Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Wu likes fortune telling _ Wu likes fortune telling?

Wu likes fortune telling _ Wu likes fortune telling?

Zhang Qiyong's Life Anecdotes

Among the military and political figures in the Republic of China, besides Wu, there was Zhang Qiyong, who was higher than tachileik. This can be seen from his judgment of Wu.

In the seventh year of the Republic of China (19 18), Wu was in An Lushan, Hengyang. At that time, Zhang dismissed the post of director of the Hunan Provincial Military Department, and together with Tan guarded Lingling against the northern army. In June, entrusted by Hunan Governor Tan, Zhang Qiyong went to Hengyang to visit "General Fu Wei" Wu, and made Tan Wu eliminate hostility and unite on the grounds of in-laws. As a result, the in-laws did not form, but they achieved the goal of mutual agreement and non-aggression.

Zhang Qiyong is a lobbyist. After meeting Wu, he talked very speculatively. He thinks Wu Qiyu is extraordinary and deeply likes him. Wu was also shocked by Zhang's reputation and was very impressed when he met him. Both of them like to engage in intrigue, so they became brothers with Lan Pu, taking Wu Chang as their brother, Zhang as the "satrap" and Wu as the "satrap".

Zhang Qiyong also made a divination for Wu. Wu Sheng was born in Yin Shi on March 7th, 13th year of Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty. birthdates was:

Jia Wuxu Chen Jiyou iced drinks

After studying the date of Wu's birth and death, Zhang Qiyong said: "Your creation was born for the land of spring. Mu Yi is hiding in the Moon Building, which is quite powerful, but the Moon Building is made of Yiyou alloy, so "keeping evil spirits in the palace" should treat officials as gods. (Vernacular translation: In this life, water transport is the best, and fire transport is the worst. Yu Shuai, when you are fifty-one and fifty-two, time is the best, and ugliness is the gold. I'm afraid of disaster. I hope you can take care of yourself. )"

Fu Pei nodded: "Governor Wu, your point of view is exactly the same as mine. It's really' great minds think alike'. "

Zhang Qiyuan said: "You were born in an ordinary family. You should answer the sentence" Heroes come from humble families "because he didn't see the financial officer when he did it. In the column, Chen and Chen's support collided with each other, which made your mother's old aunt suffer and made your early life bumpy and tired. This life likes wealth, so water transport is the best, fire transport is average, and gold transport is the worst. Yu Shuai, when you were 5 1 and 52 years old, you were lucky. Time flies, ugliness is golden, and officials are evil. I'm afraid of disaster. I hope you take care. "

Shook his head and asked Wu, "Governor, I can't agree with you. I think these two years are strange at most, and there is no disaster at all. Since you say so, I will be more careful. Governor, what do you think of my life limit? "

Zhang Qizhong replied: "To tell you the truth, Yu Shuai and Gui Geng are lucky, and if they are lucky, they will be bad. When the seven evil spirits arrived in Shanghai, they turned to wood to help the evil spirits, and then in the year of wood, they attacked the Japanese branch, breaking the unity of Chen, so that the seven evil spirits hidden in Chen often attacked with the evil spirits, and there was no god of food to save them. So, at the age of 65 or 66, I am afraid I am sad. Crossing this threshold, life expectancy will be long, at least to 90 years old. "

"What about your own life limit?" Wu asked a pick.

"I'm far worse than Yu Shuai, I can only live to 5 1 year. In the sixteenth year of the Republic of China (1927), it was Ding Mao's year, and I was in great trouble in April of that year (the lunar calendar). I'm afraid I can't get through. "

"Governor, I don't think you should be alarmist. I calculate that I can live to be 80 years old in my life, and you are similar to me. Don't be too pessimistic. "

"I hope so. I hope I am wrong. "

