Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What's the name of the fortune teller's guest _ fortune teller's pleasantries

What's the name of the fortune teller's guest _ fortune teller's pleasantries

What do diners, customers, guests and scheerers mean respectively?

Diners: In ancient times, people entrusted to rich and powerful families to plan and handle affairs for their owners: 3,000 diners.

Menke: People left by powerful families to help or do things: There are dozens of menke.

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Guest: 1. A general term for guests. 2. Treat guests with courtesy. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, envoys sent by other countries were often called. 4. Refers to your distinguished guests, counselors, etc. 5. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was the title of the population attached to the aristocratic family. 6. Official name. The provincial name of prince guest. It was first set up in the Tang Dynasty and abolished after the Ming Dynasty.

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Scheeren: ① The doorman of the noble family in ancient times: Lin Xiangru was an official of Zhao, and ordered Miao Xian to scheeren. (2) the ancient official said. The title, name and authority are different: the prince in Qin and Han Dynasties made room | the Han Dynasty made room in Wei and Jin Dynasties. (3) After the Song and Yuan Dynasties, it was used to address the children of powerful people, but it was still called childe; Where did Scheeren come from?