Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Discrimination: history is only the activity of people who pursue their own goals.

Discrimination: history is only the activity of people who pursue their own goals.

According to Marx, the so-called history is just the activities of people who pursue their own goals. Realistic people engaged in material production activities are the main body of human historical activities. As a "human activity that pursues its own purpose", in the past, people's interpretation of its meaning was mostly limited to the objective activities of human essential strength, adding realistic and perceptual material activities to their understanding, and thinking that purposeful human historical activities were the objective activities of human essential strength. This understanding is mainly based on Marx's "material production activities", but the implication of cultural value activities contained in it is not excavated enough. In fact, material production activities are only a basic starting point for Marx to investigate history. As a purposeful objective activity of human essential strength, this objective activity itself also contains meaningful cultural value practice activities. In fact, the ultimate goal of human activities is meaningful cultural value practice. The objectification of human's essential strength is not only a perceptual and objective material activity for human beings to seek basic survival, but also a cultural value practice activity beyond seeking basic survival. This paper makes a rough discussion on the cultural value level pursued by objectification as the essential force of human beings in historical activities.

First, the cultural value of historical activities

As "the activity that people pursue their own goals", historical activities are the objectification activities of people's essential strength. This objectification activity not only meets the basic material needs of human survival and development, but also meets people's needs of pursuing aesthetic and cultural values. Marx and Engels pointed out: "Just to be able to live, people must carry out a historical activity every day (now as they did thousands of years ago), which is a basic condition of all history." [1] This "basic condition" is the material production activity as the "first historical activity" of mankind. However, "the first need that has been met, the activities that meet the needs and the tools that have been obtained to meet the needs have caused new needs." [2] Here, this "new need" has gone far beyond the "first need itself", which naturally includes aesthetic needs and cultural value needs, because "people are different from all other animals because of the infinity and extensiveness of their needs ...". [3] Here, "aesthetics" still meets people's spiritual value needs. This spiritual value demand is one of the essential needs of human beings, which contains the pursuit of human cultural values. People live in the material world, but people pursue a meaningful world of cultural values. The pure material world can't really distinguish between man and animal kingdom. Only in the world of cultural values can man exist. Only in the world of cultural values can people realize their own existence and find the basis and significance of human existence. The world of cultural values belongs to people.

The foundation and significance of human existence are embodied in the world of cultural values pursued by human beings. The purpose of people's living is not only for the individual itself, but the meaning and value of individual existence are always melted in the group value and social value. The realization of individual value can not be separated from the group and society, because the individual itself is an individual in the group and society, not a lonely individual living alone. Engels clearly pointed out: "If a person only deals with himself, his desire to pursue happiness can only be satisfied in very few cases, and it will never be beneficial to himself or others." [4] The value of individuals can only be measured and realized in groups and society. Personal value is not only reflected in the individual's contribution to his own time and real society, but also in the contribution to the existence and development of the whole mankind. Therefore, from a diachronic perspective, people always pursue what they have done for the times and the real society, but also consider what they have left for future generations and the future society, that is, what they have done for the sustainable development of mankind, so as to confirm the significance and value of their existence. Doing something for the times and the real society can often get corresponding social returns and relatively reasonable social evaluation in the real society, which mainly belongs to the value level of real social evaluation; However, the problems left to future generations and society may not get corresponding social returns and relatively reasonable positive social evaluation in the era and society where historical activities took place. Sometimes, the subject of historical activities, as individuals, will pay a heavy personal price because of the short-sighted secular prejudice and selfish desires of today's times, and even sacrifice their precious lives because they don't understand the times and accept society. This situation often belongs to the category of historical evaluation. From the perspective of timeliness, personal value is also reflected in the results of activities and behaviors in the same way to the times, the real society and the whole "people". As Engels said, "Of course, judging a person is not by his statement, but by his behavior; It's not what he claims to be, but what he does and who he really is. " [5] Here, Engels pointed out the general standard of social evaluation of the historical status of the subject of historical activities as an individual in human history and the general requirements put forward by the subject of historical activities as an individual. In this "general standard" and "general requirement", "see what he does" focuses on the historical evaluation of the subject of historical activities from the whole process and behavior results, while "what kind of person is actually" focuses on the historical evaluation of the subject of historical activities from the behavioral motivation of historical activities. In other words, the evaluation of historical figures should not only pay attention to the actual effect of historical activities, but also consider the subjective behavioral motives of historical activities. If the evaluation of historical figures is paranoid, it is possible to draw wrong conclusions on the evaluation of historical figures, thus making historical evaluation lose its positive historical role.

