Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - I need a complete set of four-character idioms.

I need a complete set of four-character idioms.

Idioms with animal names

Vientiane's renewal, scurrying about, chickens barking and dogs stealing, hordes of troops, mending after the sheep is dead, bowing in the cup and plate, standing out from the crowd, casting pearls before swine, like a duck to water,

Birds sing flowers, they are thoughtless, they are exhausted, they make the finishing point, they run around, they squat, they wait for rabbits, they are so eager to climb over the wall,

Short-sighted blind people touch the elephant and gild the lily.

An idiom with two animal names.

Stand out from the crowd, crowing and stealing, fighting between snipes and mussels, swallowing whales, clues, entering the dragon, dragon and horse spirit, dragon and phoenix dance, dragon and tiger leap,

Dragon and Tiger Steps, Dragon and Tiger Cave, Feng Ming, Yue Long, traffic, referring to a deer as a horse, a rabbit dying of grief, making a dog restless, in a good mood, wolfing down.

Idioms containing human organs

Eyes high and eyes low, dumbfounded, no ink on the chest, top-heavy, hands and feet light and deep, duplicity, quick eyes with hands, empty ears and broken blood.

Have good eyes, stand by and watch, and be rude,

I don't have the strength to tie up a chicken-I'm very weak

Idioms with insect names

Keywords moth, cicada shell, mosquito thunder, moon hanging, whale swallowing, dragonfly, mantis blocking car, clue,

The mantis catches the cicada, and the yellowbird is behind-coveting immediate interests and not knowing the danger behind.

Idioms containing a set of synonyms

Well-informed, emotional, far-sighted, glance left and right, dispatch troops, shattered.

Rain or shine, innuendo, hardships, wit, energy and earth-shattering.

Patchwork, nonsense, regime change, hearsay

Idioms with a set of antonyms

Shout before, hold your head high, stagger, close your mouth, top-heavy, head and tail.

Look around, every little makes a mickle, share weal and woe, overqualified, overqualified, careless.

It is very important that the South-to-South Transfer is a transfer from the East to the West, turning crisis into safety, turning defeat into victory, and winning more with less.

Multi-word idioms

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and all appearances are a fool.

A thousand troops are easy to get, but generals are hard to find. It is easy to get used to it, and the plan for a year lies in spring.

After a long drought, there is always dew. In a word, it takes someone who tied the bell to solve the problem. If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand.

Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, scrambling to cram for Buddha's feet, sparrows are small and complete,

Better be the head of a chicken than the queen of an ox, and a threesome will have a teacher, and an arms race will be turned into a friendship.

Idioms describing emergencies

Waiting for a thousand fires.

Idioms describing characters' demeanor

I feel relaxed and calm, and I am in a daze, smiling and frowning.

Frowning, dumbfounded, depressed, smirking

Idioms describing heroes

Righteousness, aboveboard, wisdom and courage, turn the tide.

Use your quick wits to help you reach your expectations. Calm down and save the day.

Idioms describing the beauty of spring

Spring is bright and colorful, and spring rain is like oil. Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant in spring.

Spring blossoms, flowers bloom and fall, rain and rain.

Idiom of "thinking"

Think hard (think hard), think quietly (meditate quietly), think thoroughly (think carefully)

Think confusedly (whimsically), badly (whimsically), and think a lot (thoughtfully)

Think absurdly (wishful thinking), strangely (whimsical), think and think (desperately)

Idiom of "Duo"

There are many spectators (full), many guests (wedding) and many people (shoulder to shoulder)

There are many talents (many talents), many military forces (thousands of troops) and many things (many forests)

There are many colors (colorful), many categories (different in thousands ways) and many difficulties (hardships).

Speak more (speak more), read more (read a lot of books) and learn more (read more).

There are many changes (ever-changing), many walks (criss-crossing) and many colors (colorful)

There are many patterns (all kinds)

Idioms synonymous with "look"

Be well-informed and afraid, observe words and observe colors equally, take in everything in a glance, and be far-sighted and sit in the well and watch the sky.

The world's attention is focused on leopards.

Idioms with the word "dragon"

Full of vitality, the dragon enters the dragon and the horse, the dragon and the tiger leap, and the dragon and the tiger take a step to make the finishing touch.

The traffic in Longtan Tiger Cave in Yue Long, Feng Ming is busy.

