Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Tunchang fortune teller _ Tunchang fortune teller there

Tunchang fortune teller _ Tunchang fortune teller there

About Zhouyi

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People usually equate the Book of Changes with the Book of Changes, which is incorrect. The Book of Changes and The Book of Changes are different concepts. The Book of Changes is just a discipline of the Book of Changes, which includes all the disciplines of the Book of Changes.

Yijing is the abbreviation of Yijing science, also known as Yijing and Yijing, which is about the substance of qi (meaning). The basic theory of Yi-ology includes three theories: essence, meridians and acupoints, yin and yang and five elements, and expounds the knowledge of essence. God is also called primordial qi, qi is also called qi, qi, and god is called "six qi". Nature is physical (visible matter), and air is virtual (invisible matter). Now, God is called body and Qi is called flow. It is Yi-ology to use the three Yi-ology theories of essence, meridians and acupoints, yin-yang and five elements to explain and understand all knowledge. The main contents of Yi-ology are:

The origin of essence. "Qi produces essence, essence is angry", essence and qi transform each other, and life and death are endless.

The evolution of nature. The specific process of qi producing essence is: Tao (I, Shen,). Virtual objects) give birth to Tai Chi (1), which is equivalent to electromagnetic field matter. Virtual thing), Tai Chi gives birth to two instruments (two instruments, equivalent to positive and negative quantum matter. Physics Yin Zi and Andy), two instruments produce eight diagrams (three, equivalent to atomic matter. In kind), gossip gives birth to everything (sixty-four hexagrams, equivalent to molecular substances, that is, solid, liquid and gaseous substances, that is, abiotic and biological. Molecules are the smallest particles that constitute objects and have the properties of objects, and can represent objects. In kind). This is the theory of "six divisions of karma", which talks about the knowledge of six substances-Tao, one, two, three, everything and the gas substances produced by subtle substances. Everything from "One" to "Everything" is a substance that constitutes a physical object (essence), and all of them can generate Qi.

Qi is energy, energy and strength. Qi is divided into Yin and Yang and five elements, namely Yin and Yang and Shui Mu fire, earth and gold. We now know that Yin and Yang are the flow direction of Qi, that is, gravitational energy and repulsive energy, and the five elements are the strength of Qi, that is, gravitational energy and repulsive energy. The five elements of water, wood, fire, earth and gold are five kinds of flow phenomena, namely, steady flow, surface flow, turbulent flow, linear flow and particle flow. Their special cases are five kinds of energy phenomena: field energy, wave energy, heat energy, light energy and ray energy (quantum flow). Its energy levels are (Hz): acoustic wave 100 ~ 105, electromagnetic wave1kloc-0/2, light 10 12 ~1065438. Thermal energy is in the thermo-optic part (infrared light and thermo-visible light). The water of five elements, commonly known as feng shui and water vapor, is a kind of field energy substance.

Spiritual substances form the system of meridians and acupoints, which are the channels of qi. In abiotic bodies, besides quantum (nucleus and electron), there are electromagnetic field substances (gas), which constitute the meridian system of abiotic objects; In living things, besides cells and body fluids, there are also air substances, which constitute the meridian and acupoint system of living things. God only exists in meridian points, and qi can flow in meridian points and body fluids, forming a pulsating phenomenon. Therefore, the mental system (meridian and acupoint system) is called qi pulse, and the body fluid system is called blood vessel.

The theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements is a theoretical system composed of six theories: Yin-Yang, Five Elements, Heavenly Stem, Earthly Branch, Jiazi and Eight Diagrams. The nature of celestial bodies produces weather and terrestrial qi, which has the attributes of yin and yang and five elements. For example, A is the male wood and the female is the female water. Heaven and earth are all over the space, interfering with and dominating everything, so they are called heavenly stems and earthly branches respectively. The essence of the planet is to use the movement of stems and branches, and the movement of celestial bodies makes the stems and branches move. The movement of trunks and branches is actually the movement of space. This law of spatial motion forms Jiazi theory. Jiazi theory reflects the motion law of branches, that is, the motion law of space. Two instruments are fine matter of quantum level, gossip is fine matter above atomic level, and Taiji is matter of electromagnetic field level. Atoms, molecules, everything and other fine bodies are all composed of electromagnetic fields between yin and yang particles and structures, such as the electromagnetic fields between nuclei and electrons and atoms, between yin and yang atoms and molecular structures (inter-atomic force, binding energy, internal energy and chemical bonds), between yin and yang molecules and object structures (molecular force, internal energy, chemical bonds and binding energy), and between yin and yang cells or yin and yang molecules and biological structures. The three hexagrams in the Eight Diagrams represent three substances, namely, Yin and Yang (positive and negative particles) and Purple (electromagnetic field substances). All three can be angry, all have the attributes of yin and yang and five elements, and all can be represented by branches, forming the gossip of Najia. The resultant force of three qi is the yin-yang and five elements of gossip. If the dry divination is positive, it is gold, and the essence of gold is dry divination, forming the classification theory of "Eight Diagrams".

