Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - [Night Reading Constellation] 12 Constellation Myth-Aries

[Night Reading Constellation] 12 Constellation Myth-Aries

Don't we share a heavenly father?

Didn't the only God create us?

-Malachi, the Bible

We have seen the cruel image of Mars, the god of war who dominates Aries before, and now we can consider the sheep itself, because these astronomical constellations related to the zodiac are actually complex and ancient, containing many themes, which can bring some amazing different dimensions to the traditional astrological description. We may never know how a specific animal or other image was originally associated with a specific constellation, but there is a wonderful adaptability in these ancient contact methods, that is, being given the names of these planets. Take Aries as an example. For the ancient Egyptians, this ram was regarded as the original god, Amon or Amon, and its name meant "hidden man". This ancient sheep head god is called the power hidden behind the invisible and intangible wind. He is also called "omnipresent" and is imagined as the soul of all secular phenomena. In their culture, the Greeks associated Amon, the god of creation, with Zeus, because the positive Amon represented fertility and fertilization, which opened the door to life creativity and kept it developing continuously.

The extraordinary productivity of Egyptian sheep head god indicates that Aries has something else besides fighting. This god is the embodiment of male fertility, whether it exists in male or female bodies, because Amon is the original creative soul, and it appears in the visible universe from this soul. There is no "reason" for this powerful motive. It is simply an attribute of Aries, just as fertility is an innate attribute of the Egyptian god Amon, the Greek god Zeus, and even the Lord in the biblical system. Zeus (or Djeus) means the light of heaven in the ancient Indo-European language family, so Zeus himself is a luminous body, the god of light and lightning, and also the god of inspiration and revelation. I often wonder why the traditional books about Aries don't seem to touch the wisdom and imagination I often encounter in this constellation. What I see is Aries who is engaged in mental and spiritual enlightenment (including Aries rising, moon Aries, etc.), not just Aries sun. ) far exceeds the traditional role of "aggressive athletes" born for physical confrontation.

When the Greeks were weaving the myths and legends about the magic of various constellations that they inherited from Babylon and Egypt, they invented an incredible image of a god sheep sent by Zeus. The sheep rescued Farex and Heller from the evil stepmother and carried them back to Korkas (a region of Georgia). On the way, Heller unfortunately fell into the sea and drowned. Later, this sea area was called Heller Sea or Heller Valley (today's Da Daniil Strait) to commemorate it. Friso finally arrived safely in Korcz and was sheltered by Aedes, a magician and one of the descendants of the sun god Helius. Friso sacrificed the ram and hung the wool in the sacred forest guarded by the dragon, where it turned into gold; This is what Jason and the heroes on the Argo Hero took great pains to find. Golden fleece was sacrificed to Zeus, so we once again saw the unexpected connection between Aries and the violent king of gods. Golden fleece and Jason Looking for It seem to represent the theme of killing my father and exploring the identity of individual soul. In my opinion, this is the core script of Aries' life stage.

Jason's story is closely related to our exploration of the development model inherited by Aries, because golden fleece comes from the ancient country of Iokos, which is Jason's birthplace. In a sense, it is a symbol of his "real" father and his inner soul. Jason's legend is a typical heroic myth. He is the legal heir to the kingdom of Thessaly Joecks, but his evil uncle usurped the throne, endangering the safety of his childhood heroes. Therefore, he was secretly sent to Khyron, a clever centaur, to grow up and study the art of war. The usurpation of the right to inherit the throne and the childhood experience are exactly what the scholar Campbell pointed out in his works on hero myths and prototype patterns, which appear in every hero's story. He is not a born hero, but must be tempered by wind and rain. If he knew, he could find what he always had. Jason has to face two devastating male rivals-two kings, and here we see the prototype of fighting his terrible father. In erich Neumann's The Origin and History of Consciousness, this kind of "father" is described by him as representing law and order and inheriting the highest value of civilization. They embody the world of collective values, which shows that their own spiritual structure is "morality" or "conscience". So the hero must be the destroyer of the old order, because he is the enemy of the old ruling system and the existing moral court. Therefore, he had to clash with his father and their spokesman. In Jason's story, this role is played by pelias, the evil uncle, and then by Edith, the wizard king.

The image of "evil king" or biological father represents the old ruling system. They will send heroes to fight monsters, such as the Sphinx, witches, giants, beasts and so on, hoping that something will happen to him in the process. But with the help of the Holy Father, the hero finally destroyed the monster, and his higher nature and noble birth won the victory, and then these things themselves were proved in the victory. The evil father's desire for their destruction brought glory to the heroes and also led to their own destruction. Thus, the old king expelled his son, the hero's battle, and the ultimate patricide were meaningfully combined. They form an inevitable event standard in form and fact, which is based on the existence of heroes. Heroes bring new strength and must destroy old things.