Similarly, group value and social value can not be separated from historical individuals, and the ultimate beneficiaries of group value and social value are the whole society including historical individuals. Talking about groups and society without social people is bound to turn it into an "illusory isomorphism", so when Marx examines history, he regards the existence of realistic and living individuals as "the first basic fact to be confirmed". In addition, meeting the demand is as important as meeting the demand. They are two different aspects of the same historical activity. Failure to properly handle the relationship between the two will inevitably lead to the emergence of vicious historical phenomena, such as emphasizing production over consumption, emphasizing collective over individuals, emphasizing obligations over rights, emphasizing groups and social values over social individual values, and making the pace of historical progress difficult to move forward in a distorted bump. This situation is a lesson from history.

From the cultural value implication of historical activities, we can see that "material production activities" are only the most basic starting point of Marx's investigation of history, not the whole of his investigation of history. As an "objectification activity of human essential strength", historical activities should include rich cultural value practice activities. Only by closely combining "material production activities" with "cultural value practice activities" can people truly grasp the richness of history, understand the comprehensiveness of history and annotate the accuracy of history, so as to accurately grasp Marx's view of history.

Second, between history, annotation and evaluation.

From the perspective of cultural value, history is the record and evaluation of human purposeful activities. History inherits human historical activities through historical documents and traditional culture. History annotates the historical activities of all people in the past. This kind of annotation not only objectively records the authenticity of their historical activities, but also evaluates their historical activities. Every period of human history is a history full of countless historical annotations, bearing the whole history of civilization of human survival and development. Every history of human existence and development is condensed in the long river of history in the form of historical annotation, and every history of human beings is a replay and evaluation of historical authenticity fragments of past human activities. People who are active in reality are annotating history, and history is also annotating people who are active in reality. Each of these notes is a record of the authenticity of people's activities in history and an evaluation of their historical activities. When people annotate the authenticity of history or historical activities, people try to adhere to the principle of "value neutrality", but as an evaluation activity, people annotate history or historical annotations with a strong tendency of value evaluation. "Value neutrality" is not the purpose of historical annotation, but the premise and foundation of historical annotation. The purpose of historical annotation is to evaluate the value of historical activities, from which people can learn lessons and reflect on reality from history. This is the true meaning of "history is the mirror of reality".

History is a long river of countless historical annotations, and the subject of each historical activity, as an individual, can only be a tiny annotation in this long river of history at most. Engels pointed out: "No matter what the result of history is, people always create their history through everyone's pursuit of his own and consciously expected goals, and the resultant force of these many wishes moving in different directions and their various effects on the outside world is history." [6] The size of historical annotations depends on the size and influence of historical subjects on social history, and on the role and influence of historical events themselves in the history of human development. Heroes or leaders in historical activities may occupy a relatively prominent position in historical annotations, but this prominent position is not completely equivalent to a positive evaluation of their historical contributions. Some prominent historical annotations only illustrate the influence of individual subjects on history. With the passage of time, the position occupied by each prominent historical annotation in the long river of history will become smaller and smaller, or even insignificant. We should look at the great figures in history historically and never exaggerate the role of individual historical figures. Engels pointed out: "Here we will talk about the so-called great people. It happened that a great man appeared in a certain country at a certain time. Of course, it was purely accidental. However, if we remove this person, then we need another person to replace him, and this substitution will appear, whether it is better or worse, but it will always appear in the end. " [7] However, as a person who pursues a meaningful life, the value orientation of his own real activities is influenced by different evaluations of the value of historical activities, and the realistic social evaluation also affects people's value orientation in real activities. So the annotations in history are as complicated as the history in annotations. Only by returning as far as possible to the historical background at that time, that is, to the specific historical situation at that time, can people truly understand history more accurately and make a relatively reasonable explanation for every annotation in history. The so-called "return to the text" in hermeneutics can only be reasonably explained in this sense. Similarly, as a group, the subject of every historical activity in historical annotations can only be reasonably explained and understood by returning to its specific historical period and its corresponding historical background, and every major historical event in historical annotations can only be relatively reasonably evaluated by returning to its specific historical situation.

