Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Japanese folk stories

Japanese folk stories

Since ancient times, the Japanese nation has been constantly absorbing foreign advanced culture. Do you know what Japanese folklore stories are? The following is a Japanese folklore story that I share with you. Welcome to reading.

Japanese Folk Tale: A Resting Monk

In a temple in Kyoto, Japan, a young monk came. This little monk is called beer. He has big eyes. Although he is only ten years old, he is so clever that even his elders can't compare with him.

When Yixiu first arrived at the temple, other monks bullied him as a newcomer and often ordered him to do this and that. One of them said:? Have a rest. It's getting late. Please help me make the quilt. ? The other said:? Have a rest, the sun will go down. Help me collect shoes. ? The third said:? Have a rest and help me get a bucket of water from the well. ? Yixiu is kind-hearted and helpful. He always finishes what the monks ask him to do quickly.

After a while, everyone thought it was not good to let a class work often. Gradually, they became more and more kind to Yixiu, and no one instructed him to do anything anymore, but the elders often let Yixiu work.

One day, when the monks finished their evening classes and got ready for bed, the elder told them to have a rest. Take a break. The fire in the temple is still burning. Go put it out. ? Yi xiu rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, Oh, I'm so sleepy. I just want to go to bed. ? But he went to the lecture hall after all and blew out all the candles.

Hearing the sound of Hugh blowing out the candle with his mouth, the elder deliberately asked, Why did you put out the candle after a rest?

Take a break and say: Blow it out with your mouth, of course. With so many candles, my mouth hurts. ?

? What? How can I blow out candles with my mouth? The human breath on the ground is filthy. How can you blaspheme with your dirty breath? The elder glared at him angrily and asked for a rest. Never blow out candles with your mouth again. ?

? So how do you put out the candle? Take a break and ask your elders.

? Fan with your hand. ? The elder fanned his hand and said, This way, the fan fire will not spit out the dirty air in the mouth. ?

Take a break, touch the little bald head, and answer? Oh? I went back to my room to sleep.

The next morning, the monks knelt on the ground to prepare for the morning class. The elders sit in the front. He recited the scriptures to the Buddha statue. There is no Amitabha in the south, and there is no Amitabha in the south. Suddenly, there was a serious silence in the hall? Hee hee hee? Laughter. Looking back, the elder saw a monk chanting sutras at the Buddha's ass. The elder turned pale with anger. He pointed to the rest place? What about you? You are speechless.

After watching you for a while, I asked the elder strangely, what's the matter, elder? Am I not good at chanting?

? Have you ever recited the scriptures with your back to the Buddha statue like this? Sin. sin. You will be punished! ? The elder said angrily.

Don't be afraid to have a rest. He asked the elder, didn't you say yesterday that the dirty air in every population would defile the gods? But why are you chanting in front of the Buddha today? You see, your dirty breath has gone away. This is a sin, a sin. ?

When the elder got a rest, he suddenly became speechless.

One day, a young monk mysteriously said to everyone:? There is a can of syrup in the elder's room. I went to see him just now and met him stealing food. ?

? It's too bad for the old people, who eat sweets by themselves. We have to eat, too! ? The young monk said.

? Find a chance to take out that can of syrup for everyone to taste. ? Let's have a rest.

It was late at night and the temple was silent. Hugh got up secretly. When he saw the candle flashing in the old man's room, he crept past. He looked into the room through a crack in the window. At this moment, the elder was licking the syrup in the jar. Deliberately rest loudly? Dangdang? Pushing open the door, the elder was taken aback. Before he could hide the syrup, he pushed the door and came in after a rest.

? Today is a rest day. What are you doing here so late? The elder asked nervously.

? I got up to pee and saw that your light was still on, so I came to have a look. ? Hugh said quietly.

? Go back to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow. ?

