Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Thoughts on coconut girl digging spring water

Thoughts on coconut girl digging spring water

A long time ago, there was no water on Hainan Island, and people lived a very hard life. There lived a beautiful little girl on the island. Everyone affectionately calls her Coconut Girl. She is a kind little girl. When she saw that it was very difficult for villagers to use water, she was very anxious. One day, Coconut Girl overheard someone say that there might be spring water hidden deep underground, so she decided to dig it out for people to drink. It took Coconut Girl 49 days to dig with a shovel. Is there really no way for villagers to use water? At this moment, the sky suddenly said a light. It turned out that Sister Fairy had descended to earth. Sister Fairy came to Coconut Girl and said to her kindly: Little sister, you will never dig out the spring water like this. I think there is a way to ensure that everyone can use water. "What way?" Coconut girl asked eagerly. Fairy sister turned around and closed her eyes and sighed, saying that although this method can solve the problem, it will also have a great impact on the body and will lose her life. If so, are you still willing? Coconut girl thought for a moment and said to fairy sister, "What is my life as long as it can help people solve their sufferings?" Of course I would. ""Well, since you're glad you've made up your mind, I'll tell you how to relieve people's suffering from water shortage. Sister fairy turned out a little red fruit and told the coconut girl, "This is God's secret fruit." "Coconut girl took the mysterious fruit and swallowed it without thinking. This story tells us: Coconut Girl gave her life and let everyone drink the spring water. This snake has become a selfless spirit worthy of our admiration.