Idioms derived from fables

The snipe and the clam fought for the boat and the sword. Peng Cheng, Wan Li and other rabbits hide their ears and steal bells to make up for the alarming birds.

Cup bow snake shadow carrying firewood to put out the fire.

Idioms derived from historical stories

Step by step sneak into Chen Cang, act according to the map, form a snow team, and make a fool of yourself.

Idioms with the same initials.

This is a miracle, and countless people have learned something from it.

This is impossible to prevent, this is unbearable, and this is unheard of.

Idioms with bird names

Cheer, silence, Pengcheng, Wan Li, kill two birds with one stone, the wind and the crane are scared.

Although the sparrow is small and complete, the mantis catches cicadas, and the yellowbird is behind.

Idioms solitaire (starting with "No")

I am not ashamed to ask questions to blind people. Blind people turn a blind eye to success, and adults are beautiful.

Take it back, destiny takes a hand, the time bomb is out of food, and there is no chance to get in.

Get to the point, fight for power and profit, smoke your heart and be complacent.

Say the words according to the title.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" borrowed an arrow from a straw boat, and after five passes, six generals were killed, one willing to fight and the other willing to win.

Lost his wife and lost his soldiers, contending with Confucianism.

A Dream of Red Mansions: Granny Liu enters the Grand View Garden and Daiyu Lin buries flowers.

The Journey to the West went to the west to learn from Pig Bajie, and made a scene in Gaolaozhuang and Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon.

"Water Margin" forced Liangshan forest to fight floods with sticks, rob the birth class and fight tigers. Wu Dalang sold three bowls of sesame seed cakes, but Jingyanggang.

Three-character proverb

1, (the chameleon) is unstable, and people in have it both ways. 2. (Smiling Tiger) A person who smiles both ways.

3, (local strongmen) are hooligans, dominating one side. 4. (Iron Rooster) A stingy person.

5. (Pug) A submissive person. 6. (scapegoat) someone who has been beaten for others.

7. (Frog at the bottom of a well) An ignorant person. 8. A person who does his best to benefit the people.

9. (Maxima) A talented person with great achievements. 10, (paper tiger) is a metaphor for a person who is weak outside.

Build a home for animals

Pig pen nest snake hole Longtan tiger hole rabbit nest cowshed henhouse stable ant nest dog kennel

Numeric idioms

Echo each other should be fully aware of this. Kill two birds with one stone and plummet. Exactly the same. One violence and ten cold, a thousand miles a day, one hundred and one thoughts.

Two sides and three knives, three long and two short, three transgressions and five times, three two three arms, three heads and six arms, half-hearted, few words, fragmented, extending in all directions

All corners of the country, colorful, six gods have no owner.

Too many chefs are eloquent and narrow-minded. Nine Niu Yi's hair is ten horses, nine horses, nine stable and perfect hair, many holes and countless wounds.

There are many armies in Qian Shan, and it is extremely difficult and dangerous.

Leave no stone unturned, leave no stone unturned, leave no stone unturned, leave no stone unturned, leave no stone unturned.

A colorful life.

Idioms describing friendship

Heart to heart, heart to heart, heart to heart, like-minded brothers, sharing weal and woe.

Share weal and woe, care, comment, understand each other, swear to each other, help each other and be intimate.

Idioms describing flowers

Colorful spring flowers, birds and flowers, colorful flowers, red willows and green flowers.

The icing on the cake, the fire tree and the silver flower, the yellow flower yesterday, the spring flowers and the autumn moon are out of date, and the yellow flowers are all over the garden.

Idioms describing mountains

The mountains and rivers are magnificent, beautiful, barren and overflowing.

The cliffs are majestic and the mountains and rivers are picturesque and beautiful.

Idioms describing colors

Colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful, colorful.

Colorful, white, green and green mountains

A rare idiom.

Very rare. Niu Yi's hair is unique. This is unprecedented. Very rare.

Short is better than nothing. Only a handful. Only a few flowers in twos and threes.

A drop in the ocean.

Idioms describing excitement and prosperity

The traffic flow side by side is endless, and the world of flowers and flowers is sweating for the clouds.

There was an endless stream of people and the streets were crowded with people.

It was deafening and packed.