1923 is a proud year for Wu. When he was promoted to the position of Governor of Lu Yu, Luoyang, where his embassy was located, became the actual political and military center in the north. At this time, his direct troops had five divisions and a Huncheng Brigade, which controlled the territory of Henan, Hubei, Zhili and Shaanxi provinces. On his 50th birthday this year, six or seven hundred dignitaries from all directions came to Luoyang to celebrate his birthday. A pair of birthday couplets: "Konoha is young, only half a century; Luoyang wind and rain will be Zhongzhou's pen strength, hanging in class, written by Kang Youwei. Zhang Qiyong also has two congratulations, and his praise for Wu is quite appropriate. At that time, someone used Kang Youwei's couplet to say:

I am gradually gratified by China's decision, and I should know that I am a mainstay. Penglai is full of cities and Haidai wants to be a hero. It is said that courtesy and wisdom gather far away, and the wisdom of floating businessmen is not bad, and far countries will be surprised. Who is more like modern times?

Flowers are like flowers, and it is worthwhile to make a difference. It is also a discount to know mistakes, and learning is easy to extend every book. I am naturally a good cook, shameless and humiliated. I also look forward to returning to Mari, which is called Kyushu Spring.

In the face of all this, Wu stroked his beard and thought, the governor once said that I was in trouble the day after tomorrow. Seeing this situation, I really don't know where to start.

1924 (Jiazi year) In September, Zhang entered the customs with the support of the Japanese army, and the second direct war broke out. Wu received an urgent telegram from Cao Kun and went to Beijing from Luoyang, where he served as "Commander-in-Chief of the Rebel Army" and mobilized more than 100,000 troops to meet the army in three ways.

At the beginning of the war, Wu ignored Zhang, who was defeated by him, so he personally went to Shanhaiguan to supervise the war. While the two armies were fighting fiercely, Feng Yuxiang, commander-in-chief of the Third Army, launched a mutiny, first returned to Beijing, imprisoned President Cao Kun, and immediately opposed Wu after the establishment of the "National Army". Wu was caught between Scylla and Charybdis and fled in defeat. Finally, he retreated to Jigongshan at the junction of Hubei and Henan, with only more than 800 people under his command, surrounded by Feng Yuxiang's pursuers. At this time, he felt that Zhang Qiyong's words were reasonable and better than himself. So, he set up posts at different levels, posted posts everywhere, and carefully responded to this disaster.

Jigongshan is a mountainous area with many peaks. Only a few passages are more than feet wide cliffs. It was originally a dangerous place. One person guarded it, and 10,000 people could not force it. Battle-hardened remnants of Wu held fast to this place, and Feng Yuxiang's men attacked several times, but none of them worked. Wu lives in Jinshanyao, located in the center of Jigongshan District. The terrain is more dangerous, so there is no danger for the time being, but it is difficult for him to get away.

When he was in a hurry, his heart became even angrier: Feng Yuxiang was originally his subordinate, so he turned against him and pressed him step by step; He was hand-picked, and Xiao Yaonan, the current governor of Hubei, even let him fall when he was in danger, and electrified him to step down; His former subordinates, such as Sun, Sun, Sun and Sun, were all mercenaries and stood by.

On second thought, he was calm again: Zhang Qiyong's calculation is too effective, and his life limit will not be fifty-one, but he should be careful everywhere. Feng Yuxiang, I will never let you go again. But Wu thought that Feng Yuxiang was the only one who threatened his life.

At this time, five people came to the land temple at the foot of Jigong Mountain. They spent the night in the temple. They left the temple early in the morning and came back at night. The rumble of gunfire scared away temples and incense. Some of these five people will not be afraid and settle in this wrong place. It turns out that they are a task force sent by Duan to take Wu, and everyone is not an idle generation.

Wang Yiwu, headed by Wang Yiwu, is Duan's confidant. Needless to say, he is a dead shot and proficient in martial arts. Ten people can't help him. Duan got into trouble several times, but he saved the day. Duan hated Wu's guts, and this time he tried his best to send Wang Yiwu, regardless of blood. The second man, Xiao Kou, was originally a snitch, able to fly over the eaves and climb the wall, and also a dead shot. The third one, Gong Beard, is skilled in martial arts, resourceful, good at gossip of Yin and Yang, and a brain trust among killers. The other two are masters of capture and fighting, one is called pockmarked Wu, and the other is called monk Li. They are all unarmed, ten of them can't fight, and one of them has seized the weapon.

