Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Complete details of hibiscus flowers (hibiscus flowers)

Complete details of hibiscus flowers (hibiscus flowers)

Hibiscus, alias: Zhu Jin, Hibiscus, Riji, Fosang, Red Hibiscus, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, Latin name: Hibiscus. The stems are erect and multi-branched, up to 6 meters high. Leaves alternate, broadly ovoid to narrowly ovoid, 7 ~ 10 cm long, 3 main veins, acute or acuminate apex, coarsely serrated or notched leaf margin, nearly entire base, hairless or slightly sparse dorsal veins, like mulberry leaves. Flowers are large, stalks drooping or straight, solitary in the axils of upper leaves, single and double; Single petals are funnel-shaped, usually rose red, while double petals are not funnel-shaped, but red, yellow and pink. Flowering occurs all year round, and it is the most prosperous in summer and autumn. It is the national flower of Malaysia. This kind of flower mainly grows in tropical and subtropical regions, especially in the islands of the South Pacific, and can be used as ornamental and greening plants.

Chinese name: Fusang, alias: Zhu Jin, Fusang, Fosang, Red Fusang, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, Crocodile: Plant kingdom: Angiosperms: Dicotyledonous plants: Malvaceae: Hibiscus: Hibiscus species: morphological characteristics, growth habits, geographical distribution, main varieties. The leaves are broadly ovoid or narrowly ovoid, 4-9 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, the apex is gradually pointed, the base is round or wedge-shaped, the edges are coarsely toothed or notched, and the two sides are hairless except that the back is slightly sparse along the veins; Petiole 5-20 mm long, villous above; Stipules linear, 5- 12 mm long, hairy. Flowers are solitary in the axils of upper leaves, often drooping, pedicels 3-7 cm long, sparsely stellate pilose or nearly smooth and glabrous, with nodes at the lower part; Bracteoles 6-7, linear, 8- 15 mm long, sparsely stellate pilose, connate at the base; Calyx campanulate, ca. 2 cm long, stellate pilose, lobes 5, ovate to lanceolate; Corolla funnel-shaped, 6- 10 cm in diameter, rosy or reddish, yellowish and other colors, petals obovate, apex rounded, and sparsely pilose outside; Staminal column 4-8 cm long, smooth and hairless; Style branch 5. Capsule ovoid, about 2.5 cm long, smooth and hairless, with beak. Flowering all year round. Hibiscus hibiscus is an evergreen shrub or small tree of Malvaceae, with a height of about two to three meters. It is a kind of plant with rapid growth, strong germination and vigorous arborization. After the anthers of hibiscus flowers mature, you can see spherical pollen grains, and the red part is filaments, all of which are combined into a bunch, called haploid stamens. The stigma of hibiscus flowers is divided into five parts, with villous protrusions on it. The surface of stigma is not very smooth, and pollen can be stuck. Mucus contains some substances that can promote pollen germination, ovary and embryo. On the longitudinal section of the ovary, a row of toothed particles are ovules, which will develop into seeds after fertilization. Hibiscus flowers have alternate leaves, simple leaves and palmately veined veins. The flowers are large and beautiful, with five petals, and the apex is split, containing a core. Only a five-branched style is exposed, which is almost the most prosperous. The flowers are large and beautiful, with four colors: crimson, pink, yellow and white. Not cold-resistant, strong anti-drying ability. This is a very easy tree species to cultivate. High pressure or grafting method is adopted for cultivation, and the growth temperature is about 22~30 degrees. Like sunshine, when the sunshine is abundant and the temperature is high, it grows and blooms well and is resistant to pruning. This is a good flower to beautify the garden. Members of the same family include cotton and hibiscus. Her flowers are big and beautiful, so you can lick honey by taking off the petals. Growth habits like warm and humid climate, not cold-resistant, frost-resistant, shade-resistant, suitable for growing in sunny and ventilated places, with low requirements for soil, but it grows best in fertile and loose slightly acidic soil, and the winter temperature is not lower than 5 degrees Celsius. Hibiscus hibiscus is born in sparse forests in mountainous areas, which is easy to grow, strong in resistance, less in pests and diseases, warm and humid in climate, not cold-resistant and abundant in sunshine. It grows well in areas where the average temperature is above 10℃. Like light, not tolerant of shade, suitable for growing in slightly acidic soil with rich