Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Palmistry details

Palmistry details

Since ancient times, people have always chosen palm reading as a prediction method. Your palm is your palm. The shape of the hand is inextricably linked with the whole human body, the color and texture of the hand, and people's health and spirit. People are holographic. As one of the most sensitive and dexterous organs of the human body, the hand can certainly see something. Palm reading has something to do with fate. This is not idealism, but materialism. Perhaps the existing scientific theory can not fully reveal the law, but this does not hinder the accumulation of people's experience and feelings.

The promotion of spiritual realm will make people have a broader space.

Palmistry is one of the fastest changing functions. Therefore, you can't read your palm in isolation. Comparing palms of different periods is more valuable.

Beginners are confused at first, whether to read their left hand or right hand first. What ancient fortune tellers said was mostly male left and female right, mainly because of the concept that men were superior to women. In modern fortune-telling, compared with the right hand, the left hand is the congenital lifeblood, and the right hand represents the present and future life, so as to make a comparative reference to each other. If there is a great difference between the left and right palms, it means that this person's personality is complicated and his fortune is extremely changeable.

Me too. Right hand contrast. But my hands are like my nature, and my hands are often like my acquired. So if he is left-handed, his right hand is his congenital penis.

Any external characteristics of the hand can be used as a basis for judging, but the most commonly used "phase" in palm reading is palm print and hand shape. Because there are absolutely no two people with identical fingerprints in the world, "fingerprints" are regarded as one of the important clues in criminal investigation. Although our bodies are genetically created and will change with the environment, only fingerprints will never change. Fingerprints can be roughly divided into "vortex" and "flow pattern". Different shapes, different personalities and fates. Explain it in detail below.

Five fingers are vortex patterns: the Lord is too confident, too stubborn and too independent. Because people's life fortune changes greatly, they should pay attention to self-cultivation and self-discipline at ordinary times.

All five fingers are tattooed people: upright, dexterous and good at craftsmanship. However, due to poor communication, it is not suitable for developing common undertakings.

Thumb and little finger are whirlpool type: choose an eloquent career and you will emerge. Because it is luckier than its predecessors, we should not stick to immediate interests, but should look further.

Thumb and ring finger are vortex lines: young people work hard, but as long as they are willing to make progress, they will gain status and wealth in middle age and old age.

Thumb and middle finger are eddy currents: as long as we get rid of the restless character in the countryside and redouble our efforts to enrich ourselves, we will certainly get the help of sages and achieve great things in the future.

Only the thumb is a flowing pattern: great wealth, great talent, great wisdom, brilliant talent and clear mind. As long as you work hard, you will succeed. Although impatient, but still quite generous.

Only the little finger is a ripple: because of her gentle temperament, she is sure to be promoted by her superiors and helped by her friends, and her career is easy to succeed. The only drawback is that you don't trust others.

The ring finger and the little finger are flowing lines: the owner is grumpy and weak-willed, and it is easy to go astray, but as long as this shortcoming is seriously corrected, satisfactory results will be obtained.

Only the thumb is a vortex pattern: the main vitality is superior, and it belongs to a late bloomer. Bad luck in youth and prime of life will gradually show up in old age.

Only the index finger is a vortex pattern: the main communication occasions are very popular. However, no matter what you do, you always like to be opportunistic, so you often lose your job halfway. As for my old age, I still fell short and failed.

Only the middle finger is a vortex pattern: although the ideal is lofty and ambitious, it is inevitable that you will become crazy because of grand delusions. If such people want to succeed, they must keep their feet on the ground.

Only the ring finger is a vortex pattern: the master boy is successful, and the so-called fluency is condescending. If you can work hard and persevere, your achievements will be even greater.

Only the little finger is a vortex pattern: although it is the main business. Although I am capable and successful in my independent career, I lack patience and endurance.

Thumb and forefinger are spiral lines: the protagonist is arrogant, generous, popular and sociable. However, because of his kindness, he often suffers from relatives and friends.

The index finger and the little finger are vortex lines: the Lord is far-sighted. When I was young, I had a tendency to mature. As long as you are content with an ordinary life, you will certainly get antai in your later years.

Thumb and middle finger rhyme: the Lord "can't make ends meet" This type of people prefer to spend money and often don't have enough fun. In their old age, they must rely on others to support themselves, so they must get rid of the bad habit of wasting as soon as possible.

The index finger and ring finger are vortex patterns: indicating that they are not easy to yield and are not discouraged. As long as they make up their minds, they will succeed in the end.

The middle finger and the little finger are vortex patterns: the fate and ups and downs of the Lord suddenly become and fail, but as long as you are not in a hurry, everything will rise step by step and down-to-earth.

The ring finger and the little finger are vortex patterns: the master talks eloquently, but as long as he is willing to struggle and forge ahead, he will achieve something.

The forefinger and middle finger are flowing lines: the Lord is warm and upright, and can gain fame and credibility. Although life is unstable and hard before middle age, it will get better in old age.

The middle finger and ring finger are vortex patterns: indicating sureness, but lacking determination and judgment. If they can persevere and persevere, they will achieve something.

The forefinger and the little finger are flowing: the protagonist is tolerant and chivalrous and belongs to the leader type. Because of their meticulous thinking and dexterity, they are suitable for technical work.

The forefinger and the ring finger are flowing lines: the Lord does things quickly and cleanly, but he is a little reckless, impulsive and indecisive. As long as he does not indulge in debauchery, he will succeed.

Thumb and forefinger are flowing lines: the main character is simple and straightforward, and the will is weak. Although we have fixed views, if we don't make proper arrangements for our lives, we will be poor and helpless in our later years.

The middle finger and the little finger are flowing patterns: the Lord is ambitious and good at grasping opportunities, especially suitable for speculative work. The closer he is to his later years, the more successful he will be.