? All right, I'll go back then. ? Took a few steps to the door, and then turned to rest. He seems to have just seen the jar on the table and deliberately asked, senior, what's in the jar on your desk? It looks like something delicious. ?

? Hmm? This? This jar is filled with medicine, very bitter medicine. I can't help it My back aches and my legs ache when I am old, so I can't sleep at night. It is impossible not to take some bitter medicine. ? The elder said with a little guilty.

? Getting up often to go to the toilet at night may also be a disease. I really don't want to get up in a warm bed on such a cold day. Senior, can you let me take some bitter medicine, too? Maybe I won't get up to pee again. ? As soon as I finished speaking, I wanted to carry the jar.

? I'm afraid not. This medicine is specially prepared for the elderly. At a young age, it may be poisoned if eaten. Poisoning is not easy, and you may die. ? The elder hurriedly hid the jar under the bed.

After a short rest, I had to say good night to my elders and go back to my room to sleep.

The next day, the elder was on a business trip, and the young monks crowded into the elder's room. Take the syrup out of the bed during the break and feed it to everyone. ? Come on, let's eat syrup together! ? After that, he tasted it first. How sweet and fragrant! It was syrup. Where is the poison? It's obviously a lie. ?

? Is it really syrup? Give me some. ?

? Me too. I hope everyone will rush in and finish the syrup in the jar soon.

? Oh, dear, the jar is empty. ? Looking at the empty jar, everyone was surprised and scared. The elders will be scolded when they come back, and may even be beaten. Some timid monks began to cry.

Take a break and say: Don't be afraid. I have an idea, okay? Everyone came up with a good idea. If they wanted to have a rest from being so clever, they dried their tears.

The young monks had a rest, went into the hall and picked up a beautiful vase on the table. Dangdang? It was smashed at once. Then the rest made a mess of the whole hall, and everyone wondered.

Take a break and say: We pretended to play in the hall, and we accidentally broke the porcelain bottle while making a scene. ?

? Ok, now let's go back to our elders' house and cry around the sugar water jar. ? Although we don't know what medicine is in the gourd, we can only listen at present.

When he arrived at the elder's room, he rested for a while and said, let's cry together! We broke the vase and ate it together to atone? Poison? Suicide. ? The young monk realized what had happened, okay? Whoa, whoa, whoa Slowly burst into tears.

When the elder came back, he saw that the hall was in a mess, and his beloved porcelain bottle fragments fell to the ground, shouting angrily: Who broke my priceless treasure! ? Seeing that no one answered, the elder stamped the floor angrily and came to his room. When I opened the door, I saw the young monk crying and the jar full of syrup rolled aside.

? What's going on here? You made a mess of the temple while I was away. What a pity! ? The elder said angrily.

? Senior, it's our fault. Since you were away, we had a good time. Playing, I don't know who broke the porcelain bottle on the table. We knew it was your favorite thing, and we were very scared, so we ran to your room, ate poison, and tried to make up for it by dying. ? Take a break and cry.

? Ah! Where is the poison in my room? The elder couldn't understand it at the moment.

? You told me yesterday that the jar is filled with bitter medicine, and children will be poisoned to death if they eat it. ? Hugh pointed to the empty jar that had rolled to one side. We've all eaten, and we've eaten all the poison. We're here to die. But strangely, after a long time, we are still not dead. ?

After hearing this, the elder knew that he had been taken in and rested. Although I am very angry, I can only forget it now. Don't expose the syrup, or you will be laughed at by a group of children. Where can he put his old face? So the elder said:? You're not dead yet, which means the poison is not deep and you can't die. Now, you all go home. ?

After a short rest, he said to the elder. Elder, let's die! Please bring us another can of poison. ? Hearing this, the young monk could not help laughing. From then on, the elder never dared to eat syrup without telling Hugh.

Japanese Folk Tale: Momotaro

? This peach is really big. I have never seen such a big peach in my life. ? From time to time, the old woman looked at the peaches as big as the washbasin on the table and muttered to herself. She is absent-minded at work.