organic matter and pH value of 6.5-7. The south is planted as a hedge, and the greenhouse in the north of the Yangtze River basin is potted. Geographical distribution in Guangdong, Yunnan, Taiwan Province, Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan and other provinces. Common varieties mainly include: hibiscus (Figure 3) American beauty, with deep rose red flowers. Orange-yellow hibiscus, single petal, orange-red flowers, purple flower center. Butter balls, double yellow balls. Butterfly, single, with small yellow flowers. Golden California gold, single, golden yellow, crimson heart. Single dark rose-red flower with white center. Cooperi, long and narrow leaves, lanceolate, green with white, pink and red stripes. These flowers are small and bright red. The hibiscus flower (figure 1) is the crown of blood, with double petals. The yellow flower can turn into orange. Gold, single petal, orange, orange in the center. Hula hoop, single petal, large flower, flower diameter 15cm, yellow to orange-red, deep red flower center. Lateritia, the flowers are orange and yellow, and the flower heart is black and red. Pure yellow hibiscus, single petal, orange blossom. Crabgrass, red stems, grayish green leaves, single petals, magenta flowers, deep red veins and deep red flower hearts. Foggy double large yellow flower. Presidential, single petal, scarlet, dark pink. Lotus red, double, small flowers, deep red. Rosea, double rose. Sunset, double, orange-red flowers. Matador, single petal, big flower, flower diameter 12 ~ 15cm, yellow with red flower center. Vulcan, single petal, big flower, red. White wing, single petal, big flower, white. Cutting can be carried out except in winter, but the survival rate is high in rainy season. One-year-old semi-lignified cuttings are the best, the length is 10 cm, the top has leaves, the incision is flat, the sand bed is inserted, and it takes root about 3 weeks after insertion. Grafting is mostly used for double-flowered varieties that are difficult to cut, either by branch grafting or bud grafting, and the rootstock is single-flowered hibiscus. The survival rate of cutting in spring and autumn is high, and the survival rate of cutting in pot is high and fast. Generally, flowers can bloom in one year. Generally, two-year-old strong branches should be selected, or semi-lignified strong branches of the same year should be used. It is best to cut the middle part of the lateral branches into cuttings about 15 cm long, with 5-7 knots. The inserted bed soil is made of coarse sand or silica with good drainage and strong air permeability. After disinfection, put it under the bed with a thickness of about 15-20 cm. The lower blades of cuttings should be leveled with a sharp knife and cut off in time, with a depth of 1/2. Immediately after insertion, water 1 time, cover with plastic film, keep proper temperature and humidity, make it moist but not moist, and have good drainage and ventilation. Later, gradually exposed to the sun, keeping the temperature of 18-25℃ and the relative humidity of 70%-80%, it usually takes 20 days to take root, and 1 month can be put into the pot. Hibiscus (Figure 4) adopts ring cutting branches and terminal bud cutting branches, but generally adopts terminal buds with the length of 10~ 12cm. The cut buds can be planted directly in the pot to be sold, and generally there are 2 cut buds in each pot. If the cut buds are sold as small potted plants, they are inserted in pots for reproduction (with end plates). Breeding in a confined space (such as plastic tarpaulin). Rooting begins 35~40 days after cutting, but it depends on the time of cutting in a year, and the temperature is 22~23℃. The source of cutting branches can be obtained from mother plants or plants to be sold. If it is obtained from these plants, the culture time generally needs to be extended by 2~3 weeks. The main value of gardening is that there are many flowers, which bloom all year round, mainly for garden viewing. The bright flowers of hibiscus bloom in the evening, and they are colorful. In the south, they are mostly scattered in front of pavilions, roadside and walls in Chi Pan. Potted hibiscus is suitable for living room and porch decoration. Hibiscus is the state flower of Hawaii. Seeing hibiscus will remind people of the beach with blue sea and blue sky and the southern beauty with a grass skirt around her waist. It is said that indigenous girls put hibiscus flowers above their left ears to indicate "I hope to have a lover" and above their right ears to indicate "I already have a lover". What about both sides? I already have a lover, but I hope to have another one. The appearance of hibiscus flower is warm and unrestrained, but it has a