The middle finger and the ring finger are flowing lines: the Lord is aboveboard, indifferent and takes money lightly. Because he doesn't restrain himself, he often cheats, which makes people sit up and take notice.

Only the ring finger is a flowing pattern: because he is good at communication and entertainment, he is gentle and honest, so he can still get the knowledge and promotion from his boss, and he can also get the help from his subordinates until his later years.

Only the middle finger is a flowing pattern: the Lord is full of courage and chivalry, and he works hard, so he will definitely win the trust of the community. But on the other hand, it is more haggle over every ounce. If we don't respect ourselves, it's easy to make enemies.

Only the index finger is a ripple: the subject is superior in personality and morality and kind to others, but not suitable for business, but suitable for being a scholar, educator and religion.

The forefinger and middle finger are vortex lines: the Lord is noble and harmonious first, and will certainly win popularity and success. But it often fails because of the opposite sex.

Thumb and ring finger are flowing lines: the protagonist is simple and steady, as long as he is down-to-earth and moves forward step by step, he will soon gain wealth and prestige.

Thumb and little finger are flowing lines: the protagonist is upright. But because of stubbornness and self-centeredness, it is easy to offend others. This trend will not ease until after middle age, and luck will improve.

How to read and learn palmistry, the main purpose is to apply practice. Before practice, we should have a clear understanding of all theories, so that people can have a clear understanding of them. Palmistry learning is first of all to grasp the whole elephant of the opponent. First of all, we should understand the five elements theory of hand image, understand the different images of bones, flesh, tendons, skin color and hair in hand image, be familiar with the difference between big hands and small hands, fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of hard and soft hands, and the boundary and significance of clear and muddy hands.

Secondly, we should master the key points of fingering and fingering, have a clear understanding of the movement theory of five elements, six parents and fingering, treat the fingering correctly, and correctly understand the relationship between fingering and fingering.

In addition, we should also observe the patterns of Sancai and Yuzhu in our hands, especially the appearance and overall structure of Sancai patterns. No matter what the problem is, it will be decomposed into the theory of three talents to find the answer. Jade column pattern is a pattern that holds the fate of the master. We should recognize the application conditions and significance among "official mode", "master mode", "writing mode" and "widow mode".

Finally, remember some typical symbols clearly. The mysterious crosses, imprints and island lines in the palm are all symbol systems with high fulfillment rate. Only by mastering the above theoretical points skillfully can we have a free sense of roundness in our hearts, so any palm reading judgment will never go wrong in the general direction.

Of course, it's one thing to learn palm reading on paper, but it's another to practice it. Many palm readers seem to understand when reading a book, but they are at a loss when they really read their hands, which makes them feel that they can't understand the theory. How did this disjointed chaos come about? This involves the skills and steps of fortune telling. First, palm reading depends on the overall state of palm reading. Many fans pay little attention to their opponents' elephants and often skip this step. When people reach out and open their palms, they only go to see Sancai's tattoo. This is one of the common problems that ordinary researchers are most likely to make. You know, palm reading studies the whole hand, not just the palm print. Moreover, the hand image is the image of the hand, which is the basis for determining the quality of the palm; Palmprint is only a part of palmprint image, and it is only a minor part of palmprint image, so learners must not neglect primary and secondary. If there is an image, there will be a good life; People with bad hands will find it difficult to talk about how good their fate is.

Therefore, the author repeatedly stressed that palm reading must be based on palm reading. After reading the hand image, let's break down the fingering and palm lattice in detail. First, look at all the faces: five fingers are full, six parents are harmonious, and their careers are successful; Five fingers are sparse, six parents are weak, and life fails. The second time, compare the relationship between "Jun" and "Ke" point by point, and then investigate the length of keel and tiger bone. After reading fingering, palm reading, gossip decision, nine palaces and three walls.

Next, we can look at the images of three patterns, the sky pattern, the human pattern and the ground pattern. We should look at them one by one, and then look at the relationship between the overall structure and the three patterns. After observing the fingers, palms and tattoos as a whole, we can discuss people's concerns one by one according to each topic. Such as temperament, hand hard or soft? Big hand or small hand? Is the tattoo positive or negative? Is the tattoo straight or curved? Is the sky tattoo pointing at the finger or pointing at the finger? Who is longer, the index finger or the ring finger? Does Thumb have the image of a tyrant? And so on symbols one by one to observe and say the conclusion, in order to make a comprehensive summary of human temperament. Marriage, education, wealth and other special judgments should also be viewed in this way.

The theoretical system of palmistry established by the author is actually very simple and not complicated. This paper only introduces the theories of Taiji, Yin and Yang, Three Talents, Four Images and Five Elements in the Book of Changes into the observation of hands, fingers, palms and lines, and makes a theoretical analysis and grasp. A series of concepts put forward by the author are typical in this respect, which are not found in other photo albums at home and abroad. Such as hand image, fingering, palm method, positive image, image change, pattern flourishing and turbidity are all refreshing independent systems, which conform to the principle of change and various factors of palm reading, thus achieving the unity of name and reality, reason and technique. As long as we fully understand the principle, it is easy to master without rote learning. For example, the man's tattoo is partial to yang and partial to yin: the man's tattoo is close to the sky, the sky is dry and yang is the father, and the man's tattoo is close to his father, naturally filial to his father; Human body tattoo is close to Yang, Yang is active, and natural personality is extroverted and active; Yang is partial, Yang is dry, and spending money is natural and generous, so learning is suitable for science and engineering. In the same way, a series of guiding conclusions of partial yin tattoos are easy to understand. Another example is that a person's tattoo is neither positive nor negative, which means that this person is in a balance of yin and yang, so this person's personality must be peaceful and there is a golden mean in doing things. So many things in this book have their reasons.