This peach floated up from the river, when the old woman was washing a large basin of clothes by the river. Inadvertently, she saw the peach and shouted:? Hey, big peach, come on. ? Strangely, the peach seemed to understand the old woman's words, and it really floated to her.

The old woman had a hard time getting the peaches ashore. She put the peaches in a wooden basin. Hey, yo, hey, yo? Moved home happily.

The setting sun dyed the sky red, the room was painted with a light rose color, and the peaches on the table became more vivid. The old woman just stood at the window, staring at the peach, with a smile on her lips.

? My wife, I'm back. Is there anything delicious at home? This is an old man who went out to collect firewood early in the morning. The old man found the big peach before his voice fell. Hey, what's this? Scared me. Such a big peach looks delicious. ?

The old woman smiled and said to the old man. Such a big peach must be delicious. ? After that, she went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife and cut the peach at once.

Suddenly, there was a flash of golden light in the room, and then a lovely baby jumped out of the peach: chubby little arms and legs, pink and tender face, bright black eyes, blinking. Suddenly, the baby cried loudly, which made the old man and the old woman very anxious. At this age, they have no children. The little boy who jumped out of the peach really surprised them.

? This child must be given to us by God. ? Both the old man and the old woman thought so, and then they all knelt on the ground, looked up at the sky and thanked God for his gift.

Because the child jumped out of a peach, the old man named him Momotaro. Two old people are happy to have a baby in their later years. They take good care of Momotaro, and the old woman often makes some dumplings for Momotaro to eat. Momotaro ate the dumplings made by the old woman, and grew taller every day. A few days later, he became a strong and handsome boy. Momotaro is witty, brave and kind-hearted, and is very popular with local villagers. The old man and the old woman love him more.

One day, an old uncle who came back from the port visited Momotaro's home. When chatting, the old uncle told Momotaro that not long ago, a monster came to the island on the other side. This monster is bad. It not only robbed the villagers of everything, but also destroyed their houses. The villagers were very angry, but the monster was so powerful that everyone didn't know what to do.

Momotaro clenched his fist after hearing this. He is determined to go to the island to defeat the monster.

The old man and the old woman were very happy to see their son so ambitious. But they are a little worried. After all, Momotaro is still a child!

? Take your mother's dumplings, son. Eat them and you will have greater strength and courage. Children, we all look forward to your early and safe return! ? The old man said to Momotaro with a big bag of dumplings. Momotaro took the dumplings, nodded, bid farewell to the old man and the old woman, and set off.

At the entrance to the village, a hungry barking dog stopped Momotaro. Momotaro, Momotaro, give me a dumpling. I am really hungry. ?

Momotaro took out a glutinous rice balls and gave it to the dog. The puppy is eating glutinous rice balls and is full of energy. He was very grateful to Momotaro, and decided to be Momotaro's servant to defeat the monster with him.

One more person is one more strength, and Momotaro is happy to go with the dog.

On the way, they met two hungry monkeys and pheasants. Monkeys and pheasants also asked Momotaro for a dumpling. After eating glutinous rice balls, I am full of energy and strength.

? Momotaro, let me be your servant. Let's beat the monster together. ? The monkey and the pheasant said to Momotaro.

In this way, Momotaro walked with dogs, monkeys and pheasants. It took them a long time to get to the seaside. The sea is rough, and the waves keep beating against the coast, sending out? Hua, Hua? A loud noise. The distant island stands quietly, and there is nothing unusual, but Momotaro knows that the big monster on the island must be harassing the villagers again. But how do we get to that island? Momotaro and his servant looked at the endless sea and became very worried.

At this moment, a fisherman in a short jacket came rocking his boat. Momotaro borrowed a boat from a fisherman and jumped into it. Dogs, monkeys and pheasants all jumped in. Momotaro paddled and sailed quickly to the island.