The so-called historical annotation contains two levels of content. First, it refers to the annotation of historical figures, historical events and all human historical activities; Second, it refers to the process of historical figures, historical events and all human historical activities leaving historical comments in history. As a noun, historical annotation is a text record and evaluation of historical figures, historical events and human historical activities. As far as its existence mode is concerned, in addition to the written records of historical documents, more historical annotations are accumulated in people's daily life world, in traditional culture, and in word-of-mouth and legends from generation to generation. Even reappear the activities of historical figures in the form of literature and art, show the actual process of historical events, and evaluate people's merits and demerits. As far as its external form is concerned, it is presented in people's real material living environment in the form of "things" or "humanized nature". All outstanding achievements of human civilization, such as scenic spots and historical sites and urban scenery, are historical comments left by the main body of human historical activities. As a verb, historical annotation itself is an activity, and it is an activity process in which people who are actually active inject their subjectivity and subjectivity into the process of understanding, transforming and enjoying the real life of the world. Historical activities are exclusive human activities precisely because people can consciously inject their subjectivity and subjectivity into the whole process of activities when they are engaged in historical activities. Marx and Engels pointed out: "People and animals can be distinguished according to consciousness, religion or anything else. When people begin to produce their own means of subsistence, this step is determined by their own body tissues, and people themselves are beginning to distinguish themselves from animals. " [8] The reason why Marx regards the material production activities of the means of subsistence as the realm where people are different from animals is because people are the main body of historical activities, and human activities are the whole process of injecting their subjectivity and subjectivity into historical activities. Therefore, Marx pointed out: "The activities of spiders are similar to those of weavers, and the ability of bees to build hives makes many architects in the world feel ashamed. However, the worst architect was better than the cleverest bee from the beginning, because he built a beehive with beeswax in his mind before he built it. The results obtained at the end of the labor process have already existed in the appearance of the workers at the beginning of this process, that is, they have already existed conceptually. He not only changed the form of natural objects, but also realized his purpose in natural objects. " [9] That is to say, because of labor, talents become people, and the world becomes a humanized world. The humanized world is humanized because people's will is branded everywhere, and the humanized world is presented according to what people want. "What do people want" fully illustrates human subjectivity and its injection. At this level, the perceptual material world in which people live is the materialization of human subjectivity and subjectivity in human historical activities, and it is the result of materialized human labor. In this way, historical annotations are presented to people in the form of "things". Because even with nature, it is already historical (that is, humanized nature), and history has been naturalized. History is the development of human practical activities in time. In the same way, the material world in which people live is materialized human subjectivity and subjectivity developed in space, and it is a world full of historical annotations. In other words, history is not only a time category, but also a space category.