Before leaving, Duan summoned them, made a wish in person, rewarded them with money and sealed their posts afterwards, and took care of their families in the name of "protection", so there was only one way in front of them: either the larger foe or the larger foe. Five killers have to throw caution to the wind. Gao Lantiang, president of Henan Chamber of Commerce, has a residence in Jigongshan. He associates with Wu and thinks it is an excellent opportunity for profitable emotional investment, so he invites Wu to welcome him.

After living, Wu once took refuge for the purpose of never going out, but when he thought of his bad luck, most people who used to obey were uncharacteristically. The powerful president was able to reminisce about the past, and it was really hard to invite him, so he went to the party happily.

The banquet is extremely rich, the delicacies are all filled, and the food is still on the table. They have a good friendship. Gao Lan often helps Wu Sheng soup. Suddenly, he heard a heavy footstep and immediately widened his eyes in amazement. Jiang, the bodyguard and adjutant around Wu, became alert and immediately pulled out his pistol and loaded it.

President Gao is about to reprimand the servant who broke the rules in front of the distinguished guests. When they met, he saw a strange face and suddenly asked,' Are you ...'

Before the words were finished, the man raised his hand to carry the plate, and through the rag under the plate, a bullet came out. By this time, it was already late, and it was faster and faster. Jiang's adjutant violently pushed Wu away and the bullet hit the wall behind him. Almost at the same time, the bullet from the bodyguard's double gun hit the assassin's brain and he couldn't afford to fall to the ground. Jiang, the adjutant, lifted Wu up and pointed a gun at President Gao: "So it was you who hosted the Hongmen banquet!" The bodyguard's gun is also pointed at Gao's head. Wu saw everything just now, especially Tang Gaolan's consternation. Knowing that it was sudden, he said, "Forget it, it has nothing to do with Mr. Gao." Gao Lan's face was covered with soup, oil and sweat. He sighed and said, "Marshal Xie."

The guards led the soldiers to search and found the body of the original vegetable delivery servant in the toilet. He was shot in the temple and died. His coat was changed. In addition, footprints were found on the wall. Judging from the distance of the footprints, this man is skilled in martial arts. This time, Wang Yiwu and Kou did it together, and the other three met outside the mansion. It failed, and Xiao Kou took his life.

When Wu returned to his side, he lay down on the chair and was concerned. Outside, Feng Yuxiang's army was surrounded by layers, and inside, he even infiltrated the assassin. It seems that Jigongshan won't stay long. He was in a hurry and his face was expressionless. He only told his men to strengthen their defensive vigilance just in case.

1 1 month, Wu and Feng Yuxiang's army did not advance at all, but there was bad news: Hu Jingyi, the governor of Henan Province, mobilized elite soldiers to help Jigongshan. Wu was restless, put on an incense table, worshipped the gods of Guan Yu and Yue Fei, and bowed down to pray. At this critical juncture, Zhejiang warlord Sun, Jiangsu warlord Qi and Hunan warlord Zhao Hengxi jointly sent a telegram, saying that they would send troops to rescue him immediately.

After reading the telegram, Wu seemed to have been injected with a shot of cardiotonic, and his spirit suddenly became active. At this time, it was even more unexpected that Xiao Yaonan, the governor of Hubei Province, sent his staff Hu to lead troops and horses to meet Wu's trip to the Han Dynasty. It turned out that Xiao Yaonan learned that the governors of the three northeastern provinces were going to send Coalition forces to save Wu, and felt that he could not do it too well. So he immediately changed his attitude and took the lead in sending troops to meet Wu, and lived in a mansion on the Hankou River by Zhang Housheng, Xiao Yaonan's staff.

