Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Chaoshan fortune-telling monkey _ Chaoshan fortune-telling

Chaoshan fortune-telling monkey _ Chaoshan fortune-telling

What does the Hakka monkey mean in Chaoshan dialect?

"Hakka monkey" in Chaoshan dialect means: you are not good.

Chaozhou dialect, also known as Tiê-Chiu-u-u dialect and Chaoshan dialect, is distributed in Chaoshan area (Chaozhou, Jieyang, Shantou and Fengshun) along the eastern coast of Guangdong Province, as well as overseas gathering places of hipsters mainly in Southeast Asia. The English name is Teochew or Chiuchow, which is a transliteration of Chaozhou. Chaozhou Prefecture was an immigrant city in ancient times, and its ancestors were mainly people from the Central Plains and Fujian. At the same time, Fujian dialect and ancient Chinese are integrated in Chaozhou prefecture, and loanwords from Southeast Asian countries are integrated in Chaozhou prefecture, forming a unique language family, often the same word, which is manifested in different pronunciations of place names, names and characters. The word "Chaozhou dialect" is generally recognized by Chaoshan people at home and abroad. Because it has been used for more than 1000 years, dictionaries, monographs and other academic works are all named after Chaozhou dialect.