Zhouyi is a knowledge about gossip, which explains everything with gossip and sixty-four hexagrams. Eight diagrams are essence, which is the theory of dividing essence into yin, yang and five elements (according to the generated qi). Zhouyi is only one discipline in the Yi-ology, and there are many other disciplines in the Yi-ology, such as Chinese medicine, qigong, martial arts, geomantic omen, alchemy, naming, fortune-telling, astrology, strange doors, six gentlemen, astrology, Najiayi, Meihuayi, time lessons, divination, magic, art of war, literature and history, religion and so on. Therefore, Zhouyi is different from Yijing and Yijing.

It is necessary to improve the ability to distinguish between true and false Yi Xue and false Yi Xue. I didn't learn many easy-to-learn techniques, only learned a little easy-to-learn theory, and cheated people by fortune telling. This deceptive behavior is pseudoscience, pseudoscience, not true science. Pseudo-Yi-ology and pseudo-Yi-ology have seriously affected the spread and development of Yi-ology, which is a stumbling block to Yi-ology.

-No.571600, Xinjian No.2 Lane, tunchang, Yang Yaocheng 12. E-mail: jies98@

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Bioenergy research is easy to learn.

Why can qigong and psychic powers ...?

Yi studies have a deeper understanding of matter than modern studies.

Yi-ology realized the great unity of science.

Yi-ology and modern learning have the same effect, and learning has realized the return of various methods to the Sect.

Mysterious geographical phenomena in Hainan Island

Man has found the ideal energy-body.

Strive for the establishment of an ideal society

Bioenergy research is easy to learn.

Bioenergy (especially animal energy, excluding plant energy) is clean and pollution-free, with good development and application performance and unlimited resources. It is incomparable with other energy sources (oil, coal, plant energy, gas, water power, chemical energy, nuclear energy, wave energy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, etc.). ), which is an important part of energy in the future, is worth further development.

Animals eat plants for a living, and their life activities produce bioenergy. Through energy conversion, other forms of energy can be generated. The problem is that the energy density of bioenergy is low and it can't meet many purposes. But it doesn't matter, Yi Xue has solved this problem-the only way is to practice Qigong and learn to cultivate immortality.

In the Yi-ology, great achievements have been made in the development and research of bioenergy, which is comprehensively expounded in the famous popular science book The Journey to the West, but not widely recorded in other Yi-ology works such as Qigong and religion. Qigong (cultivating immortals) is a special technology to develop life potential-special function and improve biological energy level. Immortals (and monsters) are human beings or animals with great biological energy.

If you have the Monkey King's special function (one of qigong phenomena), because you can fly (there are such people in reality, but their ability is much smaller), you don't need cars, boats, planes and other means of transportation (energy saving), because you are not afraid of cold and heat (there are people in reality), you can save a lot of clothes and energy to adjust the temperature, because you are not afraid of hunger (in reality, Many people can be free from hunger) If you have the same special function as Hong Haier-fire breathing (in reality, there are also people with this kind of talent who can make great efforts to generate heat, which has been reported on TV, but it is still far from fire breathing, and the skills are not enough), other energy sources are not necessary, right? If other animals are endowed with special functions, they can use their own energy to work, just like plowing fields with cows, carrying horses and chariots, and delivering letters with pigeons. In a word, bioenergy is promising.

Can these special functions really be realized? Since we can draw such a conclusion according to the Yi-ology theory, and since there are such talents in reality (only with low ability), we have every reason to believe that this can be achieved as long as we improve our skills. The way to improve one's skill is qigong, that is, cultivating immortals. Why can qigong improve skills and develop people's potential-special functions?

