Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to give a name to Taobao shop?

How to give a name to Taobao shop?

Actually, it's not. Just like naming a newborn child, many parents collect a lot of information, and some even go to a fortune teller. This shows that the name is very important, so is the name of Taobao shop. So how can I give my online shop a good name? The following are some personal summaries of novice sellers who open online stores. First, the store name consistent with the positioning of goods and stores can usually reflect the business items and characteristics of online stores, so that consumers can see the business scope and characteristics of online stores at a glance, thus generating a desire to buy. For example, "Tong Ren Tang", "XX Tang" and so on, consumers will know at a glance that they are important shops of some old brands; Another example is "Wufangzhai", which is generally in the catering industry. Many representatives have become the symbol of a certain industry practice. Therefore, to name your own online store, we should also consider the positioning and product range of the online store, which will give consumers a clear purpose. Second, the name of the store should be easy to remember and catchy. Simply put, the name of the store is nothing more than to let online shoppers remember your store and then come to the store to buy goods. Then of course, the name of the store should be concise and catchy. Putting up a signboard for your own store must be for others to remember, so the name of the store must be easy to remember. Generally, some time-honored brands use simple and generous words, while some brand trend stores choose some words that are combined with Chinese and English or are popular at present. Many successful shops start with a resounding store name. Third, the name of the store should not be too complicated. In order to make their shop names different from ordinary online stores, many novices often go into a misunderstanding, adding a few uncommon traditional Chinese characters or words to the shop names, hoping to attract customers' attention with this difference, but the effect is often unexpectedly poor. The reason is that if you get some words that others can't read or even know, who is interested in remembering your online store? Therefore, the name of the online store is still dominated by commonly used words. If your store name is really long and complicated, and the store name is of great significance, then you can take another abbreviated store name according to this store name. This will also be convenient for consumers to remember, otherwise it will lose the meaning of the signboard. Fourth, the name of the store should have its own characteristics. Under the premise of not violating the above contents, novices of online stores should also pay attention to their own characteristics when naming online stores, and don't follow the footsteps of others. Try to use some words that are not commonly used, or you can use homophones to name them. For example, The Romance of the Shirt Country makes good use of the combination of homophonic and famous masterpieces, which is not only easy to remember, but also allows consumers to understand at a glance that it is a clothing store. Therefore, the name of the online shop must also have its own characteristics and taste style. Fifth, the name of the store should have affinity. A really good store name will make consumers feel kind and won't make people stay away. On the contrary, there will be a sense of intimacy and people will have a strong interest in the products in the store. If you want a friendly name, you should be close to life when naming it, and connect it with what consumers are familiar with, so that people will feel familiar when they see it. Just like some restaurants around the world that use the names of fellow villagers, some fellow villagers will be more cordial and trustworthy when they come to eat.