When Jason was old enough to fight, he returned to Joecks and claimed the right to inherit. On the trip, he lost a shoe while helping an old woman (actually Hera pretended) to cross the river. At the same time, the evil uncle Perias also received an Oracle, warning him to be careful of young people who only wear one shoe. When they finally faced each other, pelias pretended to be gentle, recognized Jason as the legal heir, and immediately sent him back to golden fleece, where his ancestor Fritsos took him to Korcz, so that the disturbed soul of friso could rest in peace. In this way, the "evil father" put his son in danger, as Neumann said, and he hoped it would kill him. In response, Jason assembled the famous Argo heroes and embarked on a dangerous journey to Aedes Wang Ting. Fortunately, he got help from Athena, Poseidon and Hera. On the way, Jason, with the help of Medea, the daughter of king Ides, who is both a priest and a wizard, killed aspects the dragon, stole golden fleece and returned to Yorkos to get rid of his uncle and become king.

Aries is characterized by the impulse to set out in a dangerous situation to prove his true nature as a man. Although it may sound strange for the first time, it is also the characteristic of Aries women. Because the role of "evil father" is not limited to men, it is not a man's patent to find the inner "father of creation". As a symbol of "inner heart" and personal soul value, golden fleece seems to be a "hidden god" in the form of an animal or an animal. King Ides is a guardian, far better than the evil pelias, because he is a demigod and a wizard; He is the prototype of an "evil father", and Pelias is the symbol of his biological father. This is a kind of fate, not just an imaginary exercise. For me, this means that many Aries I met were driven into the misery of life by tyrants, or at least limited and destructive personal fathers. This kind of father often makes the child weak, or criticizes and suppresses his son's inherent nature, or prevents the child from expressing independently and creatively. A similar situation happened to Aries women. Their fathers have no control and restrictions at all, and their husbands may be unconsciously chosen to take on the role of refusing to let them live independently, which is very similar to their fathers and is also an indispensable image in constellation mythology. "Bad dad" may appear long after childhood, as the boss of a public institution or work, or as a male rival or reward competitor. This pattern is not morbid, but a mysterious phenomenon, which reflects the inevitability of Aries to some extent. Here, the father is both a symbol of obstacles and a means of growth.

Jason found golden fleece and brought him back to his motherland with the help of a woman, which is also one of the characteristics of the heroic myth. This "woman" is the "Anima" in a man's body. She unconsciously disguised herself as a helper or a "bride" and could find a solution to the problem, but she could not rely on herself (conscious self). If Jason is a female character, there is no doubt that he will get help from the son of King Ides, because the "Anima" in women's hearts will also play the same role in human development. In fact, more than one woman helped Jason, because although Argo took a group of male soldiers, it was Hera, the goddess who served her before appreciating Jason, who rescued him from the unpleasant chaos. Later, Medea, who was good at witchcraft and mysterious power, helped him escape the anger of King Ides, the guardian of golden fleece. However, when Jason returned to Joecks, he also had a typical Aries problem. He was tired of Medea, hooked up with King Corinth's daughter, gave up contact with the "witch-like" Anima who had helped him, and wanted to get a woman who could bring him common strength and recognition. He is not satisfied with what he has and wants to pursue more things. This is a defect. Arrogance is the danger of Aries. If a person is not aware of this, it will lead to his failure. Because of this behavior, Jason angered Medea. She is not a woman who can be abandoned at will. In revenge, she not only killed Jason's new love, but also killed her and Jason's children, and fled in a chariot with pterosaurs, leaving a cursed old love. After that, Jason plummeted, gradually weakened and aged, and finally was hit on the head by a fallen log on a rotten ship and died.

Of course, I'm not saying that Jason's disgraceful ending is the inevitable fate of Aries, but his problems certainly exist. For this subtle mythological tragicomedy, it is ironic and true that the young hero who fought against the "evil father" for the new order finally rejected his inner female self and intended to pursue the common forces that forced him to go to war. The mysterious consistency between the hero and his enemies means that Jason himself becomes the cruel father at the end of the story, and the nemesis who follows him is the reason why his children are killed. On the inner level, the sad ending of this great story may be the only way out for Aries before the new cycle and the new golden fleece mission begin. Many things may be destroyed before Aries rises from its own transformation and pursues another challenge. Aries, as a parent, rather than a child ruled by a tyrannical father, will find that this myth is actually the same, but its role has changed, and its children will rebel under his cruel control in the future.

Besides golden fleece of Zeus, there is another ram image related to Aries. The Roman poet Lucian described the story of the Golden Lamb, which appeared in the stories of Atreus and Thyestes. According to this version of the story, two brothers fight for the throne of Mackinac, and Zeus decides to settle the quarrel in favor of Atreus. He gave the latter a golden lamb, symbolizing the monarchy. But Thieves seduced Atreus's wife and persuaded him to help her steal the Golden Sheep. Zeus then gave a more obvious hint: the sun changed its trajectory in the sky and turned day and night upside down. So no one dared to raise any objections. Atreus naturally became king, and Thyestes was exiled. As for what happened later, we all know it in myth. But once again, we encounter the theme of Zeus, which symbolizes the power and dominance of God and is the focus of brothers' struggle. This quarrel is another dispute between men about hegemony and power, and the sheep has become its symbol. Together with The Golden Goat, The Female Thief reflects another dimension of Aries' fate: a love triangle with something for itself rather than being contested. Interestingly, sheep are the most important sacrificial animals in the Old Testament. It is a sacred animal dedicated to the Lord, and it is similar to Dachuan, Zeus or Amon, especially the latter, the "Hidden Man". The Lord in the Old Testament is a father with a very vague image, and his relationship with his faithful servant Job is also very ambiguous, just like the "evil father" that Jason had to fight with in mythology.