Yi-ology points out that meridians and acupoints are biological energy systems and human life systems with special functions. Meridian points are the material system of qi deficiency. Cultivating immortality (qigong) is a technical method to increase the qi and blood capacity of meridians. Qigong is to achieve "concentrating body fluid for essence, refining essence for qi, refining essence for qi, and refining essence for deficiency" through intentional defense. Training is to maintain consciousness, and through training, body fluid is transformed into essence, further into qi, and finally into spirit and deficiency, thus expanding the capacity of qi (referring to primordial qi and true qi) in meridians, thus achieving the comprehensive purpose of health preservation. It's just that this method is too inefficient Without years, decades or even hundreds of years of continuous hard work, few people can achieve positive results, so few people can achieve positive results-enlightenment and immortality.

Now, body-building provides us with an ideal method of cultivating immortals. Without practicing martial arts, we can quickly improve our skills and develop our potential, which has the functions of qigong-specific function and fitness, portability, longevity and intelligence. The characteristic of body-building technology is to directly input the meridian material body (original energy) into the meridians in the body to achieve the purpose of comprehensive health preservation.

-No.571600, Xinjian No.2 Lane, tunchang, Yang Yaocheng 12. E-mail: jies98@

Why can qigong and psychic powers ...?

First, we know that Qigong can preserve health in an all-round way, and its special function can do many things that ordinary people can't do. Practicing qigong can improve people's physical and mental abilities, and improve people's intelligence, physical strength, physique and health.

Second, we know that any object is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of nuclei and electrons. So, in the final analysis, any object is made up of nuclei and electrons. When the binding force between the nucleus and the electron is large, the object appears "hard" and can resist the influence of external energy substances. This binding force is produced by the electromagnetic field substance formed between the nucleus and the electron. Electromagnetic field substances are called chong qi and tai chi in Yi Xue, and zi in Yi Xue.

There is a biological energy system in the human body, that is, the meridian and acupoint system, which is a material system formed by qi. As we know, living things are made up of cells, and the space between cells is the meridian and acupoint system, which is full of body fluid and gas substances. This is what the Book of Changes says: "Meridians govern qi and blood", and the blood here generally refers to body fluid.

Qi is an empty thing. Qi can be divided into primordial qi and five elements, with primordial qi forming a system of meridians and acupoints, while activating qi (that is, bioenergy substances) circulates in primordial qi and body fluids, thus forming various life phenomena.

3. Practicing Qigong is to transform body fluid (essence) and qi-moving (qi-moving) substances into the vitality (spirit) of meridians and acupoints, thereby expanding the vitality capacity of meridians and acupoints and achieving the purpose of overall health preservation-because Yi Xue reveals that the vitality of meridians is the key substance to determine the quality and performance of life. With the increase of vital qi in the meridians, the vitality is enhanced, so it can play the role of qigong: physical and mental health, disease-free, healing, increasing wisdom and longevity, super-intelligence, prolonging life, avoiding valley, bodybuilding, longevity, rejuvenation, beauty, and special functions. Cultivating immortals-Qigong can develop people's potential (meridian and acupoint functions) and make people have special functions.

Fourthly, Qigong masters transport qi to a place to protect their health with their vitality, which is to enhance the field energy of this place and its ability to resist external material damage, so it can resist the impact of external forces, high temperature burns and electric shocks. A skilled qigong master can even resist knife cutting, sharp knife stabbing and bullet impact.

Qi (energy) always enters the human body through meridians and acupoints, just as energy always enters the interior of an object through the electromagnetic field between the nucleus and electrons. Relaxing the body will enlarge the meridians. When the meridians are enlarged, energy can easily enter the meridians, so it has the special function of information and can perceive information that ordinary people can't perceive.

In a word, all phenomena of qigong and special functions, as well as all kinds of life phenomena, can be explained by qi substances (virtual things and virtual bodies) at meridian points.

-No.571600, Xinjian No.2 Lane, tunchang, Yang Yaocheng 12. E-mail: jies98@

Yi studies have a deeper understanding of matter than modern studies.