Describe various idioms

All-inclusive, dazzling, beautiful, dazzling, endless, all-inclusive

There are all kinds of dazzling scenery, and everything is overwhelming.

Countless endless, more than enough, the more the better, a dime a dozen, endless cities.

The mountains and plains are dotted with colors.

Idioms with the word "cloud"

Beyond the clouds, the top gun is changing, the clouds are surging, the clouds are flowing, and the clouds are gone.

Clouds cover the sun, lonely clouds and wild cranes shine on the moon, and clouds disappear.

Idioms with the word "rain"

Rivers of blood, pouring rain. It is raining cats and dogs. Through thick and thin. It is raining cats and dogs.

It's raining cats and dogs all over the city, raining cats and dogs, raining cats and dogs.

Idioms with the word "water"

The current is swift as a mirror, and mountains and rivers flow. The front mountain is full of water and stones, and there is no trace of dripping water.

Idioms of descriptive theory

Kan Kan, outspoken, unscrupulous, insincere and mysterious, talks endlessly about insincerity and insincerity.

Chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, answer.

Self-defending gossip

Idioms describing a person's appearance or posture.

When the moon is closed, the flowers are ashamed, the fish sink and the geese fall, and the hibiscus is bright and beautiful, and the teeth are as beautiful as the crown jade.

Kind-hearted, kind-hearted, bared his teeth, pulled a long face, pure and graceful, elegant and gentle, dignified and dignified, senile, waist as beautiful as flowers and jade.

Radiant, natural and graceful, skinny, potbellied, sallow and emaciated, unattractive, unkempt and fragile.

Idioms describing people's language

Eloquence, fluent answer, Kan Kan and talk, Kan Kan and talk, Kan Kan and talk.

Idioms describing people's psychological activities

Nervous, neurotic, upset, flustered, anxious

Idioms describing pride

Self-centered, self-righteous, arrogant, self-righteous, so I am the only one.

Pride, complacency, complacency, conceit, arrogance

Idioms describing modesty

Be neither arrogant nor impetuous, be neither arrogant nor impetuous if you don't succeed, be all ears, have no distractions, speak and act.

Idioms describing learning

Never stop learning, never get tired of learning, never get tired of working hard, never get tired of forgetting to eat and sleep and race against time.

Diligent stupid birds fly first, smell chickens dancing and strive for self-improvement, not to be outdone, go all out.

Race to the top, cut through thorns and thorns

Idioms describing characters' personalities

Desperate and selfless, strong and unyielding, loyal and unyielding.

Awesome and unyielding, giving up one's life and forgetting one's death, treating bravery with heart, self-denial, being meticulous, and being indifferent to courtesy and righteousness.

Immortal, open-minded, generous, conscientious, disloyal, shameless, greedy, afraid of death.

Have no shame

Idioms describing characters' demeanor

Cheerful, dancing, cocky, panicked, careless, depressed and listless.

Pull a long face and be frightened to disgrace.

Idioms with exaggerated elements

Angry and rushing to the crown, a thousand miles a day, every word and deed, a thousand dollars, a hundred times a day, Sanqiu is a barren land

Countless heroic, unable to move, step into the sky, close call.

Idioms with metaphorical elements

The audience is like a cloud, spending money like water, irrefutable evidence like a mountain, loving money like a mountain, and being as stable as Mount Tai.

As cold as ice, as tight as a whistle, as big as smoke and as good as a forest.


In March, the spring is bright and beautiful, and spring returns to the earth. Spring blossoms, spring is full, and the wind is beautiful.

spring scenery

Birds and flowers, birds and flowers, spring blossoms.

summer heat

The sun is burning, the sun is burning, and you are sweating like rain.

Summer scenery

Birds sing cicadas, trees flourish and lotus leaves fill the pool.


Autumn is crisp, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn wind is cool. Autumn chrysanthemum is in full bloom, autumn is proud, autumn is charming, autumn is pleasant, and Jingui is fragrant.

Autumn scenery

Fruitful geese fly all over Shan Ye, with abundant red leaves and grains, and reeds flying.


It's freezing, the north wind is whistling, and dripping water becomes ice. In the cold winter, it snowed.

Winter scenery

Snow and ice cover the sky, flying snow covers the earth, and snow and ice cover the earth.

(early) morning

The east wants to dawn, the sun rises, everything wakes up, the air wakes up, the rooster announces the dawn, the morning mist permeates the morning light, and the morning light is gorgeous.