Wu lives in Zhangfu, insists on seclusion and has to go out, so he is heavily guarded and protected at all levels. The residence has been covered with sentries and the guards are more closely guarded. No one is allowed in except the people from Zhang's family and the dignitaries who come to visit Wu.

The year of Jiazi, which made Wu jumpy, finally passed, and in a blink of an eye, it was the spring of the picnic year again. One day, Zhang Housheng's wife, Qin Chunjuan, took a fortune teller to the mansion to see the photos. Adjutant Jiang saw that Mrs. Zhang introduced a stranger, so he followed. He looked coldly at the fortune teller and at Mrs. Zhang's fortune teller. Hearing what he said, he was secretly rare and decided to ask him to show it to Wu, too. Adjutant Jiang didn't know that the bearer was Gong, the accomplice of Jigongshan assassin. He told Qin Chunjuan's fortune and became fascinated. It is the result of spending a lot of money and asking for a long time.

Wu was tricked out to let Gong beard visit fortune-teller, and was immediately caught by him, with a dagger aimed at his throat. Wu's men were afraid of hurting the general, so they all took guns in their hands for nothing, but Gong Beard had no choice but to watch him take Wu hostage. At the end of the city gate, Jiang's assistant was sweating profusely and used his quick wits. He released a big German shepherd and bit Gong Beard's dagger hand, saving Wu's life. Gong Beard and Wang Yi Wu, who met outside, were killed.

A.D. 1939 (the year of Ji Mao), nearly 66 years old in Wu, lived in Jingshiyuan Mansion. This winter, he ate a bowl of wonton and felt a little bit of bone fragments embedded in his teeth, which was very uncomfortable. Soon, his teeth were swollen and his right cheek was bulging, which became more and more serious for several days. 1On February 4th, Japanese Yoshitaro Kawamoto introduced a Japanese doctor to operate on his teeth. You can do it without surgery or with a knife. Wow, the all-powerful general died suddenly. Wu finally failed to cross the barrier that Zhang told him.

Zhang Qiyong told Wu about the fortune, which was an iron mouth, but he calculated it himself, but there was a little mistake. It seems to be a common fault of performers that "knowing people is not as good as knowing friends". There is such an example in the book: a fortune teller is skilled. One day, he took a trillion yuan and said, "At noon today, there was no cloud or thunder. A man was struck by lightning, but he was injured and didn't die." Then it thundered, but it was the performer himself who was lame. Li's death can also be regarded as a similar example.

According to Zhang's own life, he thought that in April of the lunar calendar (in the 16th year of the Republic of China) in 1927, a bloody battle took place, which would inevitably lead to sudden death. /kloc-at the beginning of 0/927, Zhang, the leader of Wu, resigned from his post and wanted to retreat to the sea to avoid disaster. However, Wu is fighting the National Revolutionary Army, and the war is tight. How could he let someone like Zhang go? So he resolutely retained him and refused to allow Yidi to leave. After repeated inquiries, Reng Zhang was in the Wu army, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at "Mangzhong" (fortune-telling means the fifth day of the fifth lunar month), safe and sound. Zhang Qiyong was overjoyed and said to everyone, "Well, my great sorrow has passed."

He liked it too early. Soon, due to the attack of the northern expeditionary army and the army, Wu collapsed, leaving his relatives and friends behind, and Zhang Qi fled for his life.

In June this year, he and his entourage came to Fancheng, Hubei. Local bandits found a senior official with many boxes and objects, and a group of 10 people rode horses. Anticipating that there would be a lot of oil and water, they immediately fired into the air and ordered them to stop. Zhang thought that the bandits were not allowed to shoot, and immediately ordered the guards to fight back. So the bandits were annoyed, outnumbered and condescending. There was a bang and everyone was killed. The bandits robbed the property and abandoned the body. Later, Wu's defeated soldiers came and found Yidi dead, so they buried him in tears. Zhang's death was nearly two months later than his plan. Although a bit outrageous, to be fair, he is a great fortune teller.