You can find the shadow of modern theory in Yi-ology, but you can't find many theories in Yi-ology, which shows that Yi-ology has a deeper understanding of matter than modern science. Let's compare the basic theory: (Yi Xue-Modern Studies)

First, the theory of "essence, meridians and acupoints, yin and yang and five elements (including trunk and branch, jiazi and gossip)":

Essence-material objects (quantum atoms, molecular cells, solid and liquid gases, biological and abiotic, earth, sun, moon and stars)

Gas-energy (force)

God-(blank, incorrectly equated with singular matter)

Meridian points-(blank, incorrectly equivalent to "vacuum")

Yin and yang-gravitational energy and repulsive energy (radiation energy)

Five elements (water, wood, fire, earth and gold)-energy (field energy, wave energy, heat energy, light energy and radiation energy)

Heavenly dryness-(blank, not quite equivalent to spatial orientation)

Ground branch-(blank, not exactly equivalent to spatial direction)

Jiazi-(blank, not quite equal to time)

Gossip-(blank, not quite equivalent to atom)

Sixty-four hexagrams, everything-(blank, incorrect is equivalent to matter above molecular level)

The second is the theory of "Tao gives birth to one, life gives birth to two, two gives birth to three and three gives birth to everything", "Yi Taiji gives birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four images, four images give birth to gossip, and gossip gives birth to everything", "Nothing gives birth and nothing returns";

Tao and Yi-(blank, not exactly equivalent to singular matter)

First, Tai Chi-electromagnetic field, chemical bond, binding energy and internal energy

Second, two kinds of instruments-positive and negative matter (quantum, ion, polar molecule, amphoteric object).

Three, gossip-(blank, not correctly equivalent to atoms)

Four images-(blank, incorrectly equated with ions)

void space

Nothing, nothing, empty-(blank, incorrect is equivalent to "vacuum")

Three talents-the three elements and three-layer structure of things

Modern science is the study of physical objects, which studies the relationship between the composition and structure of physical objects and their properties and functions. The composition and structure of physical objects are different, and the energy generated is different. What we are establishing now is the relationship between physical objects and energy.

Yi-ology is the study of virtual things, which studies the composition, source, distribution, transformation and functional relationship of virtual things.

-No.571600, Xinjian No.2 Lane, tunchang, Yang Yaocheng 12. E-mail: jies98@

Yi-ology realized the great unity of science.

Yi-ology is a scientific system founded by the ancient people in China with the scientific research method of enlightenment. It is a huge scientific system composed of Zhouyi, Chinese medicine, Qigong, Wushu, Feng Shui, alchemy, fortune telling, divination, religion, literature and history, art of war and many other disciplines.

Yi-ology is a science that explains everything with qi, realizing the unity of science. Yi-ology divides substances into essence and qi, essence is real, and qi is deficiency. Where is the gasoline? Yi Xue pointed out: Qi lies in meridians and acupoints. Where does the gas come from? Yi Xue said: "Qi produces essence, and essence is very important." Qi is produced by essence. How many kinds of qi are there? Qi is divided into primordial qi and moving qi, with primordial qi also called God and moving qi also called Five Elements. The five elements are Shui Mu's fire, earth and gold, which are actually the size of qi. Qi is divided into yin and yang, and yin and yang are the direction of qi. We now refer to Qi as energy and force, and the direction of Yang as gravity and repulsion, and the five elements of Qi, water, wood, fire, earth and gold as five energy phenomena: field energy, wave energy, heat energy, light energy and ray energy (quantum flow). Qi is also divided into five categories: ten heavenly stems, twelve earthly branches, sixty jiazi, eight diagrams and sixty-four hexagrams derived from yin and yang and five elements. Yi-ology only expounds all phenomena with the theory of essence, meridians and acupoints, and the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements (including the mechanical theories of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, heavenly stems and earthly branches, Jiazi Bagua, etc.), so as to achieve scientific unity.

Traditional Chinese medicine expounds the phenomenon of health-disease with qi, and solves the problems of disease-seeing a doctor and treating a disease. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that disease is a life phenomenon with abnormal qi activity. Exogenous pathogens (abnormal qi in vitro) invade the human body, which will change the qi in the human body and make it sick; Excessive physical and mental activities can also lead to abnormal qi movement and diseases. The activity of qi can be understood by "looking, smelling and asking", which is the way of Chinese medicine to see a doctor. Chinese medicine treats diseases by regulating abnormal qi in human body with the qi of Chinese medicine, so as to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. Yin medicine is used to tonify yin and discharge yang, while yang medicine is used to tonify yang and discharge yin. The five elements of drugs have their own taboos and should be used in different ways. Other methods of Chinese medicine include divination, fortune telling, qigong, and special functions. Other Chinese medicine therapies include qigong, martial arts, acupuncture, massage, acupoints, cupping, massage, psychotherapy, elixir, diet, work and rest, geomantic omen, religion, spells and spells.