unique flower heart, which is formed by connecting most small flowers and wrapping them outside the big flowers. The structure is quite detailed, just like a slender heart under a warm exterior. The red hibiscus flower is radiant, which means affectionate. It is the best decoration for grand festivals and banquets, and it is also the best flower to celebrate the opening as a flower basket and flower card. Hibiscus flowers are gorgeous. Malaysia regards Hibiscus flowers as a symbol of living and working in peace and prosperity. Hibiscus flowers are decorated in public places, on both sides of streets, and in homes and courtyards. There is a traditional folk festival in Fiji called "Red Flower Festival", and the red flower is hibiscus. The "Red Flower Festival" is held in the capital every August for seven days. People decorate their goods with hibiscus flowers, put on colorful costumes and strange masks and March behind the band. Young girls selected from all over the country to participate in the "Red Flower Queen" activity will show their charm on the float. The * * * of the Art Festival is to select three "Red Flower Queens". The box office income of Red Flower Girl was donated to charity. Economic value Its flower heart is very slender. It is described as "weak branch" in Compendium of Materia Medica. It can be seen that sunshine is indispensable for raising this "weak branch and weak branch" hibiscus. Hibiscus flowers are very strict about sunshine. They must be allowed to bask in the sun for eight hours every day in order to blossom well. Sunbathing is like the daily work of hibiscus flowers, almost all year round. If there is not enough sunshine, you will play a little temper, either the flowers are small or the buds slowly fall off. If summer is too stuffy and overheated, hibiscus flowers can be placed under scattered light to receive less concentrated sunlight to avoid sunburn. Only when there is plenty of sunshine can hibiscus flowers bloom happily, and then we should pay attention to some trivial maintenance work. For example, hibiscus flowers like water and fat and should be watered every day. In hot summer, in addition to watering it once in the morning and once in the evening, it is necessary to sprinkle some water on its leaves from time to time to keep it moist. In addition, hibiscus flowers should be applied with thin fertilizer once a week, and the number of fertilization during the growth period can be a little more, but high-concentration fertilizer must not be chosen. After autumn and winter, the frequency of watering and fertilization can be gradually reduced. At this time, you can take care of it in a place with good sunshine and ventilation, but you should pay attention to the indoor temperature and try to keep it between 5 degrees and 15 degrees, otherwise it will not only be difficult for hibiscus to overwinter safely, but also affect the flowering quality in the coming year. We know that hibiscus flowers have a long flowering period, a large amount of flowers and strong branching ability, so the usual pruning work is also essential. Pruning some old and weak branches of hibiscus flowers when you are free can not only beautify its plant shape, but also enhance the growth of some new branches, laying a better foundation for the flowering of hibiscus flowers in the coming year. Contents of Chinese medicinal materials with medicinal value: heart; Lung; Liver; The spleen meridian effect of hibiscus flowers: clearing lung; Cool blood; Dehumidification; Textual research on detoxification: from Compendium of Materia Medica. Compendium of Materia Medica: Fusang is a different species of hibiscus. Its branches are weak, its leaves are dark green and slightly astringent like mulberry. Its flowers are red, yellow and white, and the red one is particularly expensive. It's called Zhu Jin. In Donghai, China, there is a hibiscus tree. This flower is radiant with leaves like mulberries. Because of it, later generations mistakenly thought it was Buddha mulberry, another kind of hibiscus, so the day was the same as its name. Indications: cough due to lung heat; Hemoptysis; Nosebleeds; Collapse and leakage; Leucorrhea; Dysentery; Red and white turbidity; Storage of carbuncle, swelling and sore: picking and drying the flowers when they are half open. Distribution of resources: Fujian, Taiwan Province, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan are all cultivated. Plant morphology: evergreen shrub in Zhu Jin, about 1-3m high. Branchlets cylindrical, sparsely stellate pilose. Leaves alternate; Petiole 5-20 mm long, villous above; Stipules linear, 5-12mm long, hairy; Leaf blade is broadly ovoid or narrowly ovoid, 4-9 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, with