The sun is shining, the sky is clear, Wan Li, Wan Li is cloudless and blue.


Sunset, sunset, sunset, blood, smoke, birds return to the forest, lights are on, night falls, sunset sets.


The night is quiet, the moon stars are rare, the night is soft, the night is charming and the night is long.

cities and towns

Beautiful scenery, sea of people, traffic, peace and harmony.


Green vegetation, bamboo fence, Washe Mountain, secluded roads, small bridges and flowing water.


Decorate a new door, but it is abandoned and incomplete.

Museum field

Magnificent, well-equipped, magnificent, magnificent.


Picturesque, famous all over the world, peaches and plums all over the world.

Stations and docks

Orderly and disorderly, clever layout, strewn at random.


Broad, flat, rugged, crowded and unobstructed.


The flowers are red and green, charming and charming, and the flowers are intoxicating.



There are thousands of miles of green grass and weeds, full of green.


Green tall and straight, lush dead trees, beautiful and colorful spring, dripping green, beautiful forests, snow-covered fields, fruits and vegetables soaring.

Fresh and tender, green and dripping, the orchard is fragrant, fruity and full, tender and moist.

Pigeons and swallows

The swallow that symbolizes peace flies softly and sweetly, and the bird returns with a light song and dance.


Parrots speak tactfully and sweetly.

Chicken, duck and goose

Hold your head high, hold your head high, be fat and plump, and sing freely.


Fly high, run, fly, be fat, be strong and scream.


Thin, slow-moving, obedient, fat and strong.


The stream roared past and slowly flowed away.


A flat boat sails and sails, braving the wind, waves and fog, and chasing waves at night.


Through the clouds, into the sky, through the clouds, spread the wings of the silver eagle.


Vivid, lively, lovely, lovable, fondle admiringly.


After the rain, the rainbow bridge loomed in the sky, shining.


Heavy snow, heavy snow, mountain closure, goose feather, heavy snow, heavy snow, snowy forest, snowy plain.

Frosty/frosty powder

To make matters worse, first frost attacked people, and the frost forest was stained.


Dew is dripping, morning dew is glittering and translucent, and sunrise is dry.

thunder and lightning

Lightning Shi Huo thunderbolt works, earth-shattering spring thunder rolling, lightning strike lightning.

light rain

Continuous drizzle, continuous autumn rain with the wind.

torrential rain

It is raining cats and dogs. It is raining cats and dogs. It is raining cats and dogs. It is raining cats and dogs.


The autumn wind is cool, the golden wind is cool, the north wind is whistling, the breeze is blowing gently, the wind is biting and the sun is shining.


The fog dispersed, like a veil, the wind dispersed the fog, and the clouds disappeared.


Clouds are all over the sky, high clouds are light, dark clouds are rolling and clouds are gathering.

pink clouds

The rosy clouds are colorful, the sunset glow is like fire, the morning glow is brilliant, and the Danxia is like brocade.


The sky is full of stars, the moon is full of stars and there are thousands of stars.


The moon rises from the East Wall, the Jade Rabbit in Dongshan rises from Dongsheng, the moonlight is bright and charming, and the crescent moon rises.


The sun rises, the red sun is three feet high, the sun is shining high, the sun is like fire, and the sun is setting.


Blue Sky The vast blue sky in Wan Li and the cloudless blue sky in Wan Li.

Streams and springs

A trickle flows slowly along the spring.


Surging waves, surging waves, white waves, rushing and rolling

Lake and sea

White waves are raging, and the water and lakes in Wang Yang are beautiful.


Pentium rolling east, thousands of miles of rivers and seas boundless.


The barren hills are barren, the mountains are beautiful, and the mountains and green waters are towering into the clouds.


Unique, bright and clean, in a hurry.

Classmate room

Intimate, inseparable, United and friendly as brothers, get along day and night.

More people

A sea of people, a sea of people, a noisy crowd, people scrambling to shoulder to shoulder.

torrential rain

It is raining cats and dogs. It is raining cats and dogs.

Reading and learning

It seems that you are absorbed in your study, enjoy it and concentrate for a long time.

observe a holiday

Celebrate the whole world with flying colorful flags and cheerful decorations at night.


Dance, grope, blink, get carried away