Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the significance of establishing a school? This is one-sided. Why can it be equated with philosophy? Philosophy should not be one-sided. And debate.

What is the significance of establishing a school? This is one-sided. Why can it be equated with philosophy? Philosophy should not be one-sided. And debate.

Metaphysics is a philosophical term. In the history of philosophy, it has experienced two forms of development. One refers to the philosophy of studying objects other than extrasensory and transcendental bodies, that is, the part of philosophy that explores the fundamental principles of the universe. Second, it refers to the way of thinking that opposes dialectics and observes things from an isolated, static and one-sided point of view. Marxist philosophy mainly uses the metaphysical concept in the second sense, which is a world outlook or methodology opposite to dialectics. It looks at the world with an isolated, static and one-sided view (pay attention to the meaning of "one-sided", the most straightforward statement is that what you see is one-sided and incomplete), and thinks that everything is isolated and will never change; If there is a change, it is only an increase or decrease in quantity and a change in position. The reason for this increase or decrease or change is not inside things, but outside things. Also called metaphysics.

Definition set

Definition: Metaphysics that can be analyzed by dimensions (therefore) is an indisputable fact about the correctness of the result.

What is metaphysics?

Definition: refers to the essence, truth and law of things. Form refers to appearance and external meaning, while metaphysics refers to transcending external appearance and revealing internal truth. For example, 1 apple plus 1 apple equals 2 apples. The internal law is: 1+ 1=2, which is the function and significance of metaphysics.

Example: A man saw a tiger eating only meat, and then he came to the conclusion that all creatures in the world only eat meat! The arrow does not move: the arrow in flight is composed of static points, which is a metaphysical point of view.

What is the meaning of metaphysics?

But from the conclusion that all living things only eat meat, we can draw another conclusion that all living things get (energy) for (survival)!

That is: all for their own survival!

Editing this etymological catalogue involves professional knowledge, and some of its contents are controversial. Party Hongmei, a philosophy lecturer, provided professional advice.

Doubts have been marked, click to view the judgment content.

Metaphysics in English or metaphysics in Latin comes from Greek: μ ε τ? (metá) means after or above, φ υ υ υ κ? (physiká) means "nature, the product of nature" in Greek, and the two radicals together mean "after nature". The appearance of metaphysics is actually because Aristotle arranged his discussion of abstract knowledge such as logic, meaning and rationality after his book Physiká, which discusses physics, and put a label on these discussions: "After Naturalism" (τ? μετ? τ? φυσικ? βιβλ? α, Latin ta meta ta physika biblia, meaning the book after nature). This term is misunderstood by Latin annotators as "science beyond natural science". The problems discussed by Aristotle in his book have become many basic problems of metaphysics.

The Chinese translation of "Metaphysics" is taken from the sentence "Metaphysics refers to Tao, Metaphysics refers to apparatus" in Yijing translated by Japanese Tetsuro Inoue (Meiji period).

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Marx believes that metaphysics refers to the way of thinking that opposes dialectics and observes the world from an isolated, static and one-sided point of view. It regards things as isolated from each other, absolutely motionless, unable to see the interrelation of things, and forgets the relative trend of their emergence, extinction, movement and inching. It only comes down to position movement and simple quantity increase and decrease, and it is regarded as the result of external force, similar to vector (displacement) in physics. Because he hates dogmatism that only pays attention to form and ignores essence, Hegel criticizes metaphysics as a research method of mechanical dogma as opposed to dialectics, so metaphysics can also refer to dogmatism, that is, looking at the world with an isolated, static and one-sided eye and thinking that everything is isolated and unchanging forever. Marx followed this definition of Hegel.

In Sun Zhengyu's General Theory of Philosophy, it is described as follows: People usually use the concept of metaphysics in two different senses: First, they use this concept in a sense similar to philosophy. In this sense, "metaphysics" is a theory that pursues and demonstrates transcendental "existence", that is, the principle of unity of the world outside experience. Because traditional speculative philosophers regard "philosophy" as a transcendental theory of world unity, they also regard "metaphysics" as a synonym or pronoun of philosophy in this sense. Secondly, the concept of "metaphysics" is used in the opposite sense of "dialectics". In this sense, "metaphysics" refers to a philosophical theory that looks at the world from the viewpoint of denying contradictions, and refers to a way of thinking in the "absolutely incompatible opposite".

