two rooms on the mountain, and people come and go every day. On my birthday last year, I began to talk nonsense, because people are the first, men and women, and 50% are not superstitious. Whoever they are, they are not people. They said that men didn't break the law and gave birth to women.

What I said may not be superstitious, but it's really wonderful.

One of my students complained in a circle of friends that she went abroad to study and often had diarrhea. Her father said that the environment was unacceptable, and then sent her a courier, a big envelope, which turned into powder. Her father reminded her to eat the dirt in the porridge for breakfast three days later, saying that there would be no symptoms of acclimatization after three days.

She asked in a circle of friends if this was true. By the way, she is from Zhejiang. She went to high school in Jiangsu and is now studying in Jiangxi. If eating soil is effective, should she eat Jiangsu soil or Zhejiang soil?

I told her that I had a similar story when I was a student. When I was in college, I often had diarrhea. When I came home on the National Day of my freshman year, my mother insisted that I take a pebble to school to make tea. The key point is that this stone was dug out of the drain under the sink at home, and it was covered with turquoise moss. If you can't wash it clean, you can't use the blisters at home. You must use university water. She also supervised me to make tea with that small stone as soon as I got to school. Fortunately, there was no smart phone at that time, so I couldn't talk on the screen, otherwise I might have to watch me drink!

I can't drink it anyway!