tapering tip, rounded or wedge-shaped base, rough teeth or notch on the edge, and hairless on both sides except for a little thinning along veins on the back. Flowers are solitary in the axils of upper leaves, often drooping, pedicels 3-7 cm long, sparsely stellate pilose or nearly smooth and glabrous, with nodes at the lower part; Bracteoles 6-7, linear, 8- 15 mm long, sparsely stellate pilose, connate at the base; Calyx bell-shaped, ca. 2 cm long, stellate pilose, lobes 5, ovate to lanceolate; Corolla funnel-shaped, 6-65438 00 cm in diameter, rose red or light red, light yellow and other colors, petals obovate, apex round, sparsely pilose outside; Staminal column 4-8 cm long, smooth and hairless, predestined friends. Flowering all year round. Efficacy classification of hibiscus flowers: antipyretic drugs; Blood-cooling drugs; Antidote hibiscus flower flavor: sweet; Light; The basic source of medicinal materials is the flower of Malvaceae plant Zhu Jin. Administration and dosage: oral: decoction, 15-30g. External use: appropriate amount, tamping. Source: China materia medica (hibiscus (figure 1- figure 7)) hibiscus flowers, leaves, stems and roots can all be used as medicine, and roots are mainly used. Flowers contain gossypol, quercitrin, cyanidin, kaempferol, vinegar, rice straw liquid and vitamins. Leaves and stems contain salbutamol, dandelion sterol, acetate and enzyme. Roots contain tannins. Hibiscus flowers are sweet and cold in nature, and have the effects of clearing away lung-heat, resolving phlegm, cooling blood, detoxifying, inducing diuresis and detumescence, and are suitable for lung-heat cough, mumps, mastitis, acute conjunctivitis, urinary tract infection, nosebleeds and irregular menstruation. Hibiscus leaves are mainly used for skin ulcers. The effect of hibiscus root is the same as that of hibiscus flower. Zhu Jinhua contains cyanidin, sophorose glucose test, cyanidin-1-2 glucoside and dermatan -2 glucoside, which can reduce the blood pressure of anesthetized dogs. Searching for Materia Medica in the Qing Dynasty said: "There are two kinds of red and white, the white one treats white dysentery and white turbidity, and the red one treats red dysentery and red turbidity." "Lingnan Materia Medica Collection" contains: "Clearing lung heat, eliminating phlegm and purging fire, and regulating cough." "Lu Chuan Ben Cao" "Cool blood and detoxify. Treat blood heat, wing blood, blood phlegm and toxic sores. " "Annals of Nanning Medicinal Materials" "Boiling pig lungs to treat hemoptysis." Zhu Jin leaves or flowers recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica in Ming Dynasty are used together with white hibiscus leaves, ox powder leaves and white honey to treat carbuncle and swollen cheeks. According to the Manual of Common Chinese Herbal Medicines in Guangzhou Air Force, Annals of Nanning Medicines and Collection of Common Skin Medicines, Zhu Jin Root has the effects of treating irregular menstruation, bloody collapse, white turbid leucorrhea, relieving cough, diminishing inflammation and treating bronchitis. The leaves and stems of Zhu Jin flowers (Figure 2) contain dandelion saizui vinegar and geraniol. Compendium of Materia Medica can cure carbuncle and swollen cheeks. "Fujian folk herbs" contains "clearing away heat and toxic materials, eliminating carbuncle and swelling." "Nanning Medical Records" contains "Mash and apply pus." Luchuan Herbal Medicine has the same effect as Zhu Jin Flower. It can be seen that Zhu Jin has been used as a medicine in China for at least many years. Medicinal collection and processing: leaves, stems and roots can be harvested in four seasons, and flowers can be picked in flower season. Remove dirt and impurities after harvest, dry in the sun for later use (slice stems and roots), or use fresh products. For menstruation, mumps or arthritis, stir-fry with wine. Usage: Usually used as decoction or stew. For external use, the flowers or leaves are mashed and applied to the affected area. The method of hibiscus flower: 1. Mumps: 30g of fresh hibiscus flowers, decocted in water. At the same time, mash the hibiscus leaves and apply them to the affected area. 2. Mastitis, swelling and pain: fresh hibiscus flowers are mashed, mixed with a little honey and applied to the affected area. 3. Urinary tract infection: 20 grams of hibiscus flowers and roots each, decocted in water. 