The topography of this island is very sinister. As soon as they set foot on land, Momotaro felt a sepulchral smell in the air.

? Listen up, dogs, monkeys and pheasants, no matter how difficult it is, we must go forward bravely. Let's beat the monster! ? Momotaro said loudly. They took a deep breath and strode to the castle where the monster lived.

The gate of the castle is closed and looks strong, so no matter how hard you try, you can't push it open. The flexible little monkey looked at the high wall and said, Look at me. ? He jumped up quickly and jumped over the wall. No one was guarding the city at this time, so the little monkey quickly opened the gate.

? Let's go ? Momotaro and his companions bravely rushed into the city and came to the place where the monster lived. The monster jumped up in disgust and took up arms to fight Momotaro. He said savagely, Momotaro, don't be too arrogant! You are a teenager. You can't be my opponent. Be careful. ? Say that finish, the monster raised his iron bar and knocked it on Momotaro's head. Momotaro promptly failed, and the iron bar fell on a big stone, which broke and spilled all over the floor. Momotaro beat the pebbles back with a stick. Those pebbles fell on the monster one after another, and he hurriedly avoided them. Momotaro took a glutinous rice balls from his pocket and swallowed it unhurriedly. ? Haha, I ate the world's first glutinous rice ball, which gave me a hundredfold strength. Come on, let's compete again. ? Momotaro bravely challenged the monster. The stick in his hand waved violently and hit the monster like raindrops, scaring the monster to hide and shout.

At this time, what about the puppy? Wang Wang? I rushed over crying and bit the monster's foot. The monster grinned. It's killing me Help! ? The little monkey hung from the beam and stretched out his claws to catch the monster's face; The pheasant pecked the monster's eyes with its sharp mouth. Ouch, ouch, it hurts me. ? The monster howled in pain. He lost his weapon and begged Momotaro for forgiveness. I won't get into trouble again, please give me a break. ?

Momotaro made the monster swear never to bully the people again, and returned all the stolen jewels to the people, otherwise unforgiven.

So the genie knelt at Momotaro's feet and swore: I swear, I will never bully anyone again! ? Not only that, the monster also moved out all the stolen jewels.

Momotaro brought gold, silver and jewels back to the village and returned everything to the people. The villagers were very happy and full of praise for Momotaro. The county magistrate was very happy when he heard about it. He gave Momotaro a lot of money.

Good Momotaro took all the money to help the poor villagers. His deeds touched the county grandfather, who decided to betroth his daughter to Momotaro.

Brave and resourceful, Momotaro married a beautiful and kind bride and all the villagers came to bless her. The old man and the old woman were happier and lived happily with their son and daughter-in-law from now on.

Japanese folk story: wool plane

Next to a small town at the foot of the mountain, there is a clean and tidy little house. There lived an old woman with silver hair in the house. Grandma is alone. She always stands at the window when the moon rises and looks at the distant city. Because in the city, there are her sons and grandchildren. Grandma's grandson is lovely, chubby face and shining eyes like stars. Every time I see my grandmother, my little grandson will open his mouth and cry sweetly: Grandma, grandma. ?

Grandma hasn't seen her little grandson for almost a year. She misses him very much. Grandma wants to go to the city to see her grandson if it is convenient.

During the day, grandma will sit on the rattan chair and knit. Her knitting skills are so good that some neighbors will bring her wool to knit clothes, gloves, hats and even chair cushions. As long as people can speak, grandma can always make it up.

This morning, her neighbor said: Autumn is coming, and it's really hard to see the flowers in the garden wither one after another. ? Grandma said:? Don't be sad, I will help you weave some beautiful flowers, which will keep blooming in your garden in autumn and winter. ?

Grandma asked her little black cat for help and spun colorful wool balls. Then, she weaves petals with red, yellow and blue wool, weaves leaves with light green, green and dark green wool, and beautiful flowers bloom in the old woman's hands.