Qigong expounds life phenomenon-health preservation with meridian substance-qi. Qigong is the knowledge to realize "gathering body fluid into essence, refining qi, refining spirit, and refining spirit into emptiness", and refining is the internal defense of consciousness. Kidney deficiency is also a gaseous substance called primordial qi, which constitutes the meridian and acupoint system. Meridian vitality is the key substance that determines life, and vitality will increase with the increase of vitality. Qigong is a technology to increase the vitality of meridians, so Qigong has a comprehensive health-preserving function and comprehensively improves physical and mental abilities. Qigong technique, also known as cultivation of immortals, is brilliantly expounded in The Journey to the West, a famous book on popular science of Yi Studies, and has a profound description of cultivation of immortals.

The same is true of other disciplines of Yi-ology, all of which use Qi to explain the nature of cosmic phenomena. It is easy to learn to explain the material world with qi, and now learn to distinguish matter with qi (energy and performance). The methodology of both is the same. It's just that I learned to focus on qi, and now I have learned to focus on essence.

-No.571600, Xinjian No.2 Lane, tunchang, Yang Yaocheng 12. E-mail: jies98@

Yi-ology and modern learning have the same effect, and learning has realized the return of various methods to the Sect.

Comrade Yang Zhenning, an 82-year-old Nobel Prize winner and a world-famous scientist, triggered an unprecedented cultural war in the field of Yi studies. In this war, the pros and cons expressed their opinions and made a big fuss. The outcome is still unknown. But I can foresee that if this argument goes on, the winner will never be decided. The reason is very simple, that is, although we have seen the scientific facts in the Book of Changes, such as the fact that Chinese medicine treats diseases, such as the fact that Qigong keeps in good health in an all-round way, such as the fact that Feng Shui affects fate (physical and mental health and physical and mental behavior), such as the fact predicted by Yi Bu, we cannot deny these facts unless we deny them unreasonably. But, first of all, we can't tell the truth or the reason. For example, we don't know what essence, qi and god are. What are meridians and acupoints? What are Yin-Yang and Five Elements? What are heavenly stems, earthly branches, jiazi and gossip? Also, where are these things? What is "Tao gives birth to one, life gives birth to two, life gives birth to three, and life gives birth to everything"? What is "easy to have Tai Chi, is to have two instruments, two instruments give birth to four elephants, four elephants give birth to gossip, and gossip gives birth to everything"? What is "fine anger, qi produces essence"? "Nothing, nothing? What is a ghost? Are there any ghosts? What is fate? Is there a fate? What is Feng Shui? Do you have feng shui? -These theories are the basic theories of Yi-ology. Without understanding the essence of these theories-the significance of physics, it is impossible to clearly explain the scientificity and truth of Yi-ology.

Here, I want to find out the specific problems involved in these theories and the relationship between Yi-ology and modern academics.

Science is the knowledge about material truth, and material problem is the basic problem of science. Only when material problems are clarified can scientific problems be clarified. According to scientific theory, we can divide matter into physical objects and virtual objects. Physical objects (such as grains, essence and existence) are visible and tangible, while virtual objects (such as grains, qi and six qi) are invisible, intangible and intangible. Virtual things are divided into static virtual things (such as food, spirit and vitality) and mobile virtual things (\) Modern science is knowledge about physical objects, which expounds the truth of material from the perspective of physical objects, so as to understand and transform the world; The Book of Changes is a knowledge about virtual things, which expounds material truth from the perspective of virtual things, so as to understand and transform the world.