In fact, in addition to the above stories, there are some myths related to Aries, but what I use as the ending now is the one at the beginning of this chapter: the story of Oedipus. This may seem strange, because because of Freud, Oedipus became the symbol of his son, and his son had to fight with his father to gain the power of incest and the reward he longed for. For Freud, Oedipus' problem is the illusion that men and mothers are one (or labeled as electra complex, meaning that women have this illusion about their fathers). Therefore, in Freud's view, killing Laos (or King Laos of Thebes) represents his son's fear of being castrated by his father and his fierce jealousy due to his desire to possess his mother. But it is obvious that Freud did not read the whole myth, or chose to ignore an important part of it. Oedipus did not kill his father to see his mother, but was occupied by his own anger. He was angered mainly because he met the old king head-on. Oedipus is a red-haired man with a violent character in mythology, and his anger is also famous. From the beginning of his conflict with his father, he refused to accept the Oracle of Apollo, thinking that his will could reject God's will and destiny. Perhaps the irony of this legend is that it indicates that the violent fierce battle between men comes from their own relationship and secret identity, not for a woman or reward, and finally points to the same source in life. Freud didn't seem to pay much attention to the origin of Oedipus curse, but I tend to think that this is the most important thing. King Julius committed a crime. The target of this crime was one person, and another person became a victim. Therefore, he violated the law of subject and object and raped Pelops's son, and this violent attack also violated the law of his own gender. It is this violation of the male law that finally led to the birth of Oedipus and the terrible fate waiting for him. The "ancestral sin" here is on the father, not on the mother, and must be compensated by the son. According to the norms of men, the father is not in a correct relationship, so he becomes really terrible, so the son must resist him. According to my understanding of Oedipus myth, this is a story of a father and son from the beginning.

Oedipus' struggle in the family seems to be a major manifestation of Aries' life style, which I have seen in both men and women of this constellation. However, the beauty of fighting lies in the possession of the opposite sex by one of the parents. It just subverts the old order and declares its independence and personal spirit, which will be reflected in the fierce competition of this constellation. The Lord declared that his people should not worship other gods, and so did Aries. They usually don't tolerate any same-sex couples, unless they don't bring competition, or they are mean enough not to pose a threat. Just as love triangle is common in Libra, it is also common in Aries, but for different reasons. Saving a girl in distress (or a gentle and beautiful boy) is Aries' favorite way of life, as is defeating her opponent in her career. But Lovers in Distress has little to do with the battle itself. If there is no fight, it is doubtful whether Aries will look at that girl more. Of course, the role of girl doesn't need to be real. For some Aries, what must be redeemed from the evil father's palm is an idea, or a philosophy, or a creative contribution that is not valued by his father. In fact, it is Aries himself who feels unfortunate. They project this experience to other objects, because the evil father who tries to castrate his son achieves his goal by preventing his son from achieving self-satisfaction and victory. As Neumann said:

His (father's) behavior is like a mental system, standing on it, grasping and destroying his son's consciousness. The spiritual system embodies the binding force of an old law or old religion, old morality and old order, just like conscience, habits, traditions or other spiritual phenomena that can catch a son and hinder his growth and approach the future. Those who work through their emotional vitality, such as inert anesthesia or natural invasion, belong to the mother's world and human nature. And everything that can be realized through consciousness-values, ideas, moral norms or other spiritual forces-is related to the father, not the mother's system.

The live drama of father and son will appear in other zodiac stories, especially the lion and Capricorn. The dimension we encounter in the first constellation is only the starting point of the war of freedom, because there can only be one god in heaven. If there are several gods to share, then the power of Zeus, Amon and Jehovah is meaningless. For Aries, there can only be one god to dominate, and that is the "hidden man" who represents his fertility. Because of its struggle with the divine father, Aries must be fully aware of what he is doing, and at the same time, he must respect the opponent he is trying to defeat. In other words, he must be "pious", not just angry. If he acts arrogantly, just as Jason abandoned Medea for the throne of Collins, all his achievements will inevitably end in zero. But this encounter with the "evil father" will create personal and inner "authority", and then he can shoulder the heavy responsibility of the throne he once fought for. Without such a struggle, he will always be his father's son, a rebel who throws stones out of the window, and it is impossible to enter the room where golden fleece, a symbol of adult self, is located.

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