On the evaluation level, historical annotation refers to: on the one hand, how people who are active in reality annotate history, that is, how people who are active in reality understand and "create" history with what historical attitudes and practical actions, so as to realize their own historical value; On the other hand, it is how history annotates people's activities and people in activities in reality, that is, how history remembers and evaluates people's activities and people in activities in reality through historical documents, literature and cultural traditions, and how history actually affects and changes people and their activities in reality. The former involves more people's real activities, that is, the pursuit of cultural values in real activities, including value evaluation and value selection. The latter focuses on the authenticity of real activities and the record of the historical influence of history on people in real activities, that is, the factual level of "value neutrality", including the final historical result caused by the transformation of the world by people and the transformation of the environment by people.

As the cultural value level of historical annotation, people understand, carve and explain history in reality through realistic and meaningful activities and give it new historical annotation, which is the implication of the dynamic level of historical annotation; As the factual level of historical annotation, history records the authenticity of real historical activities in the form of historical documents, literature and cultural traditions, endows historical events and historical figures with the original appearance of real historical situations as much as possible, and has a profound historical impact on people and their real activities through historical documents, literature and cultural traditions, which is the implication contained in the static level of historical annotation. In this way, the cultural value level of historical annotation adheres to the principle of cultural value evaluation that gives meaning to historical activities and subjects in historical activities, while the fact level of historical annotation adheres to the principle of giving credibility to the authenticity of historical documents and realistically transforming people and their activities through historical documents, literature and cultural traditions.

As far as cultural value is concerned, the principle of objectivity is the principle that people often emphasize when commenting on historical activities. Objectivity principle is the soul of historical interpretation. Historical annotations that deviate from the principle of objectivity will inevitably lose the credibility of their historical authenticity. Historical annotation that loses credibility is a distortion of historical authenticity. Therefore, the question of why historical annotation is possible is actually the question of why objectivity of historical annotation is possible. The objectivity of the content recorded in historical annotations determines the objectivity of the value evaluation of historical annotations. As far as the factual level of historical annotation is concerned, historical annotation itself is objective. People who are active in reality always inject their subjectivity and subjectivity into the long river of history through realistic historical activities. History itself always makes an objective evaluation of people who are active in reality, and history itself never betrays the facts. Therefore, the question of why the objectivity of historical annotations is possible is just a question that needs to be discussed and solved at the cultural value level of historical annotations, that is, how historical documents and documents truly record and reflect historical facts.

Why the objectivity of historical annotations is possible is mainly manifested in the following aspects: First, whether the text content of historical documents is faithful to the historical facts themselves. Secondly, whether the written content of historical documents reflects the real historical situation of historical events. Thirdly, whether the texts of historical documents truly reflect and analyze the subjective motives of historical figures who have a great influence on historical events. Fourthly, what is the class status of historical figures who have great influence in historical events, that is, the interest groups truly represented by historical figures. Fifth, what kind of influence did historical events bring to the society at that time and what kind of historical effects were produced. Sixth, whether people who interpret historical documents adhere to the principle of "value neutrality" and evaluate historical events and historical figures historically. These factors determine the realization of objectivity of historical annotation in the level of cultural value.

Third, the practical significance of historical annotation

History is the companion of human historical activities, and human survival and development cannot be separated from history. People write and annotate history with their own realistic historical activities. History also writes and interprets people in history in its own unique way. The significance and value of human activities can only be explained and illustrated in history. The historical position of human activities in a certain historical period and the main body of historical activities in a certain historical period in history are finally reflected in historical annotations. Historical annotation provides a reference for the realistic historical activities of human beings. Every step forward in human history is carried out in the process of absorbing past history, and every step of human development is carried out on the basis of inheriting all civilized achievements created by predecessors. Historical annotation explains, standardizes and guides the realistic value orientation of human historical activities and influences the future historical annotation.