Yi-ology explains everything with qi, which is a unified science. Qi is an empty thing, also known as emptiness, nothingness and nothingness. Where does the gas come from? "Qi produces essence, essence is angry", and qi is produced by essence. We use modern science to prove that any object (essence) is producing energy (qi, yin and yang)-gravitational energy and repulsive energy (radiation energy), which shows that Yi Xue is right. In Chemical Science, it is revealed that particles swallow particles again, making particles flow to form flow. The flow from particle to particle is called gravitational energy and Yin Qi, and the flow from particle is called repulsive energy (radiant energy) and Yang Qi. Flow (circulating gas) is divided into five categories: water, wood, fire, earth and gold, and its special cases are five energy phenomena (quantum flow): field energy, wave energy, heat energy, light energy and radiation energy. It is easy to study the relationship between the five elements and qi (how to change, influence and function), while modern research is the relationship between the five elements and essence (material object). Where is the gasoline? Qi lies in meridians and acupoints, which are a material system formed by qi-a virtual system. Virtual system is a "vacuum" space system-space is a pure ocean (pure ocean), and the atmosphere is a dirty ocean (ocean polluted by gas molecules and dust substances). Except for quantum (nucleons and electrons), all solid and liquid gases are objects (in a combined state). What is fate? Fate is the natural law of the development and change of things. What is Feng Shui? Geomantic omen refers to empty objects and air, and geomantic treasures refer to places where empty objects and air are concentrated (with fewer gas molecules) in air or soil. Heavenly stems and earthly branches divided Yin-Yang and Five Elements (the source and nature of Qi) in space. Jiazi is divided into two phases, which is actually the division of yin and yang and five elements of time. Eight diagrams is the theory of dividing physical objects into yin and yang and five elements, and sixty-four hexagrams is the knowledge of interaction between eight diagrams and physical objects. "Body (Tao, Yi) gives birth to children (1) Taiji, Chongqi. Electromagnetic field, chemical bond, binding energy, internal energy), quantum gives birth to quantum (two instruments), quantum gives birth to atom (three, eight diagrams), and atom gives birth to everything (everything). The four images are ionic substances, such as Na+ is the sun, Cl- is the lunar, OH- is the shaoyin, and NH4+ is the shaoyang. We can't deny that ghosts and gods are objective life phenomena, such as seeing ghosts and gods in dreams, when they are seriously ill and weak, and when they are in a bad mental state. What is a ghost? Ghosts and gods are another name for yin and yang. Wang Chong said in On Death: "Ghosts and gods are formed by the nature of people after death. People live because they are full of essence. Those who can be refined also have blood. Ghosts and gods, the name of yin and yang, are also called ghosts because of yin and yang; Cause things, so it is called God, and God is Shen. People live with dignity, and return to dignity when they die. Yin and Yang are called ghosts and gods. A person born of qi is as quiet as water and ice; Water condenses into ice and gas condenses into human beings; When ice melts into water, people will come back to life after death. People's spirit is hidden in the body. When they die, the body will decline and the essence will be scattered. Spirit is based on blood gas. People are not born with vitality, but return to vitality after death. People are smart because they contain five elements. Five Zangs are wise without pain, miserable if they are sick, and stupid if they are miserable. Form must be made of qi, and qi must be known by form. If you know how to use gas, you should also use gas. The qi of yin and yang condenses into human beings, and death is also qi. When the spirit disappears, it is completely exhausted. The spirit of a lady is still the spirit of things. The essence of ghosts and gods is the result of yin and yang (energy), and there are no real ghosts and gods in the world. It can be seen that the theory of ghosts and gods in Yi Xue is materialistic, not idealistic, immaterial or vulgar and superstitious. There are essential differences between religious ghosts and gods theory and Yi Xue ghosts and gods theory, but their functions and functions are basically the same. Only its integrity can play a role. The so-called "honesty is spirit" is actually the exertion of powerful psychological power (human potential). I have a deep understanding of this. I used to predict it very well with Yi Bu. Now I know that there are no real ghosts and gods. When I use Easy Step, it's hard to show my former qigong state, which is sincere and calm, and it's difficult to accurately measure it. Judging from the ancient people's understanding of ghosts and gods, I think it may be because of the need of divination that the ancients created the theory of ghosts and gods' deficiency and retribution, which made it easy for fortune tellers to settle down and enter a state of eliminating distractions. Only in this way can divination be accurate. The same is true of religious principles.

Modern learning theory is learning based on the earth's environment, that is, learning under the action of cosmic fields (gravity field and repulsive field, such as ground field, lunar field, solar field, planetary field and galaxy field). If it is much larger or smaller than the cosmic field, these so-called truths may not necessarily apply and are no longer truths. For example, in an absolute vacuum, for example, in a specific vacuum (body space), for example, under the condition of light speed or even superlight speed, for example, in the fields of consciousness and life, these theories will lose their meaning. This is why modern science cannot explain many life phenomena (Chinese medicine, qigong, martial arts, special functions, rejuvenation, premature aging, and the origin of life), Yi-ology phenomena (Chinese medicine, qigong, martial arts, geomantic omen, and Yi-bu), and natural phenomena (flying saucers, celestial powers, superluminal movements, energy origins, and material origins). Modern science has established the corresponding relationship between the composition and structure of essence and the nature and function of essence, that is, the relationship between essence and the circulation of qi. What characteristics sperm has is related to its composition and structure.