One night, a beautiful flower fell at the old woman's window. It is almost autumn, and there are fewer and fewer butterflies. They can't stand the colder and colder weather. Grandma opened the window and let the butterfly in. The warmth in the room immediately made the butterfly happy. It danced around her grandmother.

? What a beautiful butterfly! ? Grandma was shocked. She's thinking,? I want to knit a butterfly shawl to keep warm in winter. ?

Grandma carefully observed the beautiful patterns on the butterfly wings, and immediately, she had the appearance of a butterfly shawl in her heart. So she immediately took out needles and wool and knitted skillfully. Because she always thinks about the wings of butterflies and feels that her shawl wants to fly. Grandma didn't care at first. She thought it was just a feeling. But later, the more wool was knitted in, the shawl on grandma's hand became lighter and lighter, and it really flew. This has never happened before! Grandma will now hold the shawl tightly with her legs and continue knitting. But accidentally, her leg was loose, and something unexpected happened? The shawl suddenly flew and flew to the ceiling.

? That's weird! This shawl really flies like a butterfly.

Yes ? Grandma was surprised and happy. She has been knitting for decades, but this is the first time she has knitted something that can fly.

Grandma pulled the wool on her hand and pulled down the shawl that flew to the ceiling. She looked at the shawl again and again and began to have a new idea: my butterfly shawl can fly. What if I weave a plane? Will you fly higher and farther like this time? In that case, I can fly to the city to see my grandson. ?

Grandma almost jumped for joy at the thought. She immediately found out the chair, bamboo pole, rope and canvas at home and built a small one. A plane? Shelves. Then sit down quietly and start weaving the wings of the plane while thinking.

? I can visit my grandson when I am knitting a plane. ? Grandma raised her mouth, beautiful. My wool plane, fly, fly like a real plane! ?

Grandma knitted for a day and a night, and she didn't know she was sleepy. Sun Tzu's sweet smiling face, small nose, blinking eyes, and fine fluff on her tender face flashed in front of her eyes. So cute!

In this way, three days passed and grandma finally knitted two big wings. She put them on the shelf carefully. At this time, the night has come, and the bright moonlight covers the earth. Grandma murmured: how nice the moon is! If I fly in a wool plane during the day, people will look at me like a monster. Better leave tonight! Anyway, the moon is so round and bright, you will find your grandson's house. ? Grandma said, sitting on her wool plane carefully. She pulled the wool head on the wing to control the direction and speed, and the wool plane flew smoothly.

In the night sky, although there is wind blowing, grandma doesn't feel cold at all. She thinks of her grandson, and her heart is warm.

The plane flew over low Woods, majestic peaks and open fields. Gradually, grandma saw the outline of the city. She looked down and saw a bright light flashing. Grandma knows it's a neon sign in the city.

? Soon, I will meet my little grandson. ? The old woman is very excited. She visited the neighborhood where her grandson lived. The familiar tall building stands quietly.

? What will my grandson be doing at the moment? Even better, he can see me land. ? The old woman thought happily that she was getting closer and closer to her grandson's home. ? Prepare to land. ? Grandma began to dive, but the plane didn't mean to come down at all. ? what can I do? If I can't come down, I will fly in the air all my life. ? Grandma thought about it. Suddenly, she had an idea. She untied the wool on the left wing and gently pulled it out. The plane began to tilt, and then she untied the wool on the right wing. In this way, grandma adjusted the balance of the plane while disassembling it, and she could land steadily after disassembling it.

? Grandma, grandma, how can you fly in the sky? Grandmother's ear echoed with her little grandson's voice. She looked down and saw her grandson counting stars on the balcony.

? My good grandson, grandma has come to see you. ? As soon as the grandmother spoke, she landed firmly on the balcony of her grandson's house.

Don't mention how happy the little grandson is. He hugged his grandmother affectionately: Oh, I have an amazing grandmother! ?

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