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Metaphysics refers to problems that can be studied through rational reasoning and logic, rather than directly through sensibility. Metaphysics refers to the basic laws of philosophy. Metaphysics pays attention to the core issues of theoretical philosophy, such as foundation, premise, reason, primary reason and basic structure, such as the meaning and purpose of all realistic existence. Metaphysics is called Platonism by Nietzsche. Metaphysics is also called "the first philosophy". For example, Descartes' Meditation on the First Philosophy is also called Meditation on Metaphysics. Aristotle divided human knowledge into three parts, using trees as metaphor: the first part, the most basic part, that is, the root, is metaphysics and the foundation of all knowledge; The second part is physics, like tree trunks; The third part is other natural sciences, using branches as metaphors.

In the west, metaphysics has three traditional branches:

Ontology-study what is the problem of existence.

Natural theology-the study of gods or gods and questions about them.

Cosmic science (philosophical logic)-the first principle of research, which leads to other explorations. For example, the law of non-contradiction in a specific category, an object can not exist and not exist at the same time.

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Philosophy is a kind of world outlook and methodology, and it is a theoretical system about the essence of the world, the fundamental law of development, and the fundamental relationship between human thinking and existence. For a long time, people have equated philosophy with metaphysics and metaphysics with metaphysics. As far as philosophy studies the origin and general nature of the external world, it is right to say that philosophy is metaphysics, but saying that philosophy is metaphysics puts philosophy and science in opposition. Any subject can become a science as long as it has a clear and specific research object and can establish a complete and strict logical system; The premise of establishing a complete and rigorous logical system is to have a clear and specific research object that can be defined and demonstrated. Relatively speaking, the metaphysical nature of science and metaphysics, philosophy of science and metaphysics, philosophy of science and philosophy, and the orientation of philosophical world outlook and methodology are symmetrical-the scientific degree of philosophy is directly proportional to the status of philosophical world outlook and methodology. World Outlook and Methodology is instructive, empirical and operable. When we say that philosophy is a world outlook and methodology, we have actually admitted that philosophy is a science. Scientificalization of philosophy is a philosophical development view that conforms to Scientific Outlook on Development's requirements; The history of philosophical development is essentially a history that makes philosophy gradually scientific in the symmetrical relationship between heaven and man, thinking and existence, subject and object. The process of philosophy of science is the transformation from asymmetry to symmetry between man and nature, thinking and existence, and subject and object. The logic of philosophy of science is the condensation of the historical relationship between heaven and man, thinking and existence, and subject and object from asymmetry to symmetry. Various schools in the history of philosophy, such as materialism, idealism, dualism, agnosticism and falsificationism, are just different links in the historical process of this transformation from asymmetry to symmetry; As sublation, synthesis and sublimation of them, symmetrical philosophy is not only the achievement of scientific philosophy, but also the summary of scientific philosophy. (The above content is taken from Chen Shiqing's Metaphysics of Economics, published by China Times Economic Press 20 10, 20 1, 2 2nd edition).

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English metaphysics, Greek ta meta ta physica, Latin metaphysics

The word was originally the name of a work by Aristotle, which was compiled by Andronico of Rhode Island in ancient Greece more than 200 years after Aristotle's death, ranking behind the book Physics, which studies the specific morphological changes of things, and called Volume after Physics. In Greek, it is

The Chinese translation of "Metaphysics" is based on the sentence "Metaphysics refers to Tao and Metaphysics refers to apparatus" in the Book of Changes translated by Yan Fu, a famous scholar in the late Qing Dynasty.

Since 13 century, it has been used as a philosophical term to refer to the study of transcendental things (God, soul and free will, etc.). ); Or as another name of philosophy, it means to establish a conceptual system to judge the essence of reality, or to grasp the essence of reality in a way.

After Hegel put forward dialectics, it was used to refer to the world outlook and methodology of non-dialectics.

The core problem of metaphysics is the opposition between phenomenon and essence, around which philosophers have put forward various views.