Historical annotation affects the attitude of the subject of real historical activities to history and the value orientation of real activities. Without historical reference, realistic historical activities are easy to get lost. The realistic subject of historical activities always lives and activities in the life world accumulated by history. The life world is the original base and field of people's activities. As far as the cultural value of the life world is concerned, as Husserl and Habermas pointed out, the life world is originally a "self-evident and definite field" and a "world explained in advance by history". People can find the background knowledge of communication from the life world for their understanding of the world and the present. People's views on right and wrong, values, morality and aesthetics can all be explained and illustrated from the life world. However, the living world is not a dead "bush". With the in-depth development of history, new life contents have been accumulated and new explanations and understandings have been obtained. It is this kind of life world that closely links people with history, so that all the real activities of human beings finally have the nature of history. As Marx and Engels said, "People create the environment, and the environment also creates people." [ 10]

People know history and themselves through the interpretation of historical annotations. All people's creative activities in history are carried out on the basis of inheriting all civilized achievements created by predecessors. History inherits not only the existing material productivity, but also all the outstanding achievements of civilization in human history through the life world. Every time people interpret historical annotations, they can get something valuable from them. At the same time, every time people interpret historical annotations, they will definitely add new meanings to them. The so-called "interpretation" here refers to the practical interpretation of historical annotations by people with their own practical actions. People reflect on themselves, annotate themselves and annotate history in interpreting historical annotations. Similarly, history also annotates those who interpret historical annotations.

In reality, it is impossible for every active subject not to annotate history, nor can it be annotated by history. If the meaning of "historical annotation" is deconstructed, most people who are actually active may be just a trivial "note" in historical annotation, and history may "annotate" people who are actually active without "explaining". However, as a member of the group subject of historical activities, the individual subject of each historical activity is an indispensable historical annotation. Marx pointed out: "Historical activities are the cause of the masses. With the deepening of historical activities, the ranks of the masses will be expanded. " [1 1] History has done nothing. It "has no endless richness", and it "has never fought any wars"! It is not' history' that creates, owns and struggles for all this, but people, real living people. History' is not a special personality that uses people as tools to achieve their goals. History is only the activity of people who pursue their own goals. "[12] People are determined to transform the world and make history with their own actions. Therefore, the evaluation of historical events and historical figures' position in history is not determined by their position in historical annotations, but by whether their actions are truly integrated into mass undertakings in the whole historical activities.

Historical interpretation is not only people's perceptual existence, but also people's unique value existence. As the subject of historical activities, each individual is annotated by history in the process of historical activities, and is also annotated by history. How an individual understands history determines his attitude and annotation method to history, which in turn directly determines how he is annotated by history. Resume, conduct comments, biographies, personal files, exemplary deeds, famous sayings, anecdotes of celebrities, legends, etc. All the historical notes left by individuals who are not historical subjects in life reflect the historical position and role of individual subjects in history from a certain aspect, and even reflect the historical face of their times from a certain aspect. With the "related links" of modern network language, the "window" of history is constantly being opened. No matter from any historical annotation, people can finally open the whole picture of human history, and what is presented to people must be endless historical annotations.

Historical annotation is the realistic starting point and final destination of people who pursue meaningful life, and it is also the actual life process of historical activities that realistic people are engaged in. The objective and true historical annotation is the most appropriate interpretation of the meaningful life that people pursue. The value of each historical event and historical figure can be explained and illustrated in historical notes. Only by carving history with heart can people interpret history more and better; Only by sincerely annotating history can people be more and better annotated by history. As people who are actually active in historical activities, only by following the direction of historical progress, striving to promote the pace of historical progress and making their own contributions to the progress and development of human civilization can they leave a glorious annotation in historical annotations, be remembered by history, set an example for future generations, and thus become immortal annotations in historical annotations.


[1] [2] Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 3) [M]. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1960, p.31-32,32.

[3] The Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 49) [M] Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1979, p. 1 130.

[4] [6] [7] Selected Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 4) [M] Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1995, p. 238,248,733.

[5] [8][ 10] Selected Works of Marx and Engels (vol. 1) [M] Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1995, pp. 560, 67 and 92.

[9] Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 23) [M] Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1975, p. 202.

[1 1] [12] Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 2) [M] Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1957, 104,165438-/kloc.