-No.571600, Xinjian No.2 Lane, tunchang, Yang Yaocheng 12. E-mail: jies98@

Mysterious geographical phenomena in Hainan Island

I don't know if you have noticed. Hainan Island is a very mysterious island, which is very unusual in terms of geography, topography and place names. Please take out the map of Hainan Island. The famous "Maogong Mountain" is located on the national Baoshan of the national insurance farm in Ledong County. There is a village called "Jiefang Village" in front of Maogong Mountain, followed by "Dongfanghong". This mountain was discovered by local people at 1992. This is a 4-kilometer-long hill, in which 65,438+0 kilometers of rocks are very similar to our great leader Mao Zedong. Further north, on the Tongshi Line, there are Maodao, Maoyang, Hongmao and other places (there is no place called Mao in other places), as if Mao Zedong's children were in his arms. Further north, Wuzhishan, a famous mountain on Hainan Island, seems to be Mao Zedong's great hand in directing the revolution. On the Limu in Qiongzhong County, there is a big stone statue-the natural stone statue of Limu's upper body (much like a middle-aged woman wearing a headscarf), which seems to be the spiritual lady of Mao Zedong. In Qiongzhong County, there are villages and towns such as Heping, Zhong Ping, Taiping, Long March and Chang 'an, which seem to be a true portrayal of China's revolutionary history. These are concentrated in the east of Hainan's mid-line mountains. These coincidences are really hard to explain.

One of the mysterious phenomena in Maogong Mountain: "Rain in Xiangyun". 1on the afternoon of October 26th, 1993, more than 30 people from Mao Zedong's son-in-law Kong Linghua and his party came to participate in the "benefit performance to commemorate the centenary of Comrade Mao Zedong's birth". At that time, thick colorful clouds hung over the square like a sun umbrella, blocking the scorching sun for people, while the sun shone around the square. When Mao Zedong actor Zhao Guangbin shouted "Long live the people!" At this time, a raindrop immediately fell from the sky, adding a bit of mystery.

The second mysterious phenomenon of Maogongshan: "Butterflies will turn into souls". At noon on June 1995 1 1, Chinese and foreign tourists flooded in, and suddenly thousands of butterflies gathered in the Mao Zedong Worship Hall in Maogong Mountain. Until the afternoon, thousands of butterflies fell dead and laid a colorful carpet.

-No.571600, Xinjian No.2 Lane, tunchang, Yang Yaocheng 12. E-mail: jies98@

Man has found the ideal energy-body.

First, the status of existing energy-worrying

1, types of existing energy sources. There are disposable energy sources: oil, coal, firewood, natural gas, water power, chemical energy and nuclear energy, and renewable energy sources: wave energy, wind energy, solar energy and geothermal energy. One of the most promising is nuclear energy. The existing energy is limited: the resources of disposable energy are limited, and the development performance of renewable energy is limited.

2. The existing energy will pollute and destroy the environment. The exploitation and utilization of existing energy will completely pollute and destroy the very precious environment on which human beings depend-land, water, air, atmosphere, food, vegetation, ecology and so on. It is almost impossible to completely eliminate these pollution and hazards. A little carelessness will turn the earth into hell. The history of industrial civilization is only 220 years, and the history of industrial expansion is only a few decades. The pollution harm caused by industry to the global environment is obvious to all, and it has reached an unbearable level. Nuclear energy is the most promising energy among the existing energy sources, but nuclear radiation pollution such as nuclear leakage and nuclear waste is always dangerous. The "nuclear winter theory" has sounded the alarm for us to use nuclear energy.

3. Existing energy is the root of the world crisis. Behind the current war is people's dependence on energy. Perhaps this connection is invisible on the surface, but it has nothing to do with energy diplomacy in essence. It can be predicted that with the progress of industrial civilization, people's increasing demand for energy and the increasing shortage of energy resources, this kind of war triggered by energy crisis will become more and more frequent and larger, and even lead to the outbreak of world war again.

For the survival of all mankind and the health of our common mother, the earth, we need and must reduce it.