(This entry is mainly from the Dictionary of Foreign Philosophy edited by Feng Qi, with slight modification and arrangement. )

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Metaphysics is supreme in classical philosophy and is the first philosophy. It is the basis of studying the nature of the universe. Of course, some concepts have been overthrown and perfected by later generations, but their core ideas are unshakable and play an important role so far. Because of these ideas, many philosophers put the core of philosophy on the study of universal and general essence or * * * phase, which is considered as the fundamental basis for the existence of all things. So this science is the basis of learning all sciences. This is metaphysics. For thousands of years, the evolutionary history of metaphysics is almost equal to the development history of philosophy. In the eyes of philosophers, if philosophy is the most beautiful crown in human science, then metaphysics is the most beautiful jewel in the crown. However, after the beginning of modern philosophy with Hegel as the starting point, the west began to question metaphysics generally and began to open up new roads and carry out traditional revolution, which was due to the wrong interpretation of metaphysics. But its position in the history of philosophy is supreme. Or when science develops to another point, it will return to the center of people's research and get further affirmation and development.

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Metaphysics in European languages comes from Greek, and its forms in western languages are similar, such as "metaphysics" in English, "la metaphysique" in French, "die Metaphysik" in German and "la metafisica" in Italian. This word was originally named by Androni Kush, a philosophy teacher in Rhode Island in ancient Greece, for a book of Aristotle, meaning "after physics". Aristotle may be called "first principle" and "philosophy".

At the end of 17, john donne and his academic followers wrote works about what was later called metaphysics.

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Metaphysical problems are usually full of controversy without clear conclusions. This is partly because the data accumulated by empirical facts, as the largest amount of human knowledge, usually cannot solve metaphysical disputes; The other part is because the words used by metaphysical scholars are often confused, and their arguments are therefore bad debts with different opinions but no intersection. It is incomprehensible that logical positivists in the twentieth century opposed some metaphysical problems. They think that some metaphysical questions are meaningless in themselves.

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General introduction

Generally speaking, metaphysics has two meanings. One is to look at things from an isolated, static, one-sided and superficial point of view (in Marxist philosophy, metaphysics in this sense is opposite to dialectics). Second, it refers to the knowledge of judging things through intuition (transcendental experience) and studying supernatural philosophy. Sometimes it refers to the study of philosophical ontology.

Descartes portrait

Since modern times, with the strong spread of scientific rationality in the field of humanities, traditional metaphysics has been dealt an unprecedented blow. However, from the historical process of the development of metaphysics, there are actually three forms of metaphysics: universe ontology, category ontology and meaning ontology. What scientific reason rejects is actually the universe ontology based on speculative fiction. In the post-metaphysical era, as far as meaning ontology is concerned, metaphysics has no end and will not end.

The Chinese translation of "Metaphysics" is taken from the sentence "Metaphysics refers to Tao and Metaphysics refers to apparatus" in the Book of Changes. It is not only similar in literal sense, but also similar in practical sense, which belongs to classic translation.

Find out the original text of the Book of Changes: "Metaphysics refers to the Tao, while metaphysics refers to the device", and metaphysics is different from practice: metaphysics refers to thinking, and the macro belongs to the empty category; Metaphysics refers to the extreme and rigid understanding of things. Laozi has a saying that "the metaphysical refers to the Tao, and the metaphysical refers to the device", which means that metaphysical things refer to the Tao, which refers to both philosophical methods and thinking activities. Physically, it refers to concrete and tangible things or cultural relics.

First kind

Metaphysics can be understood as the knowledge of "ultimate reality". For beginners, this definition seems to be difficult to understand and can't provide any practical content, but please believe that this definition is the definition that best reflects its connotation and extension. This point can only be understood by understanding the connotation and extension of metaphysics. This definition will be explained in detail below.

For example, a ruler is inserted into the water, and your eyes see that the ruler is bent. However, your knowledge about rulers and your optical knowledge tell you that rulers are not curved, but straight. You see it is curved because of the refraction of light.

This is where you see the essence through the phenomenon.

Descartes and the first philosophical meditation

Because, we can think, when we look at the world with our own senses, is this world, like the rulers, not presenting its essence to us correctly? We only see the appearance of this world without understanding or misunderstanding its essence? Therefore, the research object of metaphysics is the essence of the world. There are various answers to this question, such as: the essence of the world is matter, the essence of the world is a certain concept and spirit, the world flows out from God, and so on. This is called "ontology", a narrow sense of metaphysics.

