Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Blind fortune teller

Blind fortune teller

What is the ideological content of Yu Hua's Smoke?

Yu Hua's Smoke shows us a picture of disorder and disaster. Irrational (or immoral) human nature flows freely in the naked river, throwing human existence into the absurdity of an empty space, and the desire of human nature is enlarged into an all-encompassing network of suffering. Mankind has fallen into a miserable world!

At the beginning of the novel, the reader fell into an incredible scene. Just like the spotlight suddenly turned on on the stage, readers can't avoid the pain and confusion brought by Yu Hua under the strong light, which brings a strong impact of depression and strangeness to vision and mind, making people unable to breathe. In the first paragraph of the novel, all the characters in the book are pushed to the readers: 7 and his five-year-old son, 7' s wife, fortune-teller, 4, 3, 3' s grandchildren who are talking in their sleep, the blind man, the son of fortune-teller, the woman in gray, the driver, a group of girls rushing to 6 and 6, and 2, the midwife. After the characters appear, the following is the author's fantasy narrative.

The integrity of the story becomes fragmented and specious in the author's unique narrative, drifting between reality and unreality. Readers can only shuttle through repressed dreams, and human suffering is gradually opened. Look at what dreams Yu Hua gave us:

In the face of modern Chinese medicine, 7, who is seriously ill, "is doomed, and his soul is on the road to the West." Is it really hopeless? Don't! Everything is in the fortune teller's darkroom. When Qi and his wife traded their five-year-old son for a deadpan old chicken, Qi's illness "seemed to be getting better" and I could even get out of bed for a long time and "stand on the door frame for a while." The strange sound of "sleeping in the same bed" between a grandson in his sixties and a grandson in his seventeenth forcibly leads readers into an incredible chaotic situation, and the common sense value system is worthless. Shyly pregnant with her grandson, the fortune teller kept the unborn baby, which helped to solve her distress about how to call the baby in the future. I left my "lost my mind" grandson and gave birth to a new baby by visiting "relatives from other places". And his grandson's eyes have never left the door of 4. What was he nosing about? 6. Turn his six daughters into wealth at a price of 3,000 yuan each; Even the dying wife has a jealous expression on her face. The seventh daughter also predicted her tragic fate in her nightmares every night. "I saw myself being dragged by that sheepskin jacket and walking in the middle of nowhere." The woman in gray died strangely because there was a car print on the driver's clothes. The driver was "unbearable" and committed suicide in a "bride smashing" at the wedding of the son of a woman in gray. Fortune-tellers regard killing their four children one after another as the mystery of survival, and seducing and raping young girls as the way to keep fit and live longer. And 4' s father personally sent his 16-year-old daughter to the palm of a fortune teller who was nearly 90 years old for destruction. After the midwife delivered the baby for a pair of ghosts, it was doomed that life would die in the air. The seventh daughter finally jumped into the river and committed suicide. The fortune teller's fifth son had a lot on his mind, and finally it was difficult to get rid of his father's strong will, and he died. His death made the blind people no longer feel warm when passing by like bamboo poles, and he fell into unprecedented loneliness. After the sound of "sweet as fruit" disappeared in the melodious river, nothing made the blind "tremble". Finally, he "disappeared into the river" in the same way.

The author shows readers a bloody and tragic world with unscrupulous brushstrokes, and the unrestrained description of suffering in his works makes readers feel at a loss. This grotesque "irrational world" is full of sin, ugliness, violence, conspiracy and death. All sufferings are predictable, as if there is a mysterious hand behind it, controlling people's fate. You are doomed to die, and bad luck will always find you. The death of people in the works is inevitable for the living, and the fate has long been in the invisible world. Yu Hua cruelly let a person die tragically, dying of a "fate" that no one can resist. It implies how absurd human existence is, and human existence is doomed to be tragic.

The death of a character still cannot satisfy Yu Hua. He still felt that the world was not scary enough and mysterious enough, so two mysterious "ghosts" also appeared in the unbearable world. And arrange for midwives to deliver their babies. Accommodating people with ghosts shows that the human world and the spiritual world are originally a unified space. And the suffering of the future is still there. 3% of children are destined to be sons by fortune tellers who know everything before they are born. It seems that this multi-identity baby has also been doomed.

If the suffering and death of all the characters in the work come from the author's skillful brushwork, and the departure of all the characters does not make the author feel heavy, then the death of two characters will never make the author relaxed: 4 and the blind. The sound like a spring fascinates all of us. In the gloomy lament of smoke, the sound of 4 is the only "melodious string sound" The only blind person who feels the sound of strings is another character that the author prefers. It can be seen that the author has invested himself in this character. The world is so dark, but there is an ever-burning lamp in the heart of the blind. "He knows a lot of things that have happened and are happening." Because of this, the author also painfully let them die. Their death may be another real resistance to the "real world" on earth.

There seems to be hope in the world, because "4 and the bodies of the blind man surfaced on the river, when a peach tree was in full bloom in bright pink."