4. Irregular menstruation: fresh hibiscus flowers 30g, angelica10g, decocted in water. When planting, sowing and propagating plants, because the seeds of hibiscus are hard, it is necessary to scratch or corrode the skin in order to improve the germination rate. Generally, it is soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid for 5-30 minutes, and rinsed with clear water before sowing. The suitable temperature for germination is 25~35℃, and it can germinate in 2~3 days. Some hybrids, especially new hawthorn varieties, have weak growth potential and need grafting propagation. Rootstocks can be selected from varieties with strong growth potential. The time of grafting propagation of hibiscus is chosen at its peak growth period, and spring is the best. After survival, the annual growth period is long, and the plants can fully grow and develop. Grafting propagation can be carried out in greenhouse all the year round. When grafting hibiscus flowers, it should be considered in advance whether the growth potential, branching law, internode length and flowering time of scions and rootstocks are similar or consistent. If multiple varieties are grafted together, we should also consider whether the flower shape and color are reasonable and whether they are bright and beautiful. Grafting methods can be cutting, splitting and butting. Generally, a simple and easy splitting method is adopted. The scion should choose strong branches with the same thickness as the rootstock. Keep the terminal bud and 2-3 leaves, and cut the lower part into a wedge. Cut off the top of the rootstock, split the middle properly with a sharp knife, then insert the cut scion into a wedge shape, align it with the cambium, tie it tightly with plastic strips, and put it in a place without direct sunlight indoors. In order to maintain proper humidity and prevent the leaves on the scion from wilting, the scion can be covered with plastic bags. You can see the survival after grafting for about a month. After survival, gradually remove the plastic bags and increase the light. Cutting propagation is mainly cutting propagation, which can be carried out all year round, with the best in May and June, and can only be carried out in greenhouse in winter. Cut the robust and slightly lignified branches of that year into l0 ~ 12 cm, remove the lower leaves, and only keep the upper 1 ~ 2 leaves. Insert them into clean river sand with a flat incision, and spray water every day to maintain high air humidity. Put it in a cool place, cover it with plastic film and spray water frequently to keep warm. It can take root in about 20 days. Cuttings with terminal buds take root faster. After 45 days of growth, it can be taken out of the pot. The cultivation and management of hibiscus is not strict with soil, and 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of manure, 2 parts of humus soil and 2 parts of river sand can be mixed evenly as training agent. After coming out of the garden in April, change the pots, apply sufficient base fertilizer, put them in sunny places, and prune and remove dry dead branches and delicate branches. Keep enough water during the growth period and often spray water on the leaves in the morning and evening. Due to the long flowering period of hibiscus, rare organic liquid fertilizer is applied once every half month, supplemented by appropriate compound fertilizer or potassium dihydrogen phosphate to ensure the blooming of flowers. Too dry or too wet pots are easy to make the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off, and even cause buds to fall off, so we should pay attention to checking the pot soil frequently. In the hot season from July to August, it is sometimes necessary to water twice a day. Hibiscus has strong germination ability. During the growth period, it is often necessary to pick the heart and cut it short in time to ensure the full plant shape and increase the flowering amount. The optimum temperature for the growth of hibiscus is 65438 08 ~ 30℃. It should be moved indoors before and after the first frost in the north, and the room temperature should be kept at 12 ~ 15℃. If the temperature is too low, the leaves will fall off easily, but if the temperature is too high, the branches will grow excessively or continue to bloom in winter, which will affect the flowering in the next year. The amount of watering can be reduced in winter. Placement space of potted plants: The cut buds should be planted in a pot of 1 1cm, and clay and lime should be used as fertilizer substrates. Space is 25~30 pots per square meter. Hibiscus hibiscus climate Summer temperature: 18+2℃ (at sunrise) Winter temperature: 16+2℃ (at sunrise). Outdoor temperature: 26℃. The temperature of the heating table can be 2~3℃ higher than the air temperature. The lowest temperature refers to the use of curtains at night, otherwise the temperature should be raised. Humidity: The relative humidity should not be too high. Shading: No need. Cultivation points 1, potted hibiscus flowers, need to change pots every spring, and trim and shape. Fusang is more fertilizer-tolerant, applying fertilizer 1 time every month in the growing period and applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer 2-3 times in the flowering period. Insufficient light makes the buds fall off easily, and the flowers become smaller and the color is dim. Nanjing area must be moved indoors in winter. Hibiscus (Figure 5) 2. Choose loose and weak acid soil with abundant sunshine, warm and humid climate, fertile soil and good drainage. 