Metaphysics and its broad sense. Since the task of metaphysics is to study the nature of the world, there is such a question: Do we have the ability to study the nature of the world? If we have the ability, what methods should we use to study it?

To the previous question, someone replied, "We have the ability to study the nature of the world." Some people say, "We don't have this ability." (agnosticism) For the latter question, some people argue that the essence of the world must be understood through rational logical deduction (rationalism), while others argue that it must be grasped through intuitive experience (empiricism). This is "epistemology", and metaphysics in a broad sense should include ontology and epistemology.

Broadly speaking, the study of knowledge beyond perceptual experience can be called metaphysics. And the metaphysical definition given at the beginning refers to this. "Truth" refers to the essence of things that are covered by phenomena (there is no unclosed essence, so it is not appropriate in essence, so it is easy to understand here), and people know the essence of a thing through its phenomena. However, human understanding is developing, and many "realities" recognized in the past have been proved to be just phenomena by new scientific discoveries, so people must think about whether there is ultimate reality in a thing. Some people think that there is ultimate reality, that is, the principle of the world has been determined in advance; Others think that knowledge is constantly developing and there is no ultimate reality. In addition, if there is ultimate reality, it is also a question whether human beings can master this ultimate reality. Mastering it means mastering the fundamental laws of the universe, and fortune-telling is scientific.

So, in short, it can be said that metaphysics is the study of nature. It is higher than physics, which studies phenomena and laws, and metaphysics studies its existence and essence.

The second type

In the works of Engels, Lenin and Mao Zedong, "metaphysics" has another meaning.

Let's start with an old question: which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The traditional way of thinking, the solution to this problem is: yes, yes, no,no. Therefore, there must be chickens or eggs first in this world. However, this way of thinking is caught in an embarrassing situation here: if there is a chicken first, how did this chicken hatch? If there was an egg first, how was it born? So as to fall into an endless cycle.

The scientific answer is: in this world, chickens are not always like this, that is to say, chickens are not always hatched; Eggs are not always like this, nor are they always laid by chickens. But in the long process of biological evolution, this form has gradually formed. This jumps out of the thinking cycle of either/or and completes a "unity of opposites" (that is, the "contradiction" in Marxist philosophy), thus solving this problem.

Chickens and eggs evolved. This is only the basis, not the answer to the question. The topic requires order, that is, chronological order. If you can't find the answer to the question, you can make an ambiguous statement and take it as the truth, then all the hooligans in the world are prophets.

In the metaphysical way of thinking, chicken and egg as a kind of existence, chicken lays eggs, and eggs become chickens, which is a form of existence. On the time axis, the shape of chicken and egg has been changing. If the shapes of chickens and eggs that exist today are taken as the standard, those that are advanced into modern shapes will be the first. Laying eggs earlier than chickens means that chickens are laying eggs before they become chickens. So eggs come first, then chickens. Based on the original state of chicken and egg, chicken and egg are a cycle, which can be traced back to the division period of prokaryotic cells, even to the biological production stage, and even to the source of material energy according to the time axis. It is still difficult to find an answer to this question. However, we can study the existing forms of chickens and eggs in stages in a metaphysical way at every moment. However, Ma Zhe only opposed this logic in the logic of either/or, and did not solve any problems.

The traditional way of thinking is called "intellectual thinking" or "formal logic thinking", which is fixed thinking. Thinking about a problem with this kind of thinking is bound to fall into the dilemma of "chicken or egg first" and get contradictory and chaotic answers. In Critique of Pure Reason, Kant put forward four famous antinomies (that is, the question of "which came first, the chicken or the egg", whose characteristic is that his two opposite answers can be fully proved) and pointed out this question. He attributed this problem to the fact that human reason cannot understand the objective world.

On the other hand, Hegel opposed Kant's view of unknowability. He suggested that if you jump out of the thinking cycle of either/or, you will not fall into contradictions and chaos. This is dialectics. However, dialectics still does not solve the problem of chicken or egg.

Engels called the "intellectual thinking" as opposed to dialectics "metaphysics". Lenin and Mao Zedong also used this usage. Therefore, China's political textbooks give a second explanation of "metaphysics". However, when academic circles use the word "metaphysics", they usually take the first meaning.


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