3. After the transplanted seedlings take root, put them into a pot. Potted soil is made of 4 parts of sandy loam and 65,438+0 parts of manure. The water hole at the bottom of the pot is covered with tile, the bottom layer is filled with base fertilizer, and then mixed soil is filled to plant seedlings, and water is applied 1 time every day. After shading and delaying seedlings, put them in a sunny place, cultivate them for 2-3 years and then replace them. Hibiscus (Figure 6) 4. Field management outdoor cultivation and indoor cultivation should be shaded in the early stage after cutting, keep the relative humidity at 85%-95%, control the temperature at 18-25℃, and ensure certain illumination. Fertilize once every half month, and put it in the greenhouse after 15-22. Temperature is very important in the process of hibiscus management, which involves the length and amount of flowering period. Summer has many flowers, long flowering period, low temperature, few flowers and short flowering period. Winter management 1. Fertilizer control. Fertilization will be stopped from June 5438+ 10 to avoid greed for green flowers, which is not conducive to physiological dormancy. 2. control water. During the indoor period in winter, the basin soil should be wet and clear, and watering should be controlled, only keeping the basin soil slightly wet. Generally, water can be poured once every 5 ~ 7 days, and the amount of water should not be too much, so as to prevent the rotten roots from dying due to low temperature and high humidity. 3. Control the temperature. The suitable dormancy temperature of hibiscus is 5℃ to 65438 05℃. When the temperature is higher than 15℃, hibiscus can not fully hibernate, which will inevitably affect the flowering in the next year, while when it is lower than 5℃, it will easily suffer from freezing injury and overwintering failure. Trim. Pruning can control unnecessary growth and consumption, promote tissue enrichment, and help to re-sprout plump plant shapes and vigorous tree vigor in the coming year. To this end, after Fusang entered the house for half a month, all branches can be cut short from the height of about 25 cm. For older plants, they can be pruned again, that is, only two or three buds are left at the base of each lateral branch, and the upper part can be pruned. Of course, attention should be paid to the inner and outer orientation of buds when pruning, so as to reduce the blindness of bud and branch development thereafter. 5. Cutting propagation. The cut branches are good breeding materials. Select semi-lignified robust branches and cut them into cuttings with a length of 10 cm, and there are 3-4 buds on the cuttings. It is best to soak it in medical vitamin B 12 before inserting it, then insert it in a plain soil basin, cover it with a plastic bag after watering, keep warm and moist, spray water once a day and put it in a sunny place. Generally, it can take root after 40 days, and it can be cooked after 60 days. Fusang Conservation Fusang originated in China and distributed in Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces. I like warm, humid and sunny environment, and I am not tolerant of drought and frost. Potted plants must be planted in the north of the Yangtze River and moved indoors in winter. Hibiscus flowers (Figure 7) Hibiscus flowers are very long, the temperature is 15℃-20℃, and they bloom all year round. Fusang has strong resilience and extensive management, and does not need special management. As long as the following principles are mastered in maintenance, it can thrive. 1. Change pots and trim potted plants with loose and fertile sandy loam. Before moving out in early spring and April every year, we have to change pots. There are three things to do when changing pots: first, put in new culture soil; The second is to cut off some fibrous roots that are too dense and curly; The third is to apply plantar fertilizer and slightly add phosphate fertilizer to the pelvic floor. In order to maintain a beautiful tree shape and a large number of flowers, according to the characteristics of strong germination ability of hibiscus, pruning and shaping can be carried out before and after leaving the house in early spring. Except for 2-3 buds at the base, all the upper branches were cut off. Pruning can promote the new branches to grow more vigorously and the plant shape is beautiful. Water and fertilizer should be properly controlled after pruning, because the consumption of aboveground parts is reduced. Hibiscus 2. When managing hibiscus after leaving the house, the positive tree species should be moved outdoors in early May and placed in the sunny place. At this time, it is also the growing season of hibiscus, so management work such as fertilization and watering, loosening soil and pulling weeds should be strengthened. Apply dilute liquid fertilizer every 7- 10 days, and water it according to the wet and dry conditions of the basin soil. Too dry or too wet will affect flowering. Management should be cautious after autumn, and pay attention to less fertilization in the later period to avoid sprouting autumn shoots. Autumn bamboo shoots are tender and weak in cold resistance, and will be frozen when the weather is cold. When entering the house in time, Fusang is not frost-tolerant. After the first frost, it must be moved indoors to keep warm before beginning of winter. The overwintering temperature shall not be lower than 5℃ to avoid freezing injury; Not higher than 15℃, so as not to affect dormancy. Poor dormancy leads to poor growth and flowering in the following year. All furniture rooms with good heat preservation conditions facing south can survive the winter, and can be covered with paper or plastic film for heat preservation when the weather is cold. Move the house for the first time every day, open the window for ventilation, pay attention to the dry and wet changes of the basin soil, and water it properly. In the coldest days, watering can prevent freezing injury, but fertilization should be stopped. Pest control The main pests of hibiscus are aphids, chaff vectors, cotton blowing vectors and mites (commonly known as red spiders). These pests belong to piercing-sucking pests. That is, using their mouthparts to pierce the leaves or epidermis of plants and suck the juice of plants. The leaves of injured plants lose green and grow weak, which reduces the ornamental value. After the occurrence of aphids and mites, aphids and mites can be diluted with drugs such as aphids, mites and mites, and then sprayed on the leaves to kill them once a week, usually 2-3 times. Bran and cotton foaming agents can damage leaves and epidermis. Generally, imidacloprid drugs or their modifiers can be diluted by a certain number and sprayed to kill the damaged parts. If the damage is serious, it can be 10 once a day, and it can be basically extinct after three times. Hibiscus plant culture flower girl's heart, exquisite, clean and subtle.

Fresh love, implicit beauty.

The structure is quite detailed, just like the delicate heart under the warm exterior. According to the legend of flowers, Fusang is a legendary "sun tree" and a god tree. According to "Wild East longitude", "... there is a tree on it, with a column of 300 miles, and its leaves are like mustard and there is a valley, which is called Wenyuan Valley. There are wooden brackets on the soup valley. They arrived and left a few days ago, all of which are from Uganda. " Legend has it that in the East China Sea, the hibiscus tree is composed of two big mulberry trees supporting each other. Sun Goddess He drove from here to pick up her son Sun (a crow with three legs, the spirit of the sun) ... That is to say, Fusang represents one of the spiritual places in Han mythology. Hibiscus represents light and good luck. Hibiscus Flower (Figure 8) In the poem "Zhu Jin Flower" by Li Shen, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, "The smoke is long and warm without frost and snow, and the flowers are full of trees. I sigh that Fang Fei is tired of the four seasons, and I wonder if there is a spring breeze. " Described the charm and color of Zhu Jin (hibiscus). Hibiscus Li Huaming Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" Three-eye Hibiscus: "Hibiscus is a different species of Hibiscus, produced in the south. Its branches are weak, its leaves are dark green and slightly astringent like mulberry. Its flowers are red, yellow and white, and the red one is particularly expensive. Called Zhu Xi. " Xu Mingwei's poem "I have heard of people who have bought hibiscus flowers" reads: "Remember the 50 frost in Tangjiang River, and remember the rotten hibiscus when the flowers bloom." . Wu Zhenfang's Miscellaneous Notes on Lingnan in the Qing Dynasty: "There are hibiscus flowers everywhere in central Guangdong, ranging from mulberry, red, reddish and Huang San, to peony, which